Chapter 106 focuses on a misunderstanding

"Seniors, what do you mean by this?"

The eyes of all the powerful Chinese men condensed, and Zhang Daozu said indifferently, as if a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Tathagata Buddha frowned, why didn't he feel afraid of these people?
It still feels like watching a play?

"It doesn't mean anything. My Buddhism is going to China to preach. Those who stop it will be suppressed. China has been here for tens of thousands of years. It's time for my Taoism to enter China."

Tathagata Buddha said lightly.

I!Buddhism!Want to enter China!Understand?
stop?Kill him!
boom! ! !
All the Buddhas cooperated in a tacit understanding to release the pressure.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, the space trembled, and the sea water boiled.

The terrifying power nearly freezes space, and the suppressed aura seems to destroy everything in the world.

"After more than 1000 years of absence, Buddhism has some new faces."

At this time, a chuckle appeared from the void.

All the powerful Buddhists looked stunned.

It's not that a strong person appears in a daze, it's that they will be confused if a strong person doesn't appear in China.

I was stunned, why did I feel that this voice was a bit familiar?
Buzz! ! !
Ripples appeared in the void, and Ye Fan, dressed in white like an elegant gentleman, walked out of the void.

Behind him was Jia Xu, who bowed his head like a servant.

"Welcome to Mr. Ye, welcome to Mr. Jia."

Zhang Daozu and other powerful human beings seemed to have found their backbone, with excited smiles on their faces, and they bowed and shouted loudly.

"Ye Fan! Jia Xu!"

The faces of all the powerful Buddhists changed drastically, as if they had seen a ghost.

Why is Jia Xu on Earth?
Is it time to change the human realm?
Marder, why are they so unlucky that it's time for China to change defense?

The key is what the hell is Ye Fan?

Jia Xu can still barely understand, where did Ye Fan come from? ? ?
Isn't he dead! ?
Isn't he dead? ? ?
For an instant, the menacing power of the Buddhist strongmen came to a halt.

They all subconsciously took a few steps back, and their faces became frightened and pale.

Especially when I think of what Ye Fan did in every period.

Suddenly, the eyes of all the powerful Buddhists became even more frightened.

evil star!

Kill God!
Ye Fan's name was really created by massacring aliens.
Every time he was born, if he didn't kill hundreds of millions of aliens, it would be enough to make all races feel incredible.

You can imagine how terrifying his name is to foreigners.
"Mr. Ye Ye."

Tathagata Buddha stammered.

"See Mr. Ye."

All the powerful Buddhists bowed subconsciously and said tremblingly.

Didn’t it mean that Mr. Ye was dead?
Didn’t he say that Ye Fan died?

Is he dead?
Is this really dead?

Why do they feel that Mark is getting more and more unfathomable.

Damn, fuck, why did this guy change his routine and start to keep a low profile? ? ?

Good guy, who can they ask to reason with?

If they knew that Ye Fan was still alive, they would be beaten to death, and they wouldn't be able to cause trouble.




This is the mood of the Buddhist Buddhas and Bodhisattvas at this moment, and everyone is trembling without exception.

Facing Ye Fan was like a child seeing an adult, not daring to breathe and trembling with fear.

After Ye Fan appeared, he had already been transferred.

It really is true to that sentence. Although there is only one person, hundreds of millions of people are going!
Even though there is only one person, it is more like an army of thousands!

For China, Ye Fan is a sage and a hero.

But for foreigners, Ye Fanke is the real god of death.

The number of aliens who died in Ye Fan's hands is enough to reach tens of billions, and there are countless super-level realms known as immortals and gods.

The God of Death Bai Qi is difficult to compete with Ye Fan.

In this situation, can anyone not be afraid of Ye Fan? The demon clan is a clear example.

During the Ming Dynasty, Ye Fan traveled across all realms, and this was also the case for all the tribes in the Demon Realm to declare their own realms.Zhang Daozu and others: "."

The Great Elder and others in the war room were viewing satellite signals: "."

Prosperous in a trance.

This is the mood of everyone at this moment.

Although they had witnessed Ye Fan's power in Hell Valley, everyone still felt a sense of trance and unreality.

It also gave me a deeper understanding and understanding of Ye Fan's impression.

Super product?

Aloof like a god?

In front of Mr. Ye, they were all as humble as dust. They didn't even dare to take a breath. They were all terrified!

"Mr. Ye is awesome!!!"

Everyone shouted in their hearts, all shocked.

"During the Tang Dynasty, I played a game with you. I won the westward journey. Your Buddhism has announced that it will no longer enter China. What, are you going to break your oath?"

Ye Fan's face was indifferent, and his eyes stared at the Tathagata Buddha and other humans as if without any emotion.




Everyone breathed deeply in their hearts, and their eyes were shocked.

Intimidating a religion?
And there are more than a dozen super-level people here now.

Mr. Ye is so awesome! ! !

Domineering unparalleled!


Especially the people from the Mystery Bureau are called experts!
Stop pretending! ! !
Mr. Ye actually admitted it!

And he told the story of the Tang Dynasty with his own words! ! !

The great elder and others were all very excited and felt that their efforts during this period were not in vain.

I dare to say that you are not an old antique! ! !
"Misunderstanding, this is all just a misunderstanding."

Tathagata Buddha tremblingly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and spoke carefully.

Even though he had already escaped from the ordinary world as a super-level person, Tathagata Buddha was still sweating profusely.

As for the other Buddhas and Pusa, they had already silently retreated behind Tathagata Buddha.

He looked like our boss is the Tathagata. If you have anything to say, just ask him. It has nothing to do with us anyway.

This made Tathagata Buddha curse secretly in his heart.

Horse-riding people, you usually work in both positive and negative ways, but now you consider me the boss? ? ?
Go to Nima!

"Almost all Buddhist super-quality products have been published. Are you telling me that this is just a misunderstanding?"

Ye Fan said quietly with calm eyes.

Tathagata Buddha was speechless, his forehead was already covered with sweat, but he was already sweating profusely.

All the strong Buddhists behind him also looked timid, wishing they could shrink their heads into their necks.

It was impossible to fight, not even in this life.

They are not opponents, and the person is unfathomable. Fighting there will be death. They just want to solve the matter quickly and escape.

He should have told me earlier. If he had known that this person was not dead, who would have dared to take action.

Including the Tathagata Buddha, all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas secretly resented it. Who on earth said that this dead man was cheating us?
I'll kill you when I get back.

"Please sir, convict me."

His face was uncertain, and finally Tathagata Buddha lowered his head in despair.

Buddhism bows its head!

They had no choice but to bow their heads. It was their fault.

If the strength is not equal, they may break the agreement, but now that they and Shenzhou are not equal in strength, then they have to give in.

Ye Fan spoke leisurely.

"The demons invaded China not long ago, and I am very dissatisfied."

(End of this chapter)

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