I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 82 The eve of the typhoon!

Chapter 82 The eve of the typhoon!

"By the way, I also asked the ship repairman this morning. He said that the big ship will be ready for use tonight. No problems have been found so far."

Tang Dahai remembered a phone call he received in the morning.

There is nothing wrong with Bailang's big ship. It is currently undergoing some mechanical maintenance, which will be completed in about half a day.

"that would be great."

Upon hearing the news, Bai Lang also immediately laughed.

After the system upgrade was completed, he could not wait to go fishing further away.

The small boat they sailed today couldn't meet his needs at all.

After all, he still needs two to three hundred thousand kilograms of seafood before the next system upgrade. With just one small boat, he doesn't know how long it will take to complete it.

After the big boat is repaired, he can go out to sea and catch more fish at one time.

In this way, system upgrades can also be faster.

The faster the system is upgraded, the closer he will be to his ocean-going goal.

After the two chatted for a while, Tang Dahai left first. He had to deal with the rice fish.

After Bailang and others had breakfast, he took out his mobile phone.

"Let me show you, the rice and fish we caught this time were sold for more than 29 yuan. Even if it is 30 yuan, 1% is [-] yuan, so the dividend for each of you is [-] yuan."

Bailang talked to a few people, and then gave each of the village chief Zhu and the others a big red envelope of [-] yuan.

The village chief and Dazhu were fine. They never cared about how much money Bailang sent them, they just clicked to receive it.

But the two brothers Wang Jianmin were a little excited. They checked their balances repeatedly to make sure they were correct.

In just one night, Bailang gave them six hundred yuan.

"Haha, I told you a long time ago. On the prodigal's boat, you can make money just by working, and you can make a lot of money. We are relatively relaxed this time, so we only have [-]. We will definitely make more next time."

Wang Jianguo understood the reaction of the two of them very well. In fact, when he got his first dividend, he also stared in disbelief.

"It's true that I didn't expect it even in my dreams."

Wang Jianmin shook his head.

If you go overseas once, not counting the guaranteed salary of [-], the dividend alone will be [-].

He never thought that one day he would be able to make so much money.

"Hey, it's true that by working with the prodigal, I know what real money is!"

Wang Jianping also said with great sigh.

You can earn so much in one night. If you go to sea every day, you will earn at least [-] to [-] yuan a month.

Here in town, this salary is unimaginable.

After giving out red envelopes to several people one by one, Bailang and his party did not stay in the town for much longer.

After a busy night, everyone was tired and sleepy, and they couldn't bear it anymore.

After taking the boat back to Dalang Village, everyone went back to their homes to recuperate and prepare for the next trip to sea.

While Bailang and others were sleeping at home, the news that they had caught rice fish quickly spread around the town.

"Did you hear that? When Bai Lang came back from the sea in the morning, he caught more than 200 rice fish, each weighing about ten kilograms!"

"It's impossible. Although we have rice fish here, how can we catch so many at once?"

"How is it impossible? Everyone has seen this. He made almost 30 more in this trip."

"If it's true, then I'm going to set out a hook to catch rice fish when I go out to sea tonight!"

"Why don't you hurry up? I heard that the hook Bailang set this time was bought at Lao Chen Fishing Tackle Store. We have to get there quickly, otherwise there won't be any hair left."

Chen Xinyue stood in front of her fishing tackle shop and she also heard the news.

She couldn't help but shake her head when she saw the endless stream of people running to buy row hooks from her store.

"It's still too busy. It seems we need to recruit two more people."

She didn't expect that after the craze last night, there would be so many people rushing to buy hooks just after the store opened this morning.

This made her really busy, and the store was far from being able to supply row hooks.

The scene before her now was like picking up money on the ground, but she couldn't pick it up at all.

Big Wave Village.

After Bailang woke up from his sleep, he found that it was already evening.

After a simple dinner, he started walking around the village.

When he came back during the day, he had already told Dazhu and the others that they would not go to sea tonight. After the big boat came back, he would prepare all the fishing gear needed before going out to sea.

There wasn't much to see in the village, so before he knew it, he came to the small pier in the village.

