I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 91: Fighting against each other to get out to sea!

Chapter 91: Hundreds of teams fight to get out to sea!
"Well, it's very good. This is the hook I want."

Bai Lang nodded with great satisfaction. The rows of hooks prepared by Chen Xinyue fully met his requirements.

"It's okay if you think it's okay. Very few people in our town use this kind of hook, so I'm worried that it won't meet your requirements."

When Chen Xinyue heard what Bai Lang said, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

She was really worried about what was wrong with these hooks.

Bai Lang smiled. He knew Chen Xinyue's character very well and pursued perfection in her work. She must have put a lot of effort into making this batch of hooks.

In fact, his requirements for the row hook are not that demanding, as long as it is larger, there is no need to say what level it must reach.

Seeing that the business in Chen Xinyue's store was so good now, Bai Lang and the other two didn't bother them much.

After a brief chat, he found a tricycle and pulled all the hooks to the dock several times.

After seeing Bailang leave, Chen Xinyue turned around and wanted to go back and continue entertaining the guests in the store.

But she didn't expect that before she took two steps, several people gathered around her.

"What do you want?"

Chen Yunshan happened to be entertaining customers in the store today. When he saw this scene, he rushed over immediately. He thought something had happened.

"Boss Chen, what are the specifications of those hooks Bailang bought just now? Why haven't we seen them before?"

"That's right, what's going on? Why don't we buy hooks like this in the shop?"

"You can't do business like this. We also want to buy the same hooks as that guy from Bailang just now."

Only now did Chen Xinyue realize what was going on.

They must have seen that the row hook Bailang bought just now is different, so they also want such a row hook.

After all, many people follow Feng Bailang and have reached the point where they even use the same hooks as him, thinking that they can catch more fish in this way.

"Everyone be quiet and listen to me!"

Seeing these people talking all over the place, Chen Xinyue shouted loudly.

As soon as she said these words, the people around her became quiet and wanted to hear her explanation.

"The row hooks Brother Luangzi asked for just now are indeed different from the ones you bought and the ones before."

Chen Xinyue had mentioned this matter to Bailang before.

That means whether to tell the people in the store the real situation, or whether they can sell it if other people want the same row of hooks.

Bai Lang has agreed to this.

So she has nothing to hide now.

"The rows of hooks just now are actually nothing special. If I have to say it, the lead weight used is heavier, the hook is larger, and the main line and sub-line are thicker.

The purpose of this is very simple, which is to allow the row hooks to be placed deeper on the seabed and catch bigger fish. "

Chen Xinyue told all the differences between the rows of hooks just now.

And the people around him were a little dumbfounded after hearing this.

They didn't expect this to be the case at all.

In their opinion, the hooks used by Bailang must be different, and there may be something special about them.

But now that I heard her say it, I found that there was nothing strange about it.

Chen Xinyue saw that some people still didn't believe it, so she simply took out two more baskets.

"Now, see for yourselves, is it the same as what I just said?"

Several customers immediately gathered around and took a closer look. They even took off two hooks and compared them. They found that except for the size and thickness, there was nothing different.

"Boss Chen, if this is the case, then I will also buy this kind of hook like Bailang."

People around me already believe it, but there are still people who want to buy the same row hook as Bailang.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xinyue shook her head helplessly.

“We have only made so many of these row hooks, and now there are only these two baskets left. If you want more, we really don’t have them in the store.

I also want to remind you.

The prodigal brother uses this kind of row hook to put the row hook into the deeper seabed and catch bigger fish.

If you want to buy such a row hook, you must consider whether you have such ability, otherwise, you will most likely not be able to catch fish. "

Chen Xinyue's words have been made very clear.

This special row of hooks is not suitable for everyone.

If you can catch bigger fish and go to deeper waters, of course you can use it.

But if you don’t have that ability, this special row of hooks will become a burden, making the original fish catch worse.

Naturally, people around me also understood this truth. After thinking about it for a while, many people gave up buying this kind of row hook.

They can't even place the small row hooks well. Don't they think the money is too much and there is no place to spend the large row hooks?

