Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 103: Master, you don’t want to be kicked out by your master, right?

Chapter 103: Master, you don’t want to be kicked out by your master, right?
Zhao Hong grinned and finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his master had turned his attention to the Hanging Ghost City.

"Master, this disciple really found something good this time."

After that, he took out a piece of worn animal skin paper.

The entire animal skin paper is black, but has many creases.

The edges of the animal skin paper already have rough edges.

It can be seen that this animal skin paper is quite ancient.

Zhang Lingxu put down the stick in his hand, took the animal skin paper, and looked at it carefully for a long time.

"This seems to be a life-extending elixir, and the elixir used in it is of a high level.

When this elixir is refined, it must be at least an eighth-level elixir.

Moreover, this elixir only contains elixirs, but there is no refining process.

It is really difficult to completely restore the Danfang. "

At this moment, Zhao Hong winked at Liu Yuanchen and asked him to help him say a few good words.

Liu Yuanchen immediately understood: "This elixir comes from the Hanging Ghost City, so it is naturally not an ordinary product.

I heard Master Xu say that the various inheritances coming out of Hanging Ghost City are not the same as the inheritance of our Yuanling Realm human race.

This elixir recipe must be different from the existing elixir refining methods.

It is not easy to restore it. "

“Although there are a few Alchemy Kings in the entire human race.

But when it comes to studying elixirs, Master, you are truly the number one in the world. "

“If the elixir recipe of this hanging ghost city can be restored, maybe a new alchemy school can be opened up.

By then, you will be a master of the sect.

The average Dan King is incomparable to you. "

Hearing this, Zhang Lingxu's face was filled with joy.

However, he still pretended to be humble: "Each alchemy king has his or her own special skills. I only have some advantages in studying alchemy recipes, so I can't talk nonsense."

The more he looked at this recipe, the more he liked it: "Yes, this recipe is really interesting.

Zhao Hong, you will take care of Yuan Chen and Tieshan first. I will study this elixir first and try to restore it. "

After that, he started walking towards the house.

Zhao Hong was overjoyed, as he was able to fool his master with just one prescription.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the courtyard.

"Master, I am Tieshan. I have some questions about cultivation and I would like to ask for advice."

Zhang Lingxu waved his hand and the door opened by itself.

"It just so happens that your master is here too. If you have any questions, just ask your master for advice. I will go and study the elixir first."

Seeing the master in the courtyard, Meng Tieshan looked worried: "Master, run quickly, the master said before that he wanted to clean up the house."

Before he finished speaking, the atmosphere in the courtyard seemed to have solidified.

Zhang Lingxu's attention also shifted from the pill recipe to Zhao Hong.

The joy on his face had completely disappeared, and his cold eyes fell on Zhao Hong.

Liu Yuanchen put his hand on his forehead, his junior brother's mouth was really amazing.

The master finally had some hope of survival, but he was ruined by him again.

Seeing that things were not going well, Liu Yuanchen made a last-ditch effort: "Junior brother, if you have any questions about your cultivation, we can just go back to the small courtyard and ask for help.

Master still needs to study the elixir recipe, so he won’t have time to give you some advice for a while. "

After that, he took his junior brother and master and walked out.

Zhang Lingxu's cold voice sounded: "Zhao Hong, you are quite capable!

I have been looking for a master for hundreds of years, but I have not been able to find a satisfactory disciple.

You have been going to the Red Wasteland for decades, and you have found a disciple who is most suitable to inherit my mantle. "

“Not only that, but he also took Yuan Chen as his disciple first.

You dare to compete with your master to inherit the mantle, you have a strong back! "

Zhao Hong had a flattering look on his face: "Master, when this disciple first met Yuan Chen, he had not shown any special talents.

It's just that his qi and blood are not weak, and he has also practiced the blood gang secret technique of the physical body.

Other than that, his alchemy level is pretty good. "

"No matter how you look at it, you can barely join our Bahuang Pavilion.

At that time, the disciple only planned to accept him as a registered disciple and train him to strengthen our lineage. "

“I don’t take such a registered disciple seriously.

Later, he was taught the Cang Yuan Chuan Lin Kung Fu, and found that his cultivation talent was very good, and the Gang Qi he cultivated was very pure. "

“But even so, his talent can only be considered above average.

Although he is quite clever, he is not to the point where he can catch your eyes.

Therefore, the disciple accepted him as a registered disciple. "

Liu Yuanchen also helped to smooth things over: "Yes, Master, the disciple didn't know that he had a poison-resistant constitution at the time. I really don't blame the Master for this."

Zhang Lingxu said coldly: "So, my master asked you to pay attention to the juniors who have anti-drug physiques, but you didn't take it to heart at all, right?"

After that, he picked up the stick from the ground and pulled it towards Zhao Hong.

Zhao Hong's body was as nimble as an ape's, he flipped on the spot and dodged easily.

