Chapter 106 Golden Armored Bean Soldiers
After entering the storage room, Liu Yuanchen went straight to the second floor.

The layout of this collection room is similar to the previous Qingdan Sect’s power transmission tower.

There are also bookshelves with small grids on them.

Each small grid contains an animal skin book or several jade slips, as well as small formations for protection.

Liu Yuanchen searched in the northeast corner of the second floor for a while and found the secret technique of spreading beans to form an army.

Use the token to touch the guardian formation, and the information in the animal skin book will be automatically transferred to the token.

Liu Yuanchen's spiritual consciousness penetrated into the token and recorded its contents.

Then, he came to the first floor of the storage room.

There are also bookshelves here with various classics on them.

Because these classics are free, there is no formation protection.

However, if you want to view these classics, you also need a token.

Once these tomes are taken away, the ban will be triggered.

Liu Yuanchen checked several classics and found that the exercises and spells here were relatively superficial.

Compared with the inheritance on the Qingdan Sect's power transmission tower, it is slightly stronger.

After all, selling various inheritances is also an important source of revenue for the academy system.

In order for students to buy more good things, these free inheritances are naturally inferior.

Liu Yuanchen was naturally not interested in these ordinary exercises and spells.

He mainly looked at the common sense of cultivation, the classics that introduced the basic situation of the Great Xia Dynasty, and the inheritance of Shen Nong Technique.

After searching for a moment, an animal skin book caught his attention.

What is recorded in this animal skin book is not any exercises or spells, but the experience of a spiritual medicine master, called "Experiences of Shen Nong's Art".

Liu Yuanchen used the token to obtain the contents, and then checked it out.

The author of this animal skin book is a third-level elixir master.

Although Shen Nong's attainments are not high, they are still of some value to the current Liu Yuanchen.

In this book, the cultivation methods of many kinds of spiritual medicines are recorded, as well as tips for increasing the yield and speeding up the growth of spiritual plants.

The most important thing is that the cultivation method of Duobao gourd is also mentioned here.

The so-called multi-treasure gourd is a gourd vine that can produce gourds with different attributes.

A gourd that can produce two different attributes can be regarded as a multi-treasure gourd.

The cultivation method is also very simple, which is to cultivate multiple gourds with single attributes at the same time and slowly cross them.

The cultivated gourd seeds are then cultivated with a variety of spiritual objects with different attributes.

The more types of gourds a gourd vine can produce, the more difficult it will be.

The author of this experience once cultivated a five-treasure gourd.

It's just that the grade of this five-treasure gourd is not high, it is only the middle grade of the third grade.

There is absolutely no comparison with the eighth-level Seven Treasure Gourd trained by the Seven Treasures Medicine Master.

The gourds grown on a gourd vine are naturally connected with branches and can be refined into a set of magic weapons.

Used in combination with each other, the effect of one plus one is far greater than two.

After reading the content of Duobao Gourd, Liu Yuanchen felt excited.

I have the seeds of the fifth-level Seven Treasures Gourd in my hand, which were cultivated by the Master of the Seven Treasures himself.

Even if his attainments in Shen Nong Technique are relatively low, the gourd vines grown from seeds may not be able to grow gourds with seven different attributes.

But it is still possible to find a way to grow a five-element gourd.

A set of gourd magic weapons with five elements attributes, starting from the fifth level.

The defensive magic weapon is already in the book, which is enough to be used even if you become an immortal, but the offensive magic weapon has not yet been found.

If you can have a set of Five Elements Gourd Magic Weapon, you don't have to worry about attacking.

After writing down the spiritual medicine master's experience, Liu Yuanchen came to the door of the storage room and handed the token to the middle-aged monk who was guarding the storage room.

The middle-aged monk looked at the token and said with a smile: "The secret technique of sowing beans and forming an army is worth 800 yuan of spiritual stones, and the experience of Shen Nong's technique is free.

You can also purchase it with eight points or eight hundred incense money. "

Liu Yuanchen had heard Senior Brother Zhou Yang mention credits and incense money before, but he didn't expect that the value of credits was so high. One credit could be worth a hundred spiritual stones.

He has no shortage of spiritual stones, but he has been in the academy for more than a month and is always busy with a lot of things, and he hasn't had time to deal with the credits.

As for the incense money, I heard that it was produced by Shinto, but of course he didn't have it.

He casually took out a pile of spiritual stones from his storage bag and handed them to the middle-aged monk.

The monk tapped it carefully and said with a smile: "As expected of King Dan's disciple, he is generous in his dealings.

Not long after he entered the palace, he didn't care about spirit stones at all. "


When he returned to the small courtyard where he lived, he saw Meng Tieshan eating and drinking.

Liu Yuanchen was a little curious: "Junior brother, why are you willing to eat so many good things today?"

Although the academy provides subsidies for ordinary students, it is enough for ordinary students to pay for their food and clothing.

