Chapter 138

Time flies, and another day has passed.

Day three!
The great avenues, spiritual energy, rules and other substances between heaven and earth have become more and more intense, and they are gradually getting closer to Zhang Jiao.

The rich Taoist rhyme and many rules of Qi have evolved many miraculous and mysterious objects in the world.

Like blossoming golden flowers adorning the sky, like the sky filled with mist and purple air, there are also the undulations of fairy music.

The majestic shadow like an immortal or a god also seems to be praying and dancing.

Heaven and earth congratulations!


If there is a supreme awakening, a great thing seems to be born, and all the heavens and all the ways seem to be congratulating and praying for it.

Looking around, I felt the will that was peeking out one after another.

Ye Fan frowned slightly and snorted coldly, and at the same time released his own power.

In terms of cultivation, there may be many from the gods and immortals who can compare with Ye Fan.

But apart from the gods and immortals, there are very few people who can compare with Ye Fan in today's human world. There is no doubt about this.

As Ye Fan released the pressure, the vague consciousnesses around him suddenly shrank and disappeared.

Without paying too much attention, Ye Fan stood with his hands behind his back and continued to watch Zhang Jiao's final deduction quietly.

Fourth day.
fifth day.
sixth day.
the seventh day.
As time goes by, strange phenomena occur within tens of thousands of kilometers around Zhang Jiao.

There have become more and more, and they have become more and more endless.

The countless visions seem to have transformed this area into the King Ocean of Visions, which is endless and vast.

Until the ninth day!

The nine extremes are also the limit and the end, with profound and mysterious meanings.

When the ninth day arrives, the vision between heaven and earth seems to have reached its extreme, the pinnacle of evolution.

The mysterious and obscure aura on Zhang Jiao's body has also reached a point where it seems that it may transform at any time.

Ye Fan seemed to have something in his mind, and he suddenly realized it with his eyes slightly narrowed.

"I see."

"Is this my mission at this time?"

Nan Nan muttered to herself, and wisps of aura gradually emitted from Ye Fan's body.

He traveled through historical time and space and witnessed in various eras.

No matter which life it is, as long as he appears, it means that he has a mission that needs to be completed.

Ye Fan knows this very well and understands it very well.

And now, he knows what his mission is in this life!

The world has changed a lot!
The catastrophe is here!

The already dark sky had turned into complete darkness at this moment.

It's like you can't see your fingers, it's so dark that it makes your heart palpitate, it's like the endless abyss where you can't see the end.

Purple sky thunders countless times thicker than buckets flickered in the clouds.

The oppressive aura swept through the nine heavens and ten earths as if it was the end of the world.

Heavenly Tribulation!

Also, divine punishment!

This is transformed by rules and condensed by order. If there is an existence that goes against heaven, it will affect the rules and cause the punishment of heaven to appear.

If you survive, you will be able to live against the odds.

If you can't get through it, everything will disappear.

Some are similar to those described in many film and television works and books.

In other words, novels, film and television works are derived from reality, so there is no need to say more.

It is said that to advance above the super level, you need to survive the heavenly sect.

And it's not like this kind of heavenly dispatch that just condenses one party's will and rules.

Instead, you have to survive the heavenly call that condenses the rules and power of the entire universe.

Of course, there is no way for Ye Fan to know whether it is true or false. After all, he has not reached that level.


Ye Fan murmured.

The Guardian Scroll is released!

The Guardian God is born!

This is his mission in this life!

"I have fought so many times, but this is the first time I have fought against the sky." A faint smile appeared on Ye Fan's face.

Taking one step forward, it feels like the world is so close, or like the ground has shrunk into an inch.

In an instant, Ye Fan had crossed the endless distance and arrived in the sky in an instant.

But when Ye Fan pointed out, in an instant, the sky and the sky were sealed, and the heaven and the earth were sealed.

The area within tens of thousands of kilometers has been isolated from reality by Ye Fan.

Prevent the vision from being too noisy and causing unnecessary problems.

The trinity has all entered the super level, even though the earth is the original star.

But it is not difficult for Ye Fan to just block the space of one area.

"bring it on."

His body moved slightly, Ye Fan glanced at Zhang Jiao below and said softly.

Come fight!

Fight against the sky!
Boom! ! !
Earth shakes!

As if sensing Ye Fan's provocation, the thunder gathered above the clouds became more numerous.

Sky thunders were densely intertwined in the sky, like a big net gradually weaving towards the earth.



Like one second, it seems like ten thousand years.

In an instant, the immeasurable thunder seemed to transform into everything in the world.

They also turned into ancient ferocious beasts and roared towards Ye Fan.

Thunder is coming!

Each one contains the power to destroy a star, and each one is filled with the terrifying power to destroy the heaven and the earth.

This is a divine punishment.

A terrifying existence that has gathered the human realm's ancestral stars and the earth's rules, will, authority and other powers.

But I saw Ye Fan reaching out and making a move, which seemed to span eternity, as if tracing back endless time and space.

An illusory sword appeared in Ye Fan's hand and quickly turned into reality.

The bright and brilliant golden light burst out from the sword with endless power.


The projection of Chasing the Lake Divine Sword!
Borrow, the power of future generations!


With a slight scolding, Ye Fan slashed out with his sword.

Cut the world!
Cut down mountains and rivers!
Cut the stars!
Cut off the heavens!
Kill all realms!
Although it is a sword, it seems to contain all the power in it, mixed with the terrifying power that is difficult to fathom.

Soaring upward, sublimating to the extreme, shattering endlessly, implying unparalleled meaning.

The sky thunder is like encountering a powerful enemy, like a natural enemy. As soon as the sword light comes out, it turns into powder and is completely annihilated.

Swish! ! !
With a flicker of his body, he seemed to transform into thousands of ancient beings, using the power of martial arts and the power of literature and art.

Countless projected incarnations appeared next to Ye Fan, turning the sword in his hand, and Ye Fan faced the disaster.

"I create with my own creation, perform the creation of heaven, cast the power of heaven, and transform all things."

"The Heavenly Secretary is in charge of his duties, and he has no self-interest"

"God me."


A series of obscure mysterious sounds came out from Zhang Jiao's mouth, which seemed even more majestic and magnificent in conjunction with the increasingly fierce divine punishment in the sky.

It may be one second, or it may be ten thousand years. Time is no longer important at this moment, it is more like it is no longer passing.

Suddenly, Zhang Jiao opened his eyes suddenly, and runes appeared around Zhang Jiao, and then turned into streams of light and disappeared into Zhang Jiao's body.

At the same time, the terrifying and violent thunder in the sky also receded quickly like the tide.

Swish! ! !
Ye Fan reappeared next to Zhang Jiao.

"Congratulations to the teacher for your successful creation."

Ye Fan cupped his fists and bowed, smiling.

"Faner you"

Zhang Jiao's face was a little complicated, and he looked at Ye Fan hesitantly.

It was obvious that Zhang Jiao already knew how extraordinary Ye Fan was.

(End of this chapter)

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