China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 38 The Willful Goddess

Chapter 38 The Willful Goddess
However, Yu Feihong also wanted to save face, so she deliberately teased: "No wonder Jingwen said you were a prodigal. I didn't quite believe it before. After all, your stills of Duan Yu look very innocent.

I didn't expect him to be such a slut. As soon as we met, he stared at me unscrupulously and spoke indiscriminately. "

Yu Feihong was blaming Zhang Nanyi, but in fact there was no blame in his tone.

The eldest sister has never seen anything and doesn't care about Zhang Nanyi's jokes.

Zhang Nanyi also understands the characteristics of the eldest sister, so he dares to say this. For a woman with stories and judgment like Yu Feihong, it is not good to be secretive.

Because your little moves can’t be concealed in front of big sister.

If you have an idea of ​​appreciating beauty, it would be more generous to express it directly.

Yu Feihong took a sip of coffee and continued: "If you are too bohemian, you are not suitable for the leading actor in my movie."

Zhang Nanyi smiled faintly, lowered his head to ponder his expression and emotions, and when he raised his head again, his eyes were clear and sincere, his expression was enthusiastic and unpretentious, very pure.

Yu Feihong couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Zhang Nanyi's temperament changed too quickly.

She took another sip of coffee to cover up her gaffe.

Zhang Nanyi said: "Is this pure enough?
I don’t know if Teacher Yu likes it, but Yuanyuan likes it very much. She likes my changeable temperament and skillful acting skills. "

Yu Feihong didn't know what was going on, so he answered in a strange way: "Why does Yuanyuan like Fa?"

Zhang Nanyi smiled cheaply, his innocence was gone and he became a prodigal again.

"Of course Yuanyuan likes it. As for how I like it, if I could write a book, I could write a hundred thousand words to describe it in detail. For example, I played Zhang Wuji, she played Zhou Zhiruo, I played Duan Yu, and she played Li Qingluo, uh ...She plays Wang Yuyan after a series of dramas."

Zhang Nanyi said righteously: "Yuanyuan and I are both serious and dedicated actors. In order to perform good works, we often play opposite each other on the set."

Yu Feihong glared at Zhang Nanyi and said bluntly: "You are so shameless."

Zhang Nanyi laughed, picked up the latte that the waiter had just brought, took a sip, and then said: "To tell you the truth, I was once told by a little girl that I looked like Li Xunhuan while taking the bus.

In fact, I am also very good at playing Li Xunhuan. "

Yu Feihong smiled and cursed: "You must give up this idea, I did not keep the costume of Fairy Jinghong."

A big sister is a big sister. Not only does she know a lot, but she can also make jokes.

Zhang Nanyi feels that he still prefers to stay relaxed and comfortable with the big sisters.

Although he has the talent of an iron stomach, it is not impossible to eat hard food.

After chatting with Yu Feihong for a few more words, Zhang Nanyi was ready to get down to business.

"Brother Fei..."

"Brother Fei, don't call me Brother Fei. Who told you my nickname?"

"Well, it's easy to say. Many people in the circle know it."

"Anyway, don't call me Brother Fei. You can't call me Sister."

A smile appeared on Zhang Nanyi's lips. This was a good start, and he immediately changed his tune.

"Sister Hong, it's okay to call her this way."

Seeing Yu Feihong smiling and nodding, Zhang Nanyi continued: "Sister Hong, you called me out today to talk about movies.

Did you bring the script?

When is the filming schedule approximately? "

When Yu Feihong heard Zhang Nanyi's question, his whole body became wet, and his confident and calm aura disappeared.

Zhang Nanyi: "..."

"Sister Hong, you don't have nothing, do you?" Yu Feihong quickly waved his hand: "No, the story of the movie comes from a collection of short stories by the writer Xu Lan, and one of the short stories is called Ginkgo Ginkgo.

I saw this story in 1996 and thought it was great, so I came up with the idea of ​​turning it into a movie.

I bought the adaptation rights from Xulan last year, but Ginkgo Ginkgo is a short story and the storyline is not enough. I am still slowly conceiving and expanding it, and the script has not been completely written yet. "

Zhang Nanyi was speechless. With such efficiency, no wonder Yu Feihong had been preparing for this movie for nearly 10 years.

Zhang Nanyi also understood that Yu Feihong took more than a month to contact him.

He had also heard about Yu Feihong in his previous life, so he asked: "I have learned about your life, Sister Hong. It is said that you went to school outside Hangzhou. After more than a year, you were unhappy, so you dropped out and went to Beijing Film Academy?"

Yu Feihong nodded: "That's right."

"After graduating from Beijing Film Academy, I became a teacher. After a year, I decided that being a teacher was boring, so I stopped and went to study in the United States?"


"You studied abroad for two years, haven't graduated yet, and you find it boring, so you just returned to China?"

Yu Feihong originally thought it was nothing. She had such willful conditions in her family, and she herself was a free and easy-going person, so she just wanted to do things happily.

But after Zhang Nanyi repeated it like this, Yu Feihong felt that she was really too willful. She nodded a little embarrassedly: "That's right, these things you said were indeed done by me."

Zhang Nanyi shook his head: "If you want to make a good movie, you have to change your character.

At least there is a project schedule, list things one by one, and then complete them, so that the film project can move forward. "

In fact, Yu Feihong still has some talent. In the movie Love Is Afterlife, aside from the bloody plot, the shots and rhythm of the movie are actually very good, especially the delicate expression of emotions, which is very good.

Compared with Xu Jinglei, who is fake and artistic, Yu Feihong can be regarded as a true literary goddess.

It's just that the superior environment since childhood has created the goddess's spontaneity. She has ideas for doing things, but lacks execution ability.

After Zhang Nanyi slightly suppressed Yu Feihong in words, he revealed his true purpose.

“Making a movie is actually a systematic project, you need a team and funds.

I have an entertainment company. If you don't mind, you can leave this movie to my company to complete the production. "

In fact, as long as the cost of Love Is Afterlife is controlled and Yu Feihong's connections are well utilized, this movie will not lose money no matter what.

Yu Feihong is said to have invested 4000 million in his previous life, and seemed to have bought the homestead and house where the filming took place. Zhang Nanyi does not know whether this is true or not.

In his opinion, this literary film can be easily completed with an investment of no more than 500 million.

And if Zhang Nanyi can participate in the production, he can also appropriately adapt the plot of the movie and make some changes that are beneficial to the box office.

So Zhang Nanyi is very confident about the movie Feihong.

Once his company produced "Love Is After Life" and "Legend of Sword and Fairy" successively, and blossomed in both the film and television fields, it basically became established in the industry.

It can be regarded as a qualified film and television production company.

Hearing Zhang Nanyi's plan, Yu Feihong hesitated and did not agree immediately.

After all, she and Zhang Nanyi had just met for the first time.

However, Yu Feihong still said sincerely: "I have to go back and think about this matter. Thank you very much for your encouragement and optimism.

do you know?Every time I told other people that I wanted to make this movie, no one really supported it.

Friends who are more polite will encourage me verbally, but they are not optimistic about it in their hearts.

Those who were relatively close to me directly advised me not to act recklessly. They all said that it would be a dead end for a new director to make a literary film. "

(End of this chapter)

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