Chapter 105
Bahuang Pavilion is a powerful force inherited from ancient times, and there are more masters in the sect than just the ancestors.

There must be many top masters among the people of Grand Master's generation.

Although they don't care about world affairs, if anyone dares to bully the Bahuang Pavilion juniors, they might also come out to stretch their muscles.

There may still be monks with higher seniority still alive.

If a few of them really came out, I'm afraid the entire human race would be trembling.

The ceremony of opening the mountain and accepting disciples was completed, and a group of elders sat and discussed the doctrine.

Xu Yang, Zhennan Hou and others were all fascinated by what he heard.

Even Zhao Hong, who has always been extravagant, sounded particularly engaged.

As for Liu Yuanchen and other juniors, they are like ducks listening to thunder, with clear stupidity in their eyes.

Xia Longting on the side was scratching his head and ears anxiously.

I want to go to Zuihua Tower to discuss life events, but many experts are here and dare not leave.

The discussion lasted for three full days, and Zhao Hong and others benefited a lot.

Even the Marquis of Zhennan abandoned his official duties and listened to the sermon here honestly.

The top geniuses of their generation are not far from the Dharma Realm.

As long as you have some understanding, you can break through the realm of Dharma and catch up with the older generation of masters in terms of cultivation.

After the discussion was over, all the guests took their leave one after another.

After all the guests left, Zhao Hong rushed towards the penthouse where the gifts were placed.

"All the uncles are generous, so there must be a lot of good things."

Dong Peng also followed: "Senior brother, don't worry, I have been busy for so many days, so I can give you a little bit."

Zhang Lingxu let out a long sigh: "Oh! What evil have I done! I have accepted five disciples, but not one of them is decent."

Liu Yuanchen also slipped over quietly. Among the gifts given by Master Qibao, there were elixir seeds.

When the world's top elixir master gives a gift, can he give ordinary elixir seeds?
Even in the eyes of the Seven Treasures Patriarch, that kind of thing is not worth mentioning, but in the eyes of a little shrimp like me, it is still a rare treasure.

In the ear room, Zhao Hong and Dong Peng were competing for the gift box sent by Venerable Wanshan.

Both of them grabbed the gift box with both hands, and neither one wanted to let go.

Zhao Hong argued with reason: "This is my first time to recruit a disciple, and Master Wanshan's gift is also for me, so it should naturally belong to me."

"Bah!" Dong Peng spat, "When I was busy here and there a few days ago, you felt at ease.

I ask you to work, but you still say that it is the same for everyone else.

Now it's time to divide things, start dividing things between each other. "

"I am the best weapon refiner in our lineage, and the magic weapon given by Master Wanshan should belong to me.

Putting this kind of treasure in your hands is a complete waste. "

Of course Zhao Hong was not convinced: "Fart, I can also refine weapons. If you put this thing in my hand, it can also play a huge role."

After that, he raised his foot and kicked Dong Peng.

Dong Peng dodged his kick and kicked him in turn.

Both of them are masters of one another, and the way they fight is no different from that of children.

At this moment, Zhang Lingxu's voice came: "You two are two hundred years old, and you are still like children, fighting over everything you see."

"Open the gift box, look at what's inside, and give it to whoever is more suitable for it."

As soon as he spoke, Zhao Hong and Dong Peng were frightened like chickens, and they did not dare to fight for it anymore.

Zhang Lingxu dodged the gift box, and after opening it, he saw an animal skin book inside.

"This is your uncle Wanshan's weapon refining experience. Anyone can see it. What's there to argue about?"

"You still kick me with your feet. Do you two think that my old face has not been completely humiliated by you?"

After that, he put the animal skin book on the table and walked out of the penthouse.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them focused on the gift from the old man fishing for dragons.

The old man fishing for dragons is extremely powerful and likes to hunt aquatic monsters.

The gifts he gave were most likely materials from high-level monsters.

The two of them once again grabbed the gift box with both hands as before, refusing to give in to each other.

Having just been scolded, I didn't dare to argue loudly anymore, and just exchanged glances.

Liu Yuanchen secretly sighed in his heart. His master and his third master's uncle were only five or six years old in terms of their mental abilities.

Even if it can be higher, Dingtian is only eight years old, no more.

He found the gift box sent by Qibao Medicine Master and took it to the main room.

At this time, Zhang Lingxu was still sitting on a chair in the main room and sulking.

Liu Yuanchen didn't dare to disturb him. He opened the gift box and saw two fist-sized clay pots inside.

Opening a clay pot, there were fifty or sixty golden beans inside.

This bean looks good, but it has no spiritual power fluctuation at all.

Sensing the life force in the beans, he discovered that a bean contained an ocean of turquoise.

Apart from ginseng fruit saplings, he had never seen a spiritual plant with such strong vitality.