When Bailang and the others returned to the dock, they didn't know that something like this had happened in Chen Xinyue's store.

If he knew, he would definitely laugh or cry.

There's really nothing special about these customized rows of hooks. As Chen Xinyue said, they can just be placed on the deeper seabed.

The other one is the main line and sub-line, including the hook, which are thicker and larger, in order to catch big fish.

After Bailang and Wang Dayong returned to the dock, they unloaded all the row hooks from the truck and moved them to the big ship.

It is enough to release the discharge hook on one ship, but there is no need to release the discharge hook on the other ship.

When the time comes to pull in fish, the two boats come alternately, which will make it easier and the fish can be loaded on the two boats.

After they sorted out the rows of hooks, Wang Jianguo and Dazhu also came back one after another.

And all the things necessary for going to sea have been prepared.

Now it can be said that everything is ready and everything is ready, all that is left is the east wind.

"Prodigal son, what kind of fish are you going to catch this time when you go to sea?"

the village chief asked while smoking a dry pipe.

Bailang has prepared so many hooks this time, and they are all specially made hooks. They must be preparing to go fishing at sea.

"We can't say for sure right now. I'll probably catch whatever fish I encounter."

Bailang shook his head.

He really doesn’t know what fish to fish yet.

The only thing that is certain is that their target fish this time out to sea are relatively large fish, starting at least ten pounds.

Otherwise, other small fish would not be able to swallow the row of hooks he prepared this time.

On the other side of the deck, Wang Dayong also found Dazhu, and the two were chatting.

"Dazhu, is the prodigal son really that awesome? He can catch several thousand kilograms or even tens of thousands of kilograms of fish, shrimps and crabs every time he goes out to sea?"

Wang Dayong asked directly after taking a sip of water.

Now the legend about Bailang has been spread throughout the town, and he knows that it cannot be false.

But he was still too shocked and felt a little incredible.

But it was impossible for him to ask Bailang directly about this kind of thing, nor could he ask the village chief and Wang Jianguo, so he could only find Dazhu, who was of the same generation as him.

"Well, it's true."

Dazhu nodded and said nothing else.

"Hey, I really want to see how powerful the prodigal son is soon."

Wang Dayong knew Dazhu's character very well and knew that he was just like this and that it was impossible for him to tell lies.

So this also means that Bailang really has the legendary ability.

"I used to go out to sea with my dad. If we could catch three to five hundred kilograms, or even one or two hundred kilograms of fish a day, we would be very happy. I really can't imagine what it would be like to catch more than ten thousand kilograms of fish."

Wang Dayong held the back of his head with both hands, looking at the sky and dreaming.But he found that he really couldn't imagine it, because ten thousand kilograms was too much.

Dazhu glanced at him, said nothing, turned and walked towards the cabin.

"Dazhu, why are you going?"

Wang Dayong asked.

"Go inside and rest for a while. We will go to sea in the early morning. Then we will have to work for more than ten hours in a row. We must be energetic."

"wait for me."

When Dayong heard what he said, he immediately followed him.

But when he was lying on the bed, he couldn't fall asleep, and Dazhu next to him was already snoring loudly.

"I really want to see the power of the prodigal son earlier. In this case, I can also get huge dividends. I can make so much money every time I go to sea. It is really awesome."

When Wang Dayong boarded the ship for the first time, his mind was filled with all kinds of thoughts and he couldn't sleep at all.

The night is getting darker and darker, and the dock has just become quiet.

But less than an hour later, the noise started again.

Bailang opened his eyes. He didn't wake up naturally, nor was he woken up by the alarm clock, but by the noisy noise outside.

"What's going on? Why is it so noisy outside?"

He checked the time and found that it was not yet twelve o'clock in the evening.

Bailang shook his head, and just as he was about to go back to sleep, there was another sound of fishing boat machinery outside.

Then there was the sound of the propeller churning the sea water.

Needless to say, a ship must have left the dock, and more than one.

"Did anyone go to sea so early?"

Bailang didn't have the intention to go back to sleep for a while, so he simply got up.

