China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 39 Liu Xiaoli’s Divorce

Chapter 39 Liu Xiaoli’s Divorce

Zhang Nanyi smiled and said to Feihong: "You should think about it as soon as possible.

I am currently filming "Dragon Movie", which is expected to be completed in January, and I will shoot another TV series in April.

If you really want to make this movie earlier, my schedule is February and March next year.

I missed these two months. I don’t know when I will have time next time. "

Yu Feihong frowned slightly and said, "Well, let me go back and show you the existing script first. You are a top student at Yenching University and see if you have any good ideas.

I always feel that my story is not perfect enough and I want to deepen it a little more. "

Yu Feihong finished the coffee in his cup and said directly: "For me, it doesn't really matter which company I work with. Without investors or a production company, I will make this movie myself.

What matters most to me is whether this movie is the movie I want to make and whether it is the story I want to tell.

We discussed together first, wrote the script, and agreed that the filming of the movie would basically follow the script.

If we have the same idea when we write the script, it proves that you and I think alike and I can cooperate with your company.

If the differences are too great, don't cooperate.

I will use my own money to film it. If you have a schedule, you can play the male lead. If you don't have a schedule, I will find someone else. "

Zhang Nanyi admired Yu Feihong's ability to analyze and make decisions. The eldest sister knew what she wanted.

He nodded and said, "No problem. When you get home later, send the script to my email and we will discuss and improve it together.

Let me explain in advance, I am new to writing scripts, so please bear with me if I make jokes. "

Yu Feihong smiled happily: "That's just right. It's my first time to write a script. Everyone starts at the same point, so it's fair."

The two chatted for a few more words and ended their first meeting.

Zhang Nanyi did not go home, but took a taxi to Yanjing Capital International Airport.

It has been eleven days since Liu Xiaoli went to the United States. Today is the day she returns to China. Zhang Nanyi contacted her yesterday and learned the news.

Zhang Nanyi did his best to pick up the plane.

After waiting at the arrivals floor of the airport for more than half an hour, Liu Xiaoli walked out dragging a large suitcase.

Perhaps because she knew that Zhang Nanyi was coming to pick her up, Liu Xiaoli dressed very young today. She wore a close-fitting red tunic with black shorts, and her thighs were white and straight. She was both fashionable and sexy, showing off the charm of a mature woman. To the fullest.

Walking in the airport, the number of heads turned was very high. Many men couldn't help but stare at Liu Xiaoli, which made their female companions get angry, curse and beat her.

Zhang Nanyi was also amazed by Liu Xiaoli's dress, mainly because Aunt Liu usually dresses conservatively and does not show off her appearance.

With just one move, he can control the entire audience with ease.

Under the envious eyes of the men around him, Zhang Nanyi boldly hugged Liu Xiaoli gently.

Liu Xiaoli actually didn't refuse, and Zhang Nan felt a sweet fragrance in his arms, which made people feel distraught. Fortunately, he knew the right amount, and he was just right when he touched her.

After taking Liu Xiaoli's suitcase, Zhang Nanyi said: "Let's go, take a taxi with me!"

Liu Xiaoli asked in surprise: "Where is your car? Did you lend it to someone to drive?"

Zhang Nanyi and Liu Xiaoli were already very familiar with each other, and he stopped pretending. He sighed and said, "I just graduated, I'm poor, and I haven't bought a car yet."

Liu Xiaoli giggled, the waves emerged again, and Zhang Nanyi's eyes couldn't help but follow the scenery of the snow-capped mountains.

Rolling her eyes at Zhang Nan, Liu Xiaoli stopped laughing and said, "It's okay, I'll buy you a car."

Zhang Nanyi looked at the incomparably beautiful Liu Xiaoli and almost moved tears to his lips. He said with a smile: "My dream of eating soft rice is finally coming true!"

Liu Xiaoli followed Zhang Nanyi, hit him on the arm lightly, and said with a smile: "Sissi and I will rely on you from now on. You can't just be a softie, you have to stand up. You can't let Sissi I was bullied in the circle.”

