China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 560 Interactive Movie

Chapter 560 Interactive Movie

The movie "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" is also a difficult problem faced by Zhang Nanyi.

Due to the existence of the protagonist panel, it is impossible for him to play a supporting role, but according to the timeline in the script of Founding the Republic, Weiren is 52 years old, so it is really inappropriate for him to play Weiren.

Therefore, if Zhang Nanyi participated, he could only play a supporting role. According to past situations, Zhang Nanyi directly refused.

However, this movie has a special meaning, and it is really not easy to reject it casually.

Han Sanpin thought the same way. He knew that Zhang Nanyi never played supporting roles, so he didn't invite him personally. Instead, he called Zhang Nanyi's agent Liu Xiaoli first and asked her to convey the message, so there was a buffer.

If there were other things, such as the announcement of the nominations for the Bay Island Golden Horse Awards today, Zhang Nanyi was nominated for the Best Actor by virtue of his nomination, and the Golden Horse Awards officially invited him to the scene, Liu Xiaoli did not need to ask Zhang Nanyi, and directly refused.

But regarding the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Xiaoli still wanted to ask Zhang Nanyi's opinion.

After hearing Liu Xiaoli's words, Zhang Nanyi thought for a moment and now he has two choices.

The first is to set up a bureau with Han Sanpin to chat and change the script and timeline of the Founding of the People's Republic of China. The protagonist is changed to young Weiren. He has master-level makeup skills and an ever-changing temperament. He can definitely do it. Perform the style of young Weiren.

The other is to organize the game by oneself and make a tribute film, which makes sense.

After thinking about it, Zhang Nanyi said: "Refuse, just say that I already have a script for a gift film, and I will shoot a gift film myself next year."

The Founding of the People's Republic of China is also a very fictitious movie. As a gift film, it was completely overshadowed by the TV series "The Righteous Path in the World Is Vicissitudes of Life".

Han Sanpin's idea is to bring together many stars to interpret the story of the founding of the country and use the star effect to inspire everyone's patriotic feelings.

This has a certain effect, but it also destined the film to have no quality, as if it was just a mission accomplished.

Zhang Nanyi got involved, and even if Han Sanpin was willing to change the script, the final result would not be good. It would be better to write a script by himself.

And in Zhang Nanyi's heart, he has always had an idea, that is, to play Wei Ren.

He is not cultivating a personality, but the person he respects and is most grateful to from the bottom of his heart is Wei Ren.

When he was a child, Zhang Nanyi was also led to have a distorted thought by some people. When he heard that the older generation admired and missed Weiren, he felt disdainful.

It wasn't until I grew up, developed the ability to think independently, and learned many facts that I realized how ridiculous my thoughts were when I was young.

In this day and age, Wei Ren is still misunderstood by many people. Zhang Nanyi has always wanted to make a movie to explain everything objectively, and now is the time.

When this idea appeared, Zhang Nanyi's mind naturally came to an online post he had seen back then.

It was a post on the Quora website, known as the American version of Zhihu, titled "If you were him, what choice would you make at every juncture in history?"

This post is the answer given by an international student from China after someone asked the question "How does China view Weiren in China today?" on the quora website.

In the post, the respondent asked everyone to imagine that you are playing a role-playing game, and the character you play is Wei Ren. You will start from scratch and experience Wei Ren's magnificent life.

In the article, the respondent set up some important choices. Once the wrong choice is made, everything will be lost.

This article is very popular on quora and has received a lot of likes, because through such a role-playing game, everyone can feel the difficult situation Weiren faces, how hard it is along the way, and how he behaves. principles and a firm belief in selflessness.

Unfortunately, due to some force majeure, this post was eventually deleted.

Zhang Nanyi plans to use this answer as a creative outline, write a detailed script, make an interactive movie, and broadcast it on

The reason for doing this is to enhance the sense of immersion, so that everyone can experience everything from Weiren's perspective and in an interactive way;

On the other hand, the supervision of online movies is relatively loose now, making it easier to review.

Otherwise, if Zhang Nanyi makes a movie like this and releases it on the big screen, it will definitely have to pass five hurdles and defeat six generals in the review. Whether it can pass the review in the end is a big problem.

Zhang Nan did it as soon as he thought of it. He kissed Mo Beiwu and then said, "You guys talk first, I'm going to write the script!"

Seeing Zhang Nan leaving in a hurry, Liu Xiaoli and Mo Beiwu looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.

Liu Xiaoli said: "Bei Wu, you rest first, I'll make a pot of tea for Nan Yi."

Mo Beiwu immediately stood up and said, "I'll go, you need more rest."

Unexpectedly, a beautiful little head suddenly popped out from the door of the room. It was Naza. She said naively: "You guys can rest, I will take care of uncle."

Liu Xiaoli warned: "Nan Yi is inspired. Don't disturb him by playing games in the study."

Nazha immediately promised: "Absolutely not. I just learned how to make tea from Sister Changchang. This time I will definitely make my uncle more energetic!"

The tea brewed by Na Zha really made Zhang Nanyi more energetic, because the tea leaves were given too much and it was too strong. After one sip, the taste reached Tianling Gai.

Finally Yang Xue walked in and quietly changed Zhang Nanyi for a pot of tea.

Zhang Nanyi used his ability to concentrate, wrote the script quickly, and completed the outline quickly.

Next, he has to consult a large amount of historical data to ensure that there are no errors or omissions, and to restore everything as truly as possible.

Zhang Nanyi planned to name this movie "Historical Choice".