He lit a cigarette and looked at the sea quietly.

At this moment, he thought a lot in his mind.

He recalled the memories of playing in the village as a child, his parents, and his experiences of going to school and working outside.
Bailang originally thought that he would never return to Dalang Village.

But he didn't expect that after returning this time, his life would completely change.


He blew out a puff of smoke and looked up into the distance.

Suddenly, he felt something was not right. He frowned and thought for a while before he realized that the sea breeze blowing on him seemed a bit cold.

It's the end of August, and even in the evening, it shouldn't be so cold.

"Prodigal son, what are you doing? You are standing there motionless."

The village chief was smoking a cigarette and slowly walked over from behind. He had been watching Bailang standing here for a while.

At first I saw that he was motionless, so I didn't want to disturb him. Now I saw that he looked strange, so I came over and asked.

"Village Chief, do you feel strange?"

Bailang turned around and asked him.

"What do you want to say?"

The village chief really didn't understand, so he simply asked directly.

"I mean, do you feel that the sea breeze is a little different tonight?"

Bailang said, raising his finger to point to the distance of the sea.

"Is the wind blowing different?"

The village chief stopped smoking his cigarette and carefully felt the sea breeze blowing on him.

The next moment, he immediately frowned.

Having lived by the sea all his life, he has much more experience in this area than Bai Lang.

"It's probably a typhoon!"

The village chief immediately expressed his judgment.

"No way, is there going to be a typhoon?"

When Bailang heard what the village chief said, he quickly took out his cell phone to check and found that it was true.

According to the weather forecast, a large storm cyclone is forming in the depths of the sea or ocean. It is unknown whether it will eventually affect Dalang Village.

But what is certain is that there will definitely be a typhoon, and it is very likely that it will make landfall within three days.But it’s not certain whether you can log in directly with them.

"Is there anything strange about a typhoon? If you live by the sea, you will always encounter typhoon weather. If a typhoon lands here, remember to move your fishing boat to a safe haven."

The village chief shook his head disapprovingly.

He grew up by the sea and has always lived in a seaside village. He has become accustomed to typhoons, which happen not only ten but eight times a year.

At the same time, there is no need to make a fuss about this matter. As long as you are prepared and do not go to sea when the typhoon makes landfall, there will be no problem.

After he finished speaking, he waited for a while but didn't hear Bai Lang speak.

Turning around, he found that Bai Lang was frowning, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What's wrong, do you have any ideas?"

Seeing him like this, the village chief knew that he must have something on his mind.

"The calm before the storm."

After thinking for a while, Bai Lang suddenly said this sentence.

He did have an idea in his mind now. Although it didn't seem very appropriate, he found that he couldn't stand it anymore and had to do it.

"Prodigal Son, are you trying to take advantage of the typhoon to go out to sea again?"

The village chief seemed to have read through his inner thoughts and spoke directly.

"Yes, I do have such thoughts."

Bailang nodded without denying it.

Going to sea before a typhoon is indeed very dangerous.

The most important thing is that if he wants to go to sea, he will definitely not be the only one.

He takes the people in the village out to fish, not only to make money with them, but also to ensure their safety, so he is still considering whether to do this.

The village chief actually understood Bailang's idea.

Before a typhoon approaches, many fishermen have the idea of ​​taking a risk and go out to sea, and many people will eventually choose to go out to sea.

Because before the typhoon comes, it is definitely one of the best times to fish.

Affected by the sea conditions at this time, the plankton on the seabed will tumble due to changes in currents, resulting in a large number of fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea.

Going out to sea at this time is definitely the most abundant time to catch fish.

But going to sea at this time also involves taking great risks.

When a typhoon approaches, there will be considerable risks on the shore, let alone at sea.

"Village chief, as a fisherman, it is impossible not to take risks at all. Our fishing boats are drifting in the vast sea, even if the sky is clear, there will be various dangers.

I know you are worried, especially since this kind of thing has happened in the village before, but for any fisherman, this kind of thing must be experienced. "

Bailang knew that the village chief must be worried about this.

