Senior, don’t kneel!I am really not the ancestor of the human race!

Chapter 131: It’s like worshiping gods and seeing the sky!

Chapter 131: It’s like worshiping gods and seeing the sky!

"You are the one who provokes our gods."

The golden vertical eyes were dark and cold, and before he finished speaking, his voice stopped.

The majestic golden vertical eyes seemed a little dull.

"you you you!!!"

He was horrified and trembling, as if he had seen a ghost. Even the light in his vertical eyes increased countless times at this moment.

The gods seemed to have seen clearly the leader Ye Fan. Without exception, all the gods turned around and took a few steps back.

His face turned frightened, and the atmosphere in the entire starry sky was stagnant at this moment.

Silent as death!
Time seems to stop moving, space seems to have ceased to exist, and everything seems to have stopped.

The oppressive atmosphere filled the starry sky, all the stars in the sky were frozen, and there was no light in the sky. The reason was all Ye Fan!

Ye Fan! ! !

There is only one person, but he contains infinite magic power, but he is better than thousands of troops, and seems to be able to block the glory of the gods.

"What are you talking about? Keep talking."

With a calm face, Ye Fan reached out and made a move, sharp golden light appeared, the destiny of the human race rose, the awe-inspiring destiny was crowned, and infinite power exploded.

A golden sword, like the sun, full of brilliant power, appeared in Ye Fan's hands.

"And, keep talking."

Loudly! ! !
The sword is trembling and the light is dazzling.

The scene became increasingly silent!
I saw the golden vertical eyes countless light years away, seeming to have come back to their senses.

A look of fear clearly appeared in his eyes as huge as the sun.

It's like instinct. If you raise your eyes, you will subconsciously close them as if you want to run away.

"If you leave, I will lead the army of all races to the divine realm."

Ye Fan's light words echoed in the starry sky.

No sound in a vacuum?

Chaopin controls the avenue and can control all avenues, not to mention that these are only rules limited to mortals.

In the vast universe, Ye Fan's voice is not only spreading, but also deafening.

Even though the voice he spoke was not loud, it resonated with the heaven and earth and made a majestic sound like the sound of heaven.

More silence!

There seemed to be water droplets falling from the giant golden eyes, like tears or sweat.

He was frozen in the void and motionless, as if he was scared to death.

"Let's see Mr. Ye."

"Let's see Mr. Ye."

"Let's see Mr. Ye."

After a long time, the gods came back to their senses, their voices trembled, and they saluted Ye Fan.

If you respect the gods!

Youfan can see the sky!
Even though they are enemies, they all are in awe of Ye Fan!
Bai Qi and others were accustomed to this, and their expressions remained unchanged, but they had expected it.

It's just a normal thing.

If they are not in awe, then they will be surprised.

It should be noted that back then, Ye Fan personally led an army of all races to attack the gods.
Moreover, it was Ye Fan who knocked the gods out of the human realm.

Even if he is an enemy, when facing such a powerful person, the gods will naturally still maintain respect.

This is nothing more than a stance, purely a reverence for the strong.

"We are all enemies, so there is no need to say such polite words."

Ye Fan waved the divine sword and said lightly with a sword flower.

Compared with Bai Qi and others, Ye Fan knows some things better.

For example, he had interactions with the gods!

There was communication long before the Qin Dynasty!
This was already discovered during the Qin Dynasty's Battle of the Gods.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Fan made this move.

What, how did the intersection come about?

There is no need to say more about this, everyone understands it.

There is no other explanation except that Ye Fan will return to an era farther away than Da Qin in the future.

"I wonder what brings you here, Mr. Ye?"

The vertical eyes flashed and turned into a god with nine eyes. He appeared not far from Ye Fan and said respectfully.

Especially after seeing Ye Fan doing a sword trick, his heart trembled slightly, as if he was afraid.

One of the powerful men of the God Clan, the Nine-Eyed God!It is quite similar to the clairvoyance in myths and legends.

Of course, there is indeed an immortal among the immortals who is said to be clairvoyant.

"I haven't seen you for many years. You gods are so majestic."

Ye Fan said quietly.

The gods trembled.

"What are you talking about? We follow the contract between humans and gods and have never raised troops to attack the human realm. At most, we have only sent out gods on a small scale to fight against the strong humans to hone our combat experience. Please tell me, sir. .”

Jiu Mu Shen forced a smile on his face and said cautiously.

"Oh, is it?"

Ye Fan smiled playfully.

Although he didn't know how scared he was of these gods, everyone was so careful.

But that's not important. After all, he has experience with this stuff, so he can just bluff people.

"It is true, it is true."

Jiu Mu Shen said with fear.

"Where is the king of the gods, where is the ancestor of the gods, and where is the honor of the gods? You are not qualified to speak to me and ask them to come to see me."

Ye Fan said calmly.


Jiumu God's expression changed slightly, he lowered his head and said:

"The emperors of our clan are all in seclusion and have not yet come out. It is difficult for them to come to see you. Please forgive me, sir."


Ye Fan narrowed his eyes slightly.

It's interesting. Did something really happen to the Gods?
If that's true, wouldn't it be fun and interesting?
"Please forgive me, sir."

The nine-eyed god lowered his head.

"Please forgive me, sir."

"Please forgive me, sir."

"Please forgive me, sir."

The gods felt uneasy, their faces were slightly pale, and they all lowered their heads.

"Jia Xu, do you feel a little strange?"

Bai Qi's eyes flashed and he spoke to Jia Xu calmly.

"What did the general say?"

"Although General Ye led his army to attack the Protoss, I can understand if they were in awe of General Ye, but it seems that they are not just in awe, they seem to be afraid in their bones."

Bai Qi muttered.

"Haha, General Bai Qi, you think Mr. Ye is too simple. It's been so many years, haven't you guessed anything yet?"

Jia Xu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Bai Qi looked confused.

Guess what?
"It seems that I heard that General Ye has an extraordinary status, but being extraordinary is not so terrifying."

White said.

Jia Xu.

That's right, it wasn't the first day he met Bai Qi.

How could he forget about Bai Qi's naive character?

It would be strange if Bai Qi could figure it out.

"General Bai Qi, it's not important why Mr. Ye makes the gods so scared. What's important is that you haven't noticed the reaction of the gods. It seems that something is really wrong with the top leaders of the God Clan."

Jia Xu changed the subject.

"Something went wrong."

Bai Qi's eyes lit up.

"I accidentally had a whim and wanted to study how a true god is composed. Please give me a true god from your tribe."

Ye Fan said leisurely.

It was still a bit troublesome at first. After all, the giants of the God Clan were no longer vegetarians, and they would not stand and wait to die when pressed.

But something went wrong with those giants of the Gods?

Oh wow.

Isn't this interesting?

Didn't the Gods just let him slaughter them?
(End of this chapter)

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