Senior, don’t kneel!I am really not the ancestor of the human race!

Chapter 112 Officially declare war and face the gods

Chapter 112 Officially declare war and face the gods

The civil and military officials knelt down on one knee and said seriously.

"Obey the king's order."

"Obey the king's order."

"Obey the king's order."

There are hundreds of millions of people, all the people in the world, and all the Chinese compatriots of the descendants of Yan and Huang in China, anytime and anywhere.

They all faced Xianyang and Qin Palace, knelt down on one knee and shouted loudly.

"Obey the king's order."

"Obey the king's order."

"Obey the king's order."

When the King of Humans issues an order, as if it were coming to the human race, all people from the human race and all Chinese people must obey it unconditionally.

This is an instruction derived from blood and race. Unless it is no longer the Human King or the Human Emperor, it will be obeyed.

It is precisely because of this that the emperor of the human race and the king of the human race have a noble status among all races and can be majestic and powerful.

Looking at all races, except for the human race, there is no other race that is so united and united.

It is this will of the human race that China has emerged from among all races, suppressing the fate of the entire race.

The next second, a shocking change!

boom! ! !
boom! ! !
boom! ! !
It's pouring rain!

Thunder shakes!

The wind howls!

The sky and clouds change color!

The gods felt it and were furious!
"Faith. Faith in our people is gone!"

Even the sleeping gods woke up at this moment.

No matter what the gods are doing, they are all looking towards the human world.

Faith is gone!
Since the First Emperor Yingzheng issued the decree to the world, even the creatures who believe in the gods are severing their faith at this moment. You can imagine what this means.

Countless gods coughed up blood, and a large number of gods were seriously injured.

Although the foundation of the Gods is heaven and earth, over the endless years, in order to improve their strength, they have long replaced the main component of strength with faith.

But now that the human race has cut off their faith, a large number of the gods will naturally suffer great losses in strength or even be seriously injured.

"Yingzheng, you are seeking death!"

"What a human race, what a human king!"

"You are plotting against the gods!"

"The human race needs a new human king, Dangdang."

"Who gave you the courage to challenge the gods?"

"A group of mortals are worthy of killing gods?"

"If we disturb the world, will you kill us? Haha, just you?"

"We don't dare to destroy the human race, but what's the harm in killing nineteen of them?"

"Mortals like ants, you have forgotten what fear is when facing the gods. Today, I will remind you what fear is!"

Boom boom boom! ! !
Boom boom boom! ! !
Boom boom boom! ! !
Earth shakes!

The void trembles!

The earth is in turmoil!

A majestic and supreme figure, like a figure that transcends the mortal world and towers over everything, appears above the nine heavens.

The majestic pressure spread across the infinite realm, and the breath of terror seemed to destroy everything in the world.

One, two, three.
In just a short moment, countless gods have descended on Tianwan, and their number exceeds a thousand.

Even though the people haven't arrived yet, the pressure has already been fiercely shrouded in the world.

Super-class pressure, and the pressure of a group of super-class people, what is that concept?
You must know that even if it is a first-class one, it is considered to be a first-rate immortal in myths and legends. It only takes a thought to destroy the stars and the world.

Super-grade players can even kick big stars like balls, and can capture the nine-day galaxy with just one hand.

A drop of blood can transform a king's ocean, and the body can transform a world. This is what the saying goes.

One can imagine how terrifying the pressure of a group of super-class people can be.

At the level of the earth, the pressure of a group of super-class people may not be enough to destroy the entire China.

But that will definitely cause devastation to all living beings and turn the world into a purgatory.

"Supernormal people are not allowed to interfere with mortals. How dare you, the gods, mess with our country?"

Yingzheng seemed to feel something and said angrily.

"Gods? Haha, what a gods. Since you are in the lower world, don't go back. Send the message and kill!" Ying Zheng said indifferently with a cold face.


Now that war has been declared, how could Great Qin not be fully prepared, waiting for the gods to descend to the lower realms.

kill! ! !

"Those who offend our country will be killed without mercy!"

"The army of warriors is ready to fight."

"The army of Confucian scholars goes out to fight."

"A hundred sons of all families, go out to fight."

"All races in China, go to war."

"The gods of China are going to fight."

"Destroy, gods!"





At this moment, Yingzheng seemed to have turned into the sky of China and the will of China.

No!To be precise, as the king of the human race and the lord of Qin, his will to win politics represents the heaven of China.

He is Heaven, and he is the Lord of China.

In an instant, Ying Zheng's voice echoed across the entire land of China.

Majestic and supreme, majestic and unparalleled, just like the will of God, it seems to carry the wishes of all living beings.




In the Confucian Sage Academy, millions of Confucian students came out, and countless literary styles were intertwined and embodied.

There is a shadow of the literary saint emerging from the horizon, and the terrifying aura seems to freeze the sky.

Warriors, earthlings, all races, and hundreds of sons of all families.
The entire Shenzhou seemed to turn into a sharp and unstoppable sword.

Billions of living beings erupted collectively to face the gods!
Especially the emperor of the land and the hundreds of sons of various families.

The Qin Dynasty was not like later generations. No matter how arrogant they were, they were as obedient as children in front of the Qin Dynasty, as if they were the most loyal ministers of China.

Even if the First Emperor ordered to fight against the gods, not a single one of them would resist or flinch.

This aspect is a bit like a barbarian race in later generations. Well, I understand everything.

And the hundred sons of Zhu family are even more extraordinary.

As mentioned before, China has countless power systems.

It's just that most of the systems gradually perished and disappeared over time, going from glory to decline.

After all, not all cultivation methods are suitable for every period.

Not every cultivation system is so popular.

In the end, only suitable cultivation methods will exist in the world.

But the Qin Dynasty was different. Here, it was the glorious period of hundreds of families!
This means countless kinds of cultivation systems, countless kinds of strange and colorful strong men!
"The Twelve Golden Men will come out to conquer China, conquer the world, and destroy the world forever!"

Standing with his hands behind his back, Ying Zheng continued without pausing.

Twelve gold people!

Over Xianyang, above the sky, Xu Fu, the Supervisor of the Tiansi, slowly walked out.

Turning his palm over, twelve mini-figures emitting brilliant golden light, like the rebirth of the sun, appeared in the sky above his palm.

With a shake of his palm, the twelve golden men immediately flew to various parts of China.

Boom! ! !
Boom! ! !
The destiny of the country is blessed, the destiny of the clan is shrouded, the will is gathered, and the human race is crowned.

In the foggy time, twelve golden figures rose from the ground and grew rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, he seemed to have transformed into twelve demon gods, standing between heaven and earth.

It is really like the twelve ancestral witches in myths and legends, each of them has a ferocious face that does not look like a human race.

Some may be haunted by dragons, some may have strange shapes, or some strange phenomena may occur.

The terrifying aura erupted from their bodies, forming one divine forbidden zone after another.

In an instant, it connected China and blocked Kyushu.

(End of this chapter)

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