Chapter 112 The mountain god asks for help
After the defeat, the blood wolf did not dare to take action again: "Brothers, follow me back."

After saying that, a streak of blood flew out of the ruins and disappeared without a trace.

The other Blood Wolf Gang monks looked at Xia Lingkai with fear in their eyes.

Seeing that their boss had escaped, they did not dare to take action again.

More than 20 Qi Sea Realm monks dispersed in a rush.

Xia Lingkai put away his armor and weapons and returned to the others.

Liu Yuanchen gave a thumbs up: "Brother Xuankai, your armor is really good."

The blood wolf struck with all his strength, but it failed to damage his armor at all.

Not only that, the armor also swallowed the blood wolf's full blow.

And he controlled the blood gang created by the blood wolf to fight back against him.

Even though Blood Wolf is slightly less talented, he is a monk of the same level as Xia Lingkai.

It can withstand a full-strength attack from a monk of the same level, and can also counterattack its attacks.

This strength may be comparable to the weaker early stage monks in the Condensation Realm.

The armor condensed by Xia Lingkai is extremely weird, and it is definitely not an ordinary spell.

It may be the ability brought by the immortal seed, or it may be the practice of some profound secret technique.

Xia Lingkai just chuckled: "It's just a small trick, let's talk about it when we get back."

Liu Yuanchen took back the ten bean soldiers, and the weapons in their hands disappeared together.

Then, he picked up another bean and used the secret technique of spreading beans to form soldiers again.

As soon as the bean hit the ground, it turned into a bean soldier again, still holding the previous magic weapon in his hand.

He felt strange: "The bean soldier held a magic weapon in his hand, turned into a bean again, and was able to put the magic weapon into the bean."

Xia Lingkai was well-informed and didn't find it strange at all.

"The art of spreading beans to become a weapon has always had this function, just like the armor on those golden-armored bean soldiers, hasn't it always been like this?"

Liu Yuanchen thought about it for a second, but it made sense.

After all, in the prehistoric world, the art of spreading beans and becoming a weapon is one of the famous Tiangang 36 magical powers.

Even if the secret techniques here in the Yuanling Realm are just fragments of what can be achieved by sowing the beans and making an army, and they have been improved, there must be something extraordinary about them.

It is not difficult to understand that Bean soldiers can put away their magic weapons.

Putting the bean soldiers back into their storage bags, everyone walked straight into the town.

Back at Zuihua Building, the four of them gathered in a courtyard.

Xia Longting sighed: "I thought I could witness killing people and seizing treasures, but I didn't expect that it would just be a competition and it would be over."

Liu Yuanchen looked helpless: "The Blood Wolf Gang has more than 20 Qi Sea Realm monks, even if we add the Bean Soldiers, our number is only half of the opponent's.

Once a fight breaks out, we will definitely be at a disadvantage. "

"If you want to get out at that time, you will have to use your own trump cards. After that, it will cause endless trouble."

Xia Longting nodded slightly, and then seemed to remember something.

"By the way, Senior Brother Liu, didn't you kill a Blood Wolf Gang monk before?
He sold me his storage bag because I wanted to experience the joy of killing people and grabbing treasures. "

Liu Yuanchen didn't expect that Xia Longting had such strange ideas and had such a hobby.

After killing the monk before, he put the storage bag into the blessed land.

At this time, Xia Longting wanted to buy it, Liu Yuanchen put a hand deep into his arms and pretended to take it out, but in fact he took out the storage bag from the blessed land.

After a moment, he took out a black storage bag.

"This is the storage bag of the monk from the Blood Wolf Gang. We all work together and the contents of the storage bag will be shared together."

Hearing this, Xia Longting quickly took the storage bag and opened it.

Common storage bags have no primary function.

Anyone can unlock it as long as they have magic power, Gangqi, and spiritual consciousness.

Xia Longting poured all the contents of the storage bag onto the table.

There was a "crash" sound, and the ground was covered with spiritual stones, which could not be piled on a table.

Xia Longting's face was filled with joy: "I'm rich!"

Although it looks scary, at a rough calculation, it only amounts to more than 3000 spiritual stones.

In the eyes of a wealthy man like him, more than 3000 spiritual stones are nothing.

In addition to spiritual stones, there are also some elixirs, magic weapons, and spiritual talismans in the storage bag.

These things are of little value and can only be exchanged for spiritual stones.

As for things like weapon refining materials and elixirs, there are none.

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised: "A monk in the middle stage of Qi Sea Realm is so poor."

These blood wolf gang monks usually bully other casual cultivators, so they should be able to get a lot of spiritual stones.

Xia Lingkai sighed: "It seems that the Blood Wolf Gang has made progress compared with previous years."

Liu Yuanchen was a little curious: "How to say?"

