I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 92: Fish appear after the typhoon!

Chapter 92: Fish appear after the typhoon!
"200 meters northwest, there are 515 sand pointed fish, each weighing one tael."

"800 meters to the northeast, there are 17 mackerel, all weighing six pounds and four taels."

"1300 meters to the southeast, there are 122 squids, all weighing one pound and seven taels."


Bailang glanced at the information refreshed by the system.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion or because no one has come out to fish these days.

It seems that there are more fish and shrimps in the nearby sea now than before the typhoon.

However, this is also relative.

For other fishermen, this situation may be very good, but for Bailang, these seafood are not enough for him.

inside the cabin.

The village chief was driving a fishing boat, and Wang Jianguo was squatting beside him. In addition, there was Wang Jianmin.

After Wang Dayong arrived, another small boat was handed over to Dazhu, Wang Dayong and Wang Jianping.

"Hey, it's been driving for more than an hour, but there's not even a single vacancy. There are too many fishing boats around. Everyone is really frustrated these days."

Wang Jianguo looked around while talking.

He found that as long as he glanced over, he could see several bright spots.

Needless to say, these lights all represent a fishing boat.

This also means that the sea area as far as the eye can see is basically occupied by people.

If it were normal, there would be no such excitement.

The only reason is that after the typhoon, everyone rushed to go out to sea, hoping to gain more.

And these fishing boats are not all from their town, these are fishermen from several surrounding towns.

But both the village chief and Wang Jianguo know that it is of little use for these people to wait and catch fish here. They can only try their luck. After all, the fish are alive and cannot stay in one place forever.

Only by being able to find schools of fish like Bailang can you 100% catch a lot of fish.

On the boat behind.

Dazhu has been steadily following the big ship in front.

He and Wang Jianping had nothing to say, but Wang Dayong on the side kept talking.

He kept nagging for a long time, but found that Dazhu and the two ignored him at all, so he finally had to shut his mouth.

Slowly, Wang Dayong began to become nervous for some reason.

"There are too many people going out to fish tonight. Can the prodigal still find the fish?"

"Dayong, don't worry, it's still early, the prodigal will definitely be able to find the fish."

Wang Jianping stood next to him and patted his shoulder.

"Hahaha, I haven't been to sea for a long time, maybe I'm a little too nervous."

Wang Dayong touched his head embarrassedly.

He kept talking like this because he was too nervous.

"What's there to be nervous about? Even though there are so many fishing boats out to sea tonight, it's not a problem at all for the prodigal."

Wang Jianping took a deep puff of the cigarette in his hand and pretended to be calm.

"Hey, Uncle Jianping, it's like you're not worried at all. If you weren't nervous, why would you keep smoking?

I noticed that you had already smoked almost half a pack of cigarettes in less than an hour. "

When Wang Dayong heard what he said, he couldn't help but joke.

"How could I be nervous? Also, this guy Dayong must have misjudged my sight. I couldn't have smoked so many cigarettes!

Besides, I have gone out to sea twice with the prodigal son, and I know his abilities very well, so there is absolutely no way I can be nervous. "

Wang Jianping blushed and quickly denied it.

"Uncle Jianping, I don't know if you are nervous or not, but you did smoke half a pack of cigarettes."

Dazhu, who had been driving the boat seriously, suddenly said this.

"Hahaha, you have nothing to say now, right?"

After hearing Dazhu's words, Wang Dayong couldn't help laughing.

They all know that Dazhu never tells lies.

Now, Wang Jianping really couldn't argue anymore.

He sighed and said, "Hey, I wonder what kind of fish the prodigal son can find this time?"

After he finished speaking, he took another deep puff of the cigarette in his hand.

As an experienced fisherman, and after seeing Bai Lang's abilities, he shouldn't have such emotions.

But seeing more and more lights on the surrounding sea surface becoming more and more dense, he really couldn't control it.

Wang Dayong did not speak again this time.

It's useless to say more now. Although they are all nervous, there is only one thing they can do now, and that is to wait quietly.

Waiting for the intercom in Dazhu's pocket to ring.

Because as soon as the intercom rings, it means Bailang has found the fish school and is ready to release the hook.

