Senior, don’t kneel!I am really not the ancestor of the human race!

Chapter 139: Become a God again, defy the heavens

Chapter 139: Become a God again, defy the heavens
"I am here to protect the Tao, to protect the common people of China. I am a descendant of the Yan and Huang Dynasties. This is my identity, and I am also the teacher's disciple.

Ye Fan smiled and said.

Zhang Jiao's body trembled, and the complex expression on his face quickly faded, and he immediately smiled.

"Yes, for me, Yanhuang, and for me, China."

Zhang Jiao said in a deep voice.

With a big wave of his hand, Zhang Jiao said energetically:
"The human race's method of becoming a god has been completed. Fan'er, follow me and become a god!"

After saying that, Zhang Jiao paused and said awkwardly: "This time it really happened!"


Ye Fan smiled and nodded.

He knows better than others how much effort and effort Zhang Jiao put into creating the human race's method of conferring gods.

Zhang Jiao resolutely gave up the method chosen by Han Dynasty to break the situation for the sake of his own safety.

Even if the fate of the country backfired, he would not change his expression and traveled around the world for countless years, just to find a way to improve the strength of the human race.

He really responded to that sentence.

Live this life not for yourself, but for the common people!

That is, live for the common people.

Happy for the common people.

Happiness is the happiness of the common people.

Sad for the common people.

The seven emotions and six desires are mobilized for the common people.

It can be said that he has completely given up on himself. Ye Fan would respect and fear such a person, but it is difficult to do so.

There are very few people in this world who can do this.

"Haha, let's go!"

Zhang Jiao's eyes were as bright as the stars and the sun, he laughed and disappeared from the place with Ye Fan.

On the way, Zhang Jiao explained to Ye Fan the method he created for human race to become gods, or the secret of the Tao of Peace.

Peace is also heaven, and heaven is the way, which is called the way of heaven.

It contains the power of heaven and carries the wonders of all things. It can be a god on behalf of heaven and act on behalf of heaven!

"Fan'er, this way can help our race become gods, make mortals reborn, make mortals regard humans as gods, forge my Yanhuang power and fame, and create my Chinese immortal deeds."

Zhang Jiao's face was solemn and he spoke word by word.

"There are no absolutes, nothing can be perfect, and flaws are what they are."

Evan asked.

"Yes, it does have flaws. It's high and low."

Speaking of this, Zhang Jiao's eyes dimmed slightly and he sighed.

Ye Fan was not surprised, it was just something he had known for a long time.

He just looked at Zhang Jue, waiting for Zhang Jue's reply, or answer.

Feeling Ye Fan's gaze, Zhang Jiao perked up a little, cleared his mind and said:

"Our race is the leader of all spirits, the source of all spirits, the protagonists of heaven and earth, and the strongest of all races."

"Whether it's talent, potential, ability, or anything else, our race is enough to crush all races and conquer the past and present."

"However, our clan has one biggest flaw, longevity, or heel. This is an advantage and a flaw. It is better than my clan's affinity with the world. If it is lacking, it is difficult to integrate into the rules and obtain the Tao."

"For this reason, I deduced the methods of all races and traveled around all races in the world in order to find flaws and make up for the shortcomings. Originally, I thought that I could create immortality just by relying on the advantages of my race. However, you have also seen it, Fan'er, It failed.”

As he spoke, Zhang Jiao sighed, feeling a little lonely and helpless.

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows and had a vague guess.

No, I should say, I have already guessed it.

"So, teacher, if you integrate this method into all races, you need to adopt the blood of foreign races. Use the blood of foreign races to deduce the origin of heaven and earth. In this way, you can become a god and become an immortal."

Ye Fan said.

"Yes, that's exactly what it is."

Zhang Jiao nodded.

Ye Fan was slightly stunned.

To put it bluntly, it is to use the blood of foreign races to make up for the shortcomings of the human race.

Human race cannot live forever?

Then use the alien race and the blood of the alien race to live forever.It's a bit similar to how Xu Fu helped Bai Qi achieve immortality in the past, but it's also different.

Bai Qi's one has to be a specific time, a specific place, a specific person, and a specific fate.

But Zhang Jiao's law is different. As long as you fuse the blood of the foreign race, you can complete the leap to the blood of the human race and be called invincible!
Also, against the sky!

It’s so outrageous!

I would like to ask if there is a way in this world to change the origin of bloodline transformation, and still allow people to achieve at least one rank in one step?
There is no way to do it.

Wei, Zhang Jiao!

Of course, going against the grain and going against the grain also has flaws, just as Zhang Jiao said, even if it is said to be high, it is too high, and even if it is said to be low, it is too low.

Other races might be willing to change their bloodlines, but if it were a Chinese one instead of a Yanhuang one, not many would be willing.

Having Yanhuang bloodline is the pride of many tribesmen, and it is also the pride of many people.

Just like Bai Qi in the past, this is the same truth.

"The strength of my method lies in the fact that by blending the blood of any race or creature, you can possess the most fundamental beauty of that blood."

With piercing eyes, Zhang Jiao said in a deep voice.

Ye Fan's body was shaken, with a look of disbelief on his face.

it means
"It's what you think, Fan'er. For example, if you fuse the bloodline of the Kunpeng family, you can gain the potential of the Kunpeng ancestor. This is the most unnatural thing about Taiping Dao."

Zhang Jiao raised his head and said proudly.

Even Ye Fan couldn't help but inhale slightly and feel his tongue smacking.


unbelievable! ! !

No wonder the heaven and earth changed color when the Tao of Peace was achieved and the will blocked it. This method is really too outrageous and exaggerated.

By fusing the blood of the Dragon Clan, one can gain the power of the Ancestral Dragon, and by fusing the blood of the Qingqiu Fox Clan, one can gain the power of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox.

Good guy, this is simply a BUG.

"On behalf of the people of China, and on behalf of our descendants of Yan and Huang, I would like to thank the teacher for his great kindness."

Ye Fan looked serious and bowed deeply to Zhang Jiao.

"It's not a big thank you, but it's a pity that I didn't create a flawless method of conferring immortality on the gods."

Zhang Jiao waved his hand and his eyes were slightly dark.

"No, this method is already against the heavens. Teacher's contribution is important for thousands of years, and for all generations. If our race is in trouble, this method is enough to tide over the difficulties and avoid disasters."

Ye Fan said solemnly.

Is Taipingdao against heaven?
Unbelievable to the extreme!

Perhaps when there is still a choice, not many people would be willing to change their bloodline.

But if it comes to a critical moment, this method will be terrible, enough to turn the entire human race into a race of immortals and gods.

Now the human race is so terrifying. How terrible would it be if the entire human race turned into a race of immortals and gods?


"Let's try this method first."

Zhang Jiao said with a smile.

"No, it's here."

Seemingly feeling something, he opened his eyes and looked in one direction.


The right person is found!
In real time and space, in the mysterious bureau's combat conference room.


Deathly silence!
Everyone at the scene was stunned.

Even if he is a super-class person, even if he is a strong person among super-class people, Ksitigarbha is no exception.

Everyone looked at the archives in the distance, dumbfounded, horrified, and everyone was dumbfounded and unimaginable.

"If this information hadn't been left by Mr. Jia Xu, I wouldn't have believed it to be true."

Zhang Gongfeng exclaimed.

When everyone heard the words, their expressions were dull and their minds were blank, they subconsciously nodded in agreement.

Sun Yu Nannan, the helmsman of the war hall, said to himself.

"Zhang Jiao. Zhang Jiao Taiping Road! It turns out that this is the real Taiping Road!"

(End of this chapter)

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