Xia Lingkai replied: "Before I became the young master's companion, I often went to the edge of Moyang Mountain to hunt monsters.

I have been to Cangyun Town more than once. "

“The Blood Wolf Gang at that time was just a few Qihai realm casual cultivators who got together to do bad things.

They say it's a gang, but it's actually a ragtag bunch.

When there is benefit, they swarm together, but when faced with danger, they will scatter like birds and beasts. "

“This time I came here, I didn’t take Blood Wolf seriously either.

Unexpectedly, the Blood Wolf Gang has become a phenomenon. "

Liu Yuanchen recalled the previous situation. Blood Wolf was able to recruit more than 20 Qi Sea Realm monks at once.

Even if he was defeated, the others would not dare to leave until he spoke.

It can be seen that the cohesion of the Blood Wolf Gang monks is no longer weak.

"You mean, the Blood Wolf Gang has now become a real force.

They have fewer good things because they already have a solid territory.

All the good things about him are hidden in the territory. "

Xia Lingkai nodded: "That's what I mean.

There are few spiritual stones, and there are no precious spiritual objects. It can be said that he is relatively poor.

But they don't even have any skills or spells on them. These are definitely not casual cultivators, but monks from a certain force. "

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "So, the elder of the Blood God Sect really cares about the illegitimate son of Xuelang.

He actually gave him such a large amount of funding and allowed him to establish a small force on his own. "

Cangyun Town is rich in resources, and the Great Xia Dynasty has not directly extended its hands here.

In addition, with the Blood God Sect as its backer, as long as there is no large-scale beast wave, the Blood Wolf Gang has a bright future.

Xia Lingkai frowned slightly: "If this is the case, there will be some trouble.

The Blood Wolf has truly become the leader of a gang. If we kill a member of the Blood Wolf Gang, he will definitely take action. "

Meng Tieshan looked indifferent: "Didn't Senior Brother scare him before?"

Liu Yuanchen shook his head slightly: "It's not that simple. If Blood Wolf wants to convince the public, he must take action.

The Blood Wolf Gang has more than 20 Qi Sea Realm monks, and there will only be more Qi Nourishing Realm monks.

If Cangyun Zhenfu is a bigger place, I'm afraid they have spies everywhere.

Every move we make is probably under their noses. "

Hearing this, Meng Tieshan was also a little worried: "Then they won't besiege us again, right?"

Xia Lingkai smiled and shook his head: "No, the blood wolf bullies the weak and fears the strong, so he certainly won't dare to look for trouble head-on.

However, he can use the power of the Blood Wolf Gang to spread our news.

For example, Junior Brother Liu's golden armored bean soldiers, and my secret armor technique. "When these news get out, there will always be people who are tempted."

Even if it doesn't have much effect, it can still cause us a lot of trouble. "

Liu Yuanchen said it had been a long time: "For this reason, we cannot stay in Cangyun Town for too long.

It would be better to kill twenty Naqi realm wolf demons as soon as possible and leave as soon as possible. "


The next day, just after dawn, everyone got up quickly.

Even Xia Longting didn't delay any longer.

Everyone left Zuihua Tower in a hurry, and before they even left Cangyun Town, Xia Lingkai launched the flying boat.

The four of them took the flying boat and headed southwest.

Liu Yuanchen scanned the surroundings with his spiritual consciousness, and sure enough he found a few sneaky monks snooping in the dark.

But the monks who were spying on them could only stare when they saw them leaving in a flying boat.

Those running on the ground are always faster than those flying in the sky, and it is impossible to track them.

Xia Longting said with a smile on his face: "It's easier to fly like this."

The flying boat did not enter Moyang Mountain, but flew south along Moyang Mountain.

Liu Yuanchen was a little strange: "Senior Brother Xia, where are we going? We haven't finished hunting yet, so we can't just go back to the academy, right?"

Xia Lingkai shook his head: "Of course not. If we go back now, our trip will be in vain."

“The wolves over at Cuiyun Valley have just been maimed by us, and no more wolves will pass by in a short period of time.

The target this time is the White Horse River Valley, where the terrain is flat, there are many small monsters of all kinds, and there are naturally a lot of wolves. "

"It's just that it's far away. If we go over the mountains and ridges, we'll probably have to fight for two or three days.

Let's take a flying boat to the lower reaches of the Baima River first, and then go upstream along the flat river bank, which can save a lot of time. "

The speed of the flying boat was very fast, and a quarter of an hour later, a large river flowing from west to east appeared in front of everyone.

The river is more than three miles wide. Liu Yuanchen grew up in Chihuangyuan and has never seen such a wide river.

Xia Lingkai pointed to the river ahead and said, "This is the Baima River."

The flying boat landed by the river, and Xia Lingkai continued: "The place we want to hunt is two hundred miles upstream."

The four of them walked along the river bank and headed west.

