Chapter 104 The background of Bahuang Pavilion
Hearing this, Zhao Hong and Dong Peng both looked at Liu Yuanchen.

The two of them used their spiritual consciousness to explore Liu Yuanchen's whole body and found nothing wrong.

Dong Peng took out a mirror and looked at Liu Yuanchen.

In the mirror, Liu Yuanchen's entire body was wrapped in orange light.

Other than that, there are no other changes.

Dong Peng's face froze: "It doesn't make sense! My precious mirror can only tell that Yuan Chen is in the Qi Sea realm, but cannot tell the specific cultivation level."

Zhao Hong's face was full of joy: "Even your broken mirror can't detect it, doesn't it mean that Yuan Chen's secret technique is very good?"

"If I had this secret technique back then, I could pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger at will, and I could grab more disciple tokens.

That guy He Daoheng won't run away as soon as he sees me. "

Then, he showed a flattering smile: "Good disciple, how about I become your master and you pass this method on to me."

Hearing this, Zhang Lingxu picked up a stick and was about to beat him.

"My teacher has taught you so many things, and you always make me angry all day long.

Now, just for the sake of earning money, he has to betray his master.Why did I accept this evil obstacle like you? "

After being scolded, Zhao Hong became honest at that time.

Liu Yuanchen also looked helpless: "I also got this secret skill by accident. It is still linked to Qigong practice, and others can't practice it."

Zhang Lingxu nodded slightly: "The water in the Yuanling Realm is very deep. Whether it is the center of the red wasteland, the hanging ghost city, or the demon clan's territory, there are many secrets hidden.

Even as a teacher, there are many things that I don’t understand.

This technique may come from an ancient inheritance, or even originate from the Hanging Ghost City.

Since it is Yuan Chen’s opportunity, don’t think about it. "

"If you let me know about your plans for Yuan Chen, I will definitely clean up the house, and even your master will not be able to stop me.

Also, this matter must not be spread out. "

Dong Peng said quickly: "Master, you understand me. I never do this kind of thing to steal people's opportunities."

Zhao Hong patted his chest and assured: "Master, you know me. Although I like to steal other people's things, I never do anything to my own family."

Meng Tieshan also patted his chest and promised: "Master, you know me well. I can't beat senior brother, and I have always been tight-lipped."

As soon as he said these words, Zhao Hong's face turned dark.

"I was punished by your master, and I haven't even thought of punishing you yet.

You are still tight-lipped, you have no clue what you are saying.

If you hadn't come, I wouldn't have been beaten. "

After that, he started to whip him.

Meng Tieshan also showed his intelligence at this time and immediately ran behind his master. Zhao Hong did not dare to chase after him.

Zhang Lingxu's face turned livid: "This kid Tieshan has a pure nature, he doesn't have any evil intentions, and he will say whatever he wants.

You are so furious, have you done something bad again and want to hide it from me? "

Zhao Hong was numb at that moment: "Master, what are you talking about? I have always been kind to others, how could I do bad things?"

Zhang Lingxu snorted coldly and looked at Meng Tieshan: "You are a good boy, but you must promise Master this time not to tell anything about Yuan Chen.

Once word spreads, someone will definitely want to assassinate him. "

Meng Tieshan nodded: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely do what I promise others."

Dong Peng asked again: "Brother, I was eavesdropping outside just now, and you said that you robbed a few things in Hanging Ghost City.

Apart from the elixir given to Master, is there anything else?Preferably a magic weapon or something like that. "

Zhao Hong glanced at him: "I went through life and death to get a few good things, and you still want to beat me?"

He said this, but he still took out a small jade bottle.

"This is a good thing. If you can imitate it, you will be the number one weapon refining master in the human race."

Dong Peng looked unbelieving: "It's just a small jade bottle, and it's the number one weapon refiner in the human race."

With a smile on his face, Zhao Hong casually took out a gray-black stone the size of a longan and put it directly into the jade bottle.

"Pick up this jade bottle and try it."

Dong Peng picked up the jade bottle casually, and his expression changed immediately: "No, the weapon refining material you just made should be the Kongming Stone. How can it be so light?"

Zhao Hong chuckled: "This jade bottle is a space treasure, with a spherical space twenty feet in diameter inside.

Moreover, no matter how many things are inside, the weight of the jade bottle itself will not change in any way. "

"This jade bottle has surpassed all space magic weapons of the human race.

If it could be imitated, the space magic weapons of the human race would make a leap forward.

If you can really do this, who is the number one weapon refiner in the human race?The ancestors of the weapon refining sect had to give way. "

Before he finished speaking, Dong Peng was about to take the jade bottle in his hand.

Zhao Hong grabbed it and said, "I worked so hard to grab this thing, and you just want to take it away like this?"

Seeing the embarrassing looks of the two disciples, Zhang Lingxu snorted coldly: "What's the point of fighting over each other? Counterfeiting this jade bottle didn't happen overnight.

