Senior, don’t kneel!I am really not the ancestor of the human race!

Chapter 137 The failure to become a god shocked the outside world

Chapter 137 The failure to become a god shocked the outside world


Zhang Jiao smiled.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Jiao's face gradually became serious.

There are wisps of mysterious and profound aura blooming all over the body.

Ripples burst out in the void, as if runes were flashing one after another.

"Today, in the name of the magician of China, and in the name of the national master of China, I decree the heaven and the earth, the rules, and the great road."

"Condensing the heavenly way, converging the earthly way, attracting the heavenly light, and surging the divine law," he said.

A series of mysterious and obscure words came from Zhang Jiao's mouth.

Zhang Jiao's handprints continued to move, and one after another indescribable aura rose from it.

The atmosphere between heaven and earth began to change faintly, seeming to become a little depressing.

On the horizon, the originally bright sky had turned dark.

There were dense clouds in the sky, and there were flashes of thunder and flowers.

Seemingly feeling something, Ye Fan looked towards the sky. Runes flashed across his eyes, and his aura gradually became deeper.

"The world cannot tolerate it? No, it seems"

Pinch his fingers, Ye Fan was thoughtful, and his eyes fell on Zhang Jiao again.

have some problem?

"I use my blood to summon the gods."

"I use the great road to consecrate the gods."

"Man learns from blood, and heaven is born from elephants."

"Feng Shen!"

When Zhang Jiao's words came to an end, in an instant, a great feeling of terror was born in the world.

boom! ! !
A huge roar resounded throughout the sky and the earth, and a terrifying invisible power was born out of thin air.

Like a millstone, like a divine punishment, immeasurable power shrouded Zhang Jiao and the soldiers.

"Teacher be careful."

With a flash of figure, Ye Fan appeared between the two of them.

When he turned his palm and blocked it with force, the burst of energy was immediately melted by Ye Fan.


Blood spurted out of his mouth, Zhang Jiao's breath became messy, and the light in his eyes dimmed a lot:
"Failed? No, no, something went wrong. One link is missing, one link is missing."

As he kept mumbling in his mouth, Zhang Jiao immediately closed his eyes and began to deduce with his fingers.

Ye Fan's mouth twitched slightly when he saw this.

Good guy, is my teacher going crazy?

But that’s all I can understand. After all, it’s really just the last half step.
"Becoming a God. It is really possible for human beings to become a god, but at what price?"

Ye Fan sighed.

Having reached this level of cultivation and experienced many things, there is no doubt about Ye Fan's vision and experience.

After calculating with his fingers just now, Ye Fan has already noticed.

This human race's method of conferring gods was really successful!

However, everything has pros and cons.

It would be impossible for a mortal to become a god without paying a price.

There is no such a heaven-defying method in the world.

But what the price is, Ye Fan doesn’t know yet.

Shaking his head, Ye Fan waved his hand to recover the injuries of the unconscious soldiers.

Then, after erasing his memory of this period, send him far away from this place.

After thinking about it, Ye Fan reached out and gathered the rules and avenues here, and then looked at Zhang Jiao.

The next step is to see if Zhang Jiao can succeed!

At the same time, another time and space.

Because of the information delivered by Ye Fan, the entire mysterious bureau was in a state of uproar.

All those in charge are shocked by this!

Join forces with the Gods?

Or, destroy the Gods?
The news is too explosive and shocking, no one can remain calm, and no one can remain calm.

This matter involves too much and involves too much. It is related to the destiny of China and the future of all living beings.

Whether we should cooperate or do something else, we have to think deeply.

Especially the matter of cooperation with Ksitigarbha has just concluded.

Originally, we were still finalizing the matter of how to allow Ksitigarbha to settle in China and Buddhism.The result is good, something like this happened again, good guy, who can withstand this?

Whether it's the Mystery Bureau or other Zhixiang groups, they are all trying their best to discuss.

While talking to each other, noisy voices sounded in various conference rooms.

Mystery Bureau, in the conference room.

The Great Elder and others looked at each other and were speechless.

Rubbing his temples, the great elder said solemnly:

"Let the Zhixiang Group analyze this matter. Using our brains is not what we are good at, so don't interfere and disrupt it."

There are specialties in the art industry, and professional things should be left to professionals.

In this regard, Zhixiang Tuancai is obviously more professional.

Just like what Ye Fan said before, he is not the material of this field, so of course he will not care about this matter.




Everyone was serious and had no objections.

"How is the research on the materials from the Three Kingdoms period going?"

asked the great elder.

"Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and our Mystery Bureau are jointly investigating and exploring the secrets. It should not take long to find some clues."

"We just handed over the latest investigation results to Ksitigarbha, and we should have the results soon."

Wang Chu adjusted his glasses and said.

"That's good."

The elder nodded.

There was also a hint of expectation on everyone's faces.

Just as he was speaking, as if he was cooperating with what Yang Qu and others said, a burst of magnificent Buddha light bloomed from outside the conference room.

Everyone seemed to feel something, and all looked at the door of the conference room.

Soon, Ksitigarbha, who exuded a faint Buddhist light and charm, hurried in.

"Amitabha, the young monk has met you all."

Ksitigarbha performed a Buddhist salute and said slowly.

The great elder and others immediately stood up and returned the greeting.

Seeing everyone's eyes focused on him, Ksitigarbha showed a smile on his face and said:

"As expected, the poor monk has found some materials and information from the Three Kingdoms period."

Hearing this, everyone's body was shocked.

found it? ? ?
Special time and space.

One day later, the sky became dark within a radius of thousands of kilometers, and there was a hint of howling wind.

There are also dark clouds shrouding the sky, and the world is filled with a depressing and lifeless atmosphere.

Another day passed, and the next day, thunder began to flash in the sky.

A roar like a war drum suddenly emerged from the void, and the dark sky was illuminated by thunder.

The sky is changing!

The ground is shaking!

Ye Fan stood with his hands behind his back, standing next to Zhang Jiao, guarding the surrounding order like a divine guard.

Just like the invulnerability of all laws, evil spirits are also difficult to touch. There are wisps of faint golden light rising from Ye Fan's body.

With his fingers pinching slightly, Ye Fan looked at the sky and looked back at the realm. His eyes became deeper and deeper, and an inexplicable smile appeared on his face.


A murmuring voice came from Ye Fan's mouth.

Not tolerated by heaven and earth?

A product that defies nature?
It seems that this human race's method of conferring gods is much more incredible than imagined.

"If you look at the current generation of celebrities, we, the Yanhuang people of the Chinese clan, have indeed had no shortage of amazing and talented people for countless years."

Ye Fan sighed.

In ancient times, Emperor Fuxi created the Xiantian Bagua.

There are also times when Lao Tzu travels and re-enacts the great road.

At a glance, are there not many monster-like characters that have appeared in China from ancient times to the present?
Quite a lot!

Even a lot!
And Zhang Jiao is also one of them!

(End of this chapter)

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