Liu Yuanchen asked curiously: "Master, what kind of bean is this?"

Hearing this, Zhang Lingxu stretched out his hand, and a bean flew out of the clay pot and landed in his hand.

He picked up the bean and looked at it carefully.

"Senior Brother Qibao really succeeded, these are diamond beans, they are all good things!"

Liu Yuanchen was a little confused. Although he had learned Shennong Technique and Alchemy Technique, they only involved low-level spiritual plants.

He didn't know much about high-level spiritual plants.

"What are diamond beans?"

Zhang Lingxu smiled and said: "The diamond beans are used to perform the secret technique of spreading beans into soldiers. By using this secret technique, beans can be turned into soldiers."

"To use the secret technique of sowing beans to form an army, ordinary soybeans, red beans and the like will do.

However, the physical strength of this kind of bean soldier is extremely low, and it cannot carry much power.

An ordinary person can beat him to death with a stick. "

“Later, he became a master of Shen Nong’s art and selected beans with relatively high strength for cultivation.

Specially cultivated beans are stronger and can carry more mana.

Bean soldiers are stronger and have higher physical strength. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen became excited.

I have always wanted to practice secret techniques such as spreading beans and forming soldiers, but I haven't found the time yet.

Unexpectedly, Master Qibao actually sent him the best beans.

"Master, how powerful can the bean soldiers trained by the secret technique of spreading beans to become soldiers be?"

Zhang Lingxu shook his head: "It's hard to say. The beans themselves, the caster's cultivation and proficiency, and the time spent cultivating the beans all have an impact on the strength of the bean soldiers."

"In the army of the Great Xia Dynasty, bean soldiers were used in some places.

However, the strength of those bean soldiers is relatively weak, generally only from the late stage of Qi Yang realm to the early stage of Qi sea realm. "

"The bean soldiers transformed from specially cultivated beans can only have the strength of the peak of the Qi Sea Realm at best.

As for the bean soldiers with the strength of the Condensation Realm, they have never appeared. "

Liu Yuanchen knew clearly in his heart that even Dou Bing, who was at the peak of the Qi Sea Realm, should not be underestimated.

In particular, the army of the Great Xia Dynasty can form formations to defend against enemies. Hundreds of bean soldiers at the peak of the Qi Sea Realm can threaten the Lingtai Realm.

"Master, can these beans be used to create a weapon by spreading beans?" Zhang Lingxu chuckled: "More than that? This should be the most suitable beans."

"These beans are called King Kong beans, and they are specially cultivated for the purpose of using the art of scattering beans to create weapons.

The ones you have in your hand were specially cultivated by Senior Brother Qibao, and their strength is much higher than ordinary diamond beans. "

"Ordinary diamond beans can also cultivate bean soldiers at the peak of the Qi Sea Realm.

It is entirely possible for these Diamond Beans cultivated by Senior Brother Qibao to cultivate Condensation Realm Bean Soldiers. "

“Senior Brother Qibao sent this thing here, obviously hoping that you can work more on Shen Nong Technique.

He doesn't like to accept apprentices, but he also hopes that his skills can be passed on.

How successful you can be in the future depends on your own ability. "

Liu Yuanchen rummaged through the jar, but couldn't find the secret book on the art of spreading beans into war.

He opened another jar, and a stream of seven-colored spiritual light spurted out from the jar.

This dazzling spiritual light made him unable to open his eyes.

"Master, what is in this jar?"

Zhang Lingxu waved his hand, and the second pottery pot was covered again.

The dazzling seven-color aura also disappeared.

"Senior Brother Qibao is really generous. He actually gave you three seeds of Qibao gourd."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was shocked.

The Seven Treasure Gourd seeds cultivated by the Seven Treasures Master are eighth-level spiritual plants.

Even with that level of spiritual plant, it would be difficult for the offspring to grow to the level of the mother plant, but it would definitely not be much lower.

"Isn't this too precious?"

Zhang Lingxu shook his head: "You misunderstood, this is not produced by the eighth-level gourd vine.

The spiritual energy level in the gourd seeds is only about level five.

Perhaps it was the seeds produced at some stage during the process of cultivating the eighth-level gourd vine by Senior Brother Qibao. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, if it is really the seeds produced by the eighth-level gourd vine, I will definitely not dare to take them.

Holding that thing in your hand is like a reminder. "

Zhang Lingxu smiled and said: "You can keep this thing for planting, fifth-level gourd seeds have good potential.

As long as it is cultivated properly, it may not be impossible to cultivate seven or eight level gourd vines in the future. "

“Senior Brother Qibao cultivated the Qibao Gourd Vine and slowly cultivated it using a variety of single-attribute gourds.

Moreover, the grade of those single-attribute gourds was not high, but he still cultivated an eighth-grade gourd vine. "

“Eighth-level spiritual plants can be called sacred trees.

