Chapter 109

Xia Longting's background surprised Liu Yuanchen.

The marriage between the Marquis of Zhennan and the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce can be regarded as a powerful alliance.

Xia Longting's grandfather is the vice president, so his influence on Wanbao Chamber of Commerce is naturally huge.

“There has also been a Wanbao Chamber of Commerce store over there in Chihuangyuan.

I'm curious, what is the origin of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce? "

Xia Lingkai was extremely knowledgeable and knew the origins of the major forces in the world of immortality.

"The Wanbao Chamber of Commerce is actually an ancient force, and its inheritance is not weak. Of course, it is much worse than the Bahuang Pavilion.

It's just that the founder of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce does not open a door to recruit disciples like other big forces, but focuses on doing business. "

“In ancient times, commerce and trade were not developed yet.

Wanbao Chamber of Commerce has almost no competitors, and it has accumulated a lot of wealth as time goes by.

If you have resources, you will naturally be able to cultivate more masters. "

Liu Yuanchen secretly thought that the founder of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce had really vicious eyes and seized the business opportunities.

"If it was just doing business without a backer or strong enough strength, the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce would not be able to do such a big business."

Xia Lingkai gave him a thumbs up: "You are really right. The Wanbao Chamber of Commerce can achieve its current status only by relying on the Divine Court."

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly, which made sense.

Without the support of the Great Xia Dynasty, the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce's business network would not be so stable.

If nothing else, if the chamber of commerce makes so much money, other chambers of commerce will definitely come to grab business.

"Could it be that the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce has surrendered to the Divine Court?"

Xia Lingkai shook his head: "That's not true, it's just that when Shinto was first born, Wanbao Chamber of Commerce gave the emperor a lot of support.

It can be said that without the support of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, Shenting may not be what it is today. "

"Now that the Divine Court has become the strongest force in the human race, it is natural that they will reciprocate the favor.

Many resources within the Great Xia Dynasty were jointly developed by the imperial court and the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce. "

Hearing what he said, Liu Yuanchen immediately understood.

"Wanbao Chamber of Commerce saw the opportunity to heat up the cold stove, but ended up heating up the cold stove."

Xia Lingkai chuckled: "That's pretty much what it means."

"It can be said that as long as the senior management of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce does not act stupidly and the Divine Court exists, the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce will prosper."

The four of them walked and chatted, and soon came to a tall four-story wooden building.

A middle-aged monk dressed as a shopkeeper immediately came up to him: "What guests would you like to order?"

Xia Longting took out a purple-gold token. When the shopkeeper saw the token, he quickly bowed and saluted: "Little Han Yuan, please see the young master."

Xia Longting pointed at Liu Yuanchen: "No need to be polite, I came here today to help my senior brother Liu buy some second-level magic weapons."

Han Yuan quickly saluted Liu Yuanchen: "Master Liu, just tell me what kind of magical weapon you want."

Liu Yuanchen thought about the situation of the golden-armored bean soldiers. That golden armor could not be broken through by ordinary Qihai realm monks.

Second-level defensive magic weapons are meaningless to them.

The advantage of bean soldiers is that they have high physical strength and great power.

As for mana and spiritual consciousness, there are no advantages.

When choosing a magic weapon, it is natural to focus on powerful magic weapons.

"I need some heavy-duty magic weapons that consume as little mana as possible."

Thinking that he had practiced the Evil-killing Arrow, if he had a long bow as a magical weapon, the power would definitely be improved a lot.

In the past, he had not planned to cast spells with the help of a long bow, mainly because the long bow was not that important.

Once the cultivation level improves, the long bow will be useless.

But now that a wealthy man like Xia Longting is here, it would be inappropriate not to take more.

"Give me another second-level high-grade strong bow."

Han Yuan quickly responded: "Young Master, there are three other young masters, please come with me."

Later, Han Yuan took the four people to a large room in the backyard.

This room is filled with various magical instruments.

However, these magic weapons are stacked together and not placed on the shelf.

Obviously, this is a warehouse.

Han Yuan said: "Few people know how to use these heavy magic weapons, so they are not placed in the shop's magic weapon room.

Mr. Liu likes those magic weapons, so feel free to choose. "

Liu Yuanchen made a tour and selected ten long-handed magical weapons, all of which were heavy-duty magical weapons such as maces, long-handled axes, and green dragon halberds.

Later, Han Yuan took them to a room filled with shelves of weapons.

The magical instruments in this room are all arranged very neatly.

Under the leadership of Han Yuan, everyone came to a corner.

Several shelves nearby were filled with various bows and crossbows.

Han Yuan introduced: "Because most of the monks who come to Cangyun Town come to hunt monsters, the demand for bows and arrows is also relatively large, so the shop has more of them."

Liu Yuanchen carefully selected from several shelves. There were many types of these crossbows, with various attributes, as well as repeating crossbows.

