Chapter 136 Returning to the Three Kingdoms
As the God of the Netherworld said, Ye Fan will naturally notify the super masters of the Galaxy Giant City later, and will also notify the Great Elder of the Mystery Bureau.

Speaking of which, compared to the Immortal Clan, the God Clan is indeed much better.

The only problem with the Protoss is their arrogance, and that is exactly what they said.

Gods are high above, overlooking the world, and regard all living beings as ants.

The gods are born to control a certain kind of Tao. Needless to say, they are like the spirits of the Tao.

To be honest, there are not many who are strong and aggressive. Only the gods who are in charge of this aspect will be affected.

For example, the way of killing, the way of war, etc., other gods are very peaceful.

If so, Chaoge would not have expelled the immortals but the gods instead.

Yingzheng's expulsion of the Gods was also for the sake of unification and to avoid the hidden dangers of the Gods. To be honest, the Gods were not very destructive.

Of course, no one wants to have a high-ranking god standing on their head, which is one of the reasons for expelling gods.

"Because of Mr. Ye."

The God of the Netherworld did not hide anything and said calmly.

After saying that, the God of the Netherworld looked at Ye Fan with bright eyes, seeming to be amazed and in awe, and said in a deep voice:

"Since Mr. Ye is not dead, it means that the human race is planning something. If so, the best choice for the gods to keep their heads is to bow their heads."

"Oh, it's interesting. You Gods know how to judge the situation, so let's leave it like this. Whether we cooperate or not, we, the Human Race, will give a final decision after the discussion."

Ye Fan stood up and said lazily.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye."

A glint flashed in the Netherworld God's eyes, and a smile appeared on his face.

So far!

As the conversation ended, Ye Fan and the God of the Netherworld left this temporary space.

After the two people in the universe looked at each other, the God of the Netherworld bowed and waved to lead the gods away.

With a deep and incomprehensible look in his eyes, Ye Fan stared at the gods leaving, then looked away after a long time.

The corner of his mouth showed a faint arc, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

After saying hello to Bai Qi and everyone else, Ye Fan left the Galaxy Giant City.

Whether humans and gods cooperate or not, Ye Fan alone cannot decide.

He was neither able nor willing to decide alone, so he simply left the matter to the big guys in China and let them decide.

As for the result, Ye Fan just didn't care.

If there is cooperation, he will take action. If there is no cooperation, then he will talk about it.

To put it bluntly, the Gods are not really good things.

If you really think how good the Gods are, you are thinking too much.

So even if it seems that cooperation is more beneficial, it still needs to be carefully considered and considered.

It is impossible to decide immediately.

As Ye Fan said, since you can cooperate with the gods, why not cooperate with the immortals? Everything is based on interests.

No emotional behavior is allowed between races.

If the Immortal Clan is more beneficial, then there is no harm in cooperating with the Immortal Clan.

Rebirth door.

With a flash of light, Ye Fan's figure appeared out of thin air.

"The Immortal Clan. The God Clan."

With a secret thought, Ye Fan took a deep breath and eliminated many distracting thoughts in his mind.

No hurry, no hurry.

Let's deal with the matter in front of us first.

"The mission is finally accomplished"

There was a faint smile on Mark's face and he slowly exhaled.

In order to complete the mission of the Three Kingdoms, it can be said that there were constant twists and turns, but fortunately the mission was completed!
"What happened to the Taiping Road created by Zhang Jiao?"

With a feeling of anticipation rising in his heart, Ye Fan muttered silently, called up the mission page, and received the mission reward.

It’s time to go to the Three Kingdoms again!

Buzz! ! !
Ripples appeared in the void.

In an instant, a ring slowly came out of the void and landed in front of Ye Fanzhi.

What followed was a slight vibration on the phone in his pocket.Needless to say, the money must have arrived.

Think about it carefully, he now has almost a billion dollars?

There was a feeling of happiness instantly.

Finally have money! ! !
Although there is no place to use the money, it is not important. If you have money, that will be the end of it.

"Give me some targeted rewards from the system lottery."

Ye Fan said silently.

It's impossible to smoke, it's all fake anyway, just point it out.

Orientation, the orientation of directional lottery, everyone understands it.

The system is speechless.

"Ding! Congratulations to the master for getting a treasure map."

As soon as the system sound fell, a parchment-like paper slowly fell in front of Mark.

Ye Fan was speechless.

Good guy, the reward was given directly before, but now he is asked to hunt for treasure by himself?
Ye Fan was speechless.

Shaking his head, Ye Fan put away the treasure map for the time being.

If you want to hunt for treasure, just hunt for treasure. At least you have clues about new ancient spiritual objects, which is better than knowing nothing at all.

Looking at the ring, Mark showed a smile on his face.

Go, Three Kingdoms!

As soon as the thought came to mind, Ye Fan reached out and touched the ring.

boom! ! !
Special time and space.

His consciousness slowly regained consciousness, and his vision gradually returned to normal.

What caught Ye Fan's eyes was Zhang Jiao with an excited expression on his face.

A feeling of enlightenment came to his heart, and Mark immediately understood the current situation.

Following on from the last timeline?
In other words, Zhang Jiao wants to take him to become a god?
It's just right, and it saves Ye Fan's time.

After stroking his thoughts, he saw that Zhang Jiao had already greeted him, and Ye Fan immediately followed him.

After spending half a day, Zhang Jiao finally brought Ye Fan to a battlefield.

Heroes from all over the world are vying for hegemony, and princes and generals from all walks of life are playing games with each other.

Naturally, wars can be seen everywhere on the land of China.

Although he entered the battlefield, Zhang Jiao did not join the war.

He just picked up a seriously injured person on the battlefield and took him away.

In the uninhabited plain, there was a flash of light, and Ye Fan, Zhang Jiao and the seriously injured soldiers appeared out of thin air.

When they saw the scene around them, the soldiers' eyes nearly popped out.

His face had become extremely dull: "Immortal?"

"I am a human race, an immortal? Immortals are not worthy to be compared with our human race."

Zhang Jiao frowned and said in a deep voice.

Without wasting too much time, Zhang Jiao said directly:

"Little brother, I have a method called Conferring God, which can make you an immortal god. However, this method has just been born and has not been used yet, but I don't know if it has any flaws, so I found you."

"You have been seriously injured and are close to death. Do you want to give it a try? If you succeed, you can protect the people of China for the gods. If you fail, you will be wiped out."

The faces of the soldiers who heard Zhang Jue's words were dull and seemed to have no reaction.

But this is normal and understandable. If it were other ordinary people, it might not be much better.

After all, you are about to die, and suddenly someone like an immortal takes you away teleporting away.

Then he tells you that you can become a god. Who can be calm about this?

"wake up."

Seeing the soldiers stunned, Zhang Jiao shouted out the words "Tian Xian".

The words containing the mysterious heavenly sound immediately awakened the soldiers and shocked their bodies.

"The villain is willing."

The soldier looked resolute and said solemnly:
"If I become a god, I am willing to protect the people of my country, and I am willing to protect my compatriots from Yan and Huang."

(End of this chapter)

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