I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 88 The Prodigal Son 1 will definitely become a fishing giant!

Chapter 88 The prodigal son will definitely become a fishing giant!

The small dock in Dalang Village is a natural haven, but it is relatively small.

After several people parked the boat, they went back to their homes.

After Bailang got home, he took a warm bath first, then ate something before falling asleep.

This trip to sea was very rough and bumpy, so the energy consumption was much greater than usual.

While working on the boat, I didn't feel much, but as soon as I got home, Bailang couldn't bear it any longer and fell asleep almost instantly while lying on the bed.

While he was sleeping soundly, news spread again in the town that they had caught a large number of orchid crabs this time.

"Did you hear that last night Bailang and the others ventured out to sea and caught more than 5000 kilograms of orchid crabs, and they were all very large."

"It took less than one night to achieve this harvest. It is really amazing. It seems that there was indeed a big harvest before the typhoon."

"Everyone knows this kind of thing, but not many people dared to go to sea last night, but those who did, almost all of them made great gains."

"I regret not going out to sea last night, otherwise I would have caught two or three times more fish than usual."

"It's too late for you to say anything now. The people in Dalang Village are awesome. It seems that they are born to eat this bowl of rice."

The wind and waves on the sea are getting bigger and bigger, and the waves here at the pier are more than one meter.

In this situation, no one will dare to go to sea again, and even in the next two or three days, no one will dare to go to sea again.

The only thing the fishermen in the town can do is get together to chat and spank.

When it comes to fishing, Bailang is definitely an unavoidable topic now.

Lao Chen Fishing Tackle Shop.

Chen Xinyue and her father were sitting on the sofa drinking tea and chatting.

"After working hard for half a month, I finally have the opportunity to sit down and take a good rest."

Chen Yunshan took a sip of the freshly brewed tea and his brows relaxed.

They were so busy during this period and the business was so good that the two of them had no time to rest.

Now due to the impact of the typhoon, no one goes out to fish for the time being, so they can finally stop and rest for a day or two.

Chen Xinyue also took a sip of tea and agreed very much with her father's words.

He never thought that opening a fishing tackle shop would be so tiring.

However, although she was very tired, she still felt happy when she thought about making so much money every day.

"It's not that easy to make money. We are very lucky. Without Brother Luangzi, our fishing gear shop would not be as big as it is, and it wouldn't have such a good business.

Now that we have initially opened up the situation, it will be much easier to make money. "

Chen Xinyue saw it very clearly.

For their shop to be as good as it is now, Bailang is definitely their noble man.

Now the situation in their store has also opened up. With the good quality and reasonable prices of the products in the store, they already have a group of stable customers.

Many people would choose to come to their store to buy fishing nets and fishing gear even if they are not affected by Bailang.

To put it simply, their store still has a certain ability to survive even if it leaves Bailang.

Of course, if they can always rely on Bailang, their store will definitely become bigger and stronger in the future.

But without Bailang's relationship, it would be absolutely impossible for them to further develop into a large company.

Chen Yunshan nodded heavily.

Not to mention whether it can develop into a big company, if there is no Bailang, whether they can open this store is still a problem.

"The Prodigal Son is so awesome. I heard that when they came back today, they caught more than 5000 kilograms of orchid crabs, and they were all very big!"

When Chen Yunshan thought about this, he had a strange expression on his face.

It is simply crazy that a person can go out fishing like Bailang and get a huge harvest every time he goes out, and it is hundreds of thousands or millions.

For decades, or even since ancient times, I have never heard of such a powerful fisherman near the town.

The most important thing is that Bailang is only fishing in the nearby waters.

If he went to the open sea, or even to the ocean, what would it be like?
"If he changes to a larger fleet in the future, wouldn't he be able to earn tens of millions from just one trip to sea?"

Chen Yunshan didn't think it was anything at first.

But the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was very likely to become a reality.


Such a number kept spinning in his mind.

He simply couldn't imagine what it was like to earn tens of millions by going out to sea for ten days and a half.

