China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 312 Theme Song of Heavenly Road

Chapter 312 Theme Song of Heavenly Road
At the base camp of the Xi Zang Tian Road crew, everyone was eating and drinking, and the atmosphere was lively.
Until 9 o'clock in the evening, after eating and drinking, everyone did not leave, but chatted around the stove.

Liu Yifei suggested: "It's not interesting to just chat. Let's just have a bonfire party and everyone performs a show."

Hearing this proposal, Li Jiejian was the first to say: "Okay! It's a good story for everyone to show their talents and make friends through literature.

Do you have pen and ink? I'll show my shame first and write a few words! "

Li Jianjian has three major hobbies: drinking, eating spicy food and writing calligraphy.

Tonight, Li Jianjian ate spicy hot pot and drank a lot of Maotai-flavor technology with Zhang Nanyi. At this moment, he was in a state of excitement and his nerves were a little excited.

That's why I immediately agreed to Liu Yifei's proposal and also showed calligraphy.

When Li Dashan heard this, he immediately replied: "Of course I have the pen and ink. Teacher Li, wait a moment."

In the movie, geological expert Lu Yuan is also a calligraphy enthusiast. In one scene, he carved the word "Heavenly Road" on an earthen wall, and then the earthen wall strangely turned into a stone tablet standing on the road.

Therefore, the crew prepared calligraphy-related objects.

After a while, a long table was moved out, with pens, ink, paper and inkstones on it.

Li Jiejian's calligraphy skills are really impressive. When he played Song Jiang, he wrote all the calligraphy poems written by Song Jiang in the play himself.

Even though he was a little drunk at the moment, Li Jiejian still wrote the two characters "Heavenly Road" with great ease, which was both relaxed and sharp, and won applause from the whole room.

After the calligraphy display was completed, actors from several art troupes performed a Tibetan opera together, interpreting the story of the Tibetan deity Nyenchen Tanglha and Namtso couple.

Although there is no makeup, these actors performed this play with accumulated skills over time and are very skillful and well demonstrated the characteristics of Tibetan opera.

Everyone watched with gusto.

Liu Yifei did not expect that her casual suggestion would have such a good effect. She was not afraid of the stage, so she discussed it with A Lan, and the two planned to sing a song called Heavenly Road.

The song Tianlu was created in 2001 and sung by Tibetan singer Basang, but it never became popular.

This year's Spring Festival Gala, Han Hong sang a cover of this song, making it popular.

There was also an episode in the process, that is, Han Hong spent 10 yuan to buy out the singing rights of Tianlu, resulting in the original singer Basang being unable to sing Tianlu in any public place.

Therefore, in many people's minds, the song "Tianlu" is Han Hong's original song.

Although buying out the singing rights is a bit overbearing, it is also market behavior. Han Hong's approach is a bit stingy, but there is nothing wrong with it.

Liu Yifei took a guitar and handed it to Zhang Nanyi, asking him to help make a simple accompaniment. She took out her mobile phone, looked up the lyrics of Tianlu, and then led A Lan to stand in the middle of the venue.

Liu Yifei took the lead in singing.

"In the early morning, I stood on the green grassland and saw the condor covered with the glow of the sun~
Like an auspicious cloud flying across the blue sky, bringing good luck to the children of collectors~"

Under the guidance of Zhang Nanyi, Liu Yifei now has very good singing skills and singing skills.

She sang Tianlu very well. She did not use too many vocal techniques, but sang directly with her pure real voice.

Don't have a taste.

"I stood on a high mountain at dusk, hoping that the railway would be built to my hometown~
Giant dragons are crossing the mountains and ridges, bringing health to the snow-covered plateau~"

Even though Liu Yifei's singing is very good, when Ah Lan's voice comes out, the effect is still much better than Liu Yifei's.

Pure and ethereal, with the mystery and vastness of the plateau.

This song itself is more suitable for A Lan's voice. Unless it's cheating like Zhang Nanyi, the singer himself still has to be limited by his own vocal range and style.

