Chapter 110 Emerald Cloud Valley

Hearing this, Xia Lingkai was a little excited.

He is Xia Longting's companion, and he and Xia Longting both prosper and suffer.

"Junior Brother Liu, which force are you talking about, and what trouble will it cause?"

Liu Yuanchen sent a message and said: "To treat a disease, you must treat it from the root. The root is the immortal seed. It is best to work from the immortal seed.

Among the forces I know, the one with the deepest research on immortal species is probably the Feixian Sect. "

After hearing this, Xia Lingkai fell silent.

The Feixian Sect is a member of the Pantheon Sect, and dealing with them is very risky.

Although they became an evil cultivator force, they were forced by the Great Xia Dynasty and the Divine Court.

But no matter what, the Feixian Sect is now also a member of the evil cultivator forces.

Dealing with them can be very troublesome.

Xia Lingkai sighed: "I have seen Qi Dao masters before, but there was nothing I could do."

Naturally, he is not in charge of this kind of thing.

Liu Yuanchen did not mention the matter again, but changed the topic: "When are we going to go out to hunt monsters?
There are very few monsters in the Red Wasteland, and I have only seen a serious monster once.

At that time, his strength was too weak and he didn't dare to contend with him. "

Xia Lingkai smiled and said: "I originally wanted to settle down first and then go out to hunt monsters.

But depending on what my young master wants, we should be living in this Zuihua Building for some time to come.

Since Junior Brother Liu is in a hurry to hunt monsters, let's wait until the young master is done with his work, and then we'll go out. "

When it was getting dark, Xia Longting, with a tired look on his face, entered the hut where the three of them were eating.

“The Zuihua Building here in Cangyun Town is far worse than the one in Zhennan County.

The top talent is just barely passable. "

Xia Lingkai asked: "Master, should we stay here, or should we find another place to stay?"

Xia Longting waved his hand: "Where else can I see the houses in Cangyun Town?

This Zuihua Building is very nice. Let’s stay here. "

Liu Yuanchen looked as if this was indeed the case: "If that's the case, then live here.

Early tomorrow morning, we will go hunting in the mountains. "

Although Cangyun Town is not a very good place, the space is very large, and Zuihua Building is also particularly spacious.

In the backyard, some small courtyards are also arranged, which can be used for permanent residence. Four people are arranged in two small courtyards.


The next morning, before dawn, Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan got up early.

After finishing his morning practice, he went to the small courtyard next door to look for Xia Longting and Xia Lingkai.

It was already three o'clock in the morning, and Xia Longting dragged his tired body out of bed.

After struggling for a long time, the four of them left Zuihua Tower and headed west.

Not long after he walked out of Zuihua Tower, Liu Yuanchen sensed a young monk in gray robe following behind him furtively.

He sent a message to discuss with Xia Lingkai: "There is someone watching from behind. Should I keep him or kill him?"

Xia Lingkai replied via voice transmission: "I also discovered that that person is a confidant of Blood Wolf and has been following him for several years.

This person has extraordinary means, and it will take a lot of effort to capture him. "

The roads in Cangyun Town are too complicated, and it is too difficult to catch a master.

"Then go outside the town and deal with him."

Xia Lingkai shook his head: "I don't understand the virtue of this guy Xuelang very well.

They won't take action until we catch our prey.

They wait until we are exhausted from fighting the prey before taking action. "

“This was the situation when I had a feud with the Blood Wolf.

It's just that he didn't succeed, but he was injured.

From then on, he hated me. "

Everyone walked out of Cangyun Town to the west. The whole town was very close to Moyang Mountain.

Leaving the town and walking west for two or three miles, there are several small hills.

A group of people entered the mountain, and the gray-robed young man who was following them followed them from a distance.

The spiritual energy in Moyang Mountain is extremely abundant. Even in the marginal area, the spiritual energy concentration is already catching up with Zhennan County.

Liu Yuanchen admired: "The aura of Moyang Mountain is really abundant!"

Xia Lingkai smiled and said: "There is a large seventh-level high-grade spiritual vein in Moyang Mountain.

Even the town of Zhennan County was built on the branches of this great spiritual vein.

The real main line is still deep in Moyang Mountain, and it is really difficult to build a city.

The nearby spiritual vein is a branch of the great spiritual vein of Moyang Mountain, with a sixth level of high quality. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was secretly happy.

If we could find a hidden spiritual hub on Moyang Mountain, it would contain the earthly book and the spiritual realm.

Leave the imprint of Moyang Mountain's great spiritual veins on the Book of Earth. In the future, as long as you are too far away from Mount Moyang, the Book of Earth and the Blessed Land will be replenished by external spiritual energy at any time.

Moreover, the Book of the Earth can draw on the power of the great spiritual veins of Moyang Mountain, and its defense will be improved to a higher level.

