Chapter 102 Rebel, you still know how to come back

Liu Yuanchen found the training room No. B[-], opened the stone door and entered.

This practice room is a stone room ten feet square. The walls and floor are made of black rock.

It is quite similar to the floor of a martial arts arena.

There are no facilities in the entire practice room.

On the contrary, there is a portrait engraved on the stone wall of the practice room.

Next to these portraits, there are text introductions.

In addition, there is a mark of a token in front of each figure.

Liu Yuanchen walked up to a portrait. The record above described the figure as a monk in the early stages of the Qi Sea Realm.

This person's strength is close to the average level of students in the early stages of the Qi Sea Realm of Zhennan Academy.

Therefore, it is most suitable as a target for students.

After fighting against him, you can have a clear understanding of your own strength.

He looked at a few more portraits, including those in the middle and late stages of the Qi Sea realm, as well as those at the peak.

There is no combat power at the level of the Condensing Yuan Realm here, and the highest level is the peak of the Qi Sea Realm.

Liu Yuanchen wanted to practice magic, not to challenge the limit.

Walking up to the figure who was in the early stage of Qi Sea Realm, he overlapped the token in his hand with the token imprint on the stone wall.

Suddenly, the scene in front of me changed drastically.

It was no longer a dim stone room, but turned into a vast and boundless plain.

Liu Yuanchen understood in his heart that the place where the fight took place was in an illusion.

This method is quite good, as it can hone your spells without causing any real casualties.

However, to achieve this goal, the requirements for formation are extremely terrifying.

At least I've never seen anything like this in Qingdan Sect before.

The various inheritances of the Daxia Academy system are really unpredictable!
After a moment, a young man holding a long sword appeared in front of him.

He cupped his hands towards Liu Yuanchen and said, "Bingwu has met Taoist friend."

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised. The sparring partner in the training room seemed to have some intelligence.

He returned the gift with his hand in hand: "Liu Yuanchen has met Taoist friend."

Afterwards, Bingwu's whole body surged with mana, ready to take action at any time.

Liu Yuanchen also used magic power and Gang Qi to condense a large bow according to the spells recorded in the Evil-killing Arrow.

Bingwu stepped forward, and Liu Yuanchen used his forest escape technique at his feet to quickly distance himself.

Then, draw the bow with both hands.

The aura flickered, and a mana arrow appeared on the bow.

For Qi Sea Realm monks, there is no need to worry about the accuracy of arrows.

Within the coverage of spiritual consciousness, you can definitely hit wherever you want.

The arrow shot out quickly, Bing Wu swung his sword and slashed, the arrow was divided into two parts, and then turned into a ball of mana again.

Liu Yuanchen also made a judgment on the power of the evil-killing arrow.

The evil-killing arrows cast casually were not powerful enough to threaten the early Qi Sea Realm monks.

Then, he modified the arrows according to the records in the spell.

Using Gang Qi as the bone and mana as the skin, an arrow is condensed.

Although Gang Qi is extremely lethal and far more powerful than mana, it will dissipate quickly after leaving the body.

Therefore, monks who practice Gang Qi are naturally deficient in long-distance attack methods.

If Gang Qi is used as bones and mana is used as skin, the Gang Qi will dissipate slower.

Within a certain distance, the lethality of this kind of arrow is stronger than that of pure mana arrows.

But when the distance is particularly far, pure mana arrows are more reliable.

This special arrow was shot, and the two people were only five or six feet apart.

Bingwu waved his sword to block, and the arrow hit the sword.

The huge force forced it back several feet.

Sure enough, this special arrow is very useful when the distance is not too far.

Relying on the advantage of his cultivation, Liu Yuanchen used the forest escape method to always keep a certain distance from Bing Wu.

No matter how Bingwu used his escape technique, he was still unable to get close.

Liu Yuanchen continued to use the evil-killing arrows, and the speed of condensing the arrows, the speed of shooting the bow, and the power of the arrows continued to increase.

I don't know how much time has passed, but Bingwu still has a hard time blocking arrows even when he is twenty feet away.

After getting used to shooting with a bow, Liu Yuanchen fired three arrows in unison.

Bingwu tried his best to block, but only blocked two arrows.

The third arrow pierced his chest, and his whole body disappeared.

The scene in front of him dissipated, and Liu Yuanchen appeared in the practice room again.

At this time, he felt that his consciousness was a little tired.

Also, my arms were a little sore.

“The environment in this practice room is not completely an illusion.

I just don’t know if my whole body is in an illusion, or if my body is outside and my consciousness is inside. "

The current physical condition is no longer suitable for continuing to practice the Evil Killing Arrow.

Liu Yuanchen left the practice room and went outside.

