I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 96 The fishermen in the town are going crazy again!

Chapter 96 The fishermen in the town are going crazy again!

Soon, under the light, they saw a huge shadow appear on the water on Wang Jianguo's side.

As it was continuously pulled toward the water, the shadow of the fish became clearer and clearer. According to their judgment, this fish was definitely over ten pounds.

At this time, Wang Jianguo, who was pulling the main line, had already recognized the fish underwater. It was the same as the fish just now, a spotted snapper.

And he was certain that this fish was bigger than the one just now.

"Hahaha, prodigal, I'm really rich this time. This fish is bigger than the one just now!"

Although Wang Jianguo was very excited, it did not affect the movements of his hands at all.

He kept adjusting the movements of his hands according to the swimming direction of the fish underwater.

In this way, we can ensure that the fish will not hang up and open its mouth due to its desperate struggle.

At this time, Wang Jianguo seemed to understand why Bailang used such a thick main line and sub-line this time, as well as a hook.

All of this is simply tailor-made for these spotted snappers in the water now.

If I hadn’t changed to a thicker sub-line this time, I might not have been able to pull in even if I found a school of spotted snapper.

From this point of view, Bailang is definitely prescient.

In other words, his target from the beginning was not the small fish, but only the big fish.

He is so well prepared every time he goes to sea, which is one of the reasons why he has good results every time.

Wang Jianguo knew very well that after the people watching the excitement returned, the news here would definitely spread.

It won't be long before another big wave of spotted snapper fishing is expected to start here.

But no matter what, they have already caught some of the spotted snappers here. As for whether others can catch them, it depends on their abilities.

Wang Jianguo carefully pulled the main line, and the second big star-spotted snapper had surfaced.

Wang Jianmin on the side saw the time and copied it to the deck. At the same time, he cut off the sub-thread with scissors, and then quickly sent the fish to the live water tank.

"Uncle Jianguo, keep pulling confidently and boldly, there are at least a dozen spotted snappers down there."

Bai Lang was frightened every time he saw Wang Jianguo pulling one up, so he directly told him the truth.

After hearing what he said, Wang Jianguo continued to move with burning eyes.

the other side.

Wang Dayong and the others saw very clearly that the one just now was the spotted snapper, and it weighed at least twelve or three pounds.

"It's so big. I didn't expect there to be such a big spotted snapper here." Wang Jianping said in disbelief.

"The Prodigal Son is really awesome. Did he put the hook into the school of fish? How could he catch two such big spotted snappers in a row!"

Wang Dayong didn't know how to describe his current mood after witnessing such a big spotted snapper being taken onto the boat.

The reason why spotted snapper is so expensive is not only because it is delicious, but also because it is very difficult to catch.

Generally speaking, it is extraordinary to find such a large star-spotted flute carving.

Now the row of hooks that Bailang has put down has pulled up two huge star-spotted flute carvings, and it seems that there are definitely still ones under the water.

This proves that Bailang must have tracked the fish school of Xingdiao Diao again this time, and also accurately placed the row of hooks into the fish school, otherwise there would be no such harvest at all.

"Bailang's boat unexpectedly pulled up another such a big spotted snapper. Has he found the nest of the spotted snapper?"

"They are not trying to attract fish, they are trying to attract gold. One fish is worth tens of thousands of yuan, and now there are two."

"Hey, why is that boy Bailang so lucky? We haven't seen such a big spotted snapper here for more than five years."

If a large spotted snapper appeared just now, the fishermen around would be shocked and incredulous.

So now that two large spotted snappers have landed in succession, they are all envious.

At the same time, he was deeply impressed by Bailang's ability to find schools of fish.

He definitely didn't find this position by chance, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to catch two large spotted snappers in a row.

The sky gradually became brighter and the sun gradually rose.

Wang Jianguo kept pulling the row hook, and the first main line had been pulled.

Dazhu drove the boat towards the second row of hooks.

"Uncle Jianguo, drink some water and take a rest. There are still two rows of hooks to be pulled later. As I said just now, don't worry about running out of fish. I'm just worried about whether you can hold on."