But for Meng Tieshan, a big eater, it is a bit difficult to fill his stomach.

Meng Tieshan smiled honestly: "Senior brother, I completed the tasks of the academy these days and got 200 yuan of spiritual stones.

I just went to collect the reward and buy some delicious food on the way.

Senior brother, come over and have something to eat together. "

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "I don't need it. These things are probably not enough for you."

After that, he took out two more clear water peaches from the blessed land and threw one to Meng Tieshan.

"Junior brother, what mission have you done?"

Meng Tieshan took a peach and took a bite: "This peach is so delicious."

After three times and five times divided by two, gnaw the whole peach and carefully put away the peach core.

Then he replied: "I am helping forge embryos at the Shenbing Academy. Because of my hard work, the instructors at the Shenbing Academy gave me a high evaluation.

The reward was one point of credit and 100 yuan of spiritual stones. The instructor also rewarded me with an extra 100 yuan of spiritual stones. "

Meng Tieshan's talent in the art of weapon refining is still very good. In just a few years, he has become a first-level high-grade weapon refiner.

After being trained by his master, it won't take long to become a second-level weapon refiner.

Liu Yuanchen thought to himself: "The credits in the academy are linked to the evaluation of the students.

If you want to learn more profound inheritance in the future, you must go to Luochuan Academy or even Daxia Academy.

Now that I have the opportunity, it would be better to earn more credits. "

Thinking of this, he placed the peach in his hand on the stone table in the courtyard and turned back to his room.

Meng Tieshan looked at the peach and asked aloud: "Senior brother, if you don't want to eat this peach, I will eat it together."

There are still a lot of these clear water peaches in the blessed land. Liu Yuanchen can't even finish them all, so naturally he doesn't care.

"Eat it, I still have a lot in hand."

Hearing this, Meng Tieshan picked up the peach and put it directly into his mouth. After chewing it for a few times, he spit out a clean peach core.

Liu Yuanchen took out a diamond bean and prepared to cultivate it into a bean soldier.

To become an army by spreading the beans, you don't just scatter the beans casually, it also requires some preparation.

The first step is to leave various inscriptions on the beans, such as those for absorbing spiritual energy and those for storing mana.

These inscriptions can ensure the mana supply of the bean soldiers, and they do not have to continuously inject mana during the battle.

In addition, there are inscriptions that store the power of divine consciousness.The power of spiritual consciousness comes from the soul. Bean soldiers are made from beans and have not grown into wood spirits, so they naturally do not have the power of spiritual consciousness.

When fighting, it is necessary to inject the power of spiritual consciousness in advance so that the bean soldiers have a certain ability to act independently.

The bean soldier stores the power of spiritual consciousness in its body. If you want to control it to do things, you only need to give an order.

And with the power of divine consciousness to supplement it, even if they don't control it, the bean soldiers can still do relatively simple tasks such as patrolling.

In addition, various talisman inscriptions must be integrated into the beans. With these inscriptions, the bean soldiers can cast some simple spells.

After carving various inscriptions, you need to cultivate and train regularly.

In this way, the combat effectiveness of the bean soldiers will become higher and higher.

Liu Yuanchen took out a diamond bean, mixed Gang Qi and mana with his spiritual consciousness, and condensed a small inscription.

This inscription is quite extraordinary, and the difficulty of condensing it is almost catching up with the secret technique inscription required for spiritual realm fusion with the spirit hub.

Fortunately, Liu Yuanchen's cultivation level is much higher now, so it doesn't take much effort to condense these inscriptions.

Two hours later, Liu Yuanchen held a diamond bean in his hand.

After performing the secret technique, throw the beans forward casually.

As soon as the diamond bean hit the ground, it instantly transformed into a strong man in golden robes and armor.

Just looking at his body, he is bigger than Meng Tieshan.

Liu Yuanchen used his spiritual consciousness to explore the aura of the golden-armored bean soldier, and found that its aura was not inferior to that of a monk in the middle stage of the Qi Sea.

However, the strength of this bean soldier is not enough.

Kong You is in the middle stage of the Qi Sea Realm, but does not have strong enough combat power.

Bean soldiers who have not been cultivated for a long time all look like this.

Liu Yuanchen mobilized Gang Qi and wrapped it around his fist.

Then he punched the golden bean soldier with all his strength.

After a muffled sound, the golden-armored bean soldier only took a few steps back without any damage to his body.

He used his spiritual consciousness to explore the vitality in Dou Bing's body and found no injuries.

Liu Yuanchen was overjoyed, regardless of the attack ability of this golden-armored bean soldier.

With this body, it is very suitable to be used as a human shield.

Moreover, the armor on this golden-armored bean soldier is not just fake.

One punch hit him, and his hand was sore.

The only fly in the ointment is that this golden-armored bean soldier has no magical weapon.

