China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 63 The Son of True Luck

Chapter 63 The Son of True Luck

Regarding Yiwu Technology’s game strategy, Zhang Nanyi only made a plan and did not specify what games to make.

Mo Beiwu said: "We are going to develop three games at the same time, all related to you. The first one is Tian Long Ba Bu, the second one is called Horizontal Warrior, and the third one is Immortal Way."

Zhang Nanyi asked: "What does this have to do with me?"

Mo Beiwu said: "It's all your inspiration. Didn't you ask me to analyze the legend carefully before?

I analyzed it and found that this game is a modified version of the stand-alone game Diablo and made into an online game version.

Then I also make online games.

I happened to be filming Tian Long Ba Bu, so I found Mr. Jin and bought the online game adaptation rights of Tian Long Ba Bu. I also used the stand-alone game Jin Yong's Legend of Heroes to develop an online game version of Tian Long Ba Bu.

I also learned that your company bought the copyright of Fairy Sword. I was inspired to learn from Fairy Sword and develop a turn-based combat online game called Fairy Road.

Also, didn't you take me to play in an arcade before? So I think we can learn from the arcade clearance model and make an online version of the clearance game. "

Zhang Nanyi heard Mo Beiwu's description. Isn't this one of the online games that will explode in the future? Shouhu's Demi-Gods and Dragons, Jibit's Asking, and the dungeons and games developed by Koryo and represented by Tengxun. warrior.

Can this inspiration still come from this way?
Mo Beiwu's ability to accidentally hit someone is a bit ruthless...

Once the financing is obtained, these games will be developed, and with the help of Mo Beiwu's family background, Yiwu Technology will take off.

Zhang Nanyi suddenly asked: "How much share do you hold in the company now?"

When Yiwu Technology was first established, because it was an entrepreneurial support project of the school, according to Yanda’s policy at the time, Yanda held 20% of the shares.

Zhang Nanyi himself holds 55% of the shares, Mo Beiwu holds 20% with the help of his technology and the funds he later brought in, and the remaining 5% is distributed to other key students.

Mo Beiwu said: "I know you left because after my father forced you, you had an angry fight with him, and in anger you spent money to buy the entrepreneurial project back from school.

Didn’t my dad want me to study abroad, gilt me, and do school projects?I directly gave him the project to get rid of from school!Take the fire out of the cauldron!
Now I own 40% of the company! "

Zhang Nanyi: "..."

What kind of magical realism is this? Zhang Nanyi thinks Mo Beiwu is the real one. She is a child of true luck. Not only does she have a strong background, but she also seems to have a lot of luck. Everything she does seems to be right.

Zhang Nanyi sighed and asked, "Your family should be very rich, right? How much money can you personally contribute?"

Mo Beiwu thought for a moment and said, "I'll ask my aunt for some money. I should be able to raise a sum of money. A few million will definitely be fine. What do you mean, let me invest my own money in game research and development?
Don’t want to raise funds first? "

Zhang Nanyi said: "The company now only has one website for navigation. Although the cash flow is good, the valuation will not be high if it raises financing.

Financing depends on prospects. Navigation websites have too many limitations and are currently suffering from too much financing.

If you have funds, we will jointly invest 1000 million in proportion to the existing shares for game research and development.

The shares of other students who are willing to invest will be maintained, and those who are unwilling to invest will be diluted according to the current valuation. "


Anyway, there is an upper limit to website navigation, so it’s not a big deal.

Now that tao123 is up and running and has a certain amount of traffic, it will definitely be losing money now.

When Mo Beiwu heard that Zhang Nanyi not only refused to withdraw his shares, but also invested money, his eyebrows twitched involuntarily, obviously very happy.

She asked: "You have been filming, haven't you? Where can you find the money to inject money? Do you want me to get some more to help you first?"

Mo Beiwu was worried that Zhang Nanyi had no money, which meant that she did not investigate Zhang Nanyi, but was only concerned about the situation of his company. Otherwise, she would not have known that Zhang Nanyi made money from overseas investments.