But in his opinion, there is really no need to worry too much.

When fishermen go out to sea to fish, they have to tie their heads to their belts. If they have to worry about safety every time they go out to sea, then there is really no need to go out to sea to fish, and they might as well find other jobs.

After listening to what Bai Lang said, the village chief fell silent.

Of course he understands these truths. When fishermen go to sea to fish, they are fighting against nature and competing with the sea for food.

The reason why no one fishes in the village now is partly because there are few fishery resources, and partly because many people are afraid of encountering the kind of storm that happened ten years ago.

The village chief is someone who has experienced that, so he understands the horror of the storm better than anyone else.

However, this time he did not recommend Bailang to go to sea. It was not because he was afraid.

On the contrary, he has lived for a long time, is more open-minded than anything else, and is not afraid of any storms at all.

He was worried about Bai Lang and Dazhu. They were all still young, especially Bai Lang, who was by far the most powerful fisherman in his village.

"Village Chief, it is not too dangerous to go to sea in a typhoon-like time, and we do not plan to run too far. As long as we are not greedy and grasp the time well, we will be able to return safely, and we will definitely have a very rich harvest!"

At this time, Bailang had made up his mind to go to sea before the typhoon came.

A typhoon will only appear in two or three days, and it only takes a day at most for them to go fishing.

As long as you don't run too far, there is no chance of any accidents.

For fishermen, harvest is always the first priority, even if they take a little risk, it is nothing at all.

"That's right! We must not miss this opportunity. This is a rare opportunity for a bumper harvest. The other fishermen in the town must have heard about it by now."

Bailang turned around and found that Wang Jianguo and Dazhu had also walked over at some point.

The two of them must have heard what they just said and agreed to go to sea.

Again, any experienced fisherman knows that it is a good time to go fishing before a typhoon approaches.

"So, you also agree to go to sea?"

The village chief smoked a cigarette and glanced at Wang Jianguo and Dazhudao.

"Needless to say, we must take this opportunity to go to sea."

Wang Jianguo nodded without hesitation.

That's exactly what he thought.

Moreover, if Bai Lang did not decide to go fishing this time, he would have to persuade him that this good opportunity must not be missed.

"Village Chief, I also think we should go to sea."

Dazhu also nodded heavily towards the village chief.

He didn't know why the village chief hesitated about this matter.

He only knows that the typhoon is coming, and there will definitely be a lot of harvest in the sea. At this time, he will be able to catch a lot of fish in the sea, and even more than usual!
Seeing the three people insisting on going to sea, the village chief exhaled a puff of smoke and showed a happy smile on his face.

At this moment, he felt as if the burden on him was completely lifted.

He knows very well that only those who are truly fearless of the wind and waves can become real fishermen.

Now that Bailang and the other three are here, he feels that the future of Dalang Village is full of hope.

Seeing the village chief's expression, although he didn't nod, Bailang knew that he must have agreed to go to sea.

"Okay! Then the matter is settled. This time we will not only go to sea in a big ship, but also a small boat!"

Bai Lang shouted excitedly.

Although small boats can carry two to three thousand kilograms of things, fishing boats are still fishing boats after all.

This time we go to sea, we will definitely gain a lot. Just relying on a [-]-pound fishing boat is probably too much, so we might as well go to sea with both boats.

Before the typhoon comes, it is a good time to go out to sea. If you can track the fish, there is no reason why you can't harvest more than usual.

He must make sure that both ships return fully loaded this time!

Wang Jianguo and others were stunned for a moment when they heard Bai Lang said that they were going to sail two ships out to sea.

But they immediately realized that this was indeed the case.

Bailang's ability to track fish schools is so good, just a big boat weighing [-] kilograms is really not enough.

If there were only four people in the past, it would be a bit troublesome to do this because there were not enough people.

But now there are two more people, Wang Jianmin. With two more people, there is no problem in driving two ships to sea.

The two boats can work separately, pulling the hooks when it is time to pull the hooks, and lowering the fishing nets when the fishing nets should be lowered. This will make the efficiency much higher.

(End of this chapter)

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