If you want it to exert stronger combat power, you have to spend spiritual stones to buy some magic weapons.

Seeing an unidentified strong man suddenly appear in the courtyard, Meng Tieshan, who was meditating, immediately rushed out of the house.

He held a mace and shouted, "Who are you?"

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Junior brother, don't panic, this is a spell I practice, called spreading beans to form an army.

This strong man in golden armor is the bean soldier transformed by the bean. "

Meng Tieshan was relieved when he heard that it was his senior brother's method.

He looked at Doubing's strong figure and asked in a low voice: "Brother, can this food be eaten?"

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was speechless for a moment.

“The value of this bean soldier is comparable to that of a mid-stage Qi Sea monk.

If you use this thing as food, I'm afraid only Master, the Alchemy King, can afford to feed you. "

Meng Tieshan was a little disappointed when he heard that he couldn't eat it.

He muttered: "Why do you grow so strong if you can't eat it?"

Liu Yuanchen sighed, his junior brother's thoughts were basically focused on eating.

“After this golden-armored bean soldier is refined, it will have the strength of a Qi Sea Realm monk.

Whether it is used for fighting skills or to help with some relatively simple chores, it is valuable.

Think about it, if you train a group of bean soldiers and let them help you farm the land, will you still have to worry about having no food to eat in the future? "

Hearing this, Meng Tieshan's mouth watered: "Senior brother, where can I learn how to make soldiers by spreading beans? I must learn this spell."

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "To learn this spell, you need to go to the treasure room, but this skill of spreading beans to become a weapon requires 800 yuan of spiritual stones to learn."

Hearing this, Meng Tieshan's face looked a little decadent: "I worked hard for nearly a month before I completed a task and earned 200 yuan of spiritual stones.

It will take a long time to save up 800 yuan of spirit stones. If I had known better, I wouldn't have bought those spirit beast meats today. "

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Meng Tieshan quickly ran over and opened the courtyard door. Xia Longting and Xia Lingkai were standing at the door.

At this time, Xia Longting's face was a little pale, his steps were a little sloppy, and there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

Seeing Liu Yuanchen, he quickly asked: "Senior Brother Liu, do you still have the Eight Treasures Kidney-Strengthening Pill?"

Liu Yuanchen took out a storage bag: "These are the forty Eight Treasures Kidney-Strengthening Pills that were refined before."

Xia Longting quickly took out a pill and drank it. Soon, a confident smile appeared on his face again.

Meng Tieshan asked Liu Yuanchen in a low voice: "Brother, is he suffering from kidney deficiency?"

Upon hearing this, Xia Longting immediately became furious: "What are you talking nonsense about, little brat? You have a weak kidney!"

Liu Yuanchen quickly covered his mouth. If he kept talking like this, Xia Longting would have to fight him desperately.

"Senior Brother Xia, don't be surprised if my junior brother can't speak."

Xia Longting pretended to be magnanimous: "It doesn't matter, how can I be as knowledgeable as a child?"

He looked at the golden bean soldiers beside him and asked, "Senior Brother Liu, who is this dear fellow?"

Xia Longting, a playboy, was also ignorant and did not recognize the golden-armored bean soldiers.

Xia Lingkai sighed and smoothed things over: "Senior Brother Liu, your golden-armored bean soldier is quite extraordinary!"

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "I just came out of the sacrifice, and it's just a look-alike."

Xia Longting was a little confused: "What are bean soldiers?"

Xia Lingkai let out a long sigh, and then used his spiritual consciousness to communicate with him, telling him some stories about how to spread the beans and create an army.

After listening, Xia Longting's face was full of surprise: "So there is such a good thing, why have you never told me?"

Xia Lingkai looked helpless: "If I tell you about this thing, will you be interested?"

Xia Longting nodded: "Of course I'm interested. It would be so honorable to take dozens of golden bean soldiers to Zuihua Tower!"

Liu Yuanchen was speechless. Dozens of bean soldiers in the middle stage of the Qi Sea Realm, if arranged in a formation, could play the role of a sea-fixing needle in small battles.

But Xia Longting, this guy, just wanted to be more impressive when visiting the brothel.

Xia Longting walked around the golden-armored bean soldiers several times, touched the armor on the bean soldiers, and even knocked it.

"Senior Brother Liu, how about selling this golden bean soldier to me?

The price is whatever you want. Eighteen thousand spirit stones are nothing. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was quite moved, but still refused.

"The diamond beans used by these bean soldiers were sent by my Seven Treasure Master of Bahuang Pavilion, and they should have been cultivated by him himself.

I really don’t dare to sell this bean soldier. "

Xia Lingkai was also worried that his eldest son would be a fool: "Sir, there should be bean soldiers selling in other places.

We can just buy dozens of them from other places. There is no need to make Qibao Medicine Master unhappy over this matter. "

(End of this chapter)

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