Zhang Nanyi waved his hand: "No, it's settled. You go through the formalities and I'll sign and pay."

Since Yiwu Technology is destined to take off, Zhang Nanyi will certainly have to put some thought into preserving his shares.He thinks this is good. The company is dominated by Mo Beiwu. He holds the shares and occasionally makes suggestions. He should follow the trend and not be too happy.

Zhang Nanyi was just imagining the wonderful life of lying down, when Mo Beiwu said: "By the way, Nanyi, ever since I found out that my father forced you to leave, I tore up the concerted action agreement we signed. .

Now that you are the company's major shareholder and actual controller, you still have the final say in the company. "

Zhang Nanyi: "..."

Zhang Nanyi said: "My main job in the future is to be an actor. I don't have much energy to manage the company. Yiwu Technology will still focus on you."

Zhang Nanyi still knows the priorities, and the protagonist panel is the best. It not only rewards various physical talents and makes the body stronger, but also has surreal special effects like the fairy sister.

We must stick to our main job of being an actor. As for business management, we can only leave this to Mo Beiwu, and he can just follow along.

After all, it is difficult to balance being a star and a boss at the same time.

The so-called Boss Yang of Yang Mi in later generations may not be the persona of a heroine and a strong career woman established by herself, and she is a small shareholder of Jiaxing.

Jia Xing is essentially a company founded by its agent Zeng Jia. Many fans will automatically ignore the huge amount of energy required to manage the company. With the IQ and skills of entertainment stars, few can manage the company well.

Therefore, many celebrities are either cheated by their agents, or simply marry their agents to form a community of interests and settle down once and for all.

If you really want to run a company, you basically have to step back from the circle, and that's what Ren Quan is.

Mo Beiwu misunderstood Zhang Nanyi's thoughts, and she said domineeringly: "You don't have to worry about the pressure in my family, I already have my grandfather's support.

Not only do I not have to go to the United States to study, my family will not be involved in the development of Yiwu Technology. "

Zhang Nanyi saw Mo Beiwu's confident look and felt that this goddess was too smooth sailing, young and confident.

When the company becomes bigger and stronger, and the interests are present, there will definitely be no less people reaching out.

Zhang Nan then thought about it and decided that it would be better for him to retain his position as the actual controller. In the future, if someone from the Mo family comes up with ideas, he will have more room to maneuver.

Thinking of this, Zhang Nanyi simply refused to do anything. He said: "Let's sign another concerted action agreement."

Mo Beiwu frowned and said coldly: "I told you, the company is dominated by you, I can assist you!"

Zhang Nanyi smiled and said: "Then you will assist me. The content of this agreement is the same as before. It is just an exchange of objects. From now on, I will be the main decision-maker in the company's decisions."

Mo Beiwu did not hesitate, she said excitedly: "No problem! But I only have one request. When the company becomes bigger, I want to build cars!"

Mo Beiwu is a car fan. His two favorite things are yoga and racing.

Her biggest wish is to drive a racing car developed by herself and race on a professional track.

Zhang Nanyi knew what she was thinking. When he was in school, he used the goddess's hobby to trick her into starting a business together.

Seeing Zhang Nanyi nod, Mo Beiwu continued: "I will feel relieved when you come back to the company. I am very capable of execution, but I am not good at strategic planning or encouraging the employees below.

If you have time, you'd better go to the company to cheer everyone up. "

Zhang Nanyi smiled and shook his head: "I'll have a look in two days, but you still have to do the management. I really don't have the energy."

Mo Beiwu nodded, and she asked seriously: "What do you think of the creativity of my three games?"

Zhang Nanyi gave a thumbs up and praised: "The creativity of the three games is very good, your idea is very right!"

The real situation is that these days, as long as you make a game, get a version number, develop it and put it on the market, and the quality is not ridiculously bad, you can still make money. It's just a matter of making more or less.

What's more, these three games of Mo Beiwu do have explosive models.

(End of this chapter)

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