I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 83 Take time to go to sea!

Chapter 83 Take time to go to sea!
"Prodigal Son, since we already have enough manpower, we might as well go out to sea in two ships from now on, so that we can gain more."

Wang Jianguo expressed his suggestion.

In the past, when they sailed out on a boat, they really didn't dare to put too many rows of hooks. Firstly, they didn't have enough manpower, and secondly, they were worried that they wouldn't be able to accommodate them.

Now that the problem of manpower and fishing boats has been solved, we can definitely open an extra boat to go to sea, and then let go and have a great job!
"Haha, if this happens, it will be very hard. Can you bear it?"

Of course Bailang knew what Wang Jianguo meant.

If you drive two boats out to sea, you will definitely be able to catch more fish and get more dividends. To put it bluntly, you can make more money.

Going out to sea to fish or do any other job is actually very simple, that is, to make money.

Now that there is such an opportunity in front of him, of course he hopes to do so.

"There is nothing to be afraid of if you are a little tired. As long as you have money, we are willing to work no matter how hard or tired you are."

Wang Jianguo spoke his mind very directly.

Six people went fishing in two boats, and there was also a big boat. If this was told, others would definitely be considered crazy.

But if this kind of thing happened to Bailang, there would be absolutely no problem at all.

When they went out to catch rice fish yesterday, Wang Jianguo actually discovered the problem.

Many times, it's not that Bailang can't catch more fish, it's just that the fishing boat is too small to hold it, so he chooses not to catch so many fish and only sets ten rows of hooks.

Now that there are so many people and boats, it is natural to catch as many fish as possible.

"Okay, this matter is settled. From now on, we will sail two ships when we go to sea."

For Bailang, this is certainly a good thing.

With his ability, he has no worries about catching fish.

The more fish he catches, the more money he makes, and it also greatly shortens the time it takes to upgrade the system again.

After the few people discussed everything, they went home to tidy up, and then called the two brothers Wang Jianmin. Together they took the boat and quickly rushed to the town dock.

Since we have decided to go to sea early in the morning, we must seize the time to prepare everything.

Bailang stood at the bow of the boat, took out his mobile phone and called Chen Xinyue, asking her to prepare all the fishing gear she needed.

When I arrive at the pier, I will go to her store to pick it up.

Lao Chen Fishing Tackle Shop.

"Xinyue, what's wrong, what happened?"

Chen Yunshan had just finished his work and found that Chen Xinyue had been standing there frowning after answering a phone call, not knowing what happened.

He guessed that it must be related to the person who called just now.

"Brother Prodigal Son just called and said that he needs some fishing nets and hooks."

Chen Xinyue sighed.

"Isn't this normal? Besides, we have all these things in the store. We can just send them to him later."

Chen Yunshan didn't understand why his daughter had this expression on her face.

Bailang needs new fishing gear almost every time he goes out to sea.

Because the harvest is so good.

This time it was just a matter of preparing a little more stuff, which didn't seem strange at all to him.

"I think you are too busy. Don't you think the weather today is a bit strange? The weather forecast says there will be a typhoon soon, and it is very likely that it will pass by us. Now they go out to sea to fish, wouldn't they have to risk it? A big risk?”

"Is there going to be a typhoon?"

When Chen Yunshan heard what she said, he immediately looked up at the sky outside and frowned.

I grew up by the sea. Although I am not a meteorological expert, I can tell how the weather will change by looking at the sky and feeling the sea breeze.

"What can we do? How can they still go fishing in this kind of weather with white sea waves? Don't you know it's dangerous?"

After learning that a typhoon was coming, Chen Yunshan became anxious.

He still vividly remembers the storm ten years ago. At least a dozen villagers in Dalang Village died in that storm.

Now Bailang is not only a leg that they need to hold tightly, but also because of their relationship with the villagers, he is not willing to take the risk of Bailang going out to sea.

"There's no way to say this. There were a lot of fish in the sea before the typhoon, and many people would rush to the sea at this time."

Chen Xinyue shook her head.

It is indeed risky to go to sea in such weather, but they can't stop Bailang and the others from going to sea at all.

Chen Yunshan didn't know what to say for a while.

They are all people who live by the sea and know this aspect very well.

Although it is dangerous to go to sea before a typhoon, many people will take this risk because the harvest at this time is much richer than usual.