"That is a magical heavenly road, bringing the warmth of the motherland to the frontier..."

When Liu Yifei and A-Lan sang together, everyone in the room listened to the song quietly, and even some emotionally sensitive people began to have red eyes.

On a cold night on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, listening to two beautiful girls singing Tianlu, I felt a different kind of touch and warmth. Even the cold wind howling outside seemed to slow down.

Later in the song, Liu Yifei took the initiative to harmonize with A-Lan, and the effect of the two singing together became even better.

After singing the song, Zhang Nanyi took the lead in applauding, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Several local Tibetans also performed their own performances.

Some of them played the six-stringed harp, and some played the bone flute, and together they played a piece of folk music with a strong rhythm.

Along with the cheerful tunes, Tibetans danced Xianzi dance in the house.

At the end, everyone started dancing.

Although they don't know how to dance, everyone imitated the dance movements of Tibetans, combined with their own understanding, and twisted their bodies at will.

Mainly a joy.

After this dance, tonight's makeshift bonfire party seemed to be coming to an end. Zhang Nanyi was about to leave when Liu Yifei said: "Mr. Zhang, we have all performed a program, where is your program?"

As soon as these words came out, they were immediately recognized by everyone in the crew, and everyone started to make noises, asking Zhang Nanyi to perform.

Zhang Nanyi took the guitar and said with a smile: "Dancing is enough exercise, so I won't perform boxing, but sing a song.

It happens to be the theme song of our movie. "

Zhang Nanyi sat casually on a wooden bench, hugged the guitar, and started playing casually.

A gentle and powerful melody sounded. There was nothing showy about this melody, and it felt simple and clean.

After hearing the tune, everyone's restless mood due to dancing immediately calmed down. "A Diao~ lives somewhere in Xi Zang, like a vulture, perched on the top of the mountain~"

When Zhang Nanyi sang the first line, everyone realized that this song was sung to the male protagonist of the movie "The Road to Heaven", A Diao.

Although this lyric is simple, it has a strong image and instantly outlines the image of A Diao.

A man who lives in Xi Zang has a personality as tenacious as a vulture and likes to watch the scenery on the top of the mountain.

Combined with this slightly sad tune, everyone seems to be able to feel A Diao's loneliness. He must also be alone when he is looking at the scenery on the top of the mountain.

"A Diao~ There is sunshine in front of the Jokhang Temple. Let's have a pot of sweet tea and chat about the past~"

The sunshine from the roof of the world shines on this sacred snow-covered plateau.

In front of the Jokhang Temple, there are devout believers from all over the world. They kowtow all the way from their hometowns, come on pilgrimage, and measure their faith with their own bodies.

A Diao may also be a devout believer. After making a pilgrimage at the entrance of Jokhang Temple, they drank tea together.

"A Diao~ You always dress yourself up like a normal person, but you are tougher than Gesang~
Ah Diao~ Cunning people have thousands of ways to laugh. When are you going down the mountain~ Remember to bring the Dolma knife~"

A Diao was terminally ill, but he still stubbornly dressed himself up like a normal person. He didn't want others to see his weakness. He still had the courage to go down the mountain and face the changes in people's hearts and the hardships of the world.

Everyone present knew the script of Tianlu. After listening to Zhang Nanyi's few lyrics, he described A Diao's situation very appropriately. Everyone admired it and imagined what A Diao looked like in their minds.

Songs are different from movies. Movies are very direct images. While giving people the most concrete sense of immersion, they also limit everyone's imagination to a certain extent.

Songs, on the other hand, just use words and musical tunes to outline images and arouse emotional resonance.

Everyone can combine their own personal experience or understanding to imagine their own A Diao, rather than the movie character portrayed by the director.

Ah Lan looked at Zhang Nanyi who was playing and singing. With a few words of singing, everyone was immersed in A Diao's story and emotions. She felt that Zhang Nanyi was shining.

If we say that after knowing the news that Zhang Nanyi won the Best Actor Award, Ah Lan forgave Zhang Nanyi for his philandering at a certain moment.

