Chapter 108 Is there a brothel in the town?

Hearing this, Professor Lu smiled with a smile on his face: "Ling Kai, although you haven't taken on many monster hunting missions in the past few years, your eyesight has not declined at all.

Kill twenty Naqi realm wolf monsters in one year, bring back the wolf teeth and wolf skin, and leave the certificate.

If you succeed, you will get five points for each person. If you kill more wolf monsters or capture them alive, you can get extra points as rewards. "

Xia Longting interrupted and asked, "Is there anything special about Cangyun Town?"

Lu Jiaoxi smiled and replied: "There is a great spiritual vein near Cangyun Town, and the superiors attach great importance to it.

Every once in a while, experts must be sent to clean it up so that no high-level monsters will appear there.

In terms of safety, no other place can compare. "

Xia Longting smiled and said: "I often went monster hunting in the past few years, so I know it well."

After that, he took out his student token and placed it on the crystal light screen.

"You guys must also touch the crystal light curtain with your token. In this case, even if we all accept this mission."

The few people did as they were told, and after completing the task, they left the hut and returned to the door of Qianlong Residence.

Xia Lingkai said: "This mission lasts for a year, so you need to prepare well before going.

Let’s prepare for three days first. After three days, we will set off on time. "

"Junior Brother Liu, try to train as many of your golden-armored bean soldiers as possible.

When facing monsters, this thing is the best human shield. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Don't worry, I will prepare a few more."

The jar of diamond beans given by Master Qibao contained more than 50 diamond beans in total.

Except for planting a few in the blessed land, the rest can be refined into golden armored bean soldiers.

However, Liu Yuanchen felt that his attainments in the secret art of planting beans into soldiers were still too low.

It would be a bit of a waste to refine all the beans into golden-armored bean soldiers now.

Although the golden-armored bean soldiers are refined now, they can be transformed into bean soldiers later when they become more accomplished in the secret technique of sowing beans to become soldiers.

However, transforming Bean Soldiers is much more difficult than directly refining Bean Soldiers from Adamantine Beans.

The best option is to refine a few golden-armored bean soldiers first, just enough to save you from trouble later.

The four of them returned to their residences, and Liu Yuanchen took out a diamond bean again and continued to incorporate various inscriptions.

With the experience from the last time, the action is much faster this time.

It only took more than an hour to dispose of a diamond bean.

Use the bean-throwing skill to throw the diamond beans in your hand.

As soon as the bean hit the ground, it immediately transformed into a big man in golden armor.

In terms of appearance, there is no difference from the previous golden-armored bean soldier.

However, this bean soldier is not like the first bean soldier, who can only use the golden armor technique to defend.

Liu Yuanchen condensed the inscriptions of the golden sword talisman on this bean soldier, and he could perform golden sword attacks.

Because the golden armored bean soldiers have inscriptions that absorb spiritual energy, convert it into mana, and store it in their bodies.

Therefore, in addition to the wood attribute mana injected by Liu Yuanchen, they also have other attribute mana absorbed by themselves.

If you have metallic mana, you can naturally cast metallic spells.

After three days of busy work, Liu Yuanchen refined eight more golden bean soldiers.

Including the previous two, there are ten golden-armored bean soldiers in total.

The bodies of these bean soldiers are very hard, and the attacks of Qi Sea Realm monks cannot have much impact on them.

With ten bean soldiers on his body, even if he is besieged by wolves, he will still be able to fight.

In addition to refining the golden bean soldiers, Liu Yuanchen also used the evil-killing arrows to condense more arrows.

These things can all be used as a trump card.

In addition, he planted three diamond beans in the blessed land.

Before planting, he also cultivated it with Yimu Peiyuan Technique.

Although his attainments in Shen Nong Technique are completely incomparable to those of the Seven Treasures Master.

But with the special environment in the blessed land, it should be possible to grow good-quality diamond beans.

As for the Seven Treasure Gourd seeds, he did not dare to touch them.

The Qibao gourd cannot just be planted in a spiritual field. Various spiritual objects need to be continuously invested to promote the growth of the gourd.

If planted directly into a spiritual field without spiritual cultivation, the gourd vine may only produce gourds with a single attribute.

Moreover, those were fifth-level gourd seeds, and there were only three of them.

It is difficult to come up with any tricks based on his own attainments in Shen Nong Technique.

Planting it now would be a waste.

After preparing these, Liu Yuanchen went to Songquanju and informed his master and master about going out to hunt monsters.

Of course, you also have to ask for some benefits along the way.

As soon as he arrived at the door of Songquanju, he heard the roar of his master.

"You two traitors, you won't give in until you make me angry to death!"

Liu Yuanchen carefully pushed the door open, opened it a crack, and secretly peeked into the courtyard.