Meng Tieshan looked at him with admiration: "Master's skills are so good that not even Master can hit him."

Liu Yuanchen stepped forward cleanly and covered Meng Tieshan's mouth tightly.

Unfortunately, it's still a bit late.

Zhang Lingxu's face was full of anger: "Good boy, you have grown up.

Even if I teach you a lesson, you dare to hide.

Do you think I'm getting old and can't control you anymore? "

Without waiting for Zhao Hong to quibble, he stretched forward with one hand, and a big green hand suddenly appeared in the sky above the small courtyard.

Zhao Hong still wanted to struggle, but found that it was extremely difficult to move.

On the contrary, Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan did not feel any pressure.

The big hand slowly fell down and grabbed Zhao Hong in his hand.

"Boy, you are too young to fight with my master."

Zhao Hong quickly begged for mercy: "Master, this disciple has been wronged!
When the disciple first arrived in the Red Wasteland, he also traveled around looking for suitable juniors.

I have visited every inhabited place in the Red Wasteland, but I have never found anyone with a poison-resistant constitution.

There are Gobi Desert everywhere in the Red Wasteland, and among all the people there, there are not as many people as there are in Zhennan County. "

"You have been searching everywhere for hundreds of years, but you have not been able to find a suitable candidate.

The disciple feels that it is almost impossible to find a good young man who can inherit your legacy in the Red Wasteland.

In addition, we still have to deal with Feixian Sect and complete our plan of Bahuang Pavilion, so we put this matter aside. "

"When they met Yuan Chen, Shenting and the Pantheon Sect each supported a local force in the Red Wasteland, and the two sides fought fiercely.

My attention was also focused on the front line, so I forgot about it. "

“When I accepted him as a disciple, I didn’t expect that Yuan Chen had a poison-resistant constitution.

This is just a momentary negligence, it won't clean up the door, right? "

From beginning to end, Zhao Hong made no mistakes other than negligence.

Zhang Lingxu sneered: "It's okay if you don't clean up the school. I'll give you two choices. One is to expel Yuan Chen from the school, and then I will accept him as a disciple.

Second, I will clean up the family first, and then accept Yuan Chen as my disciple.You can choose one of these two paths. "

Zhao Hong rolled his eyes several times: "Master, I have another good thing to offer you.

It doesn’t hurt to wait until you’ve seen it before making a decision. "

Zhang Lingxu snorted coldly: "If you don't make a decision today, I will clean up the house.

No matter what treasure you take out, you can't escape. "

After saying that, the big hand disappeared out of thin air, and Zhao Hong fell to the ground.

Zhang Lingxu stretched out his hand: "If you want to give me something, please take it out quickly."

Zhao Hong took out a white jade bead: "This is what Master asked me to hand over to you."

Zhang Lingxu took the bead with a puzzled look on his face and injected a burst of magic power into it.

After the jade bead absorbed the magic power, it immediately emitted a spiritual light.

Not long after, the image of an old man with white beard and white hair appeared in this aura.

Zhao Hong's face was filled with joy and he shouted loudly: "Disciple Zhao Hong, please see your master."

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuanchen could naturally guess that this old man should be his great master.

He also hurriedly bowed and saluted: "Disciple Liu Yuanchen, see Grand Master."

Although Meng Tieshan was a little confused, when he saw Liu Yuanchen saluting, he followed suit and said, "Disciple Meng Tieshan, please see Grand Master Taizu."

Zhang Lingxu's face turned dark, but he bowed and saluted honestly: "Disciple Zhang Lingxu, please see your master."

The old man nodded with satisfaction: "Zhao Hong's disciple's cultivation is pretty good, and he is about to break through to the Dharma Realm.

He is only over 800 years old. I think when you were over 800 years old, you were far inferior to Zhao Hong. "

"Given time, he may be able to take a step further and reach the realm of true immortality."

"Such a good young talent, yet you still want to be expelled from the school.

Is it because your anti-toxic constitution has failed and you have been dealing with poisons all day long, which has poisoned your brain? "

After being scolded by his master, Zhang Lingxu had no choice but to listen honestly without daring to object at all.

Then, he looked at Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan.

"These two little guys have good talents, but you can't force Zhao Hong to give up his disciples."

"I liked Zhao Hong very much back then, but I didn't threaten you to give me your disciple.

Now that you are forcing Zhao Hong to give up his discipleship, what will outsiders think once word spreads?
Our entire family, and even the entire Bahuang Pavilion, will be completely disgraced by you. "

Zhang Lingxu was a little dissatisfied: "Master, Yuan Chen has a poison-resistant physique and is very talented in alchemy, so he is very suitable to inherit the mantle of his disciple.

If you miss it, it may be difficult to find such a disciple again. "

The old man snorted coldly: "You are an immature thing. Can't your disciples inherit the mantle?"
After you accepted Zhao Hong as your disciple, didn't I also help teach you for a long time? "

“If you die of old age in the future, pass the mantle to Zhao Hong.

