China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 313 Teaching and Reinforcement

Chapter 313 Teaching and Reinforcement

After Zhang Nanyi finished speaking, Ah Lan suddenly hugged Zhang Nanyi's arm.

In so many days on the set, it was the first time she acted like a baby with Zhang Nanyi.

"Mr. Zhang~ Can you cover this song by A Diao for me~"

Zhang Nanyi thought for a while and said, "Yes, if you enter the Supergirl finals, you must sing this song in the finals to promote our movie."

Seeing Zhang Nanyi's promise to cover the song, A-Lan smiled happily. She immediately promised: "Don't worry, I will definitely enter the finals this time, and then sing A Diao's song to promote our movie!"

After taking a look at Yu Feihong, Zhang Nanyi decided to be a good person and stick to it. He said: "The A Diao I sang is from a man's perspective. After it is finished, I will change it for you, rearrange the music, and create a female version."

Zhang Nanyi's version of Ah Diao is Zhao Lei's version, and Ah Lan can sing Zhang Ehan's version. In a pure competition of high notes, Ah Lan is much better than Zhang Ehan.

Hearing Zhang Nanyi's words, Liu Yifei asked curiously: "Isn't A Diao the male protagonist of the movie? Can he be a female?"

Zhang Nanyi laughed loudly, scraped Liu Yifei's nose very affectionately, and explained: "In a narrow sense, Yi Fei and Lu Yuan are both A Diao. A Diao's next life will be a woman, so why can't he be a woman?" Woolen cloth?

In a broad sense, if there is reincarnation, and A'Diao reincarnates for eternity, he can be a man, a woman, a pig, a horse, a cow, a sheep, or any living being.

A Diao is a symbol and has no limitations. "

Zhang Nanyi saw that Liu Yifei was deep in thought and continued to say patiently: "I played A Diao, and you also played A Diao.

There is a big event tomorrow. It seems you haven't understood it thoroughly yet. Let's go back to your room and I will teach you again. "

Tomorrow's scene will be about A'Diao himself understanding the truth and knowing that Ifi is his afterlife. He observes the world from Iffi's perspective.

The movie "Pilgrim" will only subtly reveal the fact that A Diao, Yifei and Lu Yuan are a trinity at the end, not directly.

This performance is a test for Liu Yifei. Her role as Yifei must be like Yifei in appearance, but her soul is A Diao.

Seeing Liu Yifei and Zhang Nanyi leaving the hall very intimately, A Lan's eyes showed a trace of envy unconsciously.

Noticing A-Lan's eyes, Yu Feihong shook his head helplessly, lamenting that his man's charm was too great and yet another beautiful woman had fallen.

Yu Feihong watched the whole process this time. Zhang Nanyi did not take the initiative to flirt with A Lan at all, and even deliberately kept a distance at the beginning.

In the end, Alan couldn't control himself.

A Lan thought she was hiding well. When she saw Li Dashan and others cleaning up the hot pot mess, she actually walked over to help clean up the mess.

This action shocked Li Dashan. A Lan never did anything on the set, but this time he actually took the initiative to help clean up the dishes. The sun was rising in the west.

Li Dashan quickly stopped him and said, "Don't move. We'll do it. You've never done any work before. If you break the bowl, it will be even more troublesome."

Ah Lan felt that she had been underestimated and said angrily: "I am helping you out of kindness, how can you say that?"

Li Dashan was worried that A-Lan would be unhelpful. He thought about it in his mind and thought about the reasons why A-Lan would take the initiative to do things. Suddenly an idea flashed and he said tentatively: "Don't make trouble. I will talk to you when I have time tomorrow." Interesting things that happened to Zhang Nanyi on the set of Yitian."

A Lan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said excitedly: "It's a deal, then I'll go back to the room first, remember to find me tomorrow!"

Seeing A Lan jumping away, Li Dashan sighed and had to admire Zhang Nanyi's ability to pick up girls.

This is already an invisible way to pick up girls, and he has easily captured the heart of another girl.

But this time, Li Dashan didn't feel so uncomfortable. He also had a partner. Thinking of his girlfriend Youmei, Li Dashan became more motivated to work.

In about half a month, the journey to heaven will be completed, and then you can see your girlfriend.

Li Dashan, who was in love for the first time, didn't seem to realize that he had been in Xi Zang for more than three months, and his girlfriend only contacted him once a week. How abnormal this situation was...

In Liu Yifei's room, Zhang Nanyi used teaching skills to analyze the performance method with Liu Yifei in simple and easy-to-understand terms.

“You can perform the scene tomorrow in two ways.

One is to imitate, find out the habitual movements and character characteristics of A Diao that I played before, and you can act accordingly. As long as you grasp the characteristics, you will be considered qualified. If you can capture the charm, you will be very good.

Teacher Li Jianjian's performance two days ago was like Lu Yuan on the surface, but A Diao on the inside. This is the method he adopted.

The second way is change. The essence of this kind of interpretation lies in the change before and after.

Today's Yifei is completely different from yesterday's Yifei. This change is brought about by A Diao's perspective.

If there are obvious changes in the performance, your performance will be qualified. If you can still create on the basis of changes, then it will be perfect.

A Diao's soul being in his own body is a manifestation, but when his soul is in Yifei's body, it may not be the original manifestation of A Diao.

Because Yi Fei has a female body, A Diao will be uncomfortable with it, and Yi Fei also has her own body instincts. When these conditions are combined, a brand new A Diao or Yi Fei should be born.