Because of the decision to film history, Zhang Nanyi declined Han Sanpin's offer of founding the country.

Han Sanpin didn't say anything about this. In fact, when he invited him, he knew that the probability of success was low.

Although Zhang Nanyi did not participate in the founding of the People's Republic of China, the stars of Nanyi Entertainment were all very cooperative. Liu Yifei, Jing Tian, ​​Liu Yunlong and others all participated.

On the morning of November 11, Zhang Nanyi performed a battle scene of driving a mecha in the studio in the air. The character completion rate increased to 13%, and the protagonist panel gave the third reward.

[Reward Skill: Mechanism Technique, you have mastered the basic skills of Mechanism Technique, and can flexibly use various techniques of mechanism manufacturing. 】

[Mechanism (3): You have mastered all the techniques of mechanism, and have developed your own unique knowledge and understanding of mechanism. You are a master of mechanism.

Side effects: Precision, you can create more sophisticated mechanisms in a small space. ]    It is still the reward of the mechanism technique. Zhang Nanyi has a deeper understanding of the mechanism technique and has a lot more knowledge in his mind.

At the same time, the precise effect allows him to arrange more mechanisms in a small space.

If Zhang Nanyi were to engage in chip design at this time, and study hard and concentrate on research for a period of time, he would definitely become a giant in the industry.

After all, everything follows the same laws, and many things are connected.

Zhang Nanyi was very happy every time he got a reward, and he also had a smile on his face during lunch.

Tang Yan saw this and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, are you happy because the trailer of Wan Laisheng has been well received?

I read the comments from netizens, and everyone is saying that your martial arts moves are so cool! "

This morning, Wan Laisheng's film officially announced its release date, which is scheduled for December 12 and will be released simultaneously in 19 countries and regions around the world.

This schedule is the best. It is the Lunar New Year schedule in China and the Christmas schedule abroad. Movies that are confident in the quality will choose this schedule.

In addition to the official schedule announcement, Wan Laisheng also released the first trailer.

Tang Yan didn't have any scenes this morning, so he saw this trailer for the first time.

Jing Tian hadn't watched it yet because she was filming. After hearing Tang Yan's words, she immediately said, "Xiao Lin, please give me my mobile phone."

Taking the mobile phone handed over by her assistant, Jing Tian logged into's APP and saw the trailer for Wan Laisheng on the homepage.

This trailer was released at 9:2 in the morning, and now and a half hours have passed. It has been played more than million times, and the likes have exceeded million. It is very popular.

Jing Tian quickly clicked play.

"Beat him to death!" "Come on, Master Wan!" "Teach the foreigner a harsh lesson."

Wan Laisheng, played by Zhang Nanyi, stood on a stage, surrounded by crowds of onlookers, who were all shouting hard.

In front of him was a tall and strong foreign man.

Following the referee's order, Wan Laisheng struck quickly, punching the foreigner directly in the face. The foreigner blocked lazily, but felt a sharp pain in his crotch, and involuntarily covered his crotch and fell down.

It turns out that Wan Laisheng's real killer move is to lift the vaginal leg, and the straight punch is just a feint.

After the foreigner fell to the ground, Wan Laisheng did not stop, but directly kicked the foreigner in the navel.

This kick was so powerful that he kicked the foreigner directly under the ring. He vomited blood and twitched all over. He didn't know if he could survive.

The fight ended so quickly and so violently that the onlookers didn't even react, and the scene was completely silent.

It wasn't until Wan Laisheng walked off the stage gracefully that the crowd burst into cheers.

Beside Wan Laisheng, a disciple asked: "Master, you just had a sneak attack. Wouldn't this be a defeat?"

Wan Laisheng said: "How could it be? I just took action when the referee called start."

Wan Laisheng said word for word: "Goodness without a bottom line is condoning evil!

Your master taught me that it is difficult to be a hero. The enemy is cunning, and we must be more cunning than them.

Martial arts were invented to kill people.

Don't listen to what those people tell you about fighting with force and the spirit of martial arts. They are all tricks used by the victor to deceive you.

If you believe it, you are not far from death! "

With the sound of Wan Laisheng, the picture kept changing, and he began to fight fiercely in different scenes.

In the trailer, Zhang Nanyi showed a unique martial arts action. Every move is full of the beauty of a master and full of power, which can inspire the most primitive desire for violence in human beings.

Wan Laisheng in the trailer is ruthless and will do nothing if he doesn't take action. Once he takes action, the enemy will be maimed or disabled at least, and there will be many deaths.

Such scenes further highlight the violence of martial arts.

Jing Tian is a woman. After seeing Zhang Nanyi's fight scene, she not only felt cruel, but also felt a thrill and passion in her heart.

Wan Laisheng finally said: "The title of martial arts master is earned with one punch and one kick.

Competition in the ring is not only a matter of superiority and inferiority, but also a matter of life and death! "

With these words, Wan Laisheng kicked through a wall and killed the enemy behind the wall.

The wall shattered, and the sputtered masonry rotated in the air, and finally combined in the air to form a line of words.

"Wanlaisheng will be released worldwide on April 4th!

It's a matter of life and death! "

In this trailer, there is no background music. Zhang Nanyi showed his strong line skills and made Wan Laisheng's speech sonorous, powerful and convincing.

There is no background music, and the sounds caused by the fighting movements are completely displayed in the audience's ears, making everything more real and exciting.

It also reflects the cruelty and violence of martial arts.

After watching it, Jing Tian said: "The style of this trailer is a bit extreme. I don't know if everyone can accept it."

(End of this chapter)

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