If a fisherman can usually catch 10 kilograms of fish when he goes to sea at this time, he might be able to catch 30 kilograms, or even 100 kilograms if he is very lucky!
No one who goes fishing can resist such temptation.

Chen Yunshan shook his head and sighed, without saying anything else, but began to prepare various fishing gear Bailang needed.

Chen Xinyue thought for a while, but in the end there was nothing she could do.

She knew that no matter what she said, or anyone else, there was no way for Bailang to give up going to sea.

They could only pray that Bailang and the others would go well this time.

"Boss Chen, what are you doing?"

"Needless to say, someone must have pre-ordered these things. Boss Chen is stocking up."

"These things are too complicated. How come there are fishing nets, hooks and everything? I'm curious, who wants so many things?"

Chen Yunshan put various hooks, fishing nets, shrimp nets and other things at the door and piled them up into a hill, which quickly attracted the attention of many people.

Seeing the curious looks of the people around him, he didn't hide anything and directly said that these were the fishing gear Bailang needed for this trip to sea.

"Bai Lang wants all of this? What on earth does he want? Why does he want so many things?"

"Could it be that Bai Lang wants to go out to sea before the typhoon?"

"Isn't it strange? Isn't it something we fishermen often do to go out to sea before a typhoon? Bailang fishing is so good, he will definitely not miss such a good opportunity."

The growing number of fishing gear at the door soon attracted more people.

When they all heard that Bailang was going to sea again before the typhoon, many people began to take action.

With such a good opportunity to go overseas, there is no reason not to join us.

As for dangers, as long as you pay attention and don't go too far, there won't be any big problems.

Chen Xinyue and the two continued to be busy, preparing things for Bailang to go to sea.

Soon, they found that more and more people came to the store to buy things, and the things they bought were very similar to what Bailang needed.

"Bailang's influence is really great."

Chen Yunshan muttered to himself while moving things, and at the same time he felt almost happy.

He found that cooperating with Bailang was the wisest decision he had ever made in his life.

Of course, her daughter Chen Xinyue’s contribution is greater than him.

On a small fishing boat.

Both Wang Jianmin and Wang Jianmin were also ready to go out to sea together in the early morning.

Although the wind and waves may be a little bigger before the typhoon comes, they don't take it to heart at all.

Before the typhoon comes, the fish catch will definitely be much richer. No one can refuse such a thing, and they are willing to take it no matter how big the risk is. This is actually part of the life of fishermen.

After the fishing boat docked at the town pier, Bailang ordered a few people to prepare things before going to sea, such as bait, fresh water, ice, oil, etc.

There is another very important thing to do, which is to bring back another large ship that has been overhauled.

This matter is left to veterans like the village chief.

After Bailang made simple arrangements for these things, he went to Chen Xinyue's shop alone.

The most important thing for him now is to get back the fishing gear he needs for this trip to sea.When he came to the store, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Although he knew that the business in Chen Xinyue's store was very good, this time, when he came here, he found that the business was not that good.

It was packed inside, densely packed with people.

"What's going on? How come the business in the store is so good?"

Bailang came to Chen Xinyue and couldn't help but asked curiously.

"No, don't you know the reason?"

Chen Xinyue couldn't help but make a joke when she saw Bai Lang's confused look.

"They bought too many things. Are they trying to empty out your store?"

Seeing her teasing look, Bai Lang also realized what was going on.

These people will definitely follow the trend and go fishing on their own, and they will buy whatever they see, regardless of whether it can be used.

"I'm used to it. Every time you go overseas, the business in our store will be very good. No matter what you buy, these people will rush to grab it like crazy."

Chen Xinyue said without taking it seriously.

"Well, this is really speechless."

Bailang touched his nose. He didn't know what to say about the strange sight in front of him.

The two chatted a few more words. Seeing that the business in their store was so good, he didn't delay Chen Xinyue's business. He found an electric tricycle and pulled all the fishing gear at the door to the dock.

Wait until he returns to the dock.

The village chief has already brought back the repaired big boat.

The two ships were docked at the dock, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Why did Bailang and the others bring two ships over this time? Are they going to sail two ships out to sea?"

"I think it's very possible. Now that they have enough manpower, they can definitely do this."

"This guy Bailang is very good at fishing. Now he is sailing two boats out to sea at once. I think he will catch all the fish in the nearby sea."

"Yeah, this guy makes money like water. It's really enviable and jealous."

Bailang and the others would already be doing a great job by just sailing a boat out to sea.