Zhang Nanyi came to the queue waiting for a taxi, started to line up, and asked: "Are you planning to let Qian Qian join my company?"

Liu Xiaoli nodded, "Yes, Wangyi's stock price is already high enough. Your judgment is correct. There is no need to wait any longer for Sissi's signing."

It has been almost three months since Zhang Nanyi and Liu Xiaoli bought Wangyi's shares. The stock price has risen from about 0.8 yuan to about 17 yuan, an increase of nearly 20 times.

And there is a continuing upward trend.

That's right, Zhang Nanyi is now a multi-millionaire, so he dared to talk to Yu Feihong about investing in her movie.

Zhang Nanyi never expected that Wangyi's stock would rise so fiercely. After all, his investment in Wangyi was based on the investment cases and stories he came across in his previous life.

He didn't know much about the specific details. He didn't know that around January 2003, NetEase's stock price would soar to more than 1 yuan, becoming the "No. 70 Nasdaq stock."

He asked in a low voice: "Sister Xiaoli, how much did you buy? Can you tell me?"

Liu Xiaoli did not hide anything this time, but told the truth: "I bought all the savings I had in my American account to buy Net Billion, a total of 31 yuan.

It is now worth about 600 million. "

Six million yuan, at the current exchange rate, is equivalent to about 600 million Chinese national currency. In China in 5000, this was a lot of money.

There were so many people at the airport, Zhang Nanyi didn't say anything, just smiled and said: "Oh, sister Xiaoli, you may be richer than Chen Jinfei now!"

Zhang Nanyi's words are not an exaggeration. Chen Jinfei is said to be worth 20 to [-] billion, but the money of the rich has learned knowledge.

Value, assets, net worth, and cash flow are all different. Value is often exaggerated and is inflated.

Assets are very deceptive, because assets also include liabilities. Net assets are relatively reliable, but net assets cannot be fully trusted. Some people will transfer assets.

Zhang Nanyi was a banker in his previous life, so of course he knows the ropes. If you ask Chen Jinfei to come up with 5000 million in cash now, he may not be able to get it.

Liu Xiaoli smiled and said: "I told you, the money will be divided among you according to industry regulations, and you will be the richest man."

Zhang Nanyi laughed loudly and happened to be in the front of the queue. Under the command of the airport staff, Liu Xiaoli got into a taxi. Zhang Nanyi put the suitcase in the trunk and sat in the back row.

According to politeness, Zhang Nanyi should sit in the passenger seat at this time.When taking a taxi, generally only people of the opposite sex who are particularly close to each other will sit in the back seat together.

However, Liu Xiaoli did not refuse. When she saw Zhang Nanyi sitting in the back row, a smile appeared on her lips unconsciously.

After getting in the car, Zhang Nanyi continued the topic: "Sister Xiaoli, why do you always want to share my money?"

Liu Xiaoli rolled her eyes at him: "It's not good for me to give you money, but you still dislike the money?"

Zhang Nanyi chuckled: "I'm not afraid of being separated."

"That's enough, you kid!" Liu Xiaoli scolded with a smile, "Don't always take advantage of me."

"I'll give you a share. The money I earned in the first place was all thanks to your help. I should have given it to you in the first place, and I don't need so much money myself.

Secondly, I think your investment vision is very good, and I would like to invest with you in the future. "

Zhang Nanyi had to sigh, Sister Xiaoli is awesome, she is willing to give up short-term gains and take a long-term view.

Zhang Nanyi did not refuse her request, because Liu Xiaoli's next words made him feel a heavy burden on his shoulders.

"I went to the United States this time to go through the divorce procedures." Liu Xiaoli said: "Originally, I planned to wait until Sissi became an adult and there would be no more changes in Guoji's affairs before I filed for divorce.

Now that I have your help and am making a lot of money, nothing about Guoji matters anymore. "

(End of this chapter)

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