The previous instructor was still in the courtyard. When he saw Liu Yuanchen coming out, he quickly greeted him: "Junior brother Liu, are you coming out so soon?"

Liu Yuanchen returned the token from the Bingwu practice room to him: "I have achieved some success in practicing magic, but my body is also a little tired."

The instructor checked the token and said, "Junior brother, you have been in the practice room for an hour and a half, and you need a total of 75 spiritual stones."

After Liu Yuanchen paid the spirit stone, he asked: "Brother, I still have something unclear."

The teacher chuckled: "If you don't understand anything, just ask."

Liu Yuanchen cupped his hands: "When I was sparring in the practice room, did my consciousness enter the illusion, or did my whole person enter the illusion?"

The instructor explained patiently: "Of course, the spiritual consciousness enters the illusion. This practice room basically restores actual combat. If the physical body enters the illusion, there is a danger of serious injury or even death at any time.

All the disciples in the academy are treasures, how could they be so wasted? "

“So, only spiritual consciousness can enter the illusion in this practice room.

Even if he is killed by a sparring partner, he will only have a headache for a few days and will not cause any other damage. "

“However, after the spiritual consciousness entered the illusion, the physical body was not completely out of control.

The spiritual consciousness is fighting with the sparring partner in the illusion, and the physical body is doing the same thing.

The physical coordination of many spells is very important. If you only practice spells with spiritual consciousness, the effect will be very poor. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was once again amazed by the inheritance of formations in the academy.

Such a brilliant formation has never been heard of in the Red Wasteland.

"The inheritance of formations in our academy is indeed extraordinary."

The teacher also had a look of peace on his face: "That's natural, the formations in our academy system are more advanced than those of Shenting.

For example, our Academy participated in various defensive formations at Zhennanguan. "

"Junior Brother Liu, if you are interested in the battle method, you can also learn it."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen shook his head repeatedly: "I am not qualified and I really can't eat this bowl of rice."

Good guy, is the formation so easy to learn?
Various deductions, various calculations.

When he first joined the Qingdan Sect, he had already been exposed to the basics of formations.

After studying for two days, he felt the fear of being dominated by high mathematics in his previous life.

Even though he had the mathematical foundation from his previous life, he could still understand those simple formations.

However, he really has no interest in anything like advanced mathematics.Therefore, he chose Shen Nong Shu.

After exchanging a few words with his teacher, Liu Yuanchen said goodbye and left.

After returning to his small courtyard and meditating for two or three hours, he fully recovered.

Then, he condensed several more arrows with wind and thunder attributes.

The evil-killing arrows cast casually with magic power and Gangqi are quite powerful.

These specially refined evil-killing arrows are naturally more powerful.

Next time I compete with other students in the martial arts field, I will have another killer move.


On the tenth day after Liu Yuanchen came to the academy, it was time for the martial arts competition.

He got up early in the morning and flew to the martial arts field. At this time, there were already two disciples competing in the martial arts field.

Moreover, there were more than a dozen people lining up in the audience, waiting to compete on stage.

There were many monks watching around the martial arts arena.

Seeing Liu Yuanchen's arrival, the students were much more polite.

They all raised their hands and saluted: "Senior Brother Liu is here."

Naturally, Liu Yuanchen would not show off, and returned the favor one by one.

He had proven his strength in the previous two competitions.

Especially in the last competition, Xia Longting was too careless. He used his cultivation level to overwhelm others and also relied on the power of heaven. In the end, he still lost to him.

Most of the students in the academy are at a competitive age.

Although such people are arrogant, they are also really convinced by those who have strength.

After greeting everyone, he also watched the competition on the stage.

These people didn't look like they were competing at all, they were just playing house.

Liu Yuanchen immediately thought of what Xia Longting said before, arranging for someone to occupy the martial arts arena so that others who wanted to challenge would have no chance.

Judging from this posture, it must be the person arranged by Xia Longting.

The martial arts arena only has the same rules as the martial arts arena. There is no winner or loser among those above, and others are not allowed to come on stage to interfere.

If there are many people participating in the competition, they have to line up honestly.

Liu Yuanchen waited for a while, but no one challenged him, so he left the martial arts arena and returned to his small courtyard.


Perhaps because Liu Yuanchen showed too much strength, the students in Zhennan Academy were not sure of winning.

Or maybe the martial arts arena has been occupied by people, and for a while, no one came to challenge again.

Liu Yuanchen naturally enjoyed his leisure time, practicing every day to improve his cultivation, and refining several potions of elixirs.

As for the dead wood level of the dead wood longevity skill, he has practiced relatively little.

His aura now fluctuates like that of a monk in the early stages of the Qi Sea Realm.