Now they are going to take two boats out to sea at once. It is hard for people around them to imagine how many fish they will have on their boats when they come back tomorrow morning.

Bailang was standing on the deck smoking a cigarette.

Now that there are enough manpower, as the boss, he no longer has to do some chores.

The only thing he needs to do is to track the fish after going out to sea, and then arrange for someone to put down the fishing net or hook.

on the pier.

While people around were talking about it, a seafood truck drove over.

Tang Dahai and the others also heard the news that Bailang was going to sea before the typhoon.

"Boss Bai, do you have to go to sea before this weather?"

After he got on the big boat, he asked in front of Bailang.

He was actually a little worried that he would encounter big waves when going out to sea this time, so he came here.

This is his God of Wealth, and he absolutely cannot make any mistakes.

Because he couldn't imagine how his business would be hit if something happened to Bailang and the others.

In fact, it's very simple. If something unexpected happens, his business will undoubtedly suffer a devastating blow.

From now on, he will have no place in the seafood industry.

No matter from which aspect, he felt that it was necessary and obligatory to admonish Bai Lang.

After all, Bailang can catch a lot of fish in normal times, so there is no need to take this risk at this time.

Seeing Fatty Tang's anxious look, Bai Lang was also a little amused.

Of course he knew that the other party was not entirely concerned about him.

"Boss Tang, isn't it normal for fishermen to go out to sea before a typhoon? Although the risk will be higher, as long as you don't run too far, you don't have to worry at all. And if I catch more fish, doesn't it mean the same to you? Is it a good thing?"

Bailang said with a smile.

He knows this kind of thing better than anyone else.

His life has just started, and he won't really risk his life just for this little money.

Tang Dahai shook his head.

He has been collecting seafood here at the pier for so many years, and of course he knows that many fishermen will go to sea before the typhoon.

There is really no big problem with Bailang's choice.

The reason why he advised me was to minimize the risk.

After all, as long as you don't go to sea, no accidents are likely to happen, but not going to sea means nothing will be gained.

"Boss Bai, are you planning to go to sea with two ships this time?"

Tang Dahai took a look and found that there were people on both ships making preparations.

"That's right, now that we have enough manpower, it's no problem to sail two ships to the sea. After all, we have to compete for time. One more ship is equivalent to one more trip to the sea."

Bailang did not deny this issue.

Both of my boats are parked here. If I don't go out to fish, it will be wasted.

After Tang Dahai heard what Bai Lang said, he no longer struggled with the issue of going to sea.

He stood on the deck, his eyes rolled, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his mind.

After a while, he finally said: "Boss Bai, how about I go to sea with you this time?"

He has done business with Bailang so many times. Except for the last time he temporarily used this big boat to catch bass, he has never seriously gone fishing with Bailang.

Now is a rare opportunity.

Bai Lang blew out a puff of smoke, looked at Tang Dahai in surprise, and then shook his head.

"Forget it. Normally it would be no problem, but now the typhoon is coming soon. Even though it looks peaceful here, when you go out to sea, you will find that the wind and waves on the sea are much stronger, and no one will take care of you then."

Generally speaking, people who have never been to the sea will definitely feel uncomfortable taking a boat, let alone going to the sea when the wind and waves are relatively strong.

In order not to delay his fishing, Bailang directly rejected his request.

"Don't worry, Boss Bai, I will never cause you any trouble. I can take care of myself, and maybe I can help you with some work or something!"

Tang Dahai was a little reluctant at first, but in the blink of an eye he gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

"Haha, if you insist on looking for trouble, I can't stop you. Anyway, the ship is so big, you won't be short of a place. Just don't complain when the time comes."

How could Bai Lang not know Tang Dahai's little thoughts?

But he really couldn't stop him, so he just let him on the boat, and maybe he could get one or two free helpers.

Seeing Bai Lang nodding in agreement, Tang Dahai immediately changed his expression and walked around on the deck, looking a little excited.

But Tang Dayang, who was standing behind him, suddenly turned into a bitter-faced person.

He really couldn't understand what his cousin was thinking. Why should he stay at the dock and why he had to go out to sea to find trouble?

The most unfortunate thing is that he also has to endure hardships.

Tang Dahai ignored Tang Dayang's resentful expression and still looked very excited.

Bailang shook his head and ignored the two of them.

Now that he was almost ready to go to sea, he had to check it again to make sure nothing was missed.

(End of this chapter)

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