China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 541 1 A young man’s dream comes true

Chapter 541 A boy’s dream comes true


This conference was very formal, with many leaders present.

After the leaders, school leaders, school leaders of international friendly schools, teacher representatives and student representatives finished their speeches, medals were awarded on site.

The first award was the Cai Yuanpei Award, which is awarded to outstanding teachers in the school. A total of 10 winners were awarded, and then the May th Student Medal and Outstanding Contribution Award were awarded.

Finally, the most important Outstanding Alumni Award was awarded. Surprisingly, Zhang Nanyi won this award.

You must know that the people who can win this award are big figures such as Yu Min, the father of the hydrogen bomb, and Wang Zhongcheng, the pioneer of neurosurgery.

There are so many outstanding alumni of Yanda, but only 12 of them, including Zhang Nanyi, have won the award. There are still many outstanding people who have not received the award.

Zhang Nanyi won the award mainly because of the knowledge base and database co-constructed on the campus network, which has made a great positive contribution to domestic scientific research and education.

In any case, Zhang Nanyi is still very happy to receive this award.

He stood among a group of older men. He looked out of place, but his temperament fit in perfectly.

Mo Beiwu sat in the audience, picked up his camera, and took many photos of Zhang Nanyi.

She didn't get the Outstanding Alumni Award, but Zhang Nanyi got it, and it was the same.

After receiving the award in the morning, the main activity in the afternoon was a "roundtable meeting" attended by presidents of major universities at home and abroad, which had nothing to do with alumni.

Mo Beiwu withdrew immediately, as the company still had matters to deal with, while Zhang Nanyi led 36 old alumni for the last rehearsal.

The rehearsal performance was very good, mainly because Zhang Nanyi recorded the voices of old classmates in advance and used a lot of mixing and pad sounds on the spot.

Otherwise, the old schoolmates will not have enough breath and the singing effect will not be produced.

Tonight’s school anniversary party is divided into two parts. The first part is about remembering the past, mainly using dramas, sketches, songs and dances, etc. to tell the stories of important nodes and key figures in Yanda’s past.

The second part is about looking at the current trends. The programs performed are mainly young people, focusing on showing the current development of Yanda and the appearance of teachers and students.

"Youth", a duet by Zhang Nanyi and his old schoolmates, was arranged to be performed at the junction of the two parts. The old comrades sang "Youth", which can be regarded as a link between the past and the next.

By 6: pm, there was a busy scene in the backstage lounge of the Centennial Auditorium.

After Li Sisi changed his clothes, he walked up to Zhang Nanyi, turned around and asked, "Mr. Zhang, am I okay with the way I am dressed today?"

Before Zhang Nanyi could speak, Sa Beining said: "In this outfit, standing among the four of us, you stand out from the crowd. I don't want to partner with you!"

The clothes Li Sisi wore tonight was a dress that Yang Xue urgently changed for her. It was a light blue cheongsam style dress.

The upper body of the dress is a Chinese diagonal button style, and the lower body is an elegant skirt. The overall look is not as flattering and sexy as the cheongsam, but more elegant and generous, which is very suitable for Li Sisi.

After she put it on, she looked dignified, beautiful, and elegant. In contrast, Sa Beining wore normal formal clothes. The difference in image was indeed huge.

Li Sisi said: "If you don't want to partner with me, you have to partner with Sophie Zhu. She is taller than me. You can choose for yourself."

Sa Beining: "..."

There are four hosts tonight, Sa Beining, Li Sisi, Shu Dong and a female student from Switzerland whose Chinese name is Sophie Zhu.

Zhu Sophie's height is 178cm tall. Even though Sa Beining wore height-increasing insoles, she was still under a lot of pressure.

Zhang Nanyi looked at Li Sisi and commented objectively: "This dress is very good and suits you very well, but there is something wrong with your makeup.

First of all, the hairstyle is wrong. Don’t put all your hair up.

Your style tonight is elegant and intellectual. The updo looks too cold and noble. It is best to make your hair more fluffy, use some slanted bangs, and add appropriate earrings to embellish it, which will make it more elegant.

Also, your face makeup is too decorated and too delicate, especially the false eyelashes and nose. If it is too delicate, it will look fake and destroy the natural and relaxed feeling. "

Li Sisi thought his clothes looked good, so he wanted to act coquettishly in front of Zhang Nanyi and ask for some praise, but he didn't expect Zhang Nanyi to say such a professional speech.

Sa Beining sighed: "Have you seen, junior sister, what is professional? Mr. Zhang is professional!"

Zhang Nanyi said: "Find a dressing table and I will do your makeup."

Zhang Nanyi's makeup ability is only known to his woman and a small number of people on the crew. It has not been spread yet, so Li Sisi naturally doesn't know about it.