Unfortunately, the range of the continuous crossbow is too small, and it does not match the evil-killing arrow.

After looking around the weapon racks, a long bow caught Liu Yuanchen's attention.

This long bow is more than four feet long and has a gray-white bow body. There are also wisps of wind-attribute spiritual power on the bow body.

Seeing that he was interested in this bow, Han Yuan quickly introduced: "This bow is called Wind Wing, and its main material is Gale Bamboo that grows on the Gale Plateau in the west.

The bow body contains extremely strong wind energy. Although the bow power is only a hundred stones, its range is more than twice as far as other hundred stone bows.

Moreover, the bow is silent when fired, and the arrows shot will not make any noise, making it perfect for shooting monsters secretly.

Mr. Liu, you are a wood attribute monk, so it is perfect to use this wind-wing bow. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen immediately became interested.

This silent magical weapon is most suitable for sneak attacks.

"Okay, I want this wind-wing bow."

Han Yuan quickly took off the Wind Wing Bow and handed it to Liu Yuanchen.

When the group came to the front of the store, Xia Longting smiled and said, "These things will be recorded in my account."

Han Yuan waved his hands repeatedly: "Master, are you kidding? It's an honor for the store that you can come to the store to pick up something. How can you keep accounts?"

After the four people left the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce store, Xia Longting headed for a luxurious high-rise building.

When we arrived in front of the building, we saw three large gilded characters "Zuihua Building" written on the plaque on the door.

Xia Longting felt a little strange: "Why is there Zuihua Tower here?"

Xia Lingkai chuckled lightly: "In any town in Luochuan Kingdom with a large number of monks, there is a Zuihua Tower, and they are all properties of the same power."

Anyone in the brothel business has extraordinary powers behind them.

"What is the force behind Zuihua Tower?"

Xia Lingkai replied: "The name of that force is Baihua Valley. There are only women in the valley, and the main technique they practice is the harmony of yin and yang."

"That is to say, Cangyun Town is too low-level, and most of the women in Zuihua Tower are beautiful mortals.

If in some big cities, the women in Zuihua Tower are all disciples of Baihua Valley. "

"For example, in Baihua Valley in Zhennan County, most of them are disciples from the outer sect of Baihua Valley, and the top ones are the inner disciples."

Hearing this, Xia Longting's face changed slightly: "They practice this kind of skill, isn't it to harvest yang and replenish yin? Then am I being harvested by them?" Xia Lingkai shook his head: "Their skill is beneficial to both sides. The good thing is that the way you look is purely your own problem.”

Naturally, Xia Longting would not admit it: "Impossible, I must be picking up Yang and replenishing Yin."

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "In that case, let's not go in and find an inn to stay."

Xia Longting shook his head repeatedly: "No, I must find out how they harvested my yang energy."

Hearing this, Meng Tieshan asked Liu Yuanchen in a low voice: "With his appearance, does he still have yang energy?"

Xia Longting's peach blossom eyes suddenly widened: "How can this kid talk?"

After that, he walked into Zuihua Tower with his head held high.

Xia Lingkai had a look of helplessness on his face: "Let's go in too, he's playing with his stuff, and let's have something to eat first."

The three of them followed and entered the Zuihua Building.

Xia Longting has a handsome face and is wearing a brocade robe. At first glance, he looks like he is rich or noble.

As soon as he entered the gate, several women with heavy makeup gathered around him.

Unexpectedly, Xia Longting was quite arrogant: "Call the top guy here."

Hearing this, the women released him and surrounded Liu Yuanchen and others.

Xia Lingkai said quickly: "We are the young master's followers. Just arrange a private room for us and serve some food and wine."

Not long after, the madam came up to him and led Xia Lingkai to a room on the third floor.

Liu Yuanchen and three other people were arranged in a private room next door.

Not long after, various drinks and dishes were served.

At this time, the sound of silk and bamboo also came from Xia Longting's side.

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "The Zuihua Tower in Cangyun Town is also very elegant!"

Xia Lingkai smiled and said: "Even in Zuihua Tower in a small town like this, there will always be one or two Baihua Valley outer sect disciples.

These people have been practicing chess, calligraphy and painting since they started.

Anyone who can leave Baihua Valley has some ability. "

Liu Yuanchen and Xia Lingkai were messing with Qu'er next door. Meng Tieshan couldn't care less and was frantically cleaning the dishes on the table.

Cangyun Town is close to Moyang Mountain. There are many monks who come here to hunt monsters, so there is no shortage of various monster meat.

Liu Yuanchen asked: "What was the origin of the blood wolf we encountered when we first entered the town?"

Xia Lingkai chuckled: "He's just a local snake here."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was even more surprised: "There are often students from the academy system here, so I'm afraid it's not easy to be a local coward."