I saw my master holding a long stick in his hand, and both his master and his third uncle had jumped to the roof.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuanchen quickly closed the courtyard door and planned to come back tomorrow.

At this time, Zhao Hong shouted: "Good disciple, come and save me as a master."

My master spoke and couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

Pushing the door open and entering the courtyard, he bowed his hands and saluted: "See the master, see the master, see the third uncle."

Seeing him come in, Zhang Lingxu suddenly had a smile on his face.

"It's Yuan Chen. You've been tossing the bean soldiers these past few days. I wonder what the results will be?"

Seeing that his attention was diverted, Zhao Hong and Dong Peng jumped down from the roof and secretly hid in the east wing.

Liu Yuanchen answered honestly: "Master, my disciple has already refined ten bean soldiers."

"It's just that the disciple's secret technique of spreading beans to form soldiers is not good enough. The attack methods of the refined bean soldiers are similar to those of Iron Mountain.

The physical strength of these bean soldiers is extremely high, and Tieshan can't hurt them at all even with all his strength. "

Zhang Lingxu stroked his beard and said, "I just learned the secret technique of planting beans into soldiers. If I can refine it successfully, it is already very good."

"For a spell of the same difficulty, which one of your master and those uncles can't endure it for ten days and a half?"

"It takes three or four days to refine ten bean soldiers, which is amazing speed."

This is not because Liu Yuanchen is gifted, but mainly because the secret technique of spreading beans and forming soldiers has something to do with vegetation.

He can practice any spell related to vegetation very quickly.

This time he practiced the secret technique of spreading beans and forming soldiers, and he could only perform normally.

Seeing that his master's anger had dissipated, Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Master, I plan to take my junior brother and go to Cangyun Town to hunt monsters with Xia Lingkai."

Zhang Lingxu still had a smile on his face: "Monster hunting is good, going out to practice more is also good for your cultivation.

That guy Xia Lingkai is also smart, so you won't suffer any loss if you go out with him. "

"When your master and I were your age, I often went out to practice.

Because I am not weak in using poison, I even got the title of Poison King. "

After saying that, a green light flashed in his hand, condensing into a phantom of green leaves and purple flowers.

The grass fell on Liu Yuanchen's arm and turned into a grass mark.

“Once the attack you encounter exceeds the middle stage of the Condensation Realm, this mark will be automatically triggered.

The person who takes action cannot reach the state of Dharma and will surely die. "

After that, he also took out a jade pendant: "Give this to Tieshan, it will have the same effect as your mark."

Liu Yuanchen cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Master."

Seeing that his master had turned from anger to joy, Zhao Hong felt relieved and slipped out of the east wing.

“It’s really a good thing to go out and have some experience.

In my early years, I often went out to practice, and my great reputation was all gained through hard work. "Before he finished speaking, Zhang Lingxu's face darkened.

"You still have the nerve to say that since you broke through the Qi Sea Realm, you have been running around outside all day long.

He never said hello to me when he went out. "

"Look at how sensible Yuan Chen is. When he went out to practice, he even came to talk to me specifically.

You have lived like a dog for so many years. "

Zhao Hong muttered: "Didn't Tieshan come over too?"

Zhang Lingxu cursed angrily again: "Tieshan has a pure heart and will not think about it at all.

You are full of bad ideas, but you don't have any thoughts on respecting your teacher. "

After being scolded, Zhao Hong did not dare to speak anymore.

After leaving Songquan Residence, he went straight back to his residence.

Not long after, Xia Lingkai and Xia Longting arrived outside the small courtyard.

Both of their outfits have changed drastically, and they have put on light blue brocade robes.

Seeing this, Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan also changed out of their student uniforms and put on gray coarse robes.

The four of them left the small courtyard and walked all the way to the north gate of the academy.

After everyone left the north gate of the county city, Xia Lingkai launched a flying boat.

This flying boat is ten feet long, long and narrow, and there are metal plates on both sides of the boat for protection.

After everyone boarded the spaceship, the entire spaceship slowly rose into the air and headed northwest.

This flying boat is extremely fast, traveling more than [-] miles in one hour.

With the harsh sound of wind ringing in his ears, Xia Lingkai waved his hand and a defensive barrier surrounded the entire ship.

Sure enough, there was a layer of defensive barrier protecting it, and the harsh wind sound instantly became much quieter.

Liu Yuanchen asked: "Is this a warship?"

Xia Lingkai shook his head repeatedly: "No, the Great Xia Dynasty does not allow private ownership of warships. This is an iron-clad flying boat."

Liu Yuanchen pointed to the giant crossbow on the bow of the ship: "What is that?"

Xia Lingkai's expression didn't change: "Feizhou often goes out and will inevitably encounter danger. Is it reasonable to equip him with weapons for self-protection?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "It's very reasonable."