When the time comes, the Book of the Earth may be able to withstand the attack of the monks in the Condensation Realm.

"If such a treasured place is not regularly cleaned by experts, I am afraid that it will not be long before it becomes a paradise for monsters."

After saying that, Liu Yuanchen used his spiritual consciousness to sense the surrounding situation.

The vegetation here is lush, and all movement within two hundred feet can be seen.

Not long after the four of them walked out, Liu Yuanchen sensed the gray-robed monk who was following him.

"That guy is still following you, how about I kill him?"

Xia Lingkai nodded slightly: "This person's cultivation level is not low, he is in the middle stage of Qi Sea.

Although the exercises and spells he cultivates are very ordinary, he has been fighting with people all year round, so his strength cannot be underestimated. "

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "Don't worry, killing him is just a piece of cake.

There are no special requirements for disposing of corpses, right? "

Xia Lingkai replied: "It can be burned to ashes or thrown into the ravine."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Yuanchen disappeared in front of them.

At this time, he was hiding in a big tree.

Holding the wind-winged bow, he quietly waited for the tracking monk to arrive.

Not long after, the distance between the following monk and Liu Yuanchen was only about fifty feet.

Liu Yuanchen had some success in practicing the dead wood longevity technique, and his aura was restrained. In addition, he wore a dark cloud robe to cover his consciousness.

The attention of the stalking monk was always on Xia Lingkai, and he was not noticed at all.

Liu Yuanchen opened his wind-winged bow and used his spiritual power and aura to condense the arrows.

Holding the bow in the left hand, pulling the string with the right hand, the bow is opened like a full moon.

The Windwing Bow is of high quality, but it's really not that difficult to shoot.

The bowstring was loosened, and the arrows shot out quickly.

However, neither the bowstring nor the arrow made the slightest sound.

The following monk was walking when he suddenly saw an arrow coming towards his face.

The arrows shot by the Wind Wing Bow are extremely fast.

Before he could react, the arrow had already pierced his forehead.

The eyes of the stalking monk were full of fear, and his whole body fell down weakly.

Liu Yuanchen jumped off the tree, walked to the corpse, took a storage bag from the waist of the corpse, and put it into the blessed place.

A storage bag cannot be put into another storage bag, otherwise both storage bags will be destroyed.

But as a small world, Blessed Land can naturally accommodate space magic weapons.

Then, he took out a storage bag and put the body inside.After killing the person and collecting the body, Liu Yuanchen used the forest escape technique and quickly caught up with Xia Lingkai and the other three.

Xia Lingkai was a little surprised: "That person is not weak. You solved him so quickly?"

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "Kill with one arrow."

Xia Longting looked excited: "We are killing people and seizing treasures, right?
Next time you have such an opportunity, be sure to take me with you. "

Everyone looked helpless. The dignified Prince of Zhennan, whose family was extremely rich, actually liked this.

Afterwards, the four of them speeded up and shuttled quickly through the mountains and forests.

Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan practiced the escape method through the forest. They were best at walking in this environment, so there was no problem.

Xia Lingkai's skills are extraordinary, and he can run like flying in the mountains and forests.

Only Xia Longting had never walked through mountains and forests before, and it seemed very difficult.

After more than a hundred breaths, Xia Longting was already out of breath.

"Slow down, I really can't hold it anymore."

Hearing this, Xia Lingkai had to stop.

"We just ran not far, and now we can't hold on any longer. What should we do next?"

Liu Yuanchen also joked: "Junior brother Xia, can you not do it?"

Xia Longting sat down against a big tree and wanted to refute, but was too lazy to speak.

After taking a deep breath, he said, "Who says I can't do it? I'll show you right away."

After saying that, he wanted to stand up, but unfortunately his limbs were so weak that he couldn't stand up at all.

Xia Lingkai was speechless: "How about I carry you on my back? If we go a little slower, we should be able to return to Cangyun Town before dark."

Meng Tieshan waved his hand: "I'll do it. With his weight, it doesn't take much effort for me to carry him."

After that, he picked up Xia Longting on his back, used the Cang Yuan Escape Technique, and continued heading west.

With the extra person on his back, his speed was barely affected.

The mountain road was rugged and difficult, but the journey of only a hundred miles took two hours.

At noon, the four of them rounded a mountain, and in front of them appeared a spindle-shaped valley that was more than ten miles long and about three miles wide at its widest point.

Xia Lingkai pointed to the valley ahead: "This is Cuiyun Valley."

The terrain in the valley is flat and the trees are extremely lush.

The entire valley was shrouded in a layer of light green mist.

In the middle of the valley is a winding stream.

Xia Lingkai picked some wild grass and put it on his body.

"This is Qinglin grass. It can emit a fresh fragrance of grass and trees and cover up the smell on our bodies."

