China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 540 New Leaders in the Business World

Chapter 540 New Leaders in the Business World

Because of the school anniversary activities, Zhang Nanyi spent most of the past two days at Yenching University.

Donghuang cooperates with Yan University Campus Anniversary, so Yang Xue occasionally comes over.

In the past two days, Yang Xue and Li Sisi quickly became good friends, and they chatted very well.

On the morning of May 5, Mo Beiwu held a lecture event in the audio-visual education building of Yanda.

Mo Beiwu is now the national goddess and extremely popular. During her speech, not only the classroom was full, but also the empty seats in the classroom and the corridor outside the window were filled with students.

Many celebrities' speeches at Yanda are recorded on video.

What's more, Mo Beiwu's speech is part of a series of events celebrating the 110th anniversary of Yanjing University. Not only is it video recorded, but the whole process is also jointly recorded by Yanjing Satellite TV and, and will be broadcast as a program later.

Mo Beiwu has seen big scenes, has a rich reserve of knowledge, and has a high level of speech.

She speaks clearly, has a good rhythm, and is very relaxed. She is very informative and makes jokes from time to time, making everyone laugh. The atmosphere in the classroom is very good.

Zhang Nanyi sat in the front row with the school leaders, quietly enjoying Mo Beiwu's speech, and silently becoming a spectator.

Unexpectedly, Mo Beiwu played a video at the end of his speech.

This video is a video of Zhang Nanyi talking about his entrepreneurial project at the school's entrepreneurial project exhibition conference in order to obtain the school's entrepreneurial fund.

The picture of the video is not particularly clear. Zhang Nanyi's handsome appearance is vaguely discernible, but the voice is very clear. Everyone can also receive the content and passion of Zhang Nanyi's speech.

In the video, Zhang Nanyi talked eloquently and made his business plan very clear.

First make website navigation, and then make games after mastering the traffic entrance. After the game becomes big and generates cash flow, then engage in Internet payment through purchase scenarios inside and outside the game, then build an Internet ecosystem, launch Internet social products, and so on.

Finally, we develop chips, study artificial intelligence, manufacture smartphones and smart cars, and promote the development and progress of human science and technology.

The originally noisy classroom inside and outside became very quiet at this moment, with only Zhang Nanyi's passionate explanation.

Everyone was amazed by Zhang Nanyi's farsightedness and foresight beyond ordinary people, and even more amazed by Zhang Nanyi's awesomeness, because the goals he planned back then have now been achieved.

After the video was played, Mo Beiwu said with a smile: "I'm going to give a speech today. The school gave me a topic essay, and the theme is "My Struggle."

The school hopes to give some inspiration to all students through my struggle.

But I must be honest, part of the success factor depends on our personal efforts, but the bigger factor is due to the environment around us.

The biggest reason for the success of Yiwu Group is that we are in China, a country with rapid development. This great land provides a good environment and opportunities for the development of enterprises.

As for my personal success, the biggest reason is that I have a great person around me.

When you have Zhang Nanyi by your side, life that was originally a difficult mode will become an easy mode, and it will be difficult for you not to succeed.

The classmates who started the business with Zhang Nanyi are now all worth billions, have free wealth, and have achieved worldly success.

All the students who have been admitted to Yanda are proud of themselves.

At the end of my speech, I still want to give a piece of advice to my classmates: be kind to your classmates. They are one of the most valuable assets in college. "

After Mo Beiwu's speech, the audience burst into applause.

Students at Yanda are also online, so naturally they can also make jokes. There are shouts of "Mr. Zhang is awesome" and "Mr. Mo is awesome" one after another.

When it came time for students to ask questions, the student who asked the first question said, "I have no questions. I have a request. Can you share the PPT materials used by Mr. Zhang when he started his business?"

Mo Beiwu took a sip of water and said with a smile: "No problem, I have it on my computer. I will play it live for everyone to see. Later, I will upload this PPT to the knowledge base on the school network for students who need it. , you can download it yourself.”

Mo Beiwu called up the PPT made by Zhang Nanyi on the computer. After the students saw it, they all thought it was very impressive.

Good-looking PPT, everyone will feel a sense of high-end after viewing it, and the page display is very comfortable.

Both technology and aesthetics are moving forward, and Zhang Nanyi's PPT production skills were honed in later generations.

In future generations, his PPT can only be regarded as excellent, but now, it appears to be very outstanding, with a sense of leading aesthetics.

What's more, this was produced by Zhang Nanyi in 2002.

Next, several students asked several questions about the future development of the Internet and technology companies. Mo Beiwu answered them one by one, and the speech ended completely.

At noon, Zhang Nanyi and Mo Beiwu had dinner with the school leaders in the reception restaurant of Yanda.

Also present were Li Yanhong, Yu Minhong and others.

Although Zhang Nanyi and Mo Beiwu are young, they are still at the center of a group of so-called entrepreneurs.

After all, the two of them now have the greatest wealth and influence among everyone.