When she heard Zhang Nanyi say that she wanted to put makeup on herself, she was a little skeptical, but she still sat down obediently in front of the host's exclusive makeup table.

Zhang Nanyi's prestige was here, and Li Sisi simply couldn't refuse.

Soon, she was glad that she didn't refuse. After Zhang Nanyi worked on her head and face for about ten minutes, Li Sisi was completely different.

She looked at the beautiful and elegant girl in the mirror and asked in disbelief: "Is this really me? So I am so beautiful?"

Sa Beining, who was reciting the words at the side, looked over when he heard Li Sisi's words. A look of surprise flashed in his eyes and he exclaimed: "Mr. Zhang, you are not putting on makeup, you are transforming into a real person!"

Zhang Nanyi said calmly: "I just brought out Sisi's advantages. Beauty is in the bones, not the skin. Makeup is just for decoration. The key is that Sisi has a good foundation."

Li Sisi was extremely happy to be praised by Zhang Nanyi. The look in her eyes when she looked at Zhang Nanyi was rippling.

The other two hosts, Shu Dong and Zhu Sophie, also looked over after hearing the conversation here.

Shu Dong was stunned for a moment. Seeing such beautiful Li Sisi, he felt even more sad.

Sophie Zhu was eager to give it a try, and she said boldly: "Mr. Zhang, can you help me put on makeup?"

Zhang Nanyi looked at Zhu Sophie. She looked average and had an average figure, but her legs were relatively long.

This is normal. Handsome men and beautiful women are also rare abroad.

Regarding Sophie Zhu's background, Zhang Nanyi couldn't change much even if she put on makeup, unless she used the disguise technique, so he said, "I'm sorry, I have to help old school friends put on makeup, so I'm too busy."

After saying that, Zhang Nanyi left, and he really started putting makeup on the old chorus classmates.

In today's chorus, Zhang Nanyi is actually more like a director.

Zhang Nanyi is responsible for the video editing and arrangement of the show as well as everyone's clothing and makeup.

On stage, he just acts as a conductor, and the lead singers are old school friends.

This is mainly done for the sake of program effect.

36 old alumni came to sing "Youth", showing both the bravery of old men and the determination of never forgetting their original aspirations.

It would be a bit inconsistent if a young man named Zhang Nan was brought in. It would be best for him to be the conductor.

And Zhang Nanyi is also willing to provide assistance to these big bosses. After all, they are all big bosses who have made outstanding contributions to the country.

The old schoolmates all had base makeup, and Zhang Nanyi was responsible for retouching and optimizing it. He was very quick at work, and by 7:, everything was done.

On the big stage of the auditorium, the opening performance, a grand dance, had already begun.

After the dance performance, the four hosts came on stage. Li Sisi's beauty and elegance immediately attracted everyone's attention.

She was in very good condition tonight, her tone of voice, breath, and demeanor on stage were all impeccable.

Beautiful makeup can enhance a person's self-confidence, as is the case with Li Sisi. After being beautified by Zhang Nanyi, she became more confident. She was not inferior to Sa Beining in hosting work tonight.

Tonight's school anniversary party was recorded by Yanjing TV and and broadcast two days later.

Li Sisi, who was already famous, gradually became more and more popular because of his outstanding performance at this party.

But she is not the most shining protagonist tonight. The most shining thing tonight is the show between Zhang Nanyi and 36 old alumni.

At 8:25 pm, as Li Sisi and Sa Beining announced the curtain, Zhang Nanyi walked onto the stage with 36 old alumni in high spirits.

The alumni stood in three rows according to the rehearsal order. Zhang Nanyi stood in front of everyone, holding the baton motionless.

The lights in the venue dimmed a bit, and Yu Min's interview began to play on the big screen.

“Studying at Yanda has laid a solid academic foundation for me, but the most important thing is patriotism education.

I received excellent patriotism education here. From then on, I understood that our scientific research is for the happiness of the country and the people.

We study whatever the country needs, so I changed my major from electromechanical to theoretical physics, and then from theoretical physics to hydrogen bomb research.

Many people say that I am the father of the hydrogen bomb. This is wrong. The development of the hydrogen bomb is a systematic project, the result of the joint efforts of thousands of scientific researchers like me who care about the country.

So on the road of patriotism and scientific research, I am not alone, there are many comrades accompanying me. "

After Yu Min, there is Xu Guangxian, who is known as the "Father of Rare Earths". He said: "Yanda has many outstanding students. My award-winning work was all done by my students and the research team. I am just a member of this collective." represent."

Then came Tu Youyou: "In January 1969, I first came into contact with the anti-malarial drug research project code-named "1", and I recognized that the "523" task was my responsibility. At that time, I secretly made up my mind that I would not fulfill my responsibility. I have been entrusted with the task and have completed the tasks entrusted to me by the country, and I have been working like this ever since."


