Chapter 105 Secret Talk, Preaching


Glancing at Jia Xu, Ye Fan did not refuse.

"You all should perform your duties. The new batch of people going to the border will go over first. By the way, we will inform General Bai Qi that Mr. Ye has returned."

Jia Xu looked back at everyone, waved his hands and said.




Everyone respectfully responded.

Western bliss.

Daleiyin Temple.

"How are you getting ready?"

Tathagata Buddha said indifferently.

"Ready to start preaching."

Guanyin Bodhisattva said compassionately.

"Very good, pass on the order and let our Buddhist disciples go to China. It's time for our Buddhism to settle in China."

A smile appeared on Tathagata Buddha's face.

"If the powerful people from China stop it."

Maitreya Buddha said tentatively.

"We will personally go to China to take charge. If there is any obstruction, we will intimidate them! Although we are not allowed to take action against the powerful people in China, it is still possible to just intimidate them."

Tathagata Buddha said lightly.

All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas: "."

Not allowed?
I dare not.

Afraid of attracting the attention of those old antiques on the human border and dying?
BB in my heart.


The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas said excitedly.

After tens of thousands of years of patience, their Buddhism can finally go to China to preach!

"China, please shine the light of Buddha for me."

Tathagata Buddha said solemnly.

boom! ! !
Buddhism comes out in force!

Inside the gate of rebirth.

Ye Fan and Jia Xu took their seats.

Compared with Ye Fan's casualness, Jia Xu's expression still showed a little restraint and respect.

It was like a mortal meeting a god, which made Ye Fan thoughtful.

"Mr. Ye, judging from your situation, your memory has not been restored yet?"

Jia Xu said.

"The memory has not been restored?"

Ye Fan glanced at Jia Xu unexpectedly, but he wasn't too surprised.


Jia Xu was a famous counselor during the Three Kingdoms period and was also known as a poisonous warrior.

If he had been in contact with Jia Xu before, it would not be surprising that Jia Xu would know some things.

Just like Yuan Tiangang and those great scholars and so on.

"You have been walking in the world since the origin of the human race. Although there is a little information about you in the world, there is still some information about you."

"In addition, I guard the human border, so I learned some secrets. I just saw that you seemed a little strange to me, so I guessed that your memory may not have recovered yet."

Jia Xu explained.

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows and understood.

So you don’t know that he is reincarnated again and again?
But this is normal. Ye Fan estimates that reincarnation should involve the highest secrets of the human race. How can everyone know it?

And even if you tell Jia Xu, people may not believe it.

After all, there is no reincarnation. This is common sense and a recognized fact.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Fan asked as many thoughts flashed through his mind.

"I was just very excited to hear that Mr. Ye was born, so I came here to see you. It's nothing special."

Jia Xu scratched his head and said naively.

Ye Fan: "."

He thought something was going on, so much so that he started to fight.

You respect him like a god, so you can’t help yourself when you hear news about him?

If Ye Fan guessed correctly, Jia Xu should have something to do with him.

It's just that it's not clear yet what the specific relationship is.

Why is there evil spirit in Jia Xu?
Thinking that the lifespan of human beings cannot exceed a thousand years, and then thinking that Jia Xu lived for nearly 2000 years, Ye Fan had a vague feeling. "What's the situation at the border?"

Ye Fan asked casually.

Since there is nothing important, there is no need to be too nervous.

Just chatting casually, Ye Fan was still very interested in some situations.

Of course, Ye Fan didn't ask when it came to history. He would definitely experience that period of history in the future.

If you know it in advance, mistakes will inevitably occur, so it is better to just let nature take its course.

Ye Fan, who has experienced a lot of history, knows this very well.

After chatting for more than half a day, Jia Xu's face turned red with excitement.

He stood up like a young man and bowed to Mark.

He also needs to guard the border of the human realm, so naturally he cannot spend too much time here.

Being able to chat for half a day already satisfied Jia Xu.

"Mr. Ye, I will take my leave first."

Jia Xu said respectfully.


Ye Fan nodded slightly.

Ye Fan was very satisfied for more than half a day, but he learned a lot of things.

For example, if the First Emperor wins the government, he will be revived!

For another example, the national advisor during the Qin Dynasty was Xu Fu!

If Xu Fu was the national preceptor, then in history Xu Fu took the boy to Wang Yang, which would be thought-provoking.

There are still many secrets, including the current situation of the immortals and gods, etc.

But it made up for a lot of information gaps in Ye Fan.

Just as Jia Xu was about to leave, he seemed to feel something.

Ye Fan and Jia Xu looked into the distance at the same time, with a hint of danger flashing in their eyes.


Swish! ! !
The figures of the two disappeared at the same time.

A mere Buddhist dares to infect China with cholera?
He really never died!

Along the coast of the East China Sea, countless people were seen looking at the sky ahead in amazement and shock.

Golden light!

Magnificent golden light!

Brilliant golden light!
Boundless golden light shrouded the area like auspiciousness, and the void seemed to turn into an infinite sky.

There are even mysterious and mysterious notes that echo between heaven and earth.

Countless people have already taken out their mobile phones and started taking pictures.

Soon, a large number of men in black appeared and began to evacuate the people.

And said it was experimenting with new technology.

After hearing the news, although some people were still skeptical, most people were relieved.

In this era, atheism has penetrated deeply into the soul.

Coupled with the bombardment of various special effects videos, there are really not many people who believe in gods.

Even if you see it with your own eyes, you will doubt it. If you say it is technology, it will make people believe it.

In the void, the corners of the mouths of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who originally wanted to appear holy in front of others twitched, and they were all a little stunned.

No, that's it?
That's it? ? ?
Why the hell don’t many people seem to believe it?


Countless people believe in Buddhism in other parts of East Asia, so why is China so special?

Swish swish! ! !
Countless Chinese powerhouses appeared in the void, including Zhang Gongfeng, Zhang Daozu and other high-level officials from various factions.

Although everyone's eyes were solemn, they did not show any fear.

Just kidding, who doesn’t know how terrifying their Chinese heritage is now?

Not to mention the old antiques on the border of the human realm, there are thousands of super-level realms sleeping and sealed in the land of China.

What does Buddhism mean?

"Dear Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, I wonder why the seniors came to our country and had visions?"

Zhang Daozu said neither humble nor arrogant.

hum! ! !
Buddhas such as Tathagata, Maitreya, and Lantern, Bodhisattvas such as Guanyin, Samantabhadra, Manjusri, and Mahasthamaprapta.

More than a dozen super-level and dozens of first-level Buddhist masters appeared in projection.

Infinite Buddha light reflects, and the mist of neon colors rises, as if the whole world has turned into Buddha land.

The Tathagata Buddha looks down on the world like a high-altitude god, and his voice is as deafening as the thunder of the Nine Heavens.

"China, you should have faith in my Buddha."

"This place should have the lineage of my Buddha."

(End of this chapter)

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