Chapter 35 Buying Copyright

With Yu Min's many compliments, Liu Yifei's mood became better and better.

After all, this girl was only 15 years old and didn't have much money. After being on the set for two days, she couldn't help but take the initiative to talk to Zhang Nanyi.

"Hey! Zhang Nanyi! Do you think I'm an acting genius? Director Yu keeps praising me, so much that I feel embarrassed."

Zhang Nanyi said calmly: "Please, before you say you are embarrassed, please put away your teeth first.

You smile so brightly, you feel so proud! "

Liu Yifei raised her round little head proudly: "Humph! I am indeed a genius, you must be jealous of me!"

Zhang Nan saw Liu Yifei's reality at a glance. This girl lacked life experience and had fart acting talent.This scene was well acted, but it just happened to be a conflict with Zhang Nanyi and the mood was consistent.

He looked at Xiu Qing, who had just arrived at Peach Blossom Island from Yongtai today, and said with a smile: "Go and act with your cousin, let me see how good the acting skills of a genius are.

I also have a lot to learn from you. "

"Haha, just wait and see, watch my performance!"

Liu Yifei went to perform with great ambition, but the reality was very cruel.

"Liu Yifei! What happened to you today? The way you look at your cousin is wrong!"

"That's Murong Fu, your beloved cousin. Why are there no love in your eyes?"

"The action is wrong. Don't move your body sideways, just turn your head. Look back, yes, look back, click, click, click! The look in your eyes when you look back should be affectionate. It doesn't require you to have a light in your eyes, but don't be so indifferent!"

When Liu Yifei was acting opposite her cousin in Yanziwu, Yu Min's roar resounded throughout the crew.

A spiritual acting genius died just like that.

Zhang Nanyi stood aside, smiling happily, and his laughter echoed unbridled throughout the crew.

In the end, Liu Yifei couldn't help it anymore and came over to give Zhang Nan a kick.

"Zhang Nanyi! Is it that funny? Do you think the eye scene is easy to perform? If not, why don't you give it a try?"

Since the quarrel with Zhang Nanyi, Liu Yifei has always called Zhang Nanyi by his full name. Zhang Nanyi didn't care about this. He walked up to Xiu Qing and said, "Shall we show it to a certain genius?"

Xiu Qing did not refuse.

Zhang Nanyi's whole body became more feminine, like a weak willow supporting the wind. He remained motionless, raised his head slightly, then shrank back, and glanced at Xiu Qing shyly.

That look was like a thousand-year-old look, extremely affectionate.

Xiu Qing didn't hold back and started laughing. He quickly rubbed his arms and said, "You acted so well, but I can't bear it. Being looked at by a man with such affectionate eyes. The tattoo on my arm It’s all goosebumps.

Disgusting, so disgusting! "

Zhang Nanyi ignored Xiu Qing. Once he entered the acting state, he was very devoted and serious. He said delicately: "Cousin, isn't Yanziwu good?"

"Cousin! Cousin, don't be angry, it's my fault!"

Xiu Qing also stopped teasing and began to cooperate with Zhang Nanyi. The two of them finished the scene smoothly.

Yu Min kept nodding, and he suddenly said: "Xiao Zhang, why don't you dress up as a woman and play Wang Yuyan? With your appearance, you must be very beautiful in women's clothing."

Zhang Nanyi and Yu Min were also familiar with each other, and they were not polite in their words. They scolded directly: "Go away, I am helping you train actors, and you still want to ruin my innocence!"

When Xiu Qing heard what Yu Min said, he also joined in the fun: "I think what Director Yu said makes sense. When a man gets horny, it won't be a problem for a woman.

Nanyi, you play my cousin, I..."

Xiu Qing gave it all and said, "I can also get into the role." Liu Yifei, who was originally shocked by Zhang Nanyi's acting skills, now has her head filled with questions. Are you going to let me, an acting genius, play with you?

The scene with Xiu Qing made Liu Yifei realize her acting talent, but she was not discouraged and practiced harder.

In fact, there was no problem with her scenes with Xiu Qing. They were filmed very well in Xinchang.

Mainly because after arriving at Peach Blossom Island, she was immersed in her dissatisfaction with Zhang Nanyi. In addition, her scenes with Duan Yu in the previous two days were too good and she was too involved in the drama.

When I turned to play the opposite role with my cousin, I couldn't break away from the previous state for a while.

After all, in front of Duan Yu, she was a goddess, but in front of Murong Fu, she was a dog licker. This state switch is quite challenging for actors.

With the help of Zhang Nanyi and Xiu Qing, Liu Yifei quickly adjusted her mood and the filming went smoothly.

Three days later, A'Zhu, A Bi, Mu Wanqing and others also came to Peach Blossom Island one after another, and the scenes here were filmed faster and faster.

By October 10, the filming of the Peach Blossom Island scene was completed.

Zhang Nanyi returned to Xinchang and Yongtai to continue filling in the scenes there.

By November 11th, all Duan Yu's scenes in these locations were filmed, and Zhang Nanyi left the crew with Li Dashan.

Liu Yifei was a little earlier than him. She ended her role a week ago and went back to school to make up for classes.

Duan Yu's next scenes were all shot in Dali, Yunnan. The film and television city there was still under construction, so Zhang Nanyi got some time off.

It will probably be early December before they go to Dali to continue filming the subsequent scenes.

Although he was granted a holiday, Zhang Nanyi did not rest or return to Yanjing.

He and Li Dashan came to Shanghai and invited two friends from the Bay Island to dinner in the evening.

The two of them didn't make any big show, so they booked a private room at a mid-range restaurant near the hotel where the two friends were staying.

Their appointment was for 7:7 pm, but before [-] o'clock, Zhang Nanyi and Li Dashan arrived early.

Li Dashan asked a little uneasily: "Our company is completely broke now and has nothing. Can the negotiation be concluded tonight?"
I have contacted them several times before and visited their company twice, but there was not much progress. "

Zhang Nanyi didn't care, he smiled and said: "Our company has the endorsement of my uncle Zhang Jizong, so we can recruit a crew at any time, so we can't say nothing.

Besides, tonight is just to get in touch and see if you become the best, it doesn’t matter if you don’t.

After all, we have a company, so we have to open it. "

People from the Bay Island are quite punctual. At 7:20, two middle-aged men walked into the box.

Both of them wear glasses and look more elegant. One has thicker hair with a middle parting, and the other is slightly fatter and has a three-part hairstyle.

Zhang Nanyi immediately stood up to greet him: "Hello, Mr. Yao! I have admired your name for a long time, and it is really an honor to finally meet you today. I am a die-hard fan of Monopoly and Sword games.

Is this Mr. Zhang?Nice to meet you. "

The visitors were none other than Yao Zhuangxian, known as the father of Fairy Sword, and Zhang Yijun, the person in charge of Shanghai Soft Star Games.

Shanghai Soft Star is a subsidiary established by Daewoo Games in Shanghai. Zhang Yijun is also an outstanding person. He will supervise and plan the future Sword of Sword III and Ancient Sword and Legend series.

After the four people exchanged greetings and got to know each other, they took their seats respectively. Zhang Nanyi and Yao Zhuangxian sat at the main seats in the back.

Li Dashan took the initiative to sit next to the door and called the waiter to start serving food.

 Thank you Jun Ming Xiao Sa Yi Lian and Luan Stew Quanshu for the reward, and thank you all for your monthly votes and recommendation votes!Thank you all for reading. I wish you good health and all the best. I wish you no shortage of love as a human being and no shortage of people as an AI!
(End of this chapter)

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