Yuan Chen is Zhao Hong's direct disciple, and he is extremely talented.

When Zhao Hong gets old, our lineage will still have to rely on Yuan Chen to take the lead. Your mantle will still be in Yuan Chen's hands?
From now on, when Yuan Chen and others worship the ancestors of all generations, can they do without your incense? "

Zhang Lingxu didn't dare to confront his master, so he could only listen quietly.

The old man said again: "If you bully Zhao Hong's disciple again and ask him to let Yuan Chen out, then don't blame me for being rude.

My old face is destined to be lost anyway, so I might as well exchange it for some benefits. "

"When the time comes, I will expel you from the school and take Zhao Hong under my wing."

Facing the unreasonable master, Zhang Lingxu was powerless to resist.

The old man snorted coldly and turned into a piece of spiritual light again, disappearing into the jade bead.

With the support of his master, Zhao Hong's waist became stiffer at that time: "Master, you don't want to be kicked out by your master, right?"

Zhang Lingxu looked at him and gritted his teeth: "Get out!"

Seeing that his master did not take action again, Zhao Hong became more courageous: "Master, look at my sect, are you still cleaning it up?"

Zhang Ling gritted his teeth and then waved his sleeves, and a strong wind blew by.

A scream sounded out, and Zhao Hong flew out upside down.

The sound of heavy objects falling into the water came from a distance.

Just as Liu Yuanchen was about to chase him out to check the situation, Zhang Lingxu's voice sounded: "Don't worry about him, your master is thick-skinned and thick-skinned.

This little strength can't even break his face. "

Not long after, jeers came from outside.

"Elder brother, why did you make Master angry again?"

Immediately afterwards, the door of Songquan Residence opened, and Zhao Hong walked in together with a middle-aged monk wearing a blue robe.

The middle-aged monk saluted Zhang Lingxu: "Disciple, see your master."

Zhang Lingxu snorted coldly: "Dong Peng, you have been in Zhennan County for a few days, right?

If you never come to see your master, does that mean you don’t take him seriously? "

Dong Peng quickly saluted: "Disciple, you don't dare. Isn't this because Senior Brother didn't arrive before? I'm afraid that you will take out your anger on me before your anger is gone?"

Zhang Lingxu gave him a cold look: "Are you such an unreasonable person?"

Dong Peng shook his head repeatedly: "Of course not, Master, you are the most reasonable.

It's just that this disciple is soft-hearted and can't bear to see his senior brother being beaten to death by you. "

Zhang Lingxu didn't mention this matter again, and just asked: "Your senior brother wants to accept the disciples of Kaishan University. This is a major event for our lineage.

Except for Ling Yu who was sent by me to replace Zhao Hong, why are you the only one among the three of you fellow apprentices? "

Dong Peng quickly explained: "This is because neither the fourth nor the fifth child can leave, and the fourth child is researching new elixir recipes.

It took more than ten years of preparation before the elixir was started.

In another year and a half, the elixir will be ready.

If you run over at this time, all your previous efforts will be wasted. "

"Lao Wu has been practicing in seclusion for several years and has not come out. I don't dare to disturb him."

Zhang Lingxu snorted coldly: "Whenever I annoy you, you all jump up and down in front of my eyes.

Now they need to be more powerful, and they should stay far away. "

"That's all, if they don't come, they won't come. It's up to you two to organize this matter of recruiting disciples.

Our lineage has a normal relationship with other forces. When Zhao Hong founded the company and accepted disciples, few outsiders came to congratulate him.

They only entertained us fellow disciples of Bahuang Pavilion, not many of them. "

Dong Peng looked at Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan: "Is this Senior Brother's new disciple? He is indeed extraordinary.

Even if his cultivation level is a bit low, he is still in the early stage of Qi Hai.

I am your third master uncle Dong Peng, and my skill in weapon refining is not bad.

If you want any magic weapon in the future, just tell me. "

Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan bowed and saluted: "Disciple Liu Yuanchen (Meng Tieshan) meets the third master uncle."

Zhang Lingxu looked like he hated iron and said: "You and Zhao Hong are just a pair of blind people. How could I accept such a stupid disciple like you?"

"Everyone's cultivation level is not low. They are almost catching up with me. You can't even tell Yuan Chen's true cultivation level. My old face has been completely disgraced by you."

Zhao Hong released his spiritual consciousness and carefully explored Liu Yuanchen's cultivation.

"It is indeed the early stage of the Qi Sea Realm. No, Yuan Chen, why is your cultivation level lower than before in Qingdan County."

Zhang Lingxu sighed: "I am blind to accept such a stupid disciple!
Yuan Chen has practiced a secret technique to restrain his aura, but you didn't even notice.

You don’t even know what cultivation level your disciples have. If these two good talents are placed in your hands, they will be destroyed sooner or later. "

(End of this chapter)

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