Chapter 122 War and conspiracy
If the strength of the Netherworld can be weakened, these super-level bosses would be extremely happy.

As senior leaders or leaders of various races, this is what they need to do.

"General, do you want to cause a riot in the Netherworld and make all the ghosts and gods in the core area appear?"

Wang Xin stood behind Ye Fan and asked curiously.

"Yes and no."

Ye Fan stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly.

Seeing that Wang Xin was a little curious and had nothing to do anyway, Ye Fan simply gave Wang Xin some pointers.

"Although the Nether Clan does not dare to cross the border into our Great Qin territory now, it does not mean that they will not dare to do so in the future. If our Great Qin's weakened ghosts enter, you should know what this means."

Ye Fan said slowly.

Wang Xin understood, and his eyes couldn't help but become solemn.

That would be a catastrophe!
"So if we can weaken the strength of the Netherworld clan, why not do it? The clearing of the outer reaches of the Netherworld this time is enough to ensure that our country will be free from ghost chaos within hundreds of years. This is one of them."

Seeing that Wang Xin had a clear understanding, Ye Fan smiled and continued:

"Second, lure the snake out of its hole. What will happen if we collectively enter the core area of ​​the Netherworld with a large army?"

"The collective resistance of all the ghosts and gods in the Netherworld even caused all the ghosts and gods in the Netherworld to unite for a brief period."

Wang Xin said.

"Yes, in that case, why should we do this? We are here just to accomplish our goal, not to destroy the Netherworld, not to mention that we cannot destroy the Netherworld."

"So, we just need to lure the snake out of the hole. Although the Nether World is disordered, there is still some order. In the final analysis, no matter where it is, the strong will be respected."

Ye Fan said slowly.

"The strong are respected."

Wang Xin's body was shaken and he understood completely.

"My subordinates understand that the Netherworld is a whole. If you massacre ghosts and monsters here, the famous giants in the Netherworld cannot leave it alone."

"If this is the case, it will affect their majesty and make the ghosts and gods dissatisfied. For the sake of order in the Netherworld, they must take the lead. This is a conspiracy."

Wang Xin looked at Ye Fan with admiring eyes.

As expected of a general!
The general is mighty!

Just a little planning can separate the Netherworld, and even create a gap in the hearts of all the giants in the Netherworld.

And they were able to accomplish their goals. This kind of planning is simply amazing.

"Remember, sometimes you don't need to be reckless when dealing with things. Just think about how to do it. The same is true for us in the Netherworld. Why bother to be enemies of all ghosts and gods? Just kill the chicken to scare the monkeys."

Ye Fan said leisurely.

He is plotting!
The world's famous and banned giants have to appear, unless they stop hanging around in the underworld or lose face.

Famous people in heaven and earth are powerful people who have their own titles and are engraved in heaven and earth, such as Emperor Fengdu or those immortals and gods.

To put it bluntly, it is a psychological game.

For example, if an enemy invades a country, can the country's emperor or civil and military officials ignore it?

No matter what, what do the people below think?

If you don't care, don't you lose your dignity?

Therefore, even if you don’t want to take care of it, even if you know it’s a trap, you still have to take the bait!
As Ye Fan thought, the war outside the Netherworld lasted less than an hour.

In the core area, a terrifying aura rose.

The overwhelming Yin Qi gathered in the sky, and the entire Netherworld seemed to be shaking and shaking at this moment.

A giant of the Nether World, revives!

"You people from the Yang world disrupt our order in the underworld and are seeking death!"

"Excellent products are not allowed to interfere with ordinary operations. Do you want to break the contract?"

"How outrageous! Do you want to start a war?"

"You alone are going to start a war with my entire Netherworld?"

A series of deep voices sounded from the nine heavens, and one statue after another seemed to come out of the long river of time.

Exuding an aura of eternity and immortality, the figure with an aura that could freeze time and space gradually walked out.

The giants of the Netherworld have all arrived!
boom! ! !
The underworld trembles!

Rules twisted!

The world is in chaos!

The collision of power and Tao makes the Netherworld seem to be about to be destroyed, filled with a sense of destruction.

Countless thunders criss-crossed the sky, densely covering the sky, making bursts of deafening roars.Swish, swish, swish! ! !
Swish swish! ! !
In an instant, the powerful men of all races who were slaughtering the ghosts and monsters in the Netherworld immediately returned to Ye Fan in a blink of an eye.

"This is."

Only then did Emperor Fengdu of Beiyin and other Netherworld giants notice the leader, Ye Fan.

See clearly what Ye Fan looks like.

Suddenly, the expressions of a small group of Nether Lords, including Northern Yin Fengdu Emperor, changed, as if they were frightened.

"Start a war? You alone can't represent the entire Netherworld, kill!"

Facing the gazes of the Nether Lords, Ye Fan just raised his hand and said a word lightly.


So what if the Lord of the Netherworld, kill him anyway!

Bring the coalition forces of all races and use most of the power of China to kill them!
If you kill the chicken to scare the monkey, how can you scare the monkey if you don't kill it?

The Netherworld is of great importance, involving the movement of heaven and earth and the rules of the human race. Ye Fan already knows this.

In this case, as a chess player, he is also a chess player.

Naturally, we need to start planning, and shock is obviously very important.




Wanzu Super Grade kneeled on one knee and said in unison.

"There are too many Nether Lords, so let's kill ten of them."

Ye Fan said softly.

After saying that, there was a flip of the palm, and a jade seal appeared in Ye Fan's hand.

When the jade seal appeared, in an instant, the majestic power of the emperor swept over it, reflecting the immeasurable luck.

There are five-clawed golden dragons looming on the horizon, roaring and roaring.

National Jade Seal!

"According to His Majesty's decree, we will wipe out the Netherworld. Anyone who disobeys me in China will be killed!"

"With the blessing of national luck, the dragon's veins are condensed!"

"I use the jade seal passed down from the country to bless you and seal it!"

Like holding the Heavenly Constitution in your mouth, wisps of brilliant divine power bloom.

On Ye Fan, mysterious auras flew out of the void.

The swallowing evolved one after another, which seemed to be able to suppress the marks of eternal time and space.

The avenue is crowned and the dynasty canonizes you!
With the luck of the country, blessings!

With China, crown!

Boom boom boom! ! !
Shadows flashed across the void, and countless pictures flew by.

The hidden shadow of the origin of human race flashes past, and there are also long years and prayers and worship.

The thoughts of all living beings, the thoughts of all thoughts, the obscure and transcendent power.

Blessings come from across the world, directly covering the bodies of the super-grades of all races.

The aura increased dramatically!
All the strength can be seen with the naked eye being temporarily increased countless times!



Feeling the blessing of power, the faces of the powerful men of all races became excited, and they burst out their own strength and rushed towards the stalks of ghosts and gods.


"A little too much?"

"Just because there are too many, why do you want to kill ten?"

"What's wrong with you."

"There are still humans like this???"

All the ghosts and gods wanted to curse my mother, and they were all dumbfounded by the curses.

Damn it, we, the super-class ones from the Netherworld, are messing with you a little bit more.

It’s none of your business, you lunatic!
(End of this chapter)

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