Meng Tieshan ran to the bow of the ship and stared at the giant crossbow for a closer look.

He is a weapon refiner, so it is only natural that he should be interested in these things.

Half a day later, a tall mountain range covered half of the western sky.

The peaks rise and fall, and the mountains are lush with vegetation.

When he arrived at a place with lush vegetation, Liu Yuanchen felt a sense of intimacy.

Xia Lingkai pointed to the western sky and said, "That's Moyang Mountain."

The flying boat flew more than 200 miles northwest, and a small city with a very irregular shape appeared in front of us.

Calling it a city is a bit far-fetched, this is clearly a slum.

Where there are buildings, the widest point from east to west is about three miles, and the longest point from north to south is about five miles.

Most of the houses in the city are made of randomly piled stones.

Only in the center of the city, there are some pretty good buildings.

Liu Yuanchen asked: "Is this Cangyun Town?"

Xia Lingkai looked nostalgic: "Yes, this is Cangyun Town."

Liu Yuanchen shook his head slightly: "It looks like a deserted land."

Xia Lingkai nodded: "It is indeed a no-owner's land. It is too close to Moyang Mountain and is difficult to fortify.

Therefore, Luochuan Kingdom did not set up an official office here, and no troops were stationed here.

Once there is a situation such as a beast tide, this is the buffer zone.

These monks in the town are just tools to slow down the beast tide. "

"But it is this kind of place that can really play a role in training."

The flying boat landed and after everyone got off, Xia Lingkai put the flying boat away.

The streets in the town are also crooked, wide in some places and narrow in others.

On both sides of the road, there were many monks setting up street stalls.

There were many monks coming and going, making it quite lively.

Seeing how busy the city was, Xia Longting asked, "Is there a brothel in the town?"

Xia Lingkai sighed helplessly: "Yes, let's put this aside for now. When we get to this place, we have to find a place to live first."

Xia Longting waved his hand: "Where are you looking for a place to live? Can the brothel still be occupied?"

Everyone looked helpless, and Xia Lingkai could only sigh: "That's it, let's find a place to stay next to the brothel."

As soon as he entered the city, before he had taken a few steps, a big man walked towards him.

This man was wearing an animal skin robe, his right shoulder was exposed, and he was carrying a heavy sword on his back.

Seeing Xia Lingkai, his eyes showed a fierce light.

"Xuan Kai, I haven't seen you for a few years, I thought you died in the mountains.

Judging from your outfit, you seem to be doing well! "

Xuan Kai, who had always been gentle and elegant, was now full of evil spirits: "Xue Lang, are you not dead yet?"

Hearing this, the big man smiled instead of getting angry: "It is indeed you. Looking at your outfit, I thought I had recognized the wrong person.

The accounts from four years ago have been settled, and it is time to settle the accounts today. "

Xia Lingkai looked calm: "You just want to settle the score here?"

The blood wolf shook his head: "The town is fighting and we are tied up. Next time you leave the town, whether you can come back depends on your luck."

Seeing how arrogant this man was, Liu Yuanchen used his spiritual consciousness to investigate.

This person is at the peak of Qi Sea Realm, and his Qi and blood are extremely strong.

Among everyone present, his vitality was second only to Meng Tieshan.

Xue Lang glanced at Liu Yuanchen coldly: "Boy, is this your first time traveling?"

"Don't use your spiritual consciousness to spy on others if you have nothing to do, otherwise you are seeking death."

After that, he turned around and walked towards the town.

Liu Yuanchen happened to see the back of his head, which was extremely prominent.

He just felt a little itchy in his hands, and he always wanted to give him a stick on the back of his head.

Liu Yuanchen was a little curious: "Senior Brother Xia, I didn't expect you to be a person with stories."

Xia Lingkai sighed: "Who hasn't ordered a story yet? Let's settle down first."

Xia Longting pointed to several tall buildings in the center of the town: "Those are nice buildings, what are they for?"

Most of the buildings in Cangyun Town are made of piled rocks, which can barely protect them from wind and rain.

There are only a few tall buildings in the center of the town that look decent.

Xia Lingkai chuckled lightly: "They are all properties owned by big forces, the brothels are also over there, and there are also shops owned by the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce.

Anyway, the expenses for this trip will be borne by the young master, so we don’t have to worry about it. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was delighted: "There is also a Wanbao Chamber of Commerce store here, and I just need to buy some magic weapons."

Xia Lingkai smiled and said: "Then you are going to make a lot of money this time. With my young master here, you can take whatever you want from the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce?"

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised: "His face is so great?"

Xia Longting looked proud: "The vice president of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce is my grandfather.

The head of the Luochuan branch is my uncle.

The person in charge of Zhennan County is my cousin.

What does it matter if I take a few magic weapons? "

(End of this chapter)

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