When watching the old alumni in the video expressing their feelings in simple words, the audience was very quiet. Everyone could feel the simple emotions and firm beliefs in these simple words.

As the interview ended, Zhang Nanyi waved his baton slightly, the prelude sounded, and the chorus began.



A burst of singing, accompanied by an old voice and rhythmic piano music, seemed to be lamenting the passage of time and recalling the beauty of the past.

“1898, a magnificent chapter begins

If you keep improving yourself, you will surely be able to create miracles

Only through erudite questioning and careful thinking can one discern clearly;

Only by being diligent, rigorous and realistic can we innovate..."

The lyrics of the song "Youth" adapted by Zhang Nanyi are more in line with the theme of YSU's 110th anniversary and the school spirit of YSU.

The gray-haired old school friends on the stage sang with great seriousness and devotion.

At the same time, what is played on the big screen is the handsome or beautiful image of them when they were young.

Once a young man in his prime, he devoted everything to his country and career. Now he is gray-haired and still singing loudly on the stage.

Some of the audience in the audience were moved by the faith and dedication of the old alumni, while others lamented the passage of time. A silent emotion flowed in the auditorium.

“I am still the young boy I used to be, sticking to my original intention and never changing;

One hundred years are nothing but tests, and the goal of great rejuvenation is constantly being achieved;

For young people in this century, the mission is always at hand;

No matter how many difficulties and dangers we face, we will never give up, just for, for, the faith in our hearts! "

The melody of the chorus sounded, and many people at the scene were quietly wiping away tears.

Although the old school friends sing the songs of young people, time is ruthless. Their faith is still firm, but their bodies are gradually aging.

This song "Youth" seems to condense their past struggles. As they sang, the old schoolmates became very emotional, and tears gradually filled their eyes.

"I'm still the boy I used to be, boy~"

"I'm still the young boy I used to be, middle-aged~"

"I'm still the same boy as before, old age~"

"I'm still the same boy as before, with faith!"

After the last chorus, the names of the 36 alumni who participated in the chorus today appeared on the big screen.

Together, these people wish their alma mater a happy 110th birthday, and may the motherland always be prosperous and strong!

At the end of the chorus performance, everyone took a bow together. All the teachers, students and guests stood up and applauded thunderously!

Sa Beining and Li Sisi came on stage, and Sa Beining said: "Young men, please stay. At this moment, like everyone else, I am very excited.

I really want to chat with all the alumni for a while, but time is limited, so I will interview Teacher Yu Min. How are you feeling now? "

Yu Min said: "I'm very happy. I have always had a literary dream, but it's a pity that I don't have enough talent.

Thanks to the school for the invitation, and to Xiao Zhang for his hard work and arrangement, which made my dream come true.

It turns out I can sing pretty well! "

Hearing Yu Min's joke, the scene burst into laughter.

Li Sisi walked up to Zhang Nanyi and asked, "Mr. Zhang, for what purpose did you compose the song "Young Man" and invite so many outstanding alumni to sing it together?"

Zhang Nanyi smiled and said: "The simplest purpose is that I don't have to sing this song, so I can be lazy!

The most direct purpose of this program is to help old alumni have fun and have fun together.

The most sincere purpose is that the song "Youth" was specially created for the 110th anniversary of our alma mater. Strong young people make the country strong, and there will always be young people in Yanda! "

After hearing Zhang Nanyi's answer, the audience applauded again, and then everyone left.

Today's choral performance by teenagers pushed the atmosphere of the party to a climax, so that the subsequent one-hour performance seemed very dull and lacked any surprises.

After the party, Zhang Nanyi took various photos with old classmates, chatted with the leaders, and then got in the car to go home.

Unexpectedly, Li Sisi, who had changed his clothes, suddenly rushed over and said with a blushing face: "Mr. Zhang, it's hard to take a taxi today. Can you take me home?"

Li Sisi has not graduated yet and has a dormitory to live in. The so-called "going home" is obviously an excuse.

Zhang Nanyi did not expose it. He asked, "Does the skirt you are wearing to the party tonight have any straps?"

The clothes designed by Yang Xue are all meaningful and convenient for Zhang Nanyi's movements. Li Sisi's dress tonight can also be worn in one hug.

Li Sisi remembered Yang Xue's words, showed it with the handbag, and then said firmly: "The clothes are packed~ I also brought the host's uniform."

What can Zhang Nanyi say, it is a good experience to taste the style of Yangshi host.

Moreover, Li Sisi's hosting skills are not strong enough. As a senior professor, Zhang Nanyi is very willing to teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

(End of this chapter)

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