I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 97 The woman who is incompatible with the seafood pier!

Chapter 97 The woman who is incompatible with the seafood pier!

"Cousin, is this fish really expensive? How much is a ten-pound spotted snapper worth?"

Tang Dayang touched his head and asked.

"Huh, I've been with you for so long and you don't even know about this kind of fish. It would be embarrassing for me to tell you. I tell you, if a fish like this weighs ten pounds, it can be sold for at least 1 yuan in the market!"

Tang Dahai scolded him angrily.

"No way? A fish is worth 1 yuan?"

Tang Dayang was immediately dumbfounded.

Such a high price is simply more expensive than ordinary large yellow croaker.

No wonder he looked at those people like crazy, and now he was going out to sea to set out hooks to catch spotted snapper.

For 1 yuan a fish, as long as you catch one, you won’t have to go to sea for a month.

Seeing his fuss, Tang Dahai continued to glance at him.

"I don't know, the spotted snapper is also called yellow-winged snapper. For some wealthy people living in coastal cities, this is a good thing that even money can't buy. As long as it is brought to the market, there is no need to worry about selling it! "

He remembered it clearly.

In the past, he met a purchaser at the city's seafood market and purchased several fish like this.

At that time, the other party's mouth and eyes were almost raised to the sky.

So he was very impressed by this fish.

He once secretly swore that one day he would personally purchase a spotted snapper, but he didn't expect that his dream would come true today.

"Boss Bai is so awesome. No wonder he called us in advance to prepare a truck to deliver live seafood. Although this kind of fish is valuable dead, if it can be kept alive, the price will definitely be much higher."

Tang Dahai knew very well that there were absolutely very few such fish.

Especially in coastal waters like theirs.

This kind of fish generally inhabits deep-water reef areas and is difficult to catch regardless of whether it is a fishing net or a hook.

The usual methods of catching are diving with a spear gun, or diving underwater and fishing.

And the number captured each time is not large, three or five is already very big.

Now Bailang actually used the method of releasing hooks to catch spotted snapper, and there were dozens of them.

This was so amazing that Tang Dahai couldn't even believe it.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and took a long drag, forcing himself to calm down.

However, he still couldn't calm down until he finished smoking a whole cigarette.

Just now he didn't know what kind of fish Bailang was fishing, and he could still maintain an average, but now that he knew it, he simply couldn't help it.

He stood on tiptoe and kept looking forward, like an ant on a hot pot, hoping that Bailang and the others would come back soon.

Tang Dayang was about the same at this time. After knowing how valuable the Star Snapper was, he couldn't calm down for a long time.

He was following Tang Dahai like a follower, and the two of them walked around the dock.

Lao Chen Fishing Tackle Shop.

Chen Xinyue got up early in the morning.

To be precise, the store was opened for business at six in the morning.

In fact, whenever Bai Lang goes out to sea, she has formed a habit that she must open her business early.

The reason is simple. Bailang catches a lot of seafood every time she goes to sea, and the business in her shop will also increase dramatically. No one will miss the opportunity to make big money in business.

So since discovering this problem, as long as Bailang goes fishing the night before, she has to open her business very early.

"Xinyue, what happened to the special hooks that those people ordered yesterday? Are there enough supplies?"

Chen Yunshan also came very early today and brought breakfast with him.

Yesterday, after Bailang bought a special hook for catching big fish from them, many people saw it and clamored to buy it too.

Although Chen Xinyue explained to them that those row hooks are specially used to catch big fish, there are still many people who do not believe in evil and insist on buying such row hooks to catch big fish.

They run a store and do business, so naturally they can't turn away orders.

So last night they hired someone to rush out a batch of goods overnight.

"No problem. We found a dozen people last night and rushed to make [-] baskets of special large hooks."

Chen Xinyue nodded.

The aunts went back to rest at one or two o'clock last night and made a batch urgently.

In addition to those that have been reserved, there are still more than 100 baskets in stock.

And many aunts will make them overnight after they go back, because she pays them by the number, and those aunts will get them later.

Chen Yunshan felt relieved when he heard what she said.

He knew that these row hooks might not be used by many people, but he still had to prepare some, otherwise it would not matter who would continue to come to the store to cause trouble.

Chen Yunshan even felt that no matter what Bailang wanted in the future, it was best to prepare more in case others wanted it but they didn't have it.

