Senior, don’t kneel!I am really not the ancestor of the human race!

Chapter 121: Too Steady, Going to the Netherworld

Chapter 121: Too Steady, Going to the Netherworld

Although they didn't know as much as Xu Fu about Ye Fan's identity, they had more or less guessed it.

If something happened to this person in the Netherworld, wouldn't it be troublesome?
Of course, if you know your identity, you know it, including Yingzheng, so you don't have to be too cautious about Ye Fan because of this. Without him, times are different.

The power of Great Qin is no worse than that of ancient Yanhuang.

In their eyes, Ye Fan was either a comrade in arms, a nephew, or a confidant.

"We only need to deal with the masters of the Netherworld. Killing the chickens to scare the monkeys is the biggest deterrent. Then we raise troops to block the outside of the Netherworld. If they really dare to move, we can attack them. This way we can get the best of both worlds."

"Well, [-]%, eighty percent of China's super-grade cross-border is enough."

Xu Fu thought as he spoke, and finally made a decision.

Eighty percent!

[-]% of the products in China are super high quality!

The corner of Ye Fan's mouth twitched.

Isn't this a bit too steady?
Good guy, he just called him "good guy" on the spot.


The lords and giants of the Netherworld would be ghosts if they weren't scared to death.

I'm afraid it wasn't the psychological shadow of this time that made them a little afraid later. After all, who could be calm now?

It's like you just want to go somewhere and get something.

Then your family called all the powerful people from all over the world to help you make things together. You can imagine how scary this is.

"The national teacher is right."

"That's eighty percent."

"[-]% of the time it feels a little unsafe, that's all, let's just follow what the Imperial Master said."

"Then, please Fan."

"Fan, don't worry, we will guard you outside the realm. If anything goes wrong, we will attack the Netherworld with our army. If anyone dares to touch our people, we will fight to the death with them."

"Extremely so."

Wang Jian, Meng Tian, ​​Zhang Yi and many other important ministers of Qin Dynasty said one after another.

"Fan, you have the entire Great Qin behind you, so we really have to worry."

Ying Zheng patted Ye Fan on the shoulder and said kindly.

I'm really not worried about this, I'm even a little excited.

How great is my great Qin!
The Qin Empire is awesome! ! !
Ye Fan had been so aggrieved by all the dynasties and generations he had experienced before.

You have to be careful everywhere, either you have to sacrifice or burn the boat.

Look at now, good guy, tens of thousands of super-level people are dispatched at every turn.

It doesn't burn?
Isn't this more popular than blogging?
Burn, burn, burn! ! !
It exploded!

The feeling of bullying others is really refreshing. If possible, Ye Fan wouldn't mind doing this all the time and crushing them with absolute strength.

"My lord, I will live up to my trust."

Ye Fan is serious.

The First Emperor issued a decree!

The king’s edict!

For a time, the state of China was shaken, tens of thousands of races rose up, and a large number of super-level people came towards Fengdu as promised.

The demons in the world moved out quickly, as if they were afraid that if they were slow, they would not be able to catch up.

In just half a day, the entire Fengdu City has gathered tens of thousands of super-level experts from all races.

The entire city of Hubei has become like a fairyland on earth due to the explosion of a large number of Qi and Tao principles.

This is the power of Great Qin!

When the king of men issues an order, no one in the world dares not to obey it.

The iron cavalry of Great Qin were not referring to those ant-like barbarians, but to all races!

Anyone who disobeys will be exterminated!

Anyone who disobeys the order will be exterminated!

In this world, except for the Gods, Da Qin does not even need to say that anyone who offends me, Yanhuang, will be punished no matter how far away they are, because no one dares to do so.

The gods are not very brave when it comes to talking about it, and they usually just talk about it and stay high in the divine realm.

Do they really not want to stay in the world at all?The answer is self-evident.

Buzz! ! !
Buzz! ! !
Ripples appeared in the void, and important officials of the Qin Dynasty such as Ye Fan, Li Si, Zhang Yi, and Meng Tian walked out of the void.In an instant, the powerful men of Great Qin and the powerful men of all races all knelt down on one knee and shouted respectfully to welcome everyone.

But he saw Li Si reaching out and making a move, and on the horizon, the images of the literary saints, Confucian saints and Dharma were projected.

One by one, powerful men of literature and art loomed in the void.

Not only that, as Meng Tian waved, majestic energy and blood spurted out, and countless martial arts experts walked out of the void roaring.

"This battle is presided over by Ye Fan, General of the Qin Kingdom. Among the races participating in the war, if there is any race that dares to violate the rules or make small moves, the entire race will be wiped out."

Meng Tian said calmly with a cold face.

As if in line with what Meng Tian said, a group of powerful men from Great Qin who were guarding outside the Netherworld released their own pressure.

"Follow the king's orders and obey General Ye's orders."

"Follow the king's orders and obey General Ye's orders."

"Follow the king's orders and obey General Ye's orders."

A group of foreigners said cautiously.

Even if he is in the Super Grade realm, when facing the soldiers of Great Qin, his face is still pale and his body is trembling slightly.

This is the prestige of killing!
Wherever the Qin cavalry passed by, no foreign race could survive.

In the past, there were actually hundreds of thousands of races in China.

The reason why it later became the general term "ten thousand races" is because a large number of extraordinary races have been exterminated.

"Conquer the Netherworld."

Wearing armor and holding a halberd, Ye Fan had no nonsense.

He directly thrust his halberd out to break the void and create a passage, and entered the space passage first.




The strong men from the human race and all races bowed their heads in response, and all followed closely behind.

Go to war, Netherworld!
The sword points to the underworld!
Boom! ! !
Boom! ! !
Boom! ! !
Tens of thousands of super-grades crossed the border together, and the majestic and terrifying power, even though it was somewhat restrained, still shook the outer areas of the Netherworld violently.

Space seems unbearable, time seems difficult to exist, and the rules are faintly collapsing.

The sky and the earth changed color, the sun and the moon lost light, and the originally dark underworld became darker and more oppressive at this moment.

Countless ghosts and monsters living on the outskirts of the Netherworld are all crawling on the ground and shivering.

The powerful come!

"General, what should we do?"

Ye Fan, deputy general Wang Xin, cupped his fists and said.

"The Netherworld is too big, and there are a lot of ghosts and ghosts living there. It is inevitable that some crazy people will get involved in the human world. So, we will first lead the army to sweep the outer area and kill [-]% of the ghosts."

Ye Fan said unhurriedly. Although his voice was calm, his words were filled with chilling domineering force.


The army strikes!

You can imagine how terrifying this army composed of super-level players is.

Placing it in the outer area of ​​the Netherworld, it would be like entering a novice village with a full-level player.

Except for crushing, no ghosts have the power to fight back.

Wherever it passed, everything fell and not a single blade of grass grew.

Is this a massacre?

It was a massacre!

All races were delighted with the fight against ghosts and monsters, and no one had any objections.

Just like the chaos of ghosts and ghosts in later generations, it is not that there are no ghosts now. On the contrary, ghosts are actually more rampant.

It's just that Da Qin is a powerful country with a prosperous fortune, and there are not many ghosts and monsters who dare to jump around in Da Qin.

As a result, most of the ghosts and ghosts ran to the Ten Thousand Tribes territory or the Ten Thousand Tribes Cave.

Ghosts are yin, and living beings are yang. As long as they are living people, ghosts can gain a lot of origin, and it is not just the human race.

Therefore, one can imagine how much all races hate ghosts.

(End of this chapter)

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