Senior, don’t kneel!I am really not the ancestor of the human race!

Chapter 123: Refining the Nether Origin, is there any objection?

Chapter 123: Refining the Nether Origin, is there any objection?

Without thinking too much, he saw that the powerful men of all races had already rushed forward as if they were beaten to death.

The ghosts and gods had no choice but to quickly parry and begin to resist.

"Idiots! A bunch of idiots!"

"You, non-human race, are working so hard for the human race?"

"Are you also crazy?"

"Join us, let's join forces, if we join forces, the human race is nothing."

"Since you can join forces with the human race, why not join forces with us? Is the human race better than our Nether World?"

While fighting, the ghosts and gods frantically transmitted messages to the powerful men of all races.

In response, all the super-class members of all races attacked in silence.

join forces?

Team up!

You, the underworld, are Yin, and you cannot stay in the Yang world for a long time. We will be truly finished when you leave.

If Netherworld could enter and exit the human world at will, then the powerful men of all races present would actually not mind joining forces.

After all, do you really think they are happy with the human race? They just can't be forced to do anything.

However, it is impossible to join forces, so let's talk about a hammer.

The powerful human race outsiders still regard their various races as hostages.

"Don't talk nonsense! Our Tianyi clan will always be the most loyal allies of the human race!"

A super-powerful man who looked like an angel spoke righteously.

"If you have anything to say, tell me straight away. What's going on with the voice transmission? Those who don't know think that I really have a conspiracy with you. I am an ally of the human race. How can I take notice of you?"

Another strong man from Ten Thousand Clans spoke disdainfully.

All the giants of ghosts and gods: "."

But at this moment, Ye Fan moved!

boom! ! !
Taking one step forward, the Imperial Jade Seal bloomed and enveloped Ye Fan's body with immeasurable golden light.

Qi and blood, the power of heaven and earth, literary energy, many forces were intertwined, and then exploded from Ye Fan.

The terrifying aura swept across the immeasurable sky in an instant.

Ultimate sublimation!

Extreme burning!

But when Ye Fan pointed out, just this finger seemed to be the center of the world.

Everyone looked over subconsciously, as if this finger gathered all the colors in the world.

boom! ! !
With one finger, a super-level ghost and god fell!

Ghosts and gods who are not new to the super-level realm, but have at least walked a short distance in the super-level realm, cannot resist even Ye Fan's finger!


"Either it's a ghost or a god, or you guys make up the numbers."

Ye Fan looked calm and said quietly.

The strong men of all races felt a chill in their hearts, and their expressions changed.


Everyone was shouting loudly, the avenue was running wildly, and all the strong men began to work hard.

If you don't work hard, people will really die, and they will be the ones who die.
"It's him!"

"It's him!"

"It's really him!"

"Devil. Devil"

"It's that devil!"

Emperor Fengdu of Beiyin and other giants of ghosts and gods had panic and chill in their eyes, and they all roared in their hearts.

In the sky, Ye Fan stood motionless with his hands behind his back.

The scenes of fighting and the scenes of the fall of strong men made Ye Fan become more profound and terrifying.

Like a god of death, like a demon, everything he passes by will bring endless death.

Hundreds of days.

The battle lasted for hundreds of days!
The entire outskirts of the Netherworld, an area of ​​billions of kilometers, was almost turned upside down.

There are cracks, huge pits, and abyss everywhere. Compared with hundreds of days ago, it's like two different worlds.

The strong atmosphere of the avenue permeated the space between heaven and earth.

There are broken principles everywhere, and countless runes are looming between the sky and the earth.

The original rich Yin Qi in the Nether World has been swept away, and some auras of living things have appeared.

Not only that, but in the Netherworld, which was originally as desolate as a desert, there were actually things that could only be found in the human world.

Vibrant lakes, green mountains, and vegetation.There are even more creatures that are gestating, and there is a faint fluctuation of life.

It is exactly the product of the evolution of flesh and blood after the death of the super powerful men of all races!
"Yin and Yang. Netherworld and Reincarnation"

Ye Fan's eyes flashed and his body was shocked.

He seems to understand!
"I see."

A smile appeared on Ye Fan's face.


Now he will have to wait until he returns to Da Qin and talks with Xu Fu, the national advisor, to confirm his suspicion.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and after taking a deep breath, Mark said: "That's enough."

Do what you say!
As soon as the voice fell, the strong men of all races who were fighting with the ghosts and gods of the underworld immediately turned back to Mark.

Even those on the Netherworld Ghosts and Gods side who were gritting their teeth could not help but sigh in relief subconsciously.

Is it finally over?

"Although it hasn't reached the number, it's almost there, so that's it."

Ye Fan said slowly.

Wanzu Super Grade: "."

Super grade of ghosts and gods: "."

Both sides trembled slightly in their hearts, swallowed subconsciously, and felt a little chilly.

Those who died were of the highest grade, and those who fell were of the highest grade.

Super enough to evolve the world, enough to be immortal, and able to see stars as dust!
However, it was insignificant in front of this person, as if he was an ant in an understatement.



"I want to refine some of the Netherworld Origin. Is there any objection?"

Ye Fan said leisurely.

As he spoke, he cast his indifferent eyes towards the Netherworld giants and Netherworld Lords.

Who agrees?
Who opposes?

The ghosts and gods were frightened, hesitant and awe-struck.

If it were put before the war, they would definitely be furious.

There is no room for negotiation at all, it just has to be done.

but now.

Their ideas have long been different.


Really scared!

This man was crazy, he had no sense of martial ethics at all, and the person who died was a top grader from all races.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this evil star doesn't care at all.

This evil star doesn't care, they can't care less.

Good guy, it's them who die, not this evil star, who dares to risk his life?

Play Nima!
"Don't think that we are afraid of you. We just don't want to cause trouble to that creature anymore. It just so happens that there is a little excess of Nether Source. So, let's take some and go. It will also reduce the burden on us Netherworld."

Emperor Beiyin Fengdu said expressionlessly.

Although the ghosts and gods did not speak, there seemed to be some recognition on their indifferent faces.

We are not afraid of you!

We just don’t feel the need to fight!
You didn’t steal this Nether Origin, it’s because we don’t want it!

That's right, that's it!
Wanzu Super Grade: "."

Is this a new realm of accepting the soft and fearing the tough?
After spending several days, Ye Fan led the coalition of thousands of people to leave from the Netherworld.

With the acquiescence of all the Netherworld ghosts and gods, Ye Fan's refining of the Netherworld source did not cause any disturbance.

It was a matter of course that the refining was completed, but there is no need to say more.

Although when Ye Fan left, the eyes of those ghosts and gods were red.

Some of the ghosts and gods who had entered the super realm for the first time spurted out blood.

Well, Ye Fan knows how much Nether Origin he has refined.

Speaking of it, this battle seemed huge, but in fact not many people in the super-level realm died.

The second level is the land immortal, the first level is the immortal god, let alone the super level. It is too difficult to kill the super level.

Didn’t you see that the human king Yingzheng ordered the entire China to fight with the gods, but not many of the gods died?

Most of them are just far away from the human world, that's why.

(End of this chapter)

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