"What's so strange about that?"

Chen Xinyue rolled her eyes at her father.

"Brother Prodigal Son can now earn 50 million yuan on a trip to the sea. If he goes to the open sea, or goes to the ocean, and cannot earn 1000 million yuan on a round trip, he might as well just fish nearby."

Although they are not fishermen, they also know that a trip to the open sea will take three to five days, or even ten days and a half.

Especially for the ocean, a round trip takes at least a month.

If you can't make 1000 million in such a long time, then it's really better to just catch fish at your doorstep.

Chen Yunshan thought about his daughter's words carefully and nodded, feeling that it made sense.

Then he said a little weirdly: "Xinyue, why is this a little weird? Why do we think Bailang went to the ocean to make a loss if he can't make 1000 million?"

As people who live by the sea all year round, the people they usually interact with the most are fishermen.

But the average fisherman who can earn one hundred or eighty thousand a year is pretty good. Those who go to the open sea or the ocean can earn one million a year, and they have to thank God.

But now, they instinctively believe that if Bailang goes to the ocean, if he can't make 1000 million, he will lose money.

"It's a bit weird for you to say that, but we just believe that the prodigal brother has such ability. Every time he goes to sea, especially to go fishing in the ocean, he must make more than 1000 million."

Chen Xinyue took a sip of tea and said with great confidence.

"Bailang is simply a money-making machine. Our store can normally earn five to six thousand a day, but compared with him, it's just a drop in the bucket."

Chen Yunshan shook his head while drinking tea.

When Chen Xinyue heard this, she rolled her eyes at him again and said, "Dad, what good things are you thinking about? Don't talk about us. Even some fishing companies may not be as profitable as the prodigal brother."

What she said was not unreasonable.

Now Bailang can earn an average of 20 to 600 yuan a day, which is [-] to [-] million yuan a month. Even a real fishing company may not be able to achieve this turnover or profit.

When Chen Xinyue thought of this, she felt it was so unreal.

We all grew up together. She never thought that there would be such a powerful person in her body.

"Xin Yue, do you think Bai Lang will set up his own fishing company in the future?"

When Chen Yunshan heard her mention the fishery company, he suddenly thought whether Bailang would also set up a company or something in the future.

When Chen Xinyue heard her father's words, she was stunned for a moment, and then said it almost instinctively.

"Brother Prodigal Son will definitely set up his own fishing company in the future. This small town of ours will definitely not be able to accommodate him. His stage is all over the country and even the world. I even believe that the fishing company he sets up in the future will definitely become a global success." The most powerful fishing giant in the world." She believes that sooner or later this will become a reality, it is just a matter of time.

"If Bailang can establish a multinational fishing company, then we can also establish a multinational fishing gear store, right?"

Chen Yunshan touched his chin and said with some fantasy.

When Chen Xinyue heard what he said, she rolled her eyes again.

However, she also raised her head and rolled her eyes, as if this dream was not completely impossible.

Bai Lang didn't know that Chen Xinyue and the others had already drawn a big pie for their future.

But even if he knew it, he wouldn't find it difficult.

Because for him, it's really just a matter of time.

After Bai Lang woke up, he found that the sky outside had gradually darkened, and it seemed that it was already evening.

He didn't get up immediately, but pricked up his ears and listened to what was going on outside.

Then he discovered that the wind outside was very loud, and he could even hear the sound of rolling waves at the small pier.

Hearing this news, he guessed that the typhoon had probably made landfall ahead of time and landed right here.

He took out his cell phone to check and found that it was exactly what he had guessed.

The typhoon has arrived early and will just pass by them. Although their place is not the center of the typhoon, it will be greatly affected.

Seeing this situation, Bai Lang couldn't sit still.

He quickly got up and walked towards the small pier in the village.

Before we arrived, we could already see the waves rolling on the sea, the waves crashing on the pier, and the spray was very high.

Seeing this situation, Bailang knew that the typhoon had indeed had a great impact on them.