Xia Lingkai drank a glass of wine: "Of course it's not easy to be a good guy, he also has a background.

This guy is an outer disciple of the Blood God Sect, and it is said that he is the illegitimate son of a certain elder of the Blood God Sect. "

"It's just that his talent is not very good, and he can't make a name for himself in the sect.

The elder was also afraid that this matter would cause a big problem, so he arranged for him to help the Blood God Sect collect some materials. "

"He has the support of the elders of the Blood God Sect behind him, so most people don't dare to provoke him, so they recruited a group of casual cultivators and formed the Blood Wolf Gang."

“The Blood Wolf Gang is just a bunch of rabble, and they usually just bully other casual cultivators.

There are several similar forces, such as the Giant Crocodile Gang, the Black Dragon Gang...

They bully and dominate the market in Cangyun Town, and they are nothing if they leave this place. "

Liu Yuanchen chuckled softly: "It's true that the little demon in the temple is very windy, and the water is shallow and there are many bastards."

Xia Lingkai also chuckled: "It is true that there are many gangsters in Shuiqian. It is a small Cangyun Town. There are less than [-] people including fish, turtles, shrimps and crabs passing by, and it can still produce so many gangs."

Liu Yuanchen asked again: "What is the origin of this Blood God Sect? Why do I feel a bit like a member of the Pantheon Sect?"

Xia Lingkai chuckled: "Years ago, the Blood God Sect did have some relationship with the Pantheon Sect.

When the Pantheon Religion was first established, it was only to resist the Divine Court, and the Blood God Sect also joined the Pantheon Religion.

Later, the Pantheon Religion began to collude with the demon clan.

Some forces that sympathized with the human race broke away from the Pantheon Religion, and the Blood God Sect was among them. "

"Now, the Blood God Sect has also joined the Academy system, and there is no conflict with the Divine Court."

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "In this case, the Blood God Sect should not be considered a big force."

Xia Lingkai shook his head repeatedly: "The Blood God Sect is also a force that has been passed down from ancient times to this day, and it can also be regarded as an earthly immortal force.

It's just that in terms of skills, they are closer to the ancient physical way than the monks of the Earthly Immortal Way. "

“Of course, in terms of strength, the Blood God Sect is naturally far inferior to the Bahuang Pavilion.

Within the academy system, it can only barely be ranked among the second-rate forces.

But within the Luochuan Kingdom, the Blood God Sect was a powerful force that ranked high on the list. "

Liu Yuanchen picked up a piece of meat and after eating it, he asked: "Can you kill this guy?"

Xia Lingkai smiled disdainfully: "As my junior brother, there will be no problem in killing him.

His apparent identity is just that of an outer disciple.

If he dares to take action against you, even if he kills the Blood God Sect, he will not dare to fart. "

"The only trouble is that his elder father may be stirring up some troubles secretly."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen sighed: "It's really troublesome! Every opponent you meet will have a lot of background.

Once you do it, you will get into a lot of trouble. "

At this moment, the sound of silk and bamboo next door stopped.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of men and women fighting was heard.

Less than thirty breaths had passed, and with Xia Longting's roar, all the sounds disappeared.

Liu Yuanchen had a strange look on his face: "No, can he last for such a short time?"

Xia Lingkai didn't say anything, just sighed softly.

Liu Yuanchen even sighed: "If you can still become like this after taking medicine all day long, even if I become the Alchemy King in the future, I may not be able to cure him."

After eating and drinking, Liu Yuanchen asked: "How is Junior Brother Xia's health?"

Xia Lingkai looked helpless: "It's a long story. He was born with the awakening immortal seed, and he is a true dragon immortal seed."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly.

The reason why the monk did not awaken to the immortal seed until he was ten years old was because this power was too strong.

It is simply unbearable for a child's body.

This guy was born with awakened immortality. If he hadn't been born into a prince's family and had all kinds of treasures to replenish his body, he might have been dragged down by the immortality to death right after he was born.

“It’s understandable that I’ve awakened my immortal seed since I was young and am weak.

The dragon nature is Yang, so it is understandable that he is lustful.

The body of the Dragon Clan is extremely strong, now that he has lived to adulthood.

The physical body should be getting stronger and stronger under the influence of the immortal seed. How could he become like this? "

Xia Lingkai sighed: "It is indeed possible for monks to inherit some of the abilities of immortal species, but they may not inherit all abilities.

This is the case with my young master. He only inherited the lustful nature of the real dragon, but not the powerful physical body. "

Liu Yuanchen looked helpless: "If you are not in good health, you are still a hungry ghost, so you have to be squeezed dry.

The problems caused by fairy seeds are still innate.

If you want to cure him, ordinary pills won't work. "

"To solve the problem of immortal seeds, there is a force that may be more reliable than Alchemy King, but it is a bit troublesome."

(End of this chapter)

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