Chapter 62 Magical Realism
Hearing Mo Beiwu's words, Chen Yingcai smiled and nodded. He said to Zhang Jizong: "Teacher Zhang, let's go together? Give the young man some private space."

This tone suddenly became friendly, and he even made a little joke.

This joke suited Zhang Jizong's thoughts. He immediately laughed out loud, took Li Dashan, and followed Yang Shi and the others out.

After a few more pleasantries in the hotel lobby, Chen Yingcai took Sun Ruixue and Wu Xiaobin back to the Yangshi Building opposite.

In his office, while making tea, Chen Yingcai said to Sun Ruixue: "Our strategy needs to change. For this drama, Fairy Sword, we must cooperate with Nanyi Culture.

Next, you are responsible for promoting the cooperation on this project. I will give you a certain amount of autonomy, including investment amount, project leadership, character selection, broadcast schedule, etc. Everything can be discussed. "

Sun Ruixue hesitated for a moment and asked: "How to determine the specific scale? Are you concerned about Miss Mo who just came to the dinner? I think Zhang Nanyi seems to want to distance herself from her.

What if we cooperate with Zhang Nanyi and the relationship between him and Miss Mo becomes tense? Will it affect Chi Yu? "

Chen Yingcai smiled and shook his head. He scalded the teacup and then said, "You have never come into contact with Mo Beiwu. This is also the first time I have met her, but I have heard a lot of rumors about her.

All I can say is that some people are born with good luck.

Mo Beiwu is this kind of person. No matter what she does, she has good luck. The phrase "every wish comes true" is very appropriate.

According to what I just observed, she has a very close relationship with Zhang Nanyi. "

Chen Yingcai poured a cup of tea for each of them and continued: "In some families, luck is not just luck, but also represents luck."

Sun Ruixue drank tea silently. She knew what the leader meant. The more wealthy people were, the more they believed in these metaphysical things.

Chen Yingcai took a sip of tea and started talking very passionately: "So Mo Beiwu's status in the family is very special, and the Jing Tian she just mentioned, it is said that someone has counted it for Jing Tian, ​​which is also very interesting."

Gossip is human nature. Even though the three people here are old and have a calm style, in a unit like Yangshi, such chatter is unavoidable.

Moreover, the leader spoke with great enthusiasm, and Wu Xiaobin was also very curious. He asked with admiration: "Is there anything special about this Jingtian?"

Chen Yingcai said: "It is said that it is an altruistic horoscope. Specifically, whether it is a prosperous husband, prosperous father, or other aspects, there is no definite statement.

Anyway, because of this, Jing Tian is also very valued at home. "

There is also a difference between the second generation and the second generation. Some second generations who are not taken seriously can at most have a casual job and be raised as idlers.

What Chen Yingcai said was to tell Sun Ruixue and Wu Xiaobin that Jing Tian had a hard relationship. After all the foreshadowing, he revealed his true purpose: "It's best for us to participate in the drama "Sword of Immortality", and we can't delay. We have to start filming before the change of boundaries. This way we can avoid suspicion..."

Here Chen Yingcai and the other three were planning, and over there in the private room of the hotel, Mo Beiwu said to Zhang Nanyi: "The company is about to conduct its first round of financing. I'm asking for trouble this time. The thing about Jing Tian is just incidental. This Things are the main thing.

If you want to sell shares, you can sell more in the first round of financing, but I suggest you not to rush. The company has a bright future according to your plan. "

Zhang Nan was stunned for a moment and asked: "The company has made a new product now? Can it raise funds so soon?"

When Zhang Nanyi left the company, Yiwu Technology was just a student entrepreneurial project. Unexpectedly, half a year later, it was about to raise funds.

Mo Beiwu said matter-of-factly: "Our company is now the largest navigation website in the market, occupying the traffic entrance, and advertising revenue has been increasing.

Last month’s revenue was 90, and it should exceed one million this month. "

Zhang Nanyi asked: "Where is hao123?" "Hao123 was ordered to rectify for a period of time because of suspected pornographic propaganda and false advertising, and its market share was slowly surpassed by ours."

Zhang Nanyi: "..."

I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me. Zhang Nanyi didn't expect that he would kill hao123 in order to graduate and set up a startup company.

In the early days of Internet companies, none of them grew wildly. Isn't it normal for them to do some marginalization for the sake of clicks and traffic?

If we really use this standard to regulate current domestic Internet companies, then almost all companies will have problems.

Zhang Nanyi didn't know what to say for this reason to rectify hao123.

Zhang Nanyi subconsciously thought that Mo Beiwu's family took action.

Although he dislikes the Mo family's methods, Zhang Nanyi also knows that this is the reality. Firstly, hao123 itself has various problems. It has also maliciously tampered with the browser. Secondly, the relationship, connections and methods are all business. part of competition.

Think about the big guys in China, such as Ren Zhenfei, Wang Jianling, and Wang Shi, who all started their careers through their spouses' families.

If you want to make your business bigger, you either have connections in your family or your partner. This is true both at home and abroad.

Ma Yun was able to create a web page for the Appearance Department in 97, thereby mastering a large amount of corporate information. Bill Gates's first large order for Microsoft came from IBM, and his mother is a director of IBM.

There are so many big guys, but it seems that Lei Zi of Da Mi is a ruthless person who started from scratch, and even Dongzi is barely interested.

Zhang Nanyi's thinking was a little divergent. After Mo Beiwu saw it, he quickly explained: "This is an Internet enterprise investigation activity carried out in Guangdong Province, and it really has nothing to do with my family.

My father did not agree with my starting a business. He wanted me to go to the United States to further my studies. "

These days, the number one destination for graduates is indeed to study abroad.

Afraid that Zhang Nanyi would not believe it, Mo Beiwu explained again: "Not only hao123 was investigated, but Teng Xun and Kingdee were also investigated, even Tame Lei, which was just founded, was also investigated.

Teng Xun was also fined. If there is any news, you can read it. "

Zhang Nanyi smiled and said: "No need to look, I know your personality and believe you."

Mo Beiwu didn't bother to lie, and his father really wanted her to study in the United States. At that time, he asked Zhang Nanyi to take the lead in the entrepreneurial project in order to add a resume to his daughter's study abroad application.

Since he doesn't support Mo Beiwu's entrepreneurship, he certainly won't use his connections to attack his competitors.

From this point of view, everything is a coincidence.

Zhang Nanyi put aside his distracting thoughts and asked: "The company's advertising revenue is very good now, and its cash flow should be healthy. Why do you want to raise funds?"

When talking about the company, Mo Beiwu was very excited, and she spoke a little faster: "In order to make games, we need to develop games. The current funds are not enough. I want to raise a round of financing to speed up the development progress."

Zhang Nanyi asked curiously: "What game are you planning to play?"

(End of this chapter)

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