Senior, don’t kneel!I am really not the ancestor of the human race!

Chapter 107 Ye Fan is born, and all races come to drink

Chapter 107 Ye Fan is born, and all races come to drink

Although the demons were taught a lesson last time, this does not mean that Ye Fan does not hold grudges.

If it can disgust the demons, Mark still doesn't mind.

What's more, neither demons nor Buddhism are good things. Why not let dogs bite dogs?


The hearts of all the Buddhas were frightened.

They are not stupid, Mark has already made it so clear, it would be strange if they still don't understand.


Tathagata Buddha hesitated.

Demons are no joke, nor are they something trivial.

The ancient immortal Buddhas of Buddhism have not yet entered the realm, but the nine ancestors of the demon clan are sleeping in the demon realm.

If those nine people were awakened, Buddhism would probably have to play GG amidst the laughter.

Opening his mouth, Tathagata Buddha originally wanted to say something, but seeing Ye Fan's cold eyes, Tathagata Buddha made a choice.

The demons are not easy to mess with, let alone this person. If compared to this person, then the demons are nothing, just do it!

"We understand. One day from now, our Buddhism is willing to send super masters to the Demon Realm to suppress the Demons."

Tathagata Buddha said silently.

"With five super-grades, at least two of the demons must die."

Ye Fan said slowly.

Tathagata Buddha's face turned a little green, and finally he lowered his head and said silently: "Yes."


Ye Fan said coldly.

All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas breathed a sigh of relief, and without saying a word, everyone in Buddhism, headed by Tathagata Buddha, immediately turned around and left.

run run run!
Run now!
Ye Fan's power was so terrifying that even just standing here put a lot of pressure on them.

Especially when thinking about the past, the scene of Ye Fan killing all races indifferently is even more clear.

"Mr. Ye is mighty!"

"Mr. Ye is mighty!"

"Mr. Ye is mighty!"

Zhang Daozu and others had wild eyes and shouted in unison.

Mr. Ye is mighty! ! !
Mr. Ye is awesome! ! !
Rebuke all the Buddhas with one word!

One word shocks the super product!

For example, Ye Fan is an immortal Buddha, and those Buddhas are just mortals. This kind of power is simply refreshing and shocking.

Just like the Lord descending from the sky, I am the supreme god in the world. How magnificent is my Yanhuang ancestor Ye Fan!
Ye Fan is released!

As Buddhism and China confront each other, the entire land of China becomes turbulent and undercurrents surge.

As for outside China?

Then you really don’t have the right to pay attention to the land of China.

Just like the saying from ancient times, the land of China is the kingdom of heaven.

The rest of Blue Star is just rural barbarians.

Even the so-called gods are nothing more than indigenous gods, killing them is like killing chickens.

The only thing that is slightly stronger in the entire Xi Fang Shin theory is Buddhism, and the status of the Buddha is undoubtedly clear at a glance.

Monsters and demons still dare to cause trouble in China, but Buddhism doesn't even dare to do so. You can imagine other forces or gods.

It is precisely because of this that the scene when Ye Fan appeared caught the eyes of all people.

Suddenly, all the tribes in China were horrified, and all the tribes in the demon world were trembling.

Races that originally wanted to engage in small tricks even blocked the realm one after another.

I'm afraid I'm afraid.

You must know that Ye Fan was only active in China before. Only the strong people and creatures of China knew about Ye Fan, and other races did not know.

This time the confrontation with Buddhism made too much noise, but it directly attracted the attention of the foreign races from all sides.

Let all races know the existence of Ye Fan.

Ye Fan!

Just these two words are enough to shock all races. This is Ye Fan's terror!
Bureau of Secrets Headquarters.

In the conference room, everyone's eyes were amazed, especially as news from the outside continued to come in.

Suddenly, the wonder and awe in their eyes became more intense. "The Xianrui Colorful Bird Clan congratulates Mr. Ye on his birth and presents a hundred colorful spiritual stones."

"The Xianrui Qingqiu Fox Clan."

"The Xianrui White Tiger Clan."

"The Immortal Suzaku Clan."
Bai Yu, who was in charge of logistics, said while wiping his sweat.




Everyone at the scene couldn't stop breathing, and the temperature of the entire conference room seemed to have risen a lot due to the continuous breathing.

"A total of hundreds of races from all over the demon world congratulated Mr. Ye and sent them a large number of congratulatory gifts."

"A total of ten races in Xianrui congratulated Mr. Ye and sent them a large number of congratulatory gifts."

"Every tribe of grass and trees."

"All races of spirits."

"In less than a day, a total of 350 extraordinary races have sent gifts to Mr. Ye. I have temporarily put all the gifts in our warehouse. What should I do now?"

Bai Yu said anxiously.

Can you not be worried? Good guy, he has never seen so many treasures since he took charge of the logistics of the Mystery Bureau.

If anything went wrong or anything went wrong, he would be doomed.

He couldn't bear the anger of Mr. Ye or the Bureau of Mystery.

"Is this Mr. Ye's power in the world?"

Zhao Liang said blankly.

Do you remember that you even called Mr. Ye a boy?

Suddenly, Zhao Liang's face turned a little red. He was so embarrassed that he was about to die socially, but he was also very happy.

Ask yourself, if he was so awesome, he would be called a boy so unceremoniously by a junior.

I'm afraid everyone would be very angry, but Mr. Ye didn't care at all.

Sure enough, the gap between people is still huge.

"Mr. Ye originally just wanted to live a low-key life, but he was exposed because of us. Now all the people are nervous because of Mr. Ye. Now I understand why Mr. Ye wanted to hide his identity before."

The great elder shook his head and smiled bitterly.

You must know that now all the races in the entire land of China are in an undercurrent of panic.

And the reason is simply because of the news that Mr. Ye is still alive.

This may seem dramatic, but it actually happened in reality.

"The Great Elder's congratulatory gifts are like hot potatoes. Please tell me quickly. Should you send them directly to Mr. Ye, or should you wait until the congratulatory gifts from other races have been sent and then send them together?"

Bai Yu said with a sad face.

"Send them over first. We can't keep Mr. Ye waiting. Send one batch over here."

The great elder waved his hand and said.

Ye Fan's residence is not yet known to all races, and the Mystery Bureau and all parties are not willing to let foreign races disturb Ye Fan.

Therefore, when all races send congratulatory gifts, they can only send them to the Mysterious Bureau first, and let the Mysterious Bureau deliver them on their behalf.


Bai Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

"The historical decryption unit is also preparing to select a batch of special or novel antiques and send them over as a congratulatory gift from our Mystery Bureau to Mr. Ye."

After thinking about it, the great elder added.


Yang Qu responded. Thinking of something, Yang Qu said:

"My subordinates have something to report. Because of Mr. Jia's return, I checked some information from the Three Kingdoms period. After searching, I found traces about Mr. Ye!"

"Mr. Ye?"

The great elder's body was shaken.

The other people's eyes were also brightened.

Traces of Mr. Ye! ?
The Great Elder hurriedly said.

"You mean you discovered Mr. Ye's traces during the Three Kingdoms period?"

(End of this chapter)

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