Being able to cultivate eighth-level spiritual plants from low-level spiritual plants, Senior Brother Qibao's attainments in Shen Nong Technique have reached the pinnacle. "

“If I, the Alchemy King, want to refine eighth-level elixirs, I have to use various precious elixirs to cultivate them.

Compared with Senior Brother Qibao, I am still far behind. "

Although Liu Yuanchen knew some divine farming skills, he could improve the level of spiritual plants.

Even those Shen Nong techniques that I have learned, combined with the special energy in the mana, can do this.

But the possibility of using low-level spiritual plants to cultivate eighth-level spiritual plants is slim.

"Master, my disciple wants to practice the secret technique of spreading beans to form soldiers. Do you have this secret technique in your hand?"

Zhang Lingxu nodded: "I have learned this secret technique, but this secret technique is not inherited from our Bahuang Pavilion, but from the academy.

If I passed it on to you privately, it would be against the rules of the academy. "

"This secret technique can also be learned in Zhennan Academy. Although it is only suitable for low-level monks, it is enough for you."

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly. What he needed now was the help of bean soldiers.

As for fighting, given his own strength, he probably wouldn't be able to cultivate many strong bean soldiers.

"Master, can these diamond beans be grown?"

Zhang Lingxu nodded: "Of course, but this kind of diamond bean was carefully cultivated by your Seven Treasures Master.

With your ability, even if you can make the King Kong beans germinate, the quality of the beans produced will decline.

It's best to just plant a few randomly for fun, but you can't plant them all. "

Liu Yuanchen still has some confidence in his abilities.

Although his own methods are very ordinary, he cannot withstand the powerful magic power cultivated by the Shenmu Shentian Kung Fu.

"Master, don't worry, my disciple knows the importance."

Zhang Lingxu looked at the King Kong Bean in his hand: "I will try to grow this King Kong Bean myself to see if I can cultivate a stronger King Kong Bean."

Liu Yuanchen quickly flattered him: "With your methods, Master, isn't it more than enough to cultivate a King Kong Bean?"

Zhang Lingxu said with a smile on his face: "You can still speak, unlike the two rebels inside, who are of no use except irritating me."

Looking at his master and his third uncle who were still fighting for the gift box in the back room, Liu Yuanchen finally understood why his master had such a bad temper.

If he accepted two such disciples, he would have to beat them eight times a day.


After leaving Songquan Residence, Liu Yuanchen went straight to the storage room, which is where all kinds of classics are stored.

This storage room is quite impressive. It is a three-story building made of rock. It is also one of the tallest buildings in the entire academy.

Liu Yuanchen came to the door of the storage room and saw a middle-aged monk guarding the entrance.

"When you enter the collection room to borrow classics, you need to show your student badge."

Liu Yuanchen took out the token and handed it to the middle-aged monk.

The man looked at it, and then said with a smile on his face: "It turns out to be Yuan Chen's wise nephew. He has just been in Zhennan Academy for more than a month, but he has made a lot of limelight!"

Liu Yuanchen didn't know whether he was mocking or praising him.

"The senior brothers in the academy are too enthusiastic, and the disciples can't do anything about it."

The middle-aged monk nodded slightly: "Interesting. As expected, he is someone that Senior Brother Zhao values. He is very capable and not weak in eloquence."

Then, he returned the token to Liu Yuanchen: "The various inheritances in the collection room are divided into two categories. All the classics on the first floor can be read at will without any charge.

You need to spend money to buy the classics on the second and third floors.

You can use this student token to activate the formation and enter the contents of the classics into the token.

After writing it down, come back to me to erase the content recorded in the token. "

Liu Yuanchen asked again: "I wonder which level the secret technique of spreading beans into soldiers is located?"

The middle-aged monk chuckled softly: "My good nephew is really good at choosing. The secret technique of spreading beans to become soldiers is extraordinary. It is said that a master from the academy brought it back from the Hanging Ghost City more than a thousand years ago."

"It's a pity that the secret technique is just a fragment. It has been restored by countless masters in the academy before it can be used reluctantly."

“The secret techniques collected in our Zhennan Academy are only part of them, and they can only produce bean soldiers comparable to those in the middle stage of Qihai.

The secret technique is in the northeast corner of the second floor of the secret room. Very few people learn this secret technique. You should be able to find it if you look through it. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was quite surprised.

In the myths and legends of past lives, there is the secret technique of spreading beans and forming soldiers.

Even in the legends about the prehistoric world, scattering beans and forming soldiers is one of the 36 magical powers of Tiangang.

There is no such secret technique in the Yuanling Realm. On the contrary, there is a similar secret technique in the Hanging Ghost City.

I don’t know what this hanging ghost city has to do with the prehistoric world.

(End of this chapter)

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