If you deeply understand the spirit symbolized by A Diao, then you can create a brand new character based on changes.

The appearance of this character may be different from A Diao, but the spiritual core is the same. "

Liu Yifei thought for a while and said: "I chose the second performance method because I believe in the second possibility more."

Zhang Nanyi nodded: "Okay, I'll play with you..."

[This teaching process is over, and the triggering effect is: immersive, students will have an immersive fantasy about the situation described by the teacher. While deepening the learning effect, it will also deepen their feelings for the teacher. 】【At the end of this teaching process, the triggering effect is: enlightenment. The students have a new understanding of the teacher's teachings, and the learning effect has made significant progress. 】

[This teaching process is over...]

Liu Yifei studied very deeply, and Zhang Nanyi did not interrupt her and kept teaching patiently.

After teaching until 4 o'clock in the morning, Liu Yifei went to bed to rest at Zhang Nanyi's forced request.

After sleeping for 2 and a half hours, I got up on time at 6:[-].

After washing, eating, and putting on makeup, an hour later, the sky started to get bright and the crew started filming.

Because of Zhang Nanyi's careful teaching, Liu Yifei was in very good condition today. This most difficult scene was performed perfectly by her. Even Li Jianjian was full of praise after watching it.

"Sissi is a very talented girl in acting. She has her own understanding of the role, which feels more clever than my interpretation method."

Li Jianjian's acting skills are like a heavy sword without a sharp edge, a skill without craftsmanship. It does not require any ingenious ideas. If you follow the steps step by step, the effect achieved is excellent.

Zhang Nanyi said with a smile: "If Qianqian knew that Teacher Li had such a high opinion of her, she would be extremely happy."

Li Jiajian has been on the set for so many days and knows Liu Yifei's situation. His good performance today must be due to Zhang Nanyi's training.

He smiled and said: "I've heard before that you can train actors, and with just a few tweaks, the actor's acting skills can be greatly improved.

Liu Peiqi also told me that 90% of the credit for Gao Yuanyuan's Best Actress award belongs to you.

I've always been curious about how good you are at training actors, and I finally got to see it today! "

Li Jianjian's impression of Zhang Nanyi was very good.

Zhang Nanyi is young, but his acting skills are top-notch, and he is no match for his own performance. Although he is a billionaire boss, he is also conscientious and able to endure hardships when acting on the set.

In Li Jiajian's view, Zhang Nanyi is the representative of China's young actors and the future of China's film and television industry. If Zhang Nanyi's acting skills were not good enough at this time, Li Jiajian would have shamelessly accepted him as an apprentice.

After Liu Yifei's performance of this scene was successfully performed, the crew passed the biggest difficulty, and the subsequent filming went even more smoothly.

By April 4, Zhang Nanyi was lying in a cave near Namtso Lake. The sun shone in the cave and only illuminated half of the cave.

Zhang Nanyi was lying in the sun, his face calm and calm. At a certain moment, the sun in the sky moved a little, and the light in the cave changed greatly.

The area of ​​​​the sun shrank, and Zhang Nanyi was swallowed up by the shadow.

Atiao did not reach Namtso Lake in the end, but met his death in a cave near the end.

After this scene was played, a prompt came from the protagonist panel.

[Title of film and television work: Road to Heaven. 】

[Character: A Diao.Protagonist or not: Yes. 】

[Current character completion level: 50%.Random rewards are being generated...】

[Reward Talent: Iron Muscle, your meridians have been strengthened to a certain extent, and your ability to inflate and fill with blood has been enhanced. 】

[Congratulations, you have completed the initial strengthening of your body and gained passive effects and anti-rust.

Anti-rust: You become an iron man and possess the characteristics of anti-rust. From then on, your body's aging rate becomes extremely slow. 】

After receiving the talent reward of Tiejin, Zhang Nanyi felt that his body became stronger and his breathing became easier. As for the changes in his tendons, he could not feel it for the time being.

Following the prompts on the panel, he has now completed the initial strengthening of his body, and has also obtained a passive anti-rust effect, which can delay aging and almost freeze his age.

The last time he got a passive effect was after the five internal organs were strengthened, he got a strong internal effect. Zhang Nanyi's body has been immune to all diseases since then.

He has tested it, and his ointment seems to have the effect of being immune to all diseases. Anyway, none of his women have been sick recently.

So this time, Zhang Nanyi also wanted to try anti-rust to see if it would be effective on his own woman.

The crew only has one test subject, and that is Yu Feihong.

So for the next week, the eldest sister was in pain and happiness, enjoying Zhang Nanyi's tossing and favor.

From the appearance point of view, Yu Feihong has not changed much. She was already very moisturized by Zhang Nanyi, and the effect of delaying aging cannot be seen in a week.

Zhang Nanyi did not dwell too much and continued to devote himself to the finishing work of the filming.

By April 4th, after the filming of a group scene at the Namtso Holy Lake Dharma Assembly was completed, Road to Heaven was officially completed.

The filming of this movie was really smooth.

From the beginning to the end, no one on the crew quit due to physical discomfort. Only a few people had altitude sickness. The crew handled it well and these few people adapted quickly.

In order to thank everyone for their hard work, the crew held a wrapping banquet at the LS Century Hotel on the second day of filming.

This wrap-up banquet was large in scale. Not only the main creative staff of the film crew attended, but also the leaders of the Xi Tibetan Cultural Troupe and some actors, some employees of Hua Guo Hua Railway, and people from the snow area who participated and cooperated in the filming of the film.

(End of this chapter)

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