I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 87 Taking risks will lead to great rewards!

Chapter 87 Taking risks will lead to great rewards!

When Dazhu and the others started to close the crab net, Bai Lang and Wang Jianguo had already started to get busy.

These orchid crabs must be untied in the shortest time, so it is impossible to treat them gently at this time.

They held a knife with a small hook in their hands, picked up an orchid crab with one hand, and cut off the fishing net wrapped around the orchid crab with the other hand.

With quick hands and feet, you can remove an orchid crab in almost 10 seconds and tie it up with the prepared rubber bands.

Tang Dahai looked at the two for a while, then stood behind and started to help.

Although they are not skilled in their techniques, they can still help to some extent.

"Hey, it seems that no matter what profession you are in, practice makes perfect, and making money is not easy."

Tang Dahai said with some sigh.

With the same effort he used to untie a crab from the crab net, Bai Lang and Wang Jianguo had already untied more than a dozen crabs. The contrast was very obvious.

In this situation, we must race against time. Time is money, and time is the life of every orchid crab.

It took Bailang and the others about 20 minutes to untie all the orchid crabs from the entire crab net, tie them all with rubber bands, and put them in a huge net bag.

Wang Jianguo put the orchid crabs in the net bag into the live cabin again, so as to ensure that these orchid crabs returned to the dock alive to the greatest extent.

Bailang stood up and looked forward, and found that Dazhu and the others had already pulled the second crab net onto the deck, knowing that it was their turn again.

that's it.

The two boats Bailang and Dazhu cooperate alternately. You pull one crab net, and I pull the other crab net.

The time in between is used to remove all the orchid crabs from the crab net.

Tang Dahai went out to sea with him this time, mainly because he wanted to gain experience and see how Bailang looks for fish, and by the way, he could consolidate his relationship with Bailang.

But he didn't expect that he was already exhausted from just doing the basics.

He felt that no matter how much money he was given, he would not be able to do the work that Wang Jianguo and the others did, or that he would not be able to complete such work.

It seems that everyone has their own strengths. It is definitely not easy to go to sea and become a fisherman.

Bailang didn't remember how long he had been busy.

When he and Wang Jianguo felt their hands loosen at the same time, they realized that the last crab net had been pulled up to the deck.

Seeing this scene, the two of them also breathed a sigh of relief.

"The number of orchid crabs we caught today will definitely not be small!"

Wang Jianguo stood up and rubbed his waist as he spoke.

He had been busy just now, sitting on the deck for a long time, or squatting half-crouching to pull the crab net. The excessive excitement and tension in his mind made him forget about his fatigue for a while.

Now that I relax, I suddenly feel like I have no strength left in my body.

"This just shows that our choice to go to sea today was right."

Bai Lang laughed happily.

Going out to sea in strong winds and waves would definitely be more of a loss than a gain if there were no generous rewards.

Although he has a fishing system and is very confident when he goes out to sea, it does not mean that he is 100% sure that he can catch a lot of fish.

Now everything is a foregone conclusion, a large number of orchid crabs are on board, and there is no doubt that this venture out to sea is a right bet.

"Village chief, let's hurry back to the dock!"

Bailang shouted into the cabin.

Then, just as he was about to move his body, a big wave came up from the sea, soaking him all over.

Only then did he realize that the wind and waves on the sea had become significantly stronger in the past three or four hours.

The current situation is already very dangerous and we must hurry up and leave.

The village chief didn't speak. He had already noticed the changes on the sea. The wind and waves at this time were at least half a meter higher than when they came.

The boat of Dazhu and the three of them was already ready. When they saw the village chief turning the bow, they immediately followed.

The two ships drove back to the town pier as quickly as possible amid the turbulent waves.

After Bai Lang and Wang Jianguo untied the orchid crabs from the last crab net, they returned to the cabin and changed all their clothes.

Tang Dahai and the other two had already made ginger soup.

The two of them didn't show any politeness at all, they just picked up a bowl and drank heavily.