If the waves are like this when they go out to sea in the early hours of the morning, they are simply kidding with their lives.

Bailang strode over and found that he was not the only one arriving at the dock.

The village chief, Wang Jianguo, Dazhu and the others are basically all here.

"Why are you all here?"

Bailang walked to the village chief and found that his trousers were already wet. It seemed that he had been there for a long time.

"It's okay to stay at home. The weather is much worse than before, so I might as well come here to take a look. The main thing is to see if there is any problem with the ship."

To them, the boat was also their property.

Bailang looked forward and found two people on the boat undulating in the waves.

It seems that Dazhu and Wang Jianmin should be checking the situation of the fishing boat.

Seeing this, Bai Lang did not get on the boat. They were all experienced veterans and there was no need for him to go there and join in the fun.

"The impact of this typhoon on our area is more serious than imagined."

Bailang looked at the rolling waves ahead.

If you go out to sea in this small boat at this time, you may not be able to go 100 meters before it will be overturned by the sea water.

The village chief nodded when he heard this and said, "Well, the time we grabbed was just right."

At this time, he was somewhat glad that he listened to Bai Lang's suggestion and went to sea in the early morning.

The trip they took out to sea in the early morning was definitely the best choice. Not only did they make a lot of money, but they also avoided danger.

Making this kind of decision requires not only courage, but also a bit of decisiveness.

If Bailang hesitated at that time, he might really be in danger, and at the same time, he would most likely not be able to make any money.

Soon, Dazhu and Wang Jianmin returned to the dock from the boat.

"How's our ship?"

Bailang asked.

"There is nothing wrong with this boat. Although it is a little old, it is still relatively strong. Unless there is a wave that directly hits the boat on the cement pile, there should be no problem. But there is really no problem with the other boats. saved."

Although Bailang's boat had not been used for a long time, it was well maintained after all.

Dazhu and the others checked and found nothing wrong.

"How many other ships sank?"

Bai Lang was stunned for a moment.

Only then did I realize that the dock was empty except for my small boat.

Originally there were two or three boats here, which were always floating on the sea, but now they are all gone.

Needless to say, the wind and waves must have been relatively strong this time, and other ships could not bear it and sank directly to the bottom of the sea.

"They all sank to the bottom of the sea half an hour ago. I watched helplessly, but there was nothing I could do.

However, those ships have long been in tatters. Even if there are no wind and waves, they can barely float on the sea. Now in such a big storm, it is normal for them to sink to the bottom of the sea. "

Although the village chief said this, his expression was not particularly good-looking.

No matter how dilapidated the other boats were, they belonged to the village. It was still very uncomfortable to see these boats sinking to the bottom of the sea.

As a person who has been fishing all his life, he naturally has very deep feelings for fishing boats, and it is difficult to accept this kind of thing.

"Village chief, as the saying goes, if it rains, the mother will get married. No one can stop this.

These fishing boats are very old in themselves, so it is normal for them to be unable to withstand such wind and waves.

Besides, even if the villagers come back to continue fishing, they will no longer be able to use such fishing boats. "

Bailang waved his hand, signaling the village chief not to pay too much attention.

There is no way to avoid this kind of thing, you can only look at it a little bit.

"That's right, if the villagers come back to fish, these fishing boats will definitely be unusable."

The village chief also knows this.

Then, he suddenly remembered something and said:
“Prodigal son, the news that you came back to fish to make money has now been spread out, and the people in the village who are working outside have their own thoughts after knowing about you.

Although they didn't say they would be back soon, they were still asking for news in this regard. What do you think about this? "

The village chief took a puff of dry smoke.

In the past few days, people from the village outside have been calling him, asking if Bailang's story about going out to sea to fish is true.

Although those people didn't say it explicitly, he could tell it right away as they matured with age.

Those people must be thinking about coming back and going fishing with Bailang.

Regarding this matter, the village chief did not relent, and directly nodded in agreement.

This is Bailang's matter, Bailang must make up his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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