So now when she heard Zhang Nanyi playing and singing and looked at his handsome face, A-Lan felt empathy with Liu Yifei for the first time and understood Liu Yifei's thoughts.

This man was really handsome, and so talented. Alan felt his heart beat a few beats faster.

Zhang Nanyi didn't care about A Lan's emotions. His fingers quickly plucked the strings. The song entered the chorus and he continued to sing.

"Under the gray brim, sunken cheeks, you speak little, simple answers
Wherever you are tomorrow, who will care about you, even if you die on the road..."

This time, A Diao is directly described in a positive light. He has sunken cheeks, thin body, few words, and is silent and stubborn.

An ordinary Tibetan young man is like an ordinary stone on the roadside. No one cares if he dies on the road.

"A Diao, will you be able to have a full meal tomorrow? You are used to it. Hunger is a kind of belief~
Ah Diao, you will not be smoothed by reality. You are not from this world, so there is no need to care about the truth~
Ill-fated, obsessed with indifference, bid farewell to youth, countless stations
Willing to be ordinary but unwilling to be ordinary to rot
You are A Diao, you are a free bird~"

In the second section of the song, it breaks away from side and frontal descriptions and begins to focus on elaborating on A Diao's spiritual world.

Even if I am so poor that I am starving, I still do not compromise with reality. I can be ordinary, but I cannot rot in the ordinary. At this time, A Diao has become a spiritual symbol, so he is a free bird.

After Zhang Nan finished singing, the whole place was silent.

After a long time, Yu Feihong sighed and said: "After listening to you sing this song, I feel that there is no need to make the movie "The Road to Heaven".

The image and symbol of A Diao have been perfectly portrayed by your song.

Especially the sentence "Be willing to be ordinary but unwilling to suffer the rot of ordinary" really vividly expresses the tenacious struggle of the little people against their fate. "

Li Jianjian also said: "A Diao once drank tea in front of the Jokhang Temple, but in the end he chose to bring his knife down the mountain. Your song, like the movie, also expresses the nihilism of religious beliefs.

Praying to God and Buddha is ultimately unreliable, and people still have to rely on themselves. "

Liu Yifei said very straightforwardly: "Is it so mysterious? I don't have that many thoughts.

Just when I listened to this song, I felt that A Diao was very cool. Although he was poor materially, he was rich spiritually.

He is very free and I like his freedom. "

A Lan immediately nodded in agreement: "Yes, when I heard this song, I only felt a faint sadness, a kind of sad power.

Especially the last line of the lyrics, "A Diao, love is a sad seed, you are a tree, you will never wither~
The seeds of sadness cannot bear the fruit of love. When I heard these last lyrics, I really wanted to cry. "

People with different experiences will have different perceptions when listening to the same song. Yu Feihong and Li Jiejian are both more rational, and their understanding is based on Tianlu's script.

And Liu Yifei is a person with a strong sense of inner strength. She lives a relatively relaxed and relaxed life, pursuing the freedom of spiritual self-sufficiency, so she sees the free side of A Diao.

As for A-Lan, she is about the same age as Liu Yifei, but she has never been in love. She still has a beautiful yearning for love, and she tends to be sentimental when listening to music.

Zhang Nanyi smiled and said: "Everyone has their own feelings, which shows that my song is not bad."

Yu Feihong nodded, looked at Zhang Nanyi with affectionate eyes, and said, "I thought you would directly use the song Tianlu as the theme song for the movie Tianlu.

Now it sounds like A Diao's song is more suitable. "

Zhang Nanyi shook his head and said bluntly: "If our movie is competing for awards, we definitely can't use Tianlu as the theme song, otherwise it will be regarded as a main theme movie by foreign countries, which will be difficult.

We need to improve our skills in expressing our opinions. It is best to be covert and silent, and not too obvious.

Moreover, A Diao's song is more in line with the temperament of an art film. It does not have a grand narrative, but tells the story from a personal perspective. "

(End of this chapter)

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