The Baima River Valley is extremely wide, covering more than thirty miles.

There are large areas of flat land and villages on both sides of the river.

There are patches of farmland on the flat land, and there are mortals working in the fields.

Meng Tieshan asked curiously: "This is already within the scope of Moyang Mountain, why are there still people living here?"

Xia Lingkai replied: "These are short mountains, separated from the main body of Moyang Mountain, and there are not many monsters.

The Baima River is guarded by a water god, and there is a mountain god guarding the Baima Mountain upstream.

If the monsters want to sneak in, they have to go head-to-head with the water gods and mountain gods.

Ordinary monsters simply don't have this ability. "

"And there is fertile land on both sides of the Baima River, so mortals are naturally indispensable."

"Students from our Zhennan Academy often come here to hunt."

Liu Yuanchen was a little worried: "The mission we received is from Cangyun Town. We are going to the Baima Valley to hunt monsters. Is there no problem?"

Xia Lingkai shook his head: "The mission only gives a rough range. The place where monsters can be hunted in the upper reaches of Baima River is less than [-] miles away from Cangyun Town, which is not too far.

As long as the monsters you hunt don't cheat, there won't be any problems. "

The land here is flat and there are smooth roads, and the speed of the four of them is much faster.

Of course, the premise is that Meng Tieshan is carrying Xia Longting on his back.

In less than half an hour, he ran more than a hundred miles.

In the distance, a somewhat dilapidated palace-like building came into view.

Before Liu Yuanchen could ask, Xia Lingkai said: "That's the mountain temple of Baima Mountain.

After passing the mountain temple, there is no place for mortals to live. "

In front of the mountain temple, a group of mortals were noisy.

My spiritual sense probed over and saw a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy lying in the center of the crowd.

Next to him, there was a middle-aged woman crying.

There were a bunch of people gathered around, and there was also a monk dressed as a Taoist priest, who was checking on the young man.

The few people didn't intend to care about this matter. When they were about to leave, they heard a majestic voice.

"Little friends, I am the mountain god of Baima Mountain. Something happened here, and I would like to ask some of you to help.

After the deed is accomplished, there will be a big thank you. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen looked at Xia Lingkai: "Should we care about this matter or not?"

Xia Lingkai nodded: "Things that even the mountain gods can't take care of will definitely be handled by the government and the City God's Yin Division.

If we help, we can get the certificate of meritorious service.

When you return to the academy, you can apply for credits. "

There are credits to be obtained, so the four of them will naturally not let them go.

Arriving in front of the mountain temple, I saw the young man lying on the ground, his face was pale, his lips were chapped, and there was no blood at all.

Only two eye circles were obviously black.

The Taoist priest who was examining the young man's body was not highly cultivated and only had the fifth level of Qi nourishing.

He sighed: "This young man has excessively depleted his yang energy and needs some elixir or elixir to replenish his yang energy."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen glanced at Xia Longting.

"Take out one of the pills I gave you before and give him one to eat."

Xia Longting was a little confused: "Will it work? Besides, he is a mortal, can he withstand the power of the second-level elixir?"

Xia Lingkai nodded: "It should work. This young man seems to have been sucked in yang energy by something, and his symptoms are similar to yours.

This type of elixir doesn't have much spiritual energy, so mortals can also take it. "

Xia Longting took out an Eight Treasures Kidney-Strengthening Pill and handed it to him.

Xia Lingkai bowed his hands to everyone: "We are students from Zhennan Academy. At the invitation of the mountain god, we are here to help you."

The Academy has a great reputation. When everyone heard this, they quickly bowed and saluted: "I have seen many immortal masters."

The Taoist priest also bowed his hands and saluted: "The Xiaodao Shiting is the temple blessing of the mountain temple. I have met all of you seniors."

Xia Lingkai handed the Eight Treasures Kidney-Strengthening Pill to Shi Ting: "No need to be polite. This is a pill to replenish yang energy. Give it to him first and see if it has any effect."

Shi Ting took the elixir and looked at it with a look of surprise on his face.

He didn't dare to say anything and just stuffed the elixir into the young man's mouth.

The elixir melted in the mouth, and soon the young man's face turned red.

After more than a hundred breaths, the boy's condition improved a lot.

At this time, his face became rosy and sweat continued to form on his forehead.

The middle-aged woman was a little worried: "Master Immortal, will my son be okay?"

Liu Yuanchen used his spiritual consciousness to investigate: "He is fine. The elixir was taken by the monks and is relatively powerful.

Let him drink more water and he will be fine in a few days. "

These Eight Treasures Kidney-Reinforcing Pills were personally collected and refined by him, and the elixirs used were all hard goods that nourished the kidneys and boosted yang.

Xia Longting has a special physical condition and the effect of taking this elixir is not obvious.

When most people take this medicine, the effect is immediate.

(End of this chapter)

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