You two don't worry about this jade bottle for now, and go prepare for Yuan Chen and Tieshan's official entrance. "


After half a month of hard work, the apprenticeship ceremony was finally ready.

In the early morning of this day, before the sun showed its face, Songquan Residence was already bustling with activity.

At this time, in the main room of Songquanju's Second Entrance Courtyard, an offering table had been set up, with the memorial tablets of the ancestors on it.

Many monks with gray beards were chatting with Zhang Lingxu in the main room, and laughter kept coming.

These people are all senior monks of the Bahuang Pavilion. Liu Yuanchen's lineage has the Master Alchemy King, so his status in the Bahuang Pavilion is naturally not low.

It is also a big deal for this lineage to recruit the next generation of disciples.

As both members of the Bahuang Pavilion, it is natural to come to congratulate him.

However, Taishizu did not come.

Among the disciples of Bahuang Pavilion, the ones who are still walking outside are the senior masters.

People of Taishizu's generation are either too old and have become one with the cave.

Or just practice in seclusion and try to go further.

Unless the sect encounters a life-or-death matter, these people will not come out easily.

Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan arrived at Songquanju early and stood outside the main house door, acting as mascots.

They must bow and salute every elder who comes to congratulate them.

Of course, it also received a lot of praise.

As for the gifts, of course they all fell into the hands of my master.

Two familiar figures walked in from outside the door, it was Xu Yang and Wan Yutang.

Zhao Hong hurriedly greeted him: "Senior Brother Xu, you are a very busy man. I really didn't expect you to come."

Xu Yang smiled and said: "If it's someone else's, I don't have to come.

But what’s the relationship between our two families?Junior Brother Zhao is accepting a direct disciple, how can I not come? "

Handing the gift to Zhao Hong, the two of them walked straight to the main house.

Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan quickly bowed and saluted: "I have met Master Xu and Senior Brother Wan."

Xu Yang smiled and said: "Yes, Yuan Chen has become very popular in Zhennan Academy during this period.

After winning three games in a row, he was able to defeat Shi Jian of Houtu Sect, and then even defeated Xia Longting.

No one among the students in Zhennan Academy dares to challenge you again. "

Liu Yuanchen's face was a little embarrassed: "Master Xu is overly praised, and I won by luck."

At this moment, Xia Longting and Xia Lingkai walked in followed by a middle-aged monk.

This middle-aged monk is wearing a gold embroidered brocade robe. He is not angry and intimidating, and his status is obvious at a glance.

Zhao Hong hurriedly greeted him: "Your Majesty, the Marquis is here, and the humble house will be filled with glory." Liu Yuanchen was quite surprised that this person turned out to be the famous Marquis of Zhennan.

His aura was as deep as the sea, not much weaker than his master.

It's really a pity that such a person has given birth to a thing like Xia Longting.

Marquis Zhennan said with a smile: "Junior Brother Zhao, you are so polite. It is a great joy for you to accept a disciple. I live nearby, how can I not express it at all?
This time I came to congratulate you, and I also came to apologize.

The dog is acting recklessly, competing with Yuan Chen's wise nephew without suppressing his cultivation.

He also abused forbidden techniques and almost caused a catastrophe..."

Zhao Hong waved his hand: "It's normal for children to play and fight.

Anyway, nothing big happened, so there's no need for us to step forward.

Now they are all friends. We are elders and don't have to worry about these little things. "

After chatting for a few words, Zhennan Hou also entered the main room and took a seat.

Not long after, the sun slowly rose from the east.

The ceremony of accepting disciples begins at this time.

It means that the disciples who have just started are like the rising sun, with a bright future, and it also means that the sect is prosperous.

Everyone stood up together and bowed to the tablets of the ancestors on the altar table.

Zhao Hong walked to the front, holding three sticks of incense and saluting towards the tablet.

"Zhao Hong, the fifth-generation disciple of Bahuang Pavilion No. 30, opened the mountain today to accept direct disciples.

His eldest disciple, Liu Yuanchen, was extremely talented and extremely talented in alchemy.

His second disciple, Meng Tieshan, had extraordinary physical talent and extremely high talent in weapon refining.

The second disciple will definitely inherit the disciple's mantle and carry forward the legacy of the ancestors of the past generations.

Disciple Zhao Hong, kowtows to all the ancestors to accept him. "

After offering incense, Zhao Hongxing knelt down three times and kowtowed nine times, then stepped aside.

Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan came forward and knelt three times and kowtowed nine times to the memorial tablets of the ancestors of the past dynasties.

The two said in unison: "Disciple Liu Yuanchen (Meng Tieshan), pays homage to the ancestors of all generations.

The disciple is willing to devote his whole life to inherit the inheritance of the ancestors and promote the prestige of Bahuang Pavilion. "

Later, they also offered incense to the ancestors of all generations.

After the incense burning is completed, it means that the ancestors of all generations have accepted them.