If you continue to practice the dead wood level technique, the dissipated aura will be further reduced, and the displayed cultivation will not advance but retreat, which will easily attract too many people's attention.

Such leisurely days lasted for 20 days.

This morning, after Liu Yuanchen finished practicing, he received a message from his master, asking him to go to Songquanju.

Liu Yuanchen naturally did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly left the small courtyard and came to Songquan Residence.

When I arrived in front of Songquan Ju, I saw a sneaky figure hiding outside Song Quan Ju.

Seeing Liu Yuanchen coming, he quickly stepped forward.

This man was unkempt and his robe was in tatters.

Liu Yuanchen looked carefully and found out that it was his master: "Master, how did you get into this state? Did the master take action against you?"

Zhao Hong shook his head: "No, I was struggling on the road.

This is not like arriving in front of Songquanju and calling you over because I was worried that your master would deal with me.

When Master Qi takes action later, you have to say a few good words for me. "

Liu Yuanchen patted his chest and promised: "Master, don't worry, my disciple will definitely speak well for you."

Zhao Hong glanced around again: "Is Tieshan not here?"

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Junior Brother Tieshan is still cultivating and will not be able to survive for a while."

Only then did Zhao Hong let out a long sigh of relief: "It's good that he didn't come. If he came, I would definitely die.

I shouldn't have let him come over in the first place. This time your master got furious and called me back. It's probably because he couldn't control his mouth and said something he shouldn't have said. "

After saying that, he walked carefully to the door of Songquan Residence and knocked gently.

He shouted softly: "Master, this disciple is back."

After saying that, he quickly covered his ears.

Just when Liu Yuanchen was puzzled, a roar came: "Traitor, you still know how to come back and come in with me."

After the roaring sound passed, Zhao Hong released his ears and pushed open the door of Songquan Residence.

But instead of walking in directly, he pushed Liu Yuanchen in front.

He himself huddled behind Liu Yuanchen and walked in slowly.

After entering the gate, you will also close the gate with your feet.

When they arrived at the courtyard, they saw Zhang Lingxu holding a long stick in his hand.

The whole person is like a volcano filled with magma, which may erupt at any time.

Seeing this situation, Zhao Hong hid even more tightly, his whole body trembling slightly.

Zhang Lingxu said angrily: "If you don't stand well, how can you behave properly!"

Zhao Hong carefully walked out from behind Liu Yuanchen and stood upright.

Seeing that he looked embarrassed, Zhang Lingxu used his spiritual consciousness to investigate.

Then he shouted: "What a waste. My cultivation level has almost caught up with my master. I rushed back from the Red Wasteland and I am still in such a mess. Did you encounter an army of monsters on the way?"
It took you so long to walk such a small distance.

If I don’t come today, I will go to Qingdan County to clean up the house in person. "

Zhao Hong immediately put on a flattering smile on his face: "This disciple encountered the Hanging Ghost City in the Stormy Sand Plains, so he thought that he had not been back for a long time, so he had to buy some good things for you, Master.

Therefore, time was wasted on the way. "

Liu Yuanchen was shocked when he heard this: "Master, you have also encountered the Hanging Ghost City. When my junior brother and I came over, we also encountered the Hanging Ghost City.

If it weren't for Master Xu's protection, I'm afraid we would all have to stay there. "

The anger on Zhang Lingxu's face faded and was replaced by a look of confusion: "The hanging ghost city will only appear once in decades at least.

In just one month, it happened twice in a row, which is really weird. "

Seeing that his attention was on the ghost city, Zhao Hong was overjoyed. Maybe he could avoid the beating. He also gave Liu Yuanchen a thumbs up.

Liu Yuanchen continued: "Not only that, after we completed the transaction, Li Gui and a group of cavalry also appeared in the city.

According to what the cavalry general said, someone robbed the ghost prison in the ghost city and released the ghosts.

All living people who have completed the transaction must leave as soon as possible. "

Hearing this, Zhao Hong cursed: "I said what's going on? I just grabbed a few things and actually attracted a group of ghost soldiers.

Those guys are not very strong, but they can set up formations to tangle with me.

It's not like I haven't robbed things from the ghost town before, but this time it was the most difficult.

If I hadn't had weapons and fire, I really wouldn't have been able to destroy them. "

After hearing this, Liu Yuanchen had to say that his master was a bit reckless.

In such a weird place, he actually dared to steal things, more than once.

Zhang Lingxu reprimanded: "What a reckless man, the Hanging Ghost City is full of dangers, and no one can figure out the origin of the ghost city until now.

Many of our Bahuang Pavilion ancestors are inside, how dare you snatch things. "

(End of this chapter)

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