Although it is still summer, after working hard in the wind and waves for so long, being able to drink a bowl of ginger soup is definitely good for the body.

After Bai Lang drank a bowl of ginger soup, he suddenly felt warm all over his body.

He let out a sigh of relief, stretched his legs forward, and slumped down on the sofa.

Now that everything has settled, he can finally take a good rest.

Lying in the cabin, you can clearly feel that the wind outside is getting stronger and stronger, and the waves are getting higher and higher, making the fishing boat more bumpy.

"It's really good luck."

Bailang couldn't help but sigh.

On their trip to the sea, they not only encountered a large group of orchid crabs.

The most important thing is to catch these orchid crabs before the weather gets worse.

If they had been a few hours later, they might have been in danger.

After resting for an hour, the fishing boat slowly returned to the sea closer to the pier. At this time, the wind and waves began to become smaller.

Bailang came to the deck to check if there was anything wrong with the caught orchid crabs.

At the beginning, there were relatively few orchid crabs, and they could be placed in the live cabin. Later, there were too many orchid crabs.

They had no choice but to put the net bag containing the orchid crabs on the deck.

His boat is not a specialized crab boat and does not have a huge live cabin.

"In the future, we must get a special crab fishing boat, just like those who go out to sea to catch king crabs, and we must compete with them for food."

Bailang secretly vowed to conquer that sea in the future.

And he also believes that such a day will not be too far away.

At this time, although it was already six or seven in the morning, thick dark clouds covered the entire sky and it still looked dark.

Bailang stood on the deck, knowing that it might rain.

But it doesn't matter, I looked up and saw that the dock was close at hand.

As long as the fishing boat docks, there is no need to worry no matter how hard it rains or how big the waves are.

There were still many people gathered on the pier.

These are the ones who didn't go to sea last night. Although they didn't go to sea, in the morning, they still couldn't help but want to come to the pier to have a look.

Let’s see if those who chose to go to sea last night had any good harvests. "Those two fishing boats that look like Bailang, are they back so soon?"

"I wonder how many things they caught on this trip?"

"There were already good harvests before the typhoon, and the Bailang fishing was so good. No need to think about it, he will definitely get a lot of fish this time."

"Hey, I regret not going to sea now. Although the wind and waves are strong, the typhoon did not arrive early."

Seeing Bailang's fishing boat returning, many people on the dock began to regret it.

Such a good opportunity to make money was wasted by them.

A few minutes later, Bailang's boat successfully docked.

He jumped onto the dock and tied the rope tightly to a large pillar.

Wang Jianguo held the huge anchor. After seeing that the cable was tied, he threw it down, causing a huge splash.

He couldn't help waving his hands. He returned from this adventure safely and with great rewards.

The people on the pier also gathered around at this time. They wanted to see what Bailang had caught during this trip to the sea.

They couldn't see clearly at first, but when Tang Dahai drove the seafood truck to the pier and moved one big net bag after another from the boat to the pier, they couldn't see clearly anymore.

"Oh my god! These are all orchid crabs, and each one weighs a pound."

"What Bailang caught this time when he went to sea was actually an orchid crab, a huge orchid crab."

"I just counted, they have at least a hundred orchid crabs in one net bag, and at least thirty or forty net bags."

"One of these orchid crabs can be sold for at least 100 yuan. If you calculate it this way, it's a good 50 million yuan. It's just picking up money."

Bailang ignored the comments of these people on the dock.

These people all dare not go out to sea when the wind and waves get bigger. Such people still want to make a fortune. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?

Bailang knew very well that although these people wanted to get rich in their hearts, they never tried hard to take action and would always only talk about it. Such people did not need sympathy at all.

After Wang Jianguo and others weighed the orchid crabs, they found two people on the dock and moved them all into Tang Dahai's seafood truck.

Of course, a seafood truck can never hold so much. In order to ensure survival, orchid crabs must not be stacked on top of each other.

Fortunately, Tang Dahai is different now. His business is getting bigger and bigger, and he has arranged several more seafood trucks waiting here.

