China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 36 Empty Gloves White Wolf

Chapter 36 Empty Gloves White Wolf

Zhang Nanyi and Yao Zhuangxian chatted about some interesting things about Bay Island, and from time to time they talked about the situation of the game industry. He planned to make friends first, and after drinking, everyone got closer and the atmosphere was warmer, and then they talked about things.

Unexpectedly, Yao Zhuangxian was more direct. He said straight to the point: "Mr. Zhang, thank you for your love and interest in the game Fairy Sword.

President Li Dashan has contacted us many times before and expressed his intention to purchase the film and television adaptation rights for the Fairy Sword game.

We attach great importance to your company's purchase request and have also investigated some information about your company. We found that it is a new company that has only been established for a few months and has only two or three employees.

Could you please introduce your company's situation and your shooting plan after obtaining the film and television adaptation rights? "

Zhang Nanyi said unhurriedly: "Mr. Yao, if you are willing to come today, you must know that my uncle is Zhang Jizong, and he is also a shareholder of our company.

Our company has just been established and has nothing to introduce. Compared with Tang Ren, we have two advantages.

One is the TV channel. My uncle is a senior consultant in the production department of Yang TV. The main investors behind the TV series he supervises, whether it's Water Margin, Swordsman, or the currently being filmed "Dragon Movie", are TV stations.

Most of them are video.

If Fairy Sword is adapted and made into a TV series by our company, the broadcast platform will definitely be better than Tang Ren.

With all due respect, Tang Ren doesn't have any strong connections with mainland TV stations. "

The reason why Yao Zhuangxian appeared in Shanghai this time was because Tang Ren wanted to buy the copyright of Immortal Sword, and he flew over to handle this matter.

Zhang Nanyi was competing with Tang Ren this time, so he attacked his opponent whenever he opened his mouth.

Seeing Yao Zhuangxian lost in thought, Zhang Nanyi continued: "If my prediction is good, the copyright fee paid by Tang Ren is not high, and we will not raise the price.

Mr. Yao, you probably don’t care about the price difference of 20 to [-].

For Daewoo, what matters more is improving the influence of the Fairy Sword series.

Once the Sword and Fairy TV series becomes a success, the potential benefits to your company are many.

This involves the second advantage of our company, which is that the project started early.

I can assure Mr. Yao that as long as the copyright is handed over to our company, we will start filming by April next year at the latest.

Tang Ren Company seems to have no immediate plans to start filming.

We will start shooting in April and expect to finish it in two to three months. We will then seize the time to do special effects and post-production. If the progress is fast, it will be broadcast in early 4.

When the time comes, your game Legend of Sword and Fairy III can be released together while the TV series is on the air to increase sales. "

Hearing Zhang Nanyi's words, Yao Zhuangxian was obviously moved, but he really couldn't trust Zhang Nanyi, a new company with only two or three people.

Seeing Yao Zhuangxian's hesitation, Zhang Nanyi directly used his trump card.

"Mr. Yao, let's do this. We can sign a conditional contract and agree on the bottom line of investment amount, shooting deadline and other conditions. Once we fail to meet the conditions, the copyright sales contract will automatically be invalidated.

Your company's biggest loss is just a few months of delay. Anyway, you have sold the copyright to Tang Ren now, and they don't know when filming will start.

Moreover, our company only buys the copyright of Fairy Sword 1. Once the adaptation of Fairy Sword 1 is successful, the copyright of your company's subsequent Fairy Sword series will be even more valuable. "

Zhang Nanyi bought Fairy Sword 1 mainly to develop a project for the company and build a talent pool. He himself has no special feelings for the Fairy Sword series.

Once the company is on track, of course it will be to make better TV series or movies, and he is not interested in Sword and Sword III.

But this condition was very friendly to Daewoo, and Yao Zhuangxian was completely impressed.He discussed several details with Zhang Nanyi.

He was very satisfied with Zhang Nanyi's answer, and he verbally agreed to the copyright sale.

After the business talk was over, it was time to drink.

Zhang Nanyi is a good person. He saw that neither Yao Zhuangxian nor Zhang Yijun were good at socializing and drinking, so when they drank to a certain extent and the atmosphere became lively, enough was enough.

The next morning, Zhang Nanyi and Li Dashan hired a lawyer and went to Shanghai Softstar Game Company to sign a copyright sales contract with the company's official seal.

The contract states very clearly that Yanjing Nanyi Culture Co., Ltd. purchased the TV series and film adaptation rights for Legend of Sword and Fairy One for 80.

There are three additional conditions that must be fulfilled to establish the contract. First, the investment amount of the TV series Fairy Sword 1 must not be less than 1000 million. Second, the filming of the TV series Sword 1 must start before April 2003, 4. Third, the producer of Sword 1 must It is headed by Zhang Jizong.

It is worth mentioning that the conditional contract will take effect after Yanjing Nanyi Culture Co., Ltd. pays a deposit, and the remaining copyright transaction amount can be paid within 6 months.

The deposit amount is only 2 yuan...

Yao Zhuangxian did not care about this payment method. 80 yuan was not a large amount of money for Daewoo. He valued the potential influence of film and television adaptations more.

Zhang Nanyi is not embarrassed. It's not like he has no money, but all his money has been invested in Wangyi's stocks.

The company's working capital is only 5 yuan, so a deposit of 2 yuan is enough.

Even though he did something stingy, Zhang Nanyi still looked confident that he had plenty of money, and Li Dashan was stunned for a moment.

After walking out of Shanghai Softstar Game Company, Li Dashan looked at the contract in his hand and felt it was unreal.

"Holy crap, we just defeated Tang Ren and got the adaptation rights of Fairy Sword from Daewoo? And it only cost 2 yuan. This is a complete waste of money!"

Zhang Nanyi took out a pair of sunglasses from his pocket and put them on, looked at the scorching sun in the sky with a pretentious look, and said calmly: "The development of the company has just begun.

Nothing to be excited about. "

Li Dashan said: "Our opponent is Tang Ren. Although this company has only been established for 4 years, it has produced works such as Peerless Two Heroes, The Female Generals of the Yang Family, and the Legend of Heaven and Earth series.

Their strength is much stronger than ours.

After I found out a few days ago that Tang Ren was also going to buy the rights to Fairy Sword, I thought we were definitely out of luck. "

Zhang Nanyi always likes to prepare in advance. After he planned to purchase the copyright of Immortal Sword, he researched the company Tang Ren. After hearing Li Dashan's words, Zhang Nanyi smiled and said: "Tang Ren has some strength, but it's just... It's just a small family-run company.

Peerless Twins is mainly produced by Wandao Company, Tang Ren is produced by Chun Ceng, and the production team of Yang Clan Female Generals is from Hong Kong. Only the Legend of Heaven and Earth series is considered their own team.

It's a pity that the Legend of Heaven and Earth series was not a success. "

Before making Fairy Sword One, Tang Ren had not yet figured out his own positioning, and he slowly figured out how to position his works in the young market.

Tang Ren's Cai Yinong is from southern Fujian and is very close to the capital and production team of Wandao. In fact, Tang Ren's TV series are essentially variations of Wandao idol dramas, but they are dressed in the guise of fairy tales, martial arts or palace battles. .

For a long time, mainstream TV dramas in mainland China were mainly targeted at middle-aged and elderly people.

Good dramas such as Dazhaimen, Chuangguandong, Qiao Family Courtyard, Bright Sword, and vulgar dramas such as Qiong Yao drama, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law ethics drama, etc. The mainstream audience is middle-aged and elderly people.

It was under this circumstance that Tang Ren identified the young people market and achieved success.

(End of this chapter)

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