Senior, don’t kneel!I am really not the ancestor of the human race!

Chapter 140 Returning to reality, above the transcendent realm?

Chapter 140 Return to reality, above the transcendent realm?

"Mr. Zhang Jiao realized Taoism in the wilderness and founded the human race's method of conferring gods. Mr. Ye single-handedly wielded his sword to kill the gods. What a grace and power this is."

Wang Chu sighed.

Everyone couldn't help but have a trace of longing in their eyes.

In a trance, I seem to be able to see the scene of Ye Fan suppressing the divine punishment in the sky during the Three Kingdoms period with his unparalleled appearance.

It is also like being able to see Zhang Jiao enlightening for nine days and finally creating the human race's method of conferring gods.

"The human race can become gods, the human race can ascend to immortality, and use the blood of a foreign race to gain the potential of the human race. This method is too unnatural."

Wang Hao breathed.

"Human race. Human race, you deserve to be a human race."

Ksitigarbha shook his head, sincerely convinced.

It’s so scary and so outrageous.

Can such a thing exist?

Ksitigarbha said that he and his friends were shocked together.

Good guy, he called him "good guy" on the spot!

"It's strange. Since the human race's method of conferring gods is so against the heavens, why has it not been passed down? It seems that except for Mr. Jia Xu, there are no human race gods."

Li Chen said with some confusion.

"This poor monk should know some of the reasons for this."

Ksitigarbha said slowly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes immediately focused on Ksitigarbha.

"I also ask Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to give us some guidance."

"The time has not come yet, the heaven's destiny has not changed, and he cannot be born, just like the Wen Dao of the past."

Ksitigarbha King said slowly.

"The time has not come yet, the destiny has not changed."

Everyone's eyes flickered thoughtfully, as if they had some enlightenment.

"I understand, thank you Bodhisattva for your guidance."

"I realized it too."


"I see."

"It's like that."

The heads and senior officials of the Mysterious Bureau all looked enlightened and suddenly thought.


Ksitigarbha, who originally wanted to say something, opened his mouth, but then silently said the Buddha's name.

Do you understand?

I'm not done yet.

I was about to say that this was just a flash of information from heaven, but I didn’t know what it was exactly.

In the end, you understood everything?

Good guy, he just called good guy.

I don’t even understand it very well, but you will understand it.

I want to tell you what you know.

Considering that it was still the sweet period, it would be embarrassing but not good to reveal it, so I had to keep silent.

Involuntarily, the entire conference room fell into a brief silence.

Everyone looked at each other speechless and didn't know where to start.

"Mr. Ye is so powerful."

After a long time, the elder broke the dead silence and spoke.

"Extremely so."

"Mr. Ye is so powerful."

"Mighty mighty."

Everyone said one after another.

"Zhang Jue is also like this. He uses his human body to plot the world, uses his own way to spy on the way of heaven, robs the authority of the way of heaven, and seizes the rules of the world. This kind of power is something that few people in Buddhism where I used to be able to do."

Ksitigarbha sighed.The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became dead silent again, and everyone's expressions were very subtle.


He seems to have said something wrong?
No, it seems I said the wrong thing again.

Hey, why do you say again?Well, that's not important.

The important thing is that this group of humans seemed to be just trying to change the topic and break the awkward situation.

And he spoke seriously?

Ah this
Rebirth door.

An obscure breath flashed away, Ye Fan opened his eyes in a daze, and his consciousness gradually returned to clarity.

Exhaling a breath, everything that Ye Fan experienced during the Three Kingdoms period was still vivid in his mind.

Jia Xu!

What didn't surprise Ye Fan was that it was Jia Xu who Zhang Jiao took Ye Fan to see, or in other words, it was Jia Xu who he was looking for.

This has already been guessed from the past of later generations, so there is no need to say more.

According to what Zhang Jiao said, Jia Xu was destined to have a demon star and the image of a Tianpeng spreading its wings.

It just so happened that Zhang Jiao had a drop of Jinpeng's blood in his body.

It was just right for Jia Xu, so he chose Jia Xu as the test target.

And when Zhang Jiao asked if he was willing to protect China and to forever hold the border of the human realm.

Ye Fan still remembers Jia Xu's firm and fiery eyes.

"It turns out that this world is called the Human Realm. My Chinese clan rules the entire galaxy. Haha, okay, okay. It's not fun to compete in the Central Plains. I am willing to go to the Human Realm alone. I am willing to suppress the dangers of my Human Realm and resist the harassment of foreign enemies. .”

"I am here, even if the border is not breached, if I can protect the common people in my country and protect my descendants of Yan and Huang, I will never look back, even if I die ten thousand times, I will not give up."

Hot eyes!

Look bright!

Like the sun, like stars, dazzling and unparalleled.

Under the witness of Ye Fan and Zhang Jiao, Jia Xu abandoned his literary skills and merged with the demon blood to reshape his body and soul.

Later, Ye Fan felt that Zhang Jiao's life was short, and asked Zhang Jiao why he didn't rebuild his life.

The Taiping Dao transformed into other races and continued to protect China and the people.

In this regard, Zhang Jiao said:

"Haha, I was born as a human race, and I will die as a human race. Since I was born in Yanhuang, how can I change my race? God? Immortal? No need, my mission has been completed."

"I have found a way to break the situation for the human race. For the others, I don't have much fighting power if I am more than me, and if I am less than me, I have a lot of strength. I have my pride. If I were to change my race, it would not be my wish."

"Now that there is no life or death in China, I will not change that race. I will return to dust to dust."

"Fan'er, I know that your identity is extraordinary. I have taught you the Tao of Taiping, so you can protect this world for me."

"If one day, reincarnation revives and the souls of the dead return, I will crawl out of the netherworld and continue to fight the bloody battle for my country until the end. That day is not far away, not far away, haha."

"Fan'er, the day when reincarnation is created is when the great age comes. See you then."

Recalling that scene, Ye Fan was filled with thoughts and sighed.

Feeling the surging original power in his body, Ye Fan temporarily withdrew his mind and closed his eyes to refine the wisps of energy.

After a while, a lot of energy was refined, and the mysterious aura on Ye Fan's body disappeared in a flash and then converged.

Wisps of ripples appeared in the void around Ye Fan.

The space seemed to be unable to bear Ye Fan's breath, as if it might collapse at any time.

Thinking of what Zhang Jiao told him about reincarnation, Ye Fan's eyes flashed.

A surprise?

The joy of accident!

Even Ye Fan didn't expect Zhang Jiao to know something about reincarnation.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense and is indeed well-deserved. After all, Zhang Jiao is a warlock!

God among men, Warlock!
Guard the entire human order, control the universe of China and the earth, and watch the evolution of heaven and earth and the replacement of dynasties.

With the ability of a sorcerer, there are some secrets. There is nothing surprising.

"After a few more dynasties, my cultivation should be able to reach the level above the super level."

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and he clenched his fists.

After feeling his own aura and mystery, Ye Fan thought secretly with a smile on his face.

Above the super level!
(End of this chapter)

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