Senior, don’t kneel!I am really not the ancestor of the human race!

Chapter 115 New Mission, Order in the Netherworld

Chapter 115 New Mission, Order in the Netherworld

Ye Fan was a little curious.

The feeling in the dark has already told Mark.

There are definitely more than two inheritances about his past life memories during the Great Qin Dynasty.

Ye Fan was not surprised by this, it was normal.

Da Qin is too magnificent and splendid, and it has experienced many different things, which are just expected.

In a flash, a virtual projection appeared in front of Ye Fan.

Mission Name: Order in the Netherworld

Mission introduction: The rules of the Netherworld are incomplete and the order is chaotic. Please build the first city in the core area of ​​the Netherworld to gradually stabilize the order of the Netherworld.

Mission reward: Jade Book [can obtain all the memories and inheritance of General Ye Fan], [-] million Huaxia coins, and a random lottery opportunity

Failure penalty: Loss of the opportunity to obtain all the inheritance of General Ye Fan

Ye Fan muttered something, his expression was incomprehensible.

"They all point to the Netherworld."

Shaking his head, Mark Ye sighed.

Don't forget that the skeleton that contains the true meaning of reincarnation and represents his eternal reincarnation is still here with Ye Fan.

Originally, Ye Fan wanted to find an opportunity to go to the Netherworld to see the situation.

In this case, he simply entered reincarnation.

"Just right."

His eyes flashed, Ye Fan took one step forward and disappeared from the place in an instant.

Go to the underworld!
Fengdu City.

At the entrance to the Netherworld, Ye Fan's figure appeared.

Compared with the prosperity more than 1000 years ago, this place is much deserted in the current world.

It can even be said that it is called a forbidden place?

Because Ksitigarbha was guarding the Netherworld, China no longer sent people to guard the passage to the Netherworld.

But after all, the Netherworld is involved here, and the matter is of great importance.

In order to prevent problems in the bud, this area was sealed off and no outsiders were allowed to enter.

Speaking of which, Ye Fan has not entered the Netherworld in this world since the Tang Dynasty.

Shaking his head to eliminate the many thoughts and distractions in his mind, Ye Fan changed his mind.

I saw the Netherworld passage emerging, and Ye Fan directly entered the Netherworld.




The entire Netherworld is as deserted and quiet as it was thousands of years ago.

There was endless silence between heaven and earth, as if a pin dropped to the ground and could be clearly heard.

Disorder and chaos are the symbols of the Netherworld, which are similar to the demons.

The moment Ye Fan set foot in the Netherworld.

In an instant, the core area of ​​the Netherworld.

A pair of indifferent, majestic and cold eyes looked across the space towards the periphery.

"It's him."

"that person!"

"Why is he here."

"Why is this evil star coming again?"


"Too much to bully ghosts!"

"Do you really think that I am a powerful person in the Netherworld?"

A stream of spiritual thoughts intertwined, and words containing overwhelming anger and evil spirit surged over the core area.

The rules of the entire core area of ​​the Netherworld seemed to be in chaos.

An oppressive atmosphere enveloped this area within billions of trillions of kilometers.

Some ghosts and gods who have entered the super realm for the first time look blank or confused.

They all looked into the void at a loss, not understanding what was happening to the big guys in the Netherworld.


King Yama, who was feeling happy when he sensed Ye Fan's breath, was stunned.

Well, he is also among the trembling ghosts and gods.

Super-class people also have strengths and weaknesses. Obviously, these furious super-class people are the best among super-class people, and they are also old antiques in the Netherworld.

Each living year is extremely long, far beyond the comparison of ghosts and gods who have been promoted to super level in the past 2000 years. "These ancient beings seem to be talking about Mr. Ye?"

King Yama's expression suddenly became strange and subtle.

They seem to be afraid of Mr. Ye? ? ?
ah this? ? ?

Mr. Ye seems to have a good reputation in the Netherworld. If this is the case, what arrangement does Mr. Ye ask him to make?
King Yama was confused and confused.

Beside the Styx.

Ye Fan's figure appeared out of thin air.

Ksitigarbha, who was chanting sutras and seemed to feel something, exuding divine light all over his body, slowly opened his eyes.

Then he opened his eyes, and all the visions receded like the tide.

With a wave of Ksitigarbha's hand, all the ghosts and monsters who were listening to Buddhist scriptures sincerely disappeared.

A futon appeared opposite Ksitigarbha.

"Mr. Ye, we haven't seen each other for more than 1000 years. How are you doing?"

With a smile on his face, Ksitigarbha said slowly.

"It's okay."

Ye Fan understood.

He smiled and sat down in front of Ksitigarbha.

"I haven't seen you for more than 1000 years. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, you are getting stronger and stronger."

Ye Fan boasted to each other about business.

"Compared with Mr., it doesn't matter to me."

Ksitigarbha said with a bitter smile.

His cultivation has indeed improved a lot. Compared with those idiots in Buddhism, Ksitigarbha estimates that his strength can be ranked among the top.

But compared to this one, it's a world of difference.


Still unfathomable!

It was difficult to sense Ye Fan's cultivation a thousand years ago, and it is still the same a thousand years later.

This made Ksitigarbha couldn't help but marvel in his heart, he was indeed a human race.

The race beloved by heaven and earth is simply a desperate and jealous existence.

But this also made Ksitigarbha's thoughts more determined.

Ye Fan smiled and did not say much, but changed the subject and said: "Has the Bodhisattva thought about it?"

His true Taoism and deeds are actually inferior to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva now.

It's just that the power of the system is covering it up so that no one can detect his aura.

However, people think that he is awesome. What is the explanation for this? Ye Fan is naturally willing to acquiesce to this matter.

"Buddhism is unkind to me, so what if I am unjust to Buddhism? I am truly complying with what you said thousands of years ago, sir. Hey, a group of selfish people just want to trap me in the underworld forever. "

Ksitigarbha said indifferently.

He wants to betray Buddhism and join China and China!
"not enough."

Ye Fan looked calm and shook his head.

Just this is naturally not enough.

People who are not from my race must have different hearts. Ye Fan will not substitute this into the entire China because of some personal emotions.

This is irresponsible to the common people and to our compatriots.

Although Ye Fan's sense of Ksitigarbha is okay, it obviously cannot be compared with race.

It doesn't matter to him, but it would be different if he looked at the entire race.

"If China is willing to let me preach, I am willing to swear with my Taoist heart to forever control China, become China's Dharma Protector, protect the people of China, fight for China, and fight for Yanhuang."

Ksitigarbha said without thinking.

Obviously, Ksitigarbha had long been mentally prepared and had already thought about what to do.

It was normal for the two parties to negotiate. If Ye Fan agreed wholeheartedly, he would actually wonder if Ye Fan was deceiving him and trying to plot against him.

"I want to enter the core area, you come with me."

After thinking about it, Ye Fan said.


Ksitigarbha did not hesitate.

"Happy cooperation?"

Ye Fan smiled.

"Pleasant to work with."

Ksitigarbha also laughed.

Ksitigarbha, King of Ksitigarbha, enters China!
(End of this chapter)

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