After arriving on the deck, he saw the village chief standing there smoking a cigarette.

"Village Chief, what happened?"

Bailang asked while looking around.

Then I found that many fishing boats at the pier had slowly left and headed towards the sea.

After taking a closer look, I found that at least one-third of the fishing boats were missing from the pier.

"These people all took the time to go to sea."

said the village chief.

"Are they crazy? They went so early."

Although Bai Lang had already guessed it, he was still surprised.

Because under normal circumstances, fishermen usually have to wait until three in the morning to go to sea, and going to sea at two in the morning is already considered early.

Now they all set out to sea before twelve o'clock, obviously several hours in advance.

"There have been typhoons for a few days, and they may have been exhausted. They might be able to get a good place by going to sea early."

Fishermen usually go out to sea in groups.

But when the first person goes ahead, others will follow and go to sea ahead of time.

Because once someone starts to go to sea and the noise is heard by others, everyone will rush to go to sea one by one.

The village chief has been fishing all his life and knows this very well.

He was used to this situation.

"Prodigal Son, do you think we should go out early too?"

The village chief hesitated and asked.

At first, he didn't care much about it, but when he saw one ship after another leaving, he really couldn't stand it anymore.

Bailang couldn't help laughing when he heard what he said.

He knew that the village chief was feeling pressure. People who went fishing actually had this mentality. They always felt that after other fishing boats ran out, they would take over the places where fish were most likely to be found.

"Village chief, we don't have to be like them."

Bailang shook his head.

Even if all the ships at the dock leave now, it will not have any impact on them.

He has a fishing system and can easily find fish schools. There is no need to compete with these people for position.

Seeing how confident he was, the village chief began to calm down.

He almost forgot where Bailang could find schools of fish.

And judging from previous experiences, every time they found the location of a school of fish, it was not in the place where traditional people thought there were fish.

So even if these places are occupied by others first, it doesn't matter.

Bailang ignored these people rushing to go to sea. The most important thing for fishing is to have real skills. If you can catch fish early in the sea, then you might as well go to sea in the evening.

He returned to the cabin and resumed his sleep.

Only by cultivating enough spirit can you have good harvest later.

Not long after Bai Lang went back to sleep, Wang Jianguo also got up.

When he came to the deck and saw the scene in front of him, he immediately panicked. He had been fishing at sea for many years and knew very well what the situation in front of him was about.

When he was sleeping there just now, he vaguely heard some movement, but he never paid attention to it, and now he immediately regretted it.

"Village chief, we should remind the prodigal son to go to sea earlier today."

Wang Jianguo stamped his feet a little regretfully.

Bailang didn't have much experience and it was okay to say so, but it really shouldn't have happened for an old fisherman like him to forget about this matter.

When the village chief heard Wang Jianguo talking to himself, he immediately laughed, and then he said what Bai Lang had just said.

"Don't worry. Although the prodigal son looks young, he is much more meticulous in his work than us."

After listening to the village chief's words, Wang Jianguo began to calm down.

He thought carefully about Bailang's words, and they did make sense.

The places where they used to fish were indeed not good fishing spots in the traditional sense.

And Bailang can find the location of the fish school, so they don't have to worry about this matter at all.

By about two o'clock in the morning, everyone was up and ready to go to sea.

Bailang stood at the bow of the boat, surrounded by darkness.

If you are an inexperienced person, you may not even be able to tell the direction clearly after leaving the pier.

But for a veteran like the village chief, there is no need to worry about this at all.

The big pillar behind just needs to follow behind.

Not far from the two boats, one large and one small, sailing out of the pier, Bailang could already be seen, and many lights were flashing on the sea in the distance.

He knew that these were the people who had rushed to go to sea before.

They have now found a position, either lowering the net or placing the hook.

To put it bluntly, these lights are telling people behind that there are already people in this area, so you should go to other places.

Seeing this situation, Bai Lang was not moved at all.

These people all fish in fixed spots and try their best to occupy the best position.

But this was of no use to him.

(End of this chapter)

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