Senior, don’t kneel!I am really not the ancestor of the human race!

Chapter 108: New Ancient Spiritual Object, Chapter Tracing the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 108 New ancient spiritual objects, looking back to the Qin Dynasty

Yang Qu nodded.

In the gate of rebirth.

Ye Fan didn't know much about the turmoil in the outside world, but he had a rough guess.

Judging from the information Ye Fan knows after experiencing so many things, there is no doubt that he will stir up more troubles in the future.

In this case, it would only be a matter of time before he was exposed, so Mark didn't pay too much attention.

Think whatever you like, think whatever you like, think whatever you like.

Now he doesn't even bother to explain that he is not an ancestor.

Not to mention these inconsequential things.

After practicing for more than a day, Ye Fan opened his eyes and slowly exhaled.

"The foundation is almost stable."

Clenching his fists, Ye Fan thought secretly.

He had just broken through not long ago, and before he could adapt to the strength, Jia Xu and others came.

Originally, we were preparing to consolidate the foundation after Jia Xu left, but Buddhism came again.

As a result, Ye Fan has only now completely consolidated his foundation.

The power from the past life given by the system is only the source, and he still needs to do the refining himself.

After the breakthrough, the foundation will be solid, and naturally it will be done by Ye Fan himself.

This is very different from those systems that upgrade in seconds by killing monsters.

"Let's see what we get in this lottery."

Shaking his head, Ye Fan silently called out the system.

"Let's just give out the predetermined rewards."

Ye Fan said slowly.

No, no, no, some people really think it’s a lottery, right?
How could Ye Fan not know about the urinary nature of the system? The so-called lottery was actually predetermined.

Only if he believed in the system would he believe that he was actually asked to draw randomly.


Perhaps he gave up on treatment. After a moment of silence, a mechanical voice sounded from Ye Fan's mind:
"Ding! Congratulations to the master for obtaining the ancient spiritual object - the Tiger Talisman."

"Hey, don't you give me the treasure map this time and let me find it by myself?"

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Has the system changed its style?


Buzz! ! !
Ripples appeared in the void, and a bloodstained tiger talisman slowly appeared from the void.

Tiger Talisman!

Having the power to dispatch troops and generals represents the symbol of military power, the Tiger Talisman!

After looking at the tiger symbol, Ye Fan was not in a hurry to look at his past life memories.

He just waved his hand to put it away, and then walked to the special display cabinet.

It’s time to put things in the new display cabinet
Turning his palm over, Ming Xi and the Judge's Pen appeared in Ye Fan's hands.

After putting the two items into display cabinet No. [-], Ye Fan wrote the word "Ming" in front of him!
The underworld of the underworld!

The judge's pen means judging the world's common people.

Ming Xi, the meaning of gathering the luck of the world and turning it into the underworld!
"One day it will become real."

Ye Fan thought secretly with deep eyes.

Exhaling, Ye Fan returned to the hall and sat down. He turned his palm and the tiger charm appeared in Ye Fan's hand.

It's time to see a new past life and experience a new history!

boom! ! !
As Ye Fan's finger touched the tiger talisman, an invisible roar suddenly appeared, and Ye Fan's consciousness instantly turned into endless darkness.



with distinction!

In a majestic and vast hall like a heavenly palace, a man wearing a black dragon robe sat on the throne of the emperor.

Its height is not very tall. Compared with those gods who are tens of thousands of meters tall, it is as tall as an ant.

However, even with a height of less than two meters, he seems to be a giant standing tall on the sky and the earth.

Just sitting there feels like the center of the world.

Like the brilliance of the universe, everything in the world seemed to be focused on him.

Every word and action seemed to be able to make the world tremble, dim the sun and moon, and make everything disappear.

Consciousness slowly awakened, and a large amount of memories and information flashed through.

It might be a second, or it might be ten thousand years. In an instant, Ye Fan came back to his senses.

"here is"

After checking the information in his mind, Ye Fan's face became frightened and stunned, and his eyes were full of disbelief. "Da Qin!"

Ye Fan whispered in his heart.

Yes Da Qin!

The prosperous Qin Dynasty, the glorious world, the grand overall situation!

This is Da Qin! ! !
Great Qin! ! !

Just after the six kingdoms were unified, the First Emperor came to dominate the world and shocked the entire China, the Great Qin Empire!

The strong wind is blowing, the clouds are flying, the Qin Dynasty is brilliant, and the power is unparalleled.

Laying the foundation of China and forging the root of eternity, it is extremely mysterious, Da Qin! ! !

"How can the memory of this life be the Qin Dynasty?"

Ye Fan was a little dazed.

This is not scientific!
No, this is not in line with common sense.

Judging from past experience, shouldn't he return to the Sui Dynasty?
It was only the Northern Zhou Dynasty and the Western Wei Dynasty that held up the sky. What the hell is Da Qin? ? ?

Is it okay to just go back to Daqin?

"Da Qin."

After a long time, Ye Fan's mood gradually calmed down, and excitement appeared in his eyes.

Great Qin! ! !

Great Qin! ! !

Da Qin is great, Da Qin is wonderful, he has longed for Da Qin for a long time.

Being able to return to this era can be said to be Ye Fan's wish and thoughts.

He just thought that according to the inference, he would not be able to return to Daqin in a short time.

This suddenly came back, and Ye Fan naturally had no objections, but was actually happy about it.

For example, the First Emperor won the government and expelled the gods.

For example, the First Emperor ordered the construction of a giant city called the Galaxy.

For example, how Bai Qi, the God of Death, was cast.

There are so many that are full of mystery and legend.

Compared with other dynasties, Da Qin is undoubtedly more exciting and dazzling.

I believe that no matter who you are, if you have the opportunity, you would like to experience this magnificent and prosperous era in person.

"The world has been settled for the first time, and it won't be long before the First Emperor unifies the six kingdoms~"

Ye Fan thought thoughtfully.

Fortunately, I can experience this great age from beginning to end.


Ye Fan secretly smacked his mouth.

This life's identity is quite impressive, and it is also the time when Ye Fan has the highest strength and highest identity in his history.

Ye Fan, the general of the Great Qin Empire!

Lord, foreign war.

Super level warrior!
"Your Majesty, the God of Thunder wishes your Majesty to unify China, and... He also said that he wants more faith. He hopes that your Majesty will open more areas for him to gain faith from the people."

While Ye Fan was thinking about it, a civil servant with an ugly expression bowed and said.

"Your Majesty, the Rain God"

"Your Majesty, God of Fire"

"His Majesty."

"His Majesty."

The ministers walked out one by one, and all they said was that the many gods congratulated the First Emperor on unifying the six countries, but in fact they were asking the First Emperor to give orders to give the gods more faith.


God divides heaven and earth.

Gods are born due to the way of heaven and are innate gods.

The earth ones are born for the earth and are the gods of the day after tomorrow.

The difference between the two is that heavenly gods are born gods, while earthly gods are canonized the day after tomorrow.

The local ruler controls a region's mountains and rivers. The larger his territory, the stronger his power.

Faith is optional, but God is different.

Gods are born with a kind of authority, and cultivation depends entirely on oneself.

However, the cultivation speed of these extraordinary races is not as fast as that of the human race.

Therefore, we usually look for shortcuts, and the path of faith is a shortcut.

(End of this chapter)

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