But what they expected never happened. The fishing boat kept moving forward, as if there was no sign of stopping.

Bai Lang has been standing on the bow of the ship since he went to sea.

What he didn't know was that now everyone but himself was starting to get nervous.

There were fishing boats all around, which put a lot of pressure on them.

Bailang also discovered that there were indeed too many fishing boats tonight.

And in addition to those situations where one boat occupies a certain place, there are many good fishing spots where three or five boats are all crowded together.

The consequence of this kind of crowding of several ships to compete for position is that everyone will probably go hungry together.

Bailang shook his head.

Nowadays, there are too many people going out to sea to fish, but there are only a few good fishing spots, and everyone knows them well, so it is easy for this kind of thing to happen.

Although the fishermen's rules are that whoever comes early will get it.

But there are many people who come together within a few minutes of each other, so we can’t control that much at all.

It cannot be said that if you can access the Internet, others cannot access the Internet cafe.

In this case, everyone simply crowds together and puts down the nets. The number of fish caught depends on their own luck.

This kind of thing happens often to fishermen. In a sense, it is bad competition, but there is no way to do this.

After all, this situation is at least better than fighting.

Bailang would definitely not join in the fun with these people.

He has the ability to track schools of fish, so there is no need to worry about such things.

"1200 meters northeast, there are 245 nine-segment shrimps, each weighing two taels."

"2450 meters southwest, there are 125 white pomfrets, all weighing three pounds or one tael."

"4600 meters due east, there are 215 black snapper, all weighing one pound and seventy taels."

Bailang kept paying attention to the information on the interface.

Seeing the latest information, he couldn't help but nodded.

Now that we are a certain distance from the coast, we can see that the fish, shrimps and crabs in the nearby sea are a little different from before.

The most obvious features are that it is more valuable and larger.

Nine-section shrimp, black snapper and white pomfret are all seafood with relatively high economic value.

In particular, the white pomfret he caught was very good, and it was also the first time he had caught a large amount of fish.

Needless to say, the nine-section shrimp can definitely be sold at a good price, especially the big ones.In addition, although black snapper is a relatively common fish, the ones caught are generally relatively small, mostly under half a catty.

This kind of fish weighing more than a pound and a half can definitely be sold for 80 yuan per pound. If you catch it in large quantities, you can also make a lot of money.

Bailang didn't ask the village chief to slow down, nor did he ask Wang Jianguo and the others to release the hook.

Although these fish were of good size and of good economic value, the quantity obviously did not meet his requirements.

Although they have been at sea for a while.

The village chief and others must be a little anxious.

But there is no way. If you want to make big money, you must stay calm.

If he puts down the row hook now, although he can make money, it will definitely not be much.

Bailang went to sea this time to catch big fish and make big money. He must not just lower the hook so easily.

In order to better select the target fish this time, he also locked fish in the search bar.

In this way, it is much easier for him to check the information.

Although there is still a lot of news about various fish schools, it is not so dense that it is difficult to see through.

"5800 meters southeast, 47 spotted snappers, all weighing twelve pounds."

Bailang kept paying attention to the information on the interface.

Suddenly the name of a fish struck him directly in the head, leaving him unable to react for a moment.

"Star-spotted snapper?"

"Why is there such a fish in the waters near here?"

Bai Lang was still a little confused at this moment, as if he couldn't believe it.

The spotted snapper is also called the stone clam because its fins are yellow, and it is also called the yellow-winged fish.

This is a carnivorous fish, generally larger in size, characterized by less spines and more meat, and the meat is very delicious.

Of course, the most important thing is that this thing is expensive and very valuable!

Wild star-spotted snapper is considered a rare high-standard edible fish in some places and can easily be sold for 800 yuan per pound.

Yes, you read that right, it costs at least seven hundred or eight hundred pounds, which is more expensive than the noble Eastern star grouper!

Bai Lang stood at the bow of the boat, still a little dazed. Suddenly, a gust of sea wind blew and he woke up.

"Hahaha, I'm really rich now!"

He couldn't help laughing and looked very excited.

This is definitely the best fish he can find when he goes out to sea tonight, even comparable to the large yellow croaker.