At 2:2.6 p.m., Zhang Nanyi and Mo Beiwu attended the donation ceremony and donated a total of 1.1 million yuan to the school, of which 1.5 million yuan supported the construction of basic disciplines and million yuan was for the construction of a science and education building.

They gave speeches in the morning and made donations in the afternoon. Zhang Nanyi and Mo Beiwu are very famous in their own right, with their own popularity and traffic, and in conjunction with the 110th anniversary of Yan University, various reports are indispensable. The focus of media reports is on donations, but the focus of online discussions is on the PPT of Zhang Nanyi's business plan written in 2002 and the video of Zhang Nanyi explaining his entrepreneurial ideas to school leaders.

In just half a day, the number of downloads of the entrepreneurial PPT on the Xiaonei knowledge base exceeded 800 million, and the related video also became popular on the homepage of, with the number of views quickly approaching the million mark.

The discussion about Zhang Nanyi on the Internet is very lively.

“In 2002, Zhang Nanyi, who was only 21 years old, came up with the idea of ​​​​starting a business. He spent a day making a PPT, showed it to the school, and received support from the school’s entrepreneurship fund.

At this moment, the gears of fate begin to turn, the wheels of history roll forward, and the new richest man in China is about to be born! "

"Mr. Zhang's PPT, holy shit, it's so beautiful. It looks full of technology. Are you sure this is a PPT made in 2002?"

"I have to admire him. He is great at everything he does. After I learn Mr. Zhang's PPT skills, I can at least triple my salary!"

"You guys are buying caskets for pearls here. No matter how well you learn PPT, what's the use? What we want to learn is the content in PPT.

Mr. Zhang’s entrepreneurial ideas and strategic planning are the most awesome! "

“Mr. Zhang’s ideas are really great. In 2002, he had already thought about how the company would develop step by step, and now, it has basically been realized.

But I think it is better for ordinary people to learn PPT technology. We cannot learn this kind of thinking from top experts.

Even if you learn it, it is useless without opportunities and platforms. "

"Before, some people said that Mr. Zhang was a softie and relied on women to start a business, Yiwu Technology relied on Mo Beiwu, and Nanyi Entertainment Group relied on Liu Xiaoli. Now these people can shut up.

Mr. Zhang is the soul of the group company and he is the person at the helm. Mr. Mo himself has said this many times. "

"The gap between people is too big. When I play computer, I just want to play games, but Mr. Zhang can plan a path to become the richest man. I can't help but accept it."

"My classmates who envy Mr. Zhang, I also want to have Mr. Zhang's thighs around me, let me hug him, and I also want to make a lot of money!"

"Then you must first get admitted to Yan'an University and study hard, my friend."

Some people also moved Zhang Nanyi’s PPT and videos to Facebook and YouTube, which immediately attracted the attention of foreigners.

Foreign netizens also commented very positively on this matter.

"Zhang's experience is just like the song Roar he sang. He is a born king. He is destined to become a big shot."

“The Chinese Internet, because of the existence of the wall, has actually been plagiarizing and imitating our ideas.

Only Zhang founded and Our Facebook and YouTube were successful because they copied his ideas.

He is the true godfather of the Internet. "

"It cannot be said to be plagiarism. Zhang is originally the co-founder of Facebook. As for YouTube, its director Anne is one of Zhang's lovers.

YouTube has a very close cooperation with Zhang, and it’s hard to say that Zhang’s influence is not involved. "

"Zhang's video is worthy of repeated study by all those who want to start a business. His clear ideas for starting a business are unprecedented."

"Zhang's business achievements are indeed amazing, but he also recently made a relatively failed transaction, that is, he sold out his shares in YouTube in the third round of financing.

Now it seems that he has lost at least 3 times his profits. "

"I am a trader on Wall Street, and what I want to say is that Zhang used the money from selling YouTube shares to accurately short-sell during the subprime mortgage crisis.

This wealth now has at least a 600% return. "

"Well, I was stupid and dared to question Zhang's decision."


In Mo Beiwu's speech at Yanda this time, he just praised Zhang Nanyi out of habit, but he didn't expect it to have a great impact.

Zhang Nanyi's vision, sense of smell and determination in business have once again triggered a global discussion, so much so that his image has slowly become a myth.

Just like Buffett, he has been sought after by many people in the field of business and wealth, and has gradually become a new leader in the business world.

When many foreigners mention successful entrepreneurs in China, they will immediately think of Zhang Nanyi.

That is to say, Zhang Nanyi doesn't want to make money. Otherwise, if he takes advantage of the situation and publishes an autobiography or a book on success, it will definitely become a bestseller.

Everyone is paying attention to Zhang Nanyi's PPT and entrepreneurial speech videos. In contrast, the news that Zhang Nanyi and Mo Beiwu donated 2.6 million to Yanda attracted far fewer people.

This is also in line with Zhang Nanyi's idea. There is no need to be too high-profile about donating money to help others, just do it quietly.

This way you feel more comfortable and won't be kidnapped by others' morals.

(End of this chapter)

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