Senior, don’t kneel!I am really not the ancestor of the human race!

Chapter 116 Defection and Entering the Netherworld

Chapter 116 Defection and Entering the Netherworld

Next, Ye Fan discussed the details of cooperation with Ksitigarbha.

Such as missionary work.

It doesn't really matter whether it is a missionary or not. After all, it is not like there is no Buddhism in China now.

As long as it is conducive to the development of China, there is no harm in joining Buddhism.

It just happens to bring a new power system, the best of both worlds.

But how to preach is a matter that needs to be discussed.

In order not to cause turmoil and instability, Ye Fan and the others concealed information before.

When it comes to Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha, it is obviously impossible for others to come forward to show their holiness.

Of course, Ye Fan just had a rough talk with Ksitigarbha.

For the specific situation, just tell the boss when the time comes and let the Mystery Bureau handle it. Ye Fan is not a professional.

Half a day later, everything was finalized, and Ye Fan and Ksitigarbha crossed the River Styx together and headed towards the core area of ​​​​the Netherworld.

at the same time.

In the Western Paradise, the small world of void originally exuded divine light and peace.

Suddenly it became dark, and a depressing atmosphere filled the space between heaven and earth.

As loud noises erupted, countless Buddhist practitioners turned pale and blood spurted out of their mouths.

In Daleiyin Temple, the expressions of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas changed.

"How come my teaching's luck has plummeted?"

"who is it!"

"Who is plotting against my Buddhism!?"

"Is someone apostate?"

"No, it was the people with great supernatural powers who betrayed our Buddhism. Only the betrayal of those with great supernatural powers would lead to such a heavy loss of luck."

All the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas spoke in shock and anger.

"Ksitigarbha is such a great Ksitigarbha, such a great Ksitigarbha. He is so ambitious. He is so ambitious. He dares to betray our Buddhism and join China."

Tathagata Buddha pinched his fingers and said angrily.


"Ksitigarbha actually dares to rebel?"

"Okay, okay, I just happened to take this opportunity to suppress Netherworld forever."

The Buddhas were both stunned and relieved, and then they all smiled and were elated.

Ksitigarbha apostasy?
Well done to rebellion!
What awaits you is your apostasy!
I just took this opportunity to suppress him!

"Tathagata Buddha, do we want to take action to suppress Ksitigarbha? Let him know that the majesty of Buddhism cannot be offended, and let all forces know what will happen if they provoke our Buddhism."

A Bodhisattva said with murderous intent.

"It cannot be suppressed."

Tathagata Buddha said expressionlessly.

Buddhas. "???"

"I feel that the destiny of the East has greatly increased, and the increased power is China. Ksitigarbha has betrayed me and joined China."

Tathagata Buddha said leisurely.

"Joined the Huaxia? So what? If Ksitigarbha dares to betray me, Buddha, he must pay the price. We directly go to the Huaxia to ask for someone, can they refuse to give it to him? This is not an enemy of the Huaxia. They won't give him any face. us?"

Happy Buddha whispered.

"Are you cerebral palsy?"

Tathagata Buddha frowned, looked at Joyful Buddha indifferently, and said:

"Ksitigarbha joined Huaxia, it was Huaxia, do you understand?"

"Our Buddhism is not China's opponent. Now it lacks a top combat power, so it is even more impossible. Provoke China? Do you want to die? And drag us to die together?"

"You want Hua Xia to make friends with you? You have such a big face! Do you think that person is not domineering enough? Or do you think there are too few strong people in Hua Xia? Do you really want our Buddhism to be destroyed? Huh? You really are not placed in our Buddhism spy?"

Tathagata Buddha was very doubtful.

The Buddhas were also very doubtful.

Do you really think they are idiots with cerebral palsy?

Instigate them to cause trouble with China?

Looking for death! ?

Their brains are not broken yet.

If Ksitigarbha had simply betrayed Buddhism, he would have been suppressed directly.

What, not only apostatized but also joined China?

Ona is fine.

Well done to rebellion! ! !
Happy Buddha: "."

"This matter, stop here."

After saying this, Tathagata Buddha slowly closed his eyes.

"Follow the Buddha's order."

"Follow the Buddha's order."

"Follow the Buddha's order."

All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas said silently.This wave, this wave is called Congxin.


core zone.

Ye Fan and Ksitigarbha crossed the Styx River and arrived at the shore.

Compared with the periphery, the level of Yin Qi and energy in this core area is obviously countless times higher.

The pure energy has even faintly liquefied.

Although it is difficult to cross the River Styx, ghosts and ghosts in the underworld will die if they dare to cross.

But this is just for super quality.

For Ye Fan and Ksitigarbha, it is not difficult to cross the River Styx.

In essence, the Styx is just to distinguish the two realms and prohibits entry by those above the level.

"See Mr. Ye."

As soon as the two of them arrived at the shore, a gray mist flashed across the sky.

King Yama appeared out of thin air and kneeled down on one knee respectfully towards Mark.

"The new super-ranked Yama King is actually this person?"

Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha was a little surprised, a superb subordinate!
No, this is the human murderer and the human demon god. His subordinates are super-grades. Is it worth being surprised? "

It's really normal.

"Without courtesy, please tell me about the structure of the Netherworld."

Ye Fan said casually.

"Mr. Ye, I have something to ask."

King Yama said cautiously.


Ye Fan said lightly.

"Have you ever been to the Netherworld and killed a large number of ghosts and gods?"

King Yama said tentatively.

Ksitigarbha was confused: "???"

"Slaughter a lot of ghosts and gods"

Ye Fan narrowed his eyes slightly and understood.

Is it Daqin?
Or, other times?

But what is certain is that he has been to the Netherworld. This is a bit interesting. Is King Yama's move useless?

"If you provide information, it won't be useless."

Ye Fan thought secretly.


Ye Fan said slowly with deep eyes.

If this is the case, then his original plan can be modified.

It seems that there is no need to bother?

"The little man understands."

King Yama said respectfully.


This one must have really been here.

Ksitigarbha: "!!!"


I get it too!

1000 years ago, this person was pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger!
In fact, you have been to the Netherworld a long time ago?
And killed a lot of ghosts and gods?
Terrible! ! !
and many more!

As if he saw something, Ksitigarbha looked slightly surprised.

This King of Yama seems to be the ghost that came to him with him thousands of years ago?
Has 1000 years of time already reached the super level?
Ksitigarbha was thoughtful.

Mr. Ye’s handiwork?

I'm afraid that's the only possibility.

Although the speed of improvement in ghost cultivation is very fast, it is not so fast as to be exaggerated.

Ksitigarbha did not believe it if Mr. Ye arranged it behind his back to kill Ksitigarbha.

For ghosts, a 1000-year-old super-grade might be possible, but it is definitely just the first time to enter the super-grade realm.

You have to be extremely talented to do this.

King Yama is no longer an ordinary super-level person, at least he is not the first to enter the super-level state.

Although he is not as good as him, he still has the strength of a third-level or fourth-level super-level, or around the seventh or sixth level of super-level.

Ye Fan didn't know what Ksitigarbha was thinking, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

It is a fact that King Yama reached the state he is in today because of him.

Many thoughts flashed through, Ye Fan said:

"How have you developed in the core area over the years?"

(End of this chapter)

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