"I wonder what kind of fish Bailang is fishing for this time. How can he use such a big hook?"

He thought about it while eating his breakfast.

Although Chen Yunshan does not go out to sea to fish, he also knows that the resources in the nearby sea are not very good, especially big fish, which are rare.

She knew that these exhausts must be prepared, otherwise if those people came to the store without them, they would be in real trouble.

"I don't know, but I should know soon."

Chen Xinyue glanced at the time and said with a smile.

People who went out to sea in the early morning have almost returned to the dock one after another.

Bailang should be back soon. If he catches a lot of fish, the news will definitely be like a tornado, blowing everywhere.

This kind of thing has happened countless times, and they are even used to it now.

Chen Yunshan finished his breakfast, and as soon as he came to the door and threw his lunch box into the trash can, he saw a tricycle parked directly in front of his store.

A man jumped down from above and shouted before he could stand still.

"Boss Chen, are the ten baskets of special hooks I ordered from you last night ready? I have to take them away now!"

He shouted as he rushed into the store, looking very anxious.

Seeing this man so eager to set the hook, Chen Xinyue immediately realized that Bailang might have really caught a big fish.

And the news may have spread, otherwise this person would not be so eager to get it.

"No problem, the big row of hooks you want is ready, right here."

Chen Xinyue pointed to a row of baskets stacked next to her.

The man didn't waste any time, picked up the two baskets and carried them to his car.

Chen Yunshan next to him was also very discerning. While helping, he walked over and asked.

"Brother, is Bailang back? What fish did he catch this time?"

"Bai Lang made a fortune again this time. He caught the spotted snapper, which is a very expensive fish. Moreover, the fish he caught were very big. One fish can be sold for tens of thousands of yuan. What's even more terrifying is that , he caught dozens or hundreds of fish this time!”

After Chen Yunshan and Chen Xinyue heard this, their hearts skipped a beat.

In their opinion, Bailang going out to sea to catch a rice fish worth a thousand yuan is already very extraordinary.

But unexpectedly, he actually caught a spotted snapper worth tens of thousands of dollars this time!

"Brother Prodigal Son is very good at fishing, isn't he?"

Chen Xinyue really couldn't believe it and couldn't help but ask a question.

"If I hadn't seen this with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. Someone could actually catch so many spotted snappers in our waters. If it hadn't been for Bailang this time, no one would have known about it. There are still such valuable big fish.

Last night, I ordered the same style of Bailang's hook from you guys. Now it seems that it was a wise decision.

Okay, I'm going out to sea soon, maybe I can catch a few big spotted snappers like the whitecaps! "

After the man finished speaking, he drove away in a tricycle without stopping.

And what happened next was just as Chen Xinyue and the others expected.

There are more and more people in front of their store, all of whom are here to get the special hooks.

Some have already made reservations last night, while others are following the trend and planning to go overseas immediately.

The rows of baskets originally piled in the store disappeared almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Town pier.

Most of the people who went to sea in the early morning have returned now.

Today is the first day after the typhoon, and almost everyone who goes to sea has a better harvest than usual.

Not only in terms of quantity, the size and type of some seafood are also larger and rarer than usual.

This is the busiest time of the day at the pier, with not only fishermen but also people buying seafood.

At this moment, a white Bentley slowly drove into the dock.

This kind of luxury car, which usually only goes in and out of big cities, immediately formed a sharp contrast with the pedestrians, tricycles, and some aquatic product stalls next to it.

Naturally, this car quickly attracted the attention of many people.

The white Bentley found a place to park, the driver's door opened, and a tall woman wearing huge sunglasses got out of the car.

Although we can't fully see what this woman looks like, we can tell just from her clothes, skin and figure that she is definitely a beautiful woman.

Coupled with driving such an expensive luxury car, she is a Bai Fumei.

The beauty seems to have become accustomed to the gazes of people around her, and she doesn't care.

After she got out of the car, she quickly searched for the target, and then walked very ably directly to the seafood venues where they were trading.

She walked to the stall, picked up a prawn in the basket, looked at it, smelled it, and then threw it back into the basket.

Then he walked to the side, picked up a grouper in the bucket, and looked at it carefully.

In this way, she walked past the stalls selling fish, shrimps and crabs one after another, seemingly not caring about the fishy smell of these seafoods.