Generally, the smaller yellow croaker costs about 1000 yuan per pound, and the spotted snapper is about the same price.

What's more important is that spotted snappers are big. A spotted snapper weighing more than ten pounds can be worth tens of thousands of dollars.

The school of spotted snapper that Bailang has discovered now is not large in number, but it is large in size and expensive per unit, so it is definitely worth the next row of hooks.

Without any hesitation, he directly locked onto the fish school of spotted snapper on the interface.

"6100 meters southeast, 47 spotted snappers, all weighing twelve pounds."

"7680 meters southeast, 32 spotted snappers, all weighing ten pounds."

"8880 meters southeast, 38 spotted snappers, all weighing [-] pounds."

After locking in the star-spotted snapper fish species, a series of information about the star-spotted snapper fish species quickly appeared on the interface.

"It seems that there are more spotted snappers in this area than I thought."

Bailang waited for a long time and found that there were five or six pieces of information about the spotted snapper on the interface. Although the number of each fish group was not large, there were more than 100 pieces in total.

And there is no guarantee that there are also spotted snappers outside his current search range.

This kind of fish, which is worth several thousand yuan each, is definitely worth hooking up.

"Haha, it seems I made the right choice."

Bailang gave him a thumbs up for waiting patiently.

If he had just lowered his hooks to catch other fish, he would definitely have missed this school of spotted snapper.

And his luck is also very good.

Because this time he went out to sea, the hooks he brought were all specially made. The hooks and fishing lines were relatively thick, and they would sink deeper after being put into the water.

But it’s all very characteristic of the spotted snapper.

Because they live in relatively deep areas of the sea, and they are large, carnivorous fish, and can open their mouths very wide, so his special row of hooks will definitely come in handy.

inside the cabin.

The village chief still drove the boat silently, with Wang Jianguo and Wang Jianmin beside him.

Although they were chatting, they were obviously a little uneasy.

Their greatest attention has been focused on Bailang.

Seeing that he had not moved for a long time, several people began to become more and more anxious.

But they also know that it is not easy to track the location of fish schools in the vast sea. Even if they make a trip today, it may be in vain.

Several people were also mentally prepared for this.

"It's been so long and the prodigal son still hasn't found a school of fish. Is there really no big school of fish in this sea area?"

Wang Jianguo continued to light a cigarette and took a long puff.

"I guess we went out to sea too late, and the good fishing spots that usually have fish have been taken over by people."

Wang Jianmin shook his head.

As old fishermen, they know the importance of this very well.

They also regret it now. At that time, they should have tried their best to persuade Bailang to go to sea earlier.

The village chief didn't say a word, but it was obvious from his face that he was uneasy.

It was already late for them to go to sea this time, and they had been sailing on the sea for two or three hours. It was almost dawn.

You know, fish are much more active at night than during the day.

In other words, fishing is easier at night than during the day.

During the day, the fish may have been full for a long time. Even if a school of fish is found at this time, it will be difficult to catch it.

This is also the reason why most fishermen go out to sea in the early morning.

The village chief drove the boat and glanced at Bailang standing on the bow from time to time.

Suddenly, he seemed to notice that Bailang was making some moves, and he looked very excited.

Sure enough, the next moment, Bailang's voice reached their ears.

"Village chief, heading southeast, control your speed, don't go too fast!"

After hearing his words, Wang Jianguo and Wang Jianguo, who were a little anxious just now, were both stunned, and then overjoyed.

Having experienced it a few times before, they knew exactly what Bailang meant. They were definitely discovering a school of fish!
And judging from his excitement, this school of fish must not be simple.

"Hahaha, the prodigal son must have discovered a big school of fish!"

Wang Jianguo stood up and laughed a few times uncontrollably.

"Jianguo, you are right. It must be like this. The prodigal has discovered a school of fish, and it is not an ordinary school of fish. We may make a fortune again this time!"

Wang Jianmin also rarely made exaggerated actions.

You can't blame him for being too excited. He has been holding it in for too long and needs to vent.

The village chief followed Bai Lang's instructions and began to adjust the direction. He didn't say anything, but the smile on his face was like a chrysanthemum.

It can be seen from this that he is also very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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