As Bai Lang said this, he handed Wang Jianguo and Wang Jianguo two bottles of water respectively.

There are 14 spotted snappers in total just pulled up, almost each weighing ten kilograms. Now these fish are all kept in the live cabin.

Bailang looked at each one carefully, and found that almost all of them were alive and kicking, ensuring that there would be no problem in survival.

“Phew, although there weren’t many fish caught this time, I’ve never felt so tired.”

Wang Jianguo drank the entire bottle of water in one go and let out a long sigh of relief.

Although there were only a dozen fish pulled up just now, I must say that I was really tired.

Such a big fish feels very heavy even if it is not struggling in the water, let alone having to worry about these fish struggling.

On the surface, these things don't seem to consume much energy, but in fact they consume not only energy but also energy.

Because each spotted snapper is worth tens of thousands of dollars, it is too valuable. You have to ensure that the fish cannot escape and that they can still survive after being pulled up. You can imagine how much effort it takes.

While Wang Jianguo and the others were resting, Wang Dayong and others on the small boat ahead were collecting the second row of hooks, and screams continued to be heard.

Just by listening to their excited roars, you can tell that the harvest is certainly not small.

Bailang and their big ship followed slowly.

In addition, those who were watching the excitement still did not leave, and they were also watching from a distance.

They saw that there were no fish on the second main line pulled up by the big pillar boat at the beginning, but as more and more hooks were pulled, stars began to appear.

Everyone let out an astonishing sigh. Just now they saw that after the first main line of Bailang was pulled, there were at least a dozen big star-spotted snappers.

Now I see the second fish starting to catch fish again, and my eyes are all red.

For the same people who go out to sea to fish, why do the fish Bailang catches become bigger and more valuable than the other fish?

Compared with Bailang, they can't even drink soup, not to mention eating meat.

There is a huge difference in fishing ability. The most important thing is that they have no choice but to watch with envy.

Bailang stood at the bow of the boat, always paying attention to the fishermen who were watching.

He didn't care what the mood of these people was now. As long as he didn't disturb them, he didn't bother to care.

He knew that if word of what happened here today spreads, it would definitely make the nearby fishermen go crazy again.

At that time, they will definitely go crazy looking for spotted snapper in this sea area.

Even if you can find one, you can make a fortune.

But Bailang knew that if these people really did this, it would be a waste of time.

He has a fishing system and knows that there are not many spotted eagles in this area.

And he was able to accurately find the location of these fish, so he was able to place the hook and catch them.

But for ordinary people to find the location of the spotted snapper in this vast sea, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky.It is conceivable that even if they search for days and nights, they may not be able to catch one.

Not long after, Dazhu and the others had completed the second main line.

Although there were not as many fish on the second row of hooks as the first, there were still 10 fish, and each one was huge, weighing about ten kilograms.

Next, it was Wang Jianguo's turn to collect the row hooks.

Although it is very tiring to pull this kind of fish, the two of them were very excited and did not feel tired at all.

After all, every extra big spotted snapper they pull up is equivalent to an extra 1 yuan. No matter how tired they are, they don't care.

The people watching the excitement began to slowly disperse.

Seeing Bailang and the others pulling up more than 20 large spotted snappers in succession, they had no other emotions except envy, jealousy, and hatred.

If you continue reading, you will only make yourself angry.

After all, compared with Bailang and the others, their gains today are nothing like anything else.

And many people also have a lot of small thoughts. They want to go back quickly, and then when they are fully prepared, they can return here to place the row hook.

After all, this place is so big. If we don't hurry up, there will definitely be no room for the row hook.

It's seven o'clock in the morning at the town dock.

Many fishing boats have returned one after another, and their most important thing now is to try their best to sell the seafood they have.

Because only by selling seafood can you really make money.

Everyone was busy, the only exception was Tang Dahai.

They had arrived at the dock two hours ago.

However, they ignored the other fishing boats, because their purpose today, or in recent times, they had only one target for purchasing seafood, and that was Bailang.

For them, the real busyness begins only when Bailang's fishing boats come back.

"I don't know what kind of fish Boss Bai and the others are fishing for this time, but they actually asked us to prepare a truck that can transport fresh seafood."