Even when many fishing boats have just docked and are still unloading their cargo, she will step forward to see what seafood is available.

Concubine Shen walked around the pier, a thin layer of sweat broke out on her forehead, but still found nothing, and the expression on her face could clearly see her disappointment.

She sighed softly and said: "Didn't I say that this pier often produces some rare and valuable seafood? Why can't I see any of them?"

This beauty is actually the general manager of a big restaurant in the city.

Their restaurant has just opened, and because it is positioned as a high-end restaurant, it usually uses a lot of high-end seafood ingredients.

In order to find valuable and fresh seafood ingredients, she traveled to many places during this time.

She has visited almost all major seafood markets in the city, as well as seafood markets in surrounding counties and cities.

Although there are many varieties of seafood in those places, the quality is really not that good.

The main thing is that it's not fresh enough.

Seafood, of course, the most important thing is freshness.

Without these two words, any kind or quality is just empty talk.

Because she couldn't find fresh and expensive seafood ingredients, Concubine Shen used her connections to ask around.

Finally she got news from her friend, saying that a large amount of high-end seafood had appeared several times in succession at the pier in this small town.

After learning the news, she rushed from the city center to the dock in this small town early this morning.

But now that she has searched for it in person, she has not found any high-end and expensive seafood.

Although the seafood here is indeed very fresh and has just been caught from the sea, no matter whether it is grade, size or quantity, it does not meet her requirements.

After all, she didn't come out this time to find one or two fish, or a few pounds of prawns.

She plans to find a suitable and stable seafood supplier for her restaurant, so all requirements must meet the standards.

"How to do it?"

Concubine Shen raised her eyebrows.

She knew her friend would never lie to her.

But she has searched a lot here, and she really hasn't found the legendary and precious high-end seafood she wants.

If she goes back empty-handed now, it may be difficult to find it in other places. She has already searched almost all the surrounding counties and cities.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have come so far here.

After Concubine Shen thought about it for a while, she felt that she couldn't go back so easily.

She glanced around and saw an old man buying seafood not far ahead.

If you want to know the situation of local seafood, you can definitely find out by asking someone like this.

She walked over and asked: "Hello, I would like to know about the local high-end seafood. Do you know about it?"

Wang Lei was settling accounts with a fisherman when he suddenly heard a woman's voice.

He raised his head and took a look, and soon discovered that this woman was the one driving the luxury car just now.

Because a beauty like Concubine Shen appeared at the pier, which seemed a bit out of place in a place like this.

When she drove in just now, many people had already paid attention to her, including Wang Lei.

"Haha, I have been in the seafood business here at the dock for more than ten years. If you want to ask about other things, I may not know, but I know more about seafood than anyone else."

Wang Lei answered with a smile while busy with his business.

"Really? Then I would like to ask, do you usually buy some high-end seafood? If so, maybe we can cooperate.

I now manage a large restaurant, which needs a large amount of high-end seafood. The price is easy to negotiate, but of course the product must be really good. "

Concubine Shen did not beat around the bush.

The Wang Lei in front of me is a businessman, so let's just solve it in a businessman's way.

She directly stated her problems and needs.

After Wang Lei heard Concubine Shen's words, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He knew very well that if he could really find such a sales outlet, or establish such a channel.

Then the seafood he buys in the future will definitely be sold at a good price, which will definitely be much better than what he sells to the distributors now.

To put it simply, there are a lot of missing links in the middle, and the table is connected directly from the place of origin.

The money that was eaten by middlemen can be put directly into your own pocket.

"You can rest assured about this beauty. I can't guarantee it in other places, but at the pier in this town, as long as there is high-quality seafood here, it will definitely come into my hands."

Wang Lei praised Haikou without even thinking about it.

He knew very well that if he wanted to deal with people like Concubine Shen, he had to speak big words.

It doesn’t matter whether you can do it or not, just get the business done first and then find the source of goods.

"Hahaha, Old Wangtou, are you afraid of flashing your tongue when you talk so big? You have indeed collected seafood here for many years, but to say that you have all the good products is simply bragging, and you are bragging. The kind of cow!"

"Don't brag as hard as you can when you see a beautiful woman. Be careful if you don't do it, it will be embarrassing."

A middle-aged uncle who was selling seafood heard Wang Lei bragging and immediately made a sarcastic comment.

(End of this chapter)

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