Chapter 113 The domineering Ying Zheng

The pressure of the gods has just approached the skies over China.

Suddenly, the twelve golden figures bloomed with immeasurable divine light.

Buzz! ! !
Buzz! ! !
An invisible barrier quickly turned into reality and enveloped the sky above China.

It directly expels and blocks all pressure.

The sudden change was too rapid.

From the moment Yingzheng ordered the army to move out, to the moment the Twelve Golden Men appeared, the whole process only took a few seconds.

It was so fast that the gods had not yet reacted.

When he reacted, he saw the energy and blood of the warrior army intertwined.

Evolved into one after another powerful and terrifying Qi-Blooded Demonic Dragon.

The army of literati also manifested the projection of the literati.

The same is true for the monster clan, hundreds of families and other armies, as well as the earthly demons.

The Twelve Golden Man is like a demon god, exuding overwhelming evil aura and terrifying power, standing between heaven and earth.

Oh, by the way, among the hundreds of disciples of various families, the Moh family is different from other armies in that each one is a cultivator.

The Mohist family is different. Various black technologies that Ye Fan saw in film and television works in later generations have been driven by the Mohist family.

There are countless weapons such as spaceship shells, space-based weapons, and even exoskeleton armors.

Gods: "."

The gods, who were originally so arrogant and powerful, had their aura stagnant.

All the gods were stunned and stood dumbly in the void, but they did not come back to their senses for a long time.

Well, this is like a country that claims to be the largest country in Blue Star, but it is so awesome that it enters another country.

As a result, as soon as the person arrived, he found that other countries in the world had united to fuck him. It was like seeing the scene directly.

No matter how awesome the First Nation is, how can they not be confused by just playing with mud and a hammer when faced with attacks from the entire world?

"Formation.Allied Forces"

"What a human king, what a human race, but you have already wanted to take action against us?"

The God of Heaven said with cold eyes.

They are not fools. If they can't see this, then they are at least infected with some disease.

Without any hesitation, the God of the Sky waved his hand, and immediately, the gods turned around and wanted to return to the divine realm.

Hit Nima!
The Gods are awesome, even the Immortals have to avoid the Gods' edge for a while.

Even the human race, except at its peak, is no match for the gods.


The Gods are not yet invincible.

If they were really invincible, the Gods would not be like this.

All the forces in China take action together. In this case, what will the Gods do?

You can't beat him even if you hit him on the head. Why don't you leave and wait for death?

However, at this moment, a change occurred!
Buzz! ! !
Buzz! ! !
Buzz! ! !
Wisps of divine pattern restrictions appear on the body of the twelve golden people, the power of rules gathers together, and mysterious auras are generated.

Countless visions such as the origin of human race on the horizon, the resurrection of all things, the rotation of heaven and earth, etc. flashed across the sky.

In an instant, material like a large net appeared in the void, seeming to cover the entire sky.

Forbidden space!

"Do you really think that what I said about cutting off the eternity is a joke? The entire earth has been isolated from time and space by me. If you want to leave, then you must first destroy all the races in the world."

Ying Zheng said with contempt in his eyes.

Now that he had done it, how could he not be fully prepared?

The twelve golden people are not only to protect the human world, but also to cut off the path of the gods.

It's not that easy.

In this battle, the Gods must fall!

Ying Zheng's face was cold and he slowly uttered one word.


Massacre of killing! "From now on, there will no longer be the prestige of the gods in the heavens."

After saying this, Ying Zheng walked towards the back hall step by step with an arrogant figure.

boom! ! !
As if spanning a long time, as if traveling through endless time and space, Ye Fan's consciousness slowly awakened.

"Are you back?"

Looking around, Mark exhaled and murmured.

In an instant, majestic energy was born from Ye Fan's body.

It's like the power passed down from past lives across infinite time and space.

Without thinking much, Ye Fan sat cross-legged and refined this power first.

First, retreat!

Speaking of which, since the real cultivation level has surpassed every previous life, the feedback from the past life power that Ye Fan has been able to obtain has become much more terrifying.

After all, he can restore his cultivation to the level of reality in historical time and space.

In this way, one can imagine how much cultivation will come from this feedback.

It can be said that Ye Fan's cultivation level can be greatly increased every time.

However, the super-level realm is more about the mastery of Tao, and it is not of much use in terms of pure energy.

For example, martial arts masters the principles of physical body, qi and blood, and other principles.

The way of magic is the way of heaven and earth, the way of rules, the way of order, etc.

Wen Dao is a bit buggier and involves more levels. It can be said to be all aspects. It is also the most difficult to practice among the three Dao.

The art of martial arts is not as good as the art of literature in this respect.

In the final analysis, the art of magic is just using the world and the power of the race for one's own use. The core is borrowing rather than oneself.

The stronger the race, the stronger it is, and it is naturally not as good as the other ways.

Therefore, there is no distinction between realms in the super-grade realm. It is nothing more than the difference between high and low Taoism, nothing more.

A person of the first grade can be a god, and a person of the highest grade is more like a quasi-sage.

If you go one step further, you will be the immortal saint in mythology who is in charge of everything.

As for this level, looking at the starry sky, all the heavens and all the races, there are only a few, and few have reached this level.

Under the three tribes of humans, immortals, and gods, except for a few large tribes, most of the other small tribes, and even the old antiques in the realm above the super-grade realm did not exist.

Galaxy border, the huge city of Daqin.

On the city wall as vast as the world, Bai Qizheng stood there with an indifferent expression, holding a spear like a sharp sword.

Behind him are Jia Xu and a group of new super-level experts within 300 years.

"Is Mr. Ye born?"

After hearing what Jia Xu said, Bai Qi's eyes shone brightly.

The originally cold and emotionless face was moved by this, and seemed to become excited.

"It seems that His Majesty is about to return to his throne."

Bai Qi smiled, as if relieved, a tired look flashed in his eyes.

After guarding the human realm for thousands of years, he was already tired.

If it weren't for faith and commitment, Bai Qi's string might have collapsed.

Fortunately, His Majesty is finally returning to his throne.

If His Majesty returns to his position and has a backbone, then there will be no need for him to preside over the realm.

"General Bai Qi, since Mr. Ye has been born, can you tell us about Mr. Ye's demeanor during the Qin Dynasty?"

Jia Xu asked curiously.

Although the Three Kingdoms period was also gorgeous and spectacular, if compared with the Great Qin, it was still far incomparable.

Jia Xu was naturally curious about what Mr. Ye did when he was in Da Qin.

Of course, it was not just Jia Xu. After hearing what Jia Xu said, the expressions of the super-level experts standing behind him also became expectant.The eyes of countless soldiers guarding the border in the distance also brightened.

Mr. Ye!
This word has been around for thousands of years, and there have been legends and stories about it for countless years.

For many long years, there has always been him.

(End of this chapter)

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