Everyone had Qinglin grass hanging all over their bodies, and then they went to the Cuiyun Valley to touch it.

Not long after, the four of them came to a place not far from the stream.

Xia Lingkai jumped onto a big tree: "It won't be long before a pack of wolves comes to drink water. Then we will wait for an opportunity to attack them."

"Remember, try not to hurt the wolf's skin."

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "Why bother?"

After that, he took out the body of the monk who was stalking him before and threw it by the stream.

Xia Lingkai nodded slightly: "The smell of blood will attract the wolves, so the wolves will come faster."

Half a quarter of an hour passed, and a shrill howl of a wolf broke the tranquility in Cuiyun Valley.

Soon, a wolf appeared in sight.

This wolf looked about the size of a medium-sized dog, with its body covered in blue and black.

However, the mana fluctuations emanating from the whole body are similar to those of monks in the middle stage of Qi Sea Realm, and they should be monster beasts in the middle stage of Naqi Realm.

Liu Yuanchen released his spiritual consciousness and sensed the vitality of the surrounding vegetation.

Not long after, six more wolves appeared in sight.

Xia Lingkai took out a shadow bead, injected mana into it and activated it.

According to the rules of the academy, the monster hunting mission requires the use of photo beads to record the hunting process to prevent anyone from committing fraud.

Then he sent a message and said: "We are lucky, this is a small wolf pack and can be easily captured.

Junior Brother Liu, the tallest ghost forest wolf at the end is the Wolf King. You try to kill him with one arrow.

A wolf pack that has lost its wolf king is easier to deal with. "

Liu Yuanchen took out the wind-wing bow and slowly pulled out the bowstring. A gray-white arrow was placed on the bow.

This is not an arrow that is condensed with Gang Qi and mana, but an arrow with wind attributes that is carefully cultivated.

Soon, seven ghost wolves came to the body.

The wolf king sniffed the corpse, then opened his mouth and bit it.

Liu Yuanchen released the bow string with his right hand, and the gray-white arrow shot out quickly, but without any sound.

A scream sounded out, and the Wolf King, who was in the late stage of the Naqi realm, fell to the ground helplessly.

The other six ghost wolves roared and patrolled around, trying to find the enemy.

Wolves are the most vengeful. Once a comrade is killed, they will hunt them down to the end.

Liu Yuanchen opened his bow again, used mana and Gang Qi to condense arrows, and shot at a wolf.

But the wolf was very strong and well prepared, and even smashed the arrow into pieces with his claws.

Xia Lingkai's body was filled with aqua-blue spiritual light, forming a suit of armor.

“The Phantom Wolf is known for its speed and is also proficient in wind attribute methods.

These beasts are already alert, and it will be very difficult to kill them with a sneak attack.

Close hand-to-hand combat, quick battle. "

After that, he took out a green dragon halberd and jumped down from the tree.

The big halberd in his hand hit a wolf on the head. The forest wolf was quite agile and dodged the blow.

He also opened his mouth and spat out two wind blades to attack Xia Lingkai.

Xia Lingkai did not dodge, but held the Green Dragon Halberd and continued to hit the ghost wolf on the head.

This strategy of exchanging injuries for injuries really worked. The two wind blades hitting his armor had no effect.

The ghost wolf was slapped on the head by the Azure Dragon Halberd and died instantly.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuanchen stopped firing cold arrows.

The whole person disappeared out of thin air, and when he reappeared, he was already behind a ghostly forest wolf.

The wind and thunder stick in his hand swept out. Before the Phantom Wolf could react, he was hit on the back of the head by Liu Yuanchen.

The Phantom Wolf twitched a few times and then fell to the ground.

At this time, Meng Tieshan also took out his mace, jumped down from the tree, and fought with the two wolves.

Liu Yuanchen kept using Wood Shadow Escape, hiding his figure and sneaking up on the Phantom Wolf.

However, in more than twenty breaths, there was only one ghostly forest wolf left.

This guy was obviously timid and did not attack again, but fled into the dense forest.

A small black vine appeared in Liu Yuanchen's hand and was wrapped with magic power to form an arrow.

Then he drew his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot an arrow into the wolf demon's hind leg.

The arrow dissipated, and the small section of vine hung on the wolf's fur.

He cast a spell, and the small vine sprouted roots and clung to the wolf's fur.

Meng Tieshan wanted to chase him, but Liu Yuanchen said quickly: "I left a mark on the wolf, and we can use it to find the wolf's den.

After all, there should still be a few wolves in the wolf den. "

After that, he picked up a wolf carcass and put it into his storage bag.

After everyone put away the wolf corpse, they chased after the injured Netherworld Wolf.

Although the ghost wolf was injured in its hind legs, it was still very fast due to its talent.

Everyone followed all the way, and soon they arrived at the front of the mountain on the side of the valley.

(End of this chapter)

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