Chapter 109
As for the specifics, it is the same as many novels and film and television works.

Acquire faith in creatures and strengthen yourself to speed up your cultivation, so you attach great importance to faith in the gods.

The gods don't care who rules the world, what they care about is faith.

If they are not given enough power of faith, they will not mind changing to another emperor.

The human race's position as Human Emperor was lost due to the secret calculations of the gods and immortals.

Since then, the human race has only human kings but no emperors.

"Haha, God, what a God, what a group of Gods, do you really think that our human race is the cattle and sheep raised by their Gods? Kill them when you are happy, and kill them when you are unhappy?"

On the throne, the First Emperor Yingzheng's eyes were inexplicable, and he said as if he was extremely angry and laughing.

"Your Majesty, rest your anger."

"Your Majesty, rest your anger."

"Your Majesty, rest your anger."

All civil and military officials knelt on one knee and said in unison

"Your Majesty, not long after the Qin Dynasty unified the world, the turmoil in various places is suspected to be related to the gods. It may be to beat us. Our wings are not full yet and we are not enough to compete with the gods. Please put the overall situation first."

Li Si said solemnly with a serious face.

"Master, what do you think?"

Ying Zheng said with a blank face.

"The gods are a cancer to our human race, just like the ancestors of our race in ancient times who enfeoffed the land. They made the gods our servants or expelled them from the world."

On the side, the old man with a sense of immortality said slowly.

His name is Xu Fu!

Great Qin State Master, Xu Fu!
Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, he has assisted successive kings of the Qin State.

Finally, in the generation of the First Emperor Yingzheng, he officially helped him to pacify the world and suppress the fate of the entire China, Xu Fu!

Ying Zheng's expression was incomprehensible.

The expressions of all the civil and military officials below also changed.

Either worry, excitement, expectation, apprehension, or solemnity.

No one has any hope of keeping the gods in captivity. This thing is a time bomb.

Even if it could be done, not many people would want to do it.

Even if they can control it, future generations may not be able to control it, which can be said to be endless troubles.

On the other hand, everyone agrees with being expelled from the world. If it is possible, everyone would also be very hopeful.

Able to fight a bloody path among the various countries and finally officially unify China.

Who among the ministers present does not have his own pride, and who does not have the pride of his nation and race.

If it weren't for their opponents, everyone present would have wanted to kill the gods, but they just couldn't do it.

What, are there going to be traitors here?

I think too much, this is the Qin Dynasty, not modern times, race is supreme, and blood is supreme.

Not to mention that the human king rules over the world, and the national master is in charge of the national destiny. If you really have that intention, you will die immediately, but you can't hide it.

"The last emperor of the past, Xin, even though he gave up his position as human emperor, he also suppressed the immortals and Buddhas for our human race. What our ancestors could do, our descendants cannot do."

"All the noble families are willing to help me expel the gods, so that our descendants of Yan and Huang will be free from the disasters of immortals and gods, and our Yan and Huang clan will be prosperous and established in the world forever."

Ying Zheng said leisurely, his tone was calm but full of domineering, his voice was calm but full of confidence.

I am winning the government.

The First Emperor's Winning Government.

The win-win policy of the co-owner.

What his predecessors did, he can do to win the government.

Expelling immortals and Buddhas?
Then he will expel the gods county!

"Are the gods worthy of stepping on my human race?"

Ying Zheng sneered: "Our race doesn't need immortals!"

Cold and indifferent!

The human race has never needed the protection of immortals!

"We are willing to lend a helping hand to Your Majesty."

"We are willing to lend a helping hand to Your Majesty."

"We are willing to lend a helping hand to Your Majesty."

Golden Chamber Hall.

A small court meeting was held here, and all the important civil and military officials of the Qin Dynasty arrived.

Such as Fan Sheng, Zhang Yi, Bai Qi, Meng Tian, ​​Li Si, Wang Bi, Li Xin, Wang Jian and others, including Ye Fan and national master Xu Fu.

"National Master, please tell us carefully how we should act."

Ying Zheng looked majestic and said in a deep voice.

"Since the Shang Dynasty, the immortal clan has been cut off from the human world. Not only our clan, but all the tribes in China have also been freed from the oppression of the immortal clan. But now there are gods who are becoming more and more unscrupulous. We can't bear it. What should the other clans do?" Xu Fuxiao He smiled and said slowly.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they all understood what Xu Fu meant.

"Uniting all races is also a way. However, the power of the Gods is huge and their strength is terrifying. Even if they unite, they may not be able to match it."

Bai Qi thought for a moment and said.

The Celestial God Clan is not like those weak gods in the West. All those born in the Celestial God Clan are of the highest grade.

That is to say, the lowest level is Super Grade Realm. You can imagine what this means.

The number of gods in the entire Shenzhou may not be many if compared to all races.

But there are also tens of thousands, that is, thousands and thousands of super-grade products!

This number is enough to shudder!

Even the immortals and Buddhas were not as terrifying as the gods.

If not, it would not have been only immortals and Buddhas who were expelled during the Shang Dynasty.

"Have you forgotten that in the past our human race, King Yu, built the Nine Cauldrons to suppress the fate of China?"

Xu Fu stroked his beard and said with a smile.

"I understand."

Ying Zheng stood up slowly, a smile appeared on his face, and then returned to indifference.

"Preach my will, gather the gold and bronze from all over the world, and let my people donate their blood. I will create twelve golden men and redefine the territory of our Chinese state."

Ying Zheng said indifferently.




Everyone is serious.


Ying Zheng continued.

"The minister is here."

Li Si saluted.

"Send an order to summon hundreds of sons from all families to the Qin Palace."


Li Si's eyes were bright.

"Meng Tian."

"The minister is here."

Meng Tian came out.

"Send an order to summon the warriors from all over the world. I will build the Great Wall to suppress the fate of the foreign races."

"According to His Majesty's will."

Meng Tian bowed.

"Zhang Yi."

"The minister is here."

"Supervise the Mo family. I want to see the results of the Moh family as soon as possible. The so-called high-energy weapons and anti-matter factors are produced as soon as possible."


Zhang Yi responded.


"The minister is here."

"Send the order, gather the soldiers, you will be the leader, and go to the tribes. I want to hear the instructions for all the tribes in China to obey. If there are any tribes that disobey, kill them!"


Ye Fan's eyes were piercing.

The huge Da Qin machine begins to operate!
All goals are to kill the gods!

It is different from Ye Fan's slaying of gods in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, but a true slaying of gods.

Slaughter the gods and suppress the gods! ! !
The super-grade is a clan, and the super-grade is the realm of the gods!
"How can I, the great Qin Dynasty, and the great China be enslaved by the gods? What about the gods? If they offend our country, then they will die."

"As the First Emperor, I will open up a world for the common people of my race, and for my people of Yan and Huang. Since the Three Emperors and Five Emperors came into being, my Chinese nation will stand eternity forever, unyielding to the gods and Buddhas."

"My lords, let's encourage each other."

Ying Zheng's eyes were bright and he spoke majestically.

"In this battle, we will pacify the gods and suppress all races. Only I, the Yanhuang sun, will never set, and only I, the Great Qin, will survive forever."

(End of this chapter)

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