Chapter 130 The Origin of True God
"No need to be polite."

Ye Fan waved his hand, and the invisible force lifted everyone up.

The divine sword trembled slightly, and then turned into a stream of light and disappeared into Ye Fan's body.

"As expected of our border, it is indeed majestic."

Slowly falling from the void, looking at the vast city in the distance, Ye Fan sighed.

"General, if you count the time, it has indeed been more than 2000 years since we last met. You are still as charming as ever."

Bai Qi looked excited and said excitedly.

"Haha, you too."

Ye Fan smiled and patted Bai Qi's shoulder.

Although Bai Qi had not seen Ye Fan for thousands of years, he was no stranger to him, and his eyes when he looked at Ye Fan were full of reverence.

And Ye Fan was with Bai Qi not long ago, so he would be familiar with it.

Needless to say, Jia Xu had come to visit him before.

Therefore, there is no awkward atmosphere in this giant city of the Milky Way, and there is an extremely harmonious atmosphere among people chatting with each other.

Soon, the tense atmosphere at the scene was gone, and smiles appeared on the faces of all the super-level experts.

I have experienced so much history and received so much inheritance.

If Ye Fan doesn't understand this bit of human sophistication, then he should stop messing around and just play in the mud as soon as possible.

After some pleasantries, Bai Qi said seriously: "General, why is there such an important thing for you to come to the front line?"

Obviously, Bai Qi knew that Mark would not come here for no reason.

Since you are here, there must be something important that needs to be done.

The originally noisy atmosphere quickly became quiet.

Jia Xu's face also became serious, and he looked at Ye Fan with piercing eyes, waiting for Ye Fan's answer.

"I need the origin of a true god. This matter is of great importance and must be completed."

Ye Fan didn't hide anything and said directly.

There was nothing to hide, it was all in need of help from Bai Qi and others.

Otherwise, would it be possible for Ye Fan to face the gods alone and then ask for a god from the gods?
I'm afraid I won't be beaten to death.

"The origin of true God?"

Everyone's expressions changed, their breathing stagnated, and everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

True God Origin!

This means that a god must be killed!

The super god!
"General, let's go inside and talk in detail."

After Bai Qi and Jia Xu looked at each other, Bai Qi spoke.


Ye Fan nodded slightly.

In the giant city of the Milky Way, in a palace used for war meetings, Ye Fan was invited to the main seat by Bai Qi and Jia Xu.

Then Bai Qi, Jia Xu and one of them took their seats respectively.

Ye Fan glanced at it, but raised his brows slightly.

It is indeed a race that can compete with the immortals and gods, and its background is really terrifying.

The auras of every super-level person present were much stronger than those of Ji Zao King.

And the number is more than ten!
What, this is not much?
Don't forget, there are still many old antiques on the earth who have been sealed because their life span is approaching, and they are waiting for the discovery of the final warm-up when the human race is in crisis.
"First tell me about the situation at the border for more than 2000 years."

Ye Fan said.


Bai Qi responded and began to talk.

After Bai Qi's narration, Ye Fan had a general understanding of the situation at the border.

The first is the Gods.

In the past 2000 years, there have been no large-scale battles among the gods, but small-scale battles have continued.

As for why there is no army to suppress the situation?
Very simple.

At the beginning, it was because they were severely damaged by the Great Qin that their vitality was greatly damaged. They wanted to bring in large numbers of troops wherever they went.

Later, it recovered, but the world was about to change drastically, and the human environment would be unstable.

There is no need for them to press the border with the army anymore. When the time is right, wouldn't it be better to cross the border directly?
For thousands of years, the gods and humans have lost about the same number of strong men.

Although there were frequent wars, no more than ten super-grade figures fell in total.However, according to Bai Qi, there have not been many top powerhouses of the God Clan in the past thousands of years, and it can even be said that there are only a handful of them.

None of the giant gods, such as the God of the Sky, have ever appeared. Jia Xu once deduced that there might be changes in the gods.

As for the fairy clan, the situation is similar, with small-scale battles continuing and no large-scale battles.

Compared to the God Clan, the Immortal Clan is much more normal. At least the most powerful Immortal Clan such as the Emperor of Heaven can often see traces of them.

The invasion frequency of the two races is basically the same. Every once in a while, the immortal race comes to invade, and after a while, the god race comes again.

Maybe there is an alliance, so it is a cross-invasion. It is said that the situation at Chaoge is roughly the same.


Ye Fan's eyes flickered, thoughtfully.

"General, since you need the source of the true god, I will mobilize the army immediately. The true god is difficult to kill, but if you use the power of the entire border, it will be enough to kill one true god."

Ye Fan's expression changed. Because he lowered his head, Bai Qi didn't notice it.

Bai Qi patted his chest and said confidently.

"No need to be so troublesome."

Ye Fan shook his head and smiled.

He has a countermeasure!
Use the power of the entire border to kill a true god?
Yes, but not necessary.

If you do this, it will definitely disrupt the border deployment. Even if Bai Qi doesn't say it, Ye Fan can see this.

It would be bad if that happened, and Mark was not so reckless.

"General, please speak."

Bai Qi's spirit was shaken, and he immediately relaxed when he thought of Mark's planning ability.

"Just threaten."

Ye Fan grinned.


Everyone looked at each other.

"Send an order to challenge the gods and ask them to come out. You will know the rest later.

Ye Fan said softly.




Human Realm Conquest Order!

I saw a ball of fire that looked like a blazing flame shining in the starry sky, and the infinite fire light swept across the world.

Bursts of war songs reflected in the vast universe.

Challenge before closing!

In almost a few breaths, the gods became furious again.

You guys didn't even take a break to recuperate and you just came to provoke us right after the fight?
Do you really think that you human race are still the same human race as before?

court death!


boom! ! !
boom! ! !
boom! ! !
Magnificent divine light!

Brilliant and colorful!
Wave after wave of majestic and supreme aura swept in from outside the galaxy.

Waves of divine music sounded, and avenues of light shone.

In an instant, a vast and giant-like figure appeared in the starry sky.

Gods, appear!

Hundreds of super-realm gods stand in the Milky Way and step on the stars, and the radiance of the gods is reflected in the vast universe.

"Human race, you dare to provoke the God race, then fight!"

A golden vertical eye appeared above the nine heavens, and a strong and majestic voice echoed across the vast realm.

"Don't be in a hurry."

With a hint of smile in his voice, a figure appeared outside the giant city.

Swish swish! ! !
Swish swish! ! !
Bai Qi, Jia Xu, the strong men of the human race, and a group of super-level people appeared behind the figure one after another.

Ye Fan arrives with the strong men of the human race!
(End of this chapter)

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