Chapter 113 Mountain Spirit Realm
Hearing this, everyone felt relieved.

The villagers talked a lot: "Zhou Dalang is really a blessing in disguise, he can actually take the immortal master's elixir."

"This elixir is so powerful, Zhou Dalang was half dead just now.

After taking one pill, he is now as strong as a cow. "

At this moment, the young man opened his eyes and gasped: "I'm so thirsty."

The green light in Liu Yuanchen's hand flashed, absorbing the surrounding water vapor, condensing it into a fist-sized water ball, and threw it into his mouth.

Zhou Dalang swallowed the ball of water and felt much better immediately.

He gathered water with his bare hands, which surprised all the villagers.

Several people whispered: "These people look young, this method is really extraordinary!"

"This is the immortal master from Zhennan Academy. I heard that the immortal masters there are all geniuses, and they are all very powerful at a young age.

The worst immortal master can become a high official in the county. "

Liu Yuanchen suddenly discovered that he had the potential to be a magician.

He no longer paid attention to the villagers' comments, but asked the young man about the situation: "Zhou Dalang, what has taken away your yang energy?"

Zhou Dalang's face turned even redder and he hesitated for a long time, unable to explain why.

Xia Lingkai saw some clues, and he coughed lightly: "Fellow folks, please stop watching the fun here.

This matter may involve monsters. If you continue to interfere here, you may lose your life. "

After hearing this, all the villagers fled quickly, leaving only Zhou Dalang, his mother, and Miao Zhu Shiting.

Xia Lingkai smiled and said, "Let's go to the temple and talk."

Everyone entered the mountain temple. This mountain temple was quite tall, but the furnishings were quite simple.

There is only one idol and an offering table, with various tributes placed on the offering table.

The statue looked like a strong-backed military general, wearing a helmet and armor, and holding a spear in his hand, which made him look extremely powerful.

Xia Lingkai asked: "There were so many people outside just now, you were embarrassed to say it, you can say it now.

If you hide it from us, no one will be able to save you if the thing that sucks away your yang energy comes back. "

Zhou Dalang was still a little hesitant, and the middle-aged woman cried and cried: "Son, your father left early and raised you for your mother.

If you have three advantages and two disadvantages, how can you live as a mother? "

Seeing that his mother was reduced to tears, Zhou Dalang also plucked up the courage and said, "The one who sucked away my yang energy should be Liniang."

Upon hearing this, Xia Longting became interested: "What does Liniang look like?"

Liu Yuanchen pulled him over: "We are investigating the matter, what are you causing trouble?"

Later, Zhou Dalang told Liniang's story.

According to him, he met a beautiful girl three days ago while farming in his field.

The woman greeted him and brought him food.

Zhou Dalang is just a young man who has never even been out of the village. How can he resist this temptation?

Within three days, he was completely fascinated by Liniang.

Under Liniang's temptation, the two explored the origin of life together, and then he fell unconscious.

After Zhou Dalang finished explaining the matter, Xia Longting pondered for a long time: "That Liniang should be a ghost or some monster that is good at enchantment.

The mountain god can use the power of the mountain to monitor everything within his jurisdiction. Senior, didn't you find anything? "

The majestic voice sounded: "I focus all my energy on the monsters in the west. I only glance at them casually in the village, mainly relying on the Yin soldiers."

Xia Lingkai seems to have a good understanding of the Shinto system: "General ghost soldiers are weak and can only deal with spirit-swallowing monsters.

Once you encounter a Naqi realm monster, there is absolutely nothing you can do.

Especially when encountering monsters that are good at hiding, the Yin soldiers may not be able to detect them. "

Zhou Dalang still couldn't believe it: "It