Tang Dayang held a box of fried rice noodles in his hand and took a bite into his mouth as he spoke.

People who go fishing have to stay up all night, and people who buy seafood also have to stay up all night.

The morning period is their busiest time, and whenever they have time, they will try their best to solve the breakfast problem first.

Otherwise, if I get busy for a while, I don’t know when I can have lunch, not to mention breakfast.

"Do you think I don't want to know, but Boss Bai didn't tell me on the phone, so I have no choice."

After Tang Dahai finished speaking, he also stuffed a handful of fried noodles into his mouth.

At this moment, his mind was constantly wondering what kind of fish Bailang was fishing for this time.

But he really couldn't think of it, because there were so many fish that could be caught in the sea.

He stood on tiptoes and looked toward the end of the sea. If Bailang's boat came back, it would be in this direction.

But at this moment, there are many fishing boats on the sea in this direction returning one after another, but none of them belong to Bailang.

"What kind of fish did Boss Bai catch this time? Why don't you just tell us? Judging from his tone, this fish is definitely very important."

Tang Dahai only ate half of the fried noodles and found that he had no appetite at all.

He thought for a moment and simply threw the rest in the trash can next to him.

Today is the first day for fishermen to go to sea after the typhoon. Basically everyone has gained a lot.

Seeing that other seafood merchants had already loaded a large cart, Tang Dahai was lying if he said he was not in a hurry.

But there was no point in being anxious now. He could only wait patiently for Bailang and the others to come back.

But it didn't take long for him to hear news at the dock.

He didn't pay much attention to it at first, but after hearing the mention of Bailang in these people's discussions, he began to prick up his ears.

"Have you heard that Bailang caught another big fish this time, and it's a particularly expensive one!"

"Yes, Bailang is really awesome. I never thought he could catch such a fish in this sea area."

"It's impossible. We do have this kind of fish here, but I've never heard of such a big one."

"Why are you lying to me? I just saw it with my own eyes, and not only me, but many people also saw it."

"Why do such good things always happen to that boy Bailang?"

Tang Dahai listened patiently for a while, but he only heard that the matter was related to Bailang, but he didn't know what it was specifically.

"Go find out what they are talking about."

Tang Dayang also heard the discussions of the people around him. Although the voices were very low and he couldn't hear what was specifically said, he could always hear Bai Lang's name.

"Okay, let me ask!"

Tang Dayang threw the finished lunch box into the trash can, turned around and walked towards several people.

He came back within 2 minutes.

"Cousin, cousin, this is incredible!"

When Tang Dayang came back, he was as excited as a monkey and kept waving his hands.

"What's the matter?"

Tang Dahai glared at him impatiently. He was such an adult, but he still acted like a child, not calm at all.

"They are all saying that this time Boss Bai went out to sea and caught a big fish called a star-spotted snapper. It sounds like it is very valuable!"

Tang Dayang took a deep breath and told all the news he had learned.

Spotted snapper?

What Boss Bai set out to catch this time was actually spotted snapper?

Tang Dahai didn't realize what kind of fish it was at first.

But after just a few seconds, the information about the star-spotted snapper quickly appeared in his mind.

He grabbed Tang Dayang's hand and said, "Are you sure you heard correctly? Boss Bai is really fishing for spotted snapper?"

Tang Dahai was so excited that he didn't even realize that he had grabbed Tang Dayang's hand red.

He was now eager to find out one thing, and that was whether the fish Bailang had caught this time was a spotted snapper.

If it’s really a star-spotted snapper, they’re definitely in luck this time.

"Yes, they are all talking about the spotted snapper, and it is said that each one weighs about ten pounds!"

Tang Dayang said while forcefully breaking his cousin's hand away.

Not only did the scratching hurt him, but it also gave him a strange feeling.

At the same time, he was also very strange. What kind of fish was this spotted snapper? Why did everyone treat it like a chicken when they mentioned it?
Although he has been cooking seafood with his cousin for two years, there are still a lot of seafood he has never seen before, especially when resources were scarce.

So now he is very curious about how valuable this fish is.

(End of this chapter)

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