"Boss Bai, let me tell you some good news. These orchid crabs are very active. Every one of them is jumping around. The survival rate is definitely above 99%!"

Tang Dahai was obviously very excited about this result.

He thought that many of the orchid crabs placed on the deck would die, but he didn't expect that they were all alive and well.

The price of a live orchid crab and the price of a dead one are completely incomparable between heaven and earth.

A large orchid crab can be sold for 100 yuan alive, but only [-] yuan if it is dead.

With a survival rate of 99%, the number of dead orchid crabs is almost negligible.

"Haha, this is definitely the best thing. It seems that we will make a fortune together this time."

Bai Lang was in a very good mood and simply made a joke.

But what he said is true. Live orchid crabs can be sold at a higher price, and naturally they can make more money.

Similarly, if Tang Dahai sells these live orchid crabs elsewhere, he can still get a higher price.

From this point of view, the two of them are definitely making a fortune together, and there is nothing wrong with them.

Tang Dahai nodded desperately like a chicken pecking at rice. Bai Lang was absolutely right.

"Boss Bai, you caught a total of 5280 kilograms of orchid crabs this time. The average price of each kilogram of orchid crabs is 85 yuan, and the final price is 44 yuan."

Tang Dahai handed the recorded list to Bailang.

Bailang glanced at it and nodded. The records above were very detailed and there were no problems.

Soon, Tang Dahai transferred the money.

"Boss Bai, I have to send these orchid crabs away for processing now. I'll finish the matter later and then treat you to dinner."

After he finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

The two seafood trucks disappeared almost in the blink of an eye.

Bailang saw that Tang Dahai's motorcade had left and returned to the ship.

At this time, the village chief, Dazhu, Wang Jianguo, and Wang Jianmin were all chatting and drinking tea in the cabin.

However, it can be seen that the expressions on their faces are a bit expectant, and when chatting, they are saying something here and there, and they are also a bit absent-minded.

Bailang knew it well. They clearly wanted to know quickly how much the orchid crab they caught this time was sold for.

He didn't show off, and directly stated today's income.

"Today we caught a total of more than 5000 kilograms of orchid crabs and sold them for nearly 45 yuan. At 1%, it is 4500 yuan. The five of you will share it equally. Each of you will get 900 yuan. I will transfer the money to your mobile phone now."

Bailang said as he took out his mobile phone to transfer money to the five of them.

In less than 2 minutes, all five of them received the dividends from this overseas trip.

"Hahaha, thank you boss!"

The smile on Wang Jianguo's face was like a bright flower.

Although they took a lot of risks when they went to sea this time, they also gained a lot.

The working time does not exceed ten hours a day, and the salary plus salary exceeds 1000 yuan. It is definitely like picking up money.

Wang Jianmin and others were also very happy.

Working on Bailang's ship, this kind of income is definitely no joke. A few days at sea can make more than a month of working in a factory outside.

This is definitely a good job that you can't find even with a lantern.

From then on, they also firmly decided to go fishing with Bai Lang in the future.

“Looking at the current weather conditions, the typhoon will still have a great impact on us, so we probably won’t be able to go out to sea in the next few days.

So everyone takes this opportunity to have a good rest. The typhoon has passed. If the weather permits, we will go to sea immediately.

There will also be very good harvests after the typhoon, and we must not let go of such an opportunity. "

Although there are abundant resources at sea when a typhoon approaches, safety issues must also be considered.

The situation at sea is getting worse and worse now. Their fishing boats will definitely not be able to go out to sea. They can only wait until the typhoon passes.

Moreover, after the typhoon passed, it was also a good opportunity to go fishing. They just took advantage of these few days to take a good rest and recharge their batteries for a big fight next time.

Bailang looked at the time. It was already past eight in the morning. The wind outside was getting stronger and stronger. It seemed that the weather would soon become worse.

When they came back, the sky had been very dark, and it might rain heavily soon.

So the few of them didn't stay any longer and drove another boat directly back to Dalang Village.

(End of this chapter)

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