Afterwards, Zhang Lingxu took his seat on the main seat.

Liu Yuanchen bowed and bowed: "Disciple, see my master."

Zhang Lingxu nodded and encouraged: "Now that you have joined my sect, you should abide by the sect's rules and practice diligently."

Liu Yuanchen saluted again: "Disciple, I sincerely follow the teachings of my master."

Later, Meng Tieshan also followed his example and saluted his master.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Lingxu stood up, and Zhao Hong took the main seat in person.

Liu Yuanchen knelt three times and kowtowed nine times to Zhao Hongxing, saying, "Disciple, please see your master."

Zhao Hong also nodded and encouraged: "Today you join my sect and you are my first disciple.

In the future, I will take up the important task of preaching on behalf of my teacher and carry forward the legacy of my teacher.

As a eldest disciple, you must set an example and teach your juniors..."

As a master, Zhao Hong naturally has a lot to explain.

Later, Meng Tieshan also paid homage to his disciples.

But since he is a second disciple, he doesn't have many requirements.

Just abide by the sect rules and practice well.

After the two became apprentices, Zhao Hong took the two of them to visit the elders in Bahuang Pavilion.

The first person was a skinny old man wearing a raincoat and carrying a fish basket on his waist. This man had a swarthy complexion and had obviously spent a lot of time in the sun.

Zhao Hong introduced: "This is one of the top masters of our Bahuang Pavilion, known as the "Old Man Fishing for Dragons", and he is your ancestor.

500 years ago, the Dragon Clan invaded Jiulong River in large numbers, and Master Diaolong killed three real dragons in one battle.

Since then, they have been stationed at the mouth of the Jiulong River all year round. The Dragon Clan was afraid of Uncle Diaolong's reputation and never dared to invade again. "

The old man waved his hand: "What an old man fishing for dragons, he's just an old man who likes fishing.

If you two little guys are interested in fishing, you can find me at the mouth of the Jiulong River.

The fish conditions are good there, and it’s not uncommon to catch a few dragon species. "

Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan bowed and saluted: "See Master Diaolong."

He is not a master of his own lineage, so the relationship is relatively distant.

You just need to treat them as ordinary elders, and there is no need to pay homage.

However, Liu Yuanchen was a little curious. The fishing skills of his master and grandmaster were terrible.

I thought this was the tradition of the entire Bahuang Pavilion, but I didn't expect that there were such fishing masters among the same sect.

It seems that his poor fishing skills are just a matter of his own lineage.

Immediately afterwards, there was a strong old man with calluses on his hands.

"This is the only great weapon refining master in our Bahuang Pavilion, and he is also your ancestor.

He once refined the "Ten Thousand Mountains", one of the top magic weapons of the human race, so he was named "The Venerable Wanshan". His strength is also ranked high in our Bahuang Pavilion. "

Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan bowed and saluted: "See Master Wanshan."

Venerable Wanshan smiled heartily: "I, the great master of weapon refining, can only be ranked No. 11, and there are ten great masters of weapon refining in Thousand Machine City above me.

If you want to refine any magic weapon in the future, just come to me. "

Next was an old man wearing a bamboo hat and a coarse short shirt.

His hands were extremely rough and his fingernails were worn very short, obviously from working a lot.

Zhao Hong introduced: "This is the elixir master who ranks among the top three in the world, and he is also your ancestor.

His old man only used some low-level gourd-type spiritual plants to cultivate an eighth-level seven-treasure gourd.

Among the spiritual medicine masters in the world, he is also a figure at the level of the Patriarch, and is nicknamed "Seven Treasures Medicine Master". "

Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan cupped their hands and said, "See the Seven Treasures Patriarch."

Qibao Medicine Master said with a kind smile: "You are both good boys. I heard that you two also know the art of Shen Nong.

Among the gifts I sent were some elixir seeds.

If you are interested, try planting it.

In this life, I will only serve Lingtian and have no intention of accepting disciples.

For any of the younger disciples in the sect who want to learn the art of farming, I will give all my money to teach them.

If you two are interested, you can always come to me to learn the art of farming. "

Liu Yuanchen cupped his hands and thanked you: "If there is an opportunity in the future, this disciple will definitely ask Master for advice."

Although the main focus is on alchemy now, with Blessed Land, Shennong Technique is also extremely important.

Zhao Hong introduced the guests present one by one. All of these people have unique skills.

Coupled with the fact that his master, the Alchemy King, is a relatively profitable path to cultivating immortals and various arts, there are top figures in Bahuang Pavilion.

The background of Bahuang Pavilion is more terrifying than Liu Yuanchen imagined.

No wonder my master is so rampant outside and no one dares to touch him.

Which powerful family's elders dare to bully the small ones? Masters like Bahuang Pavilion will work together to seek justice.

Coupled with the connections in Bahuang Pavilion, he can attract a lot of top experts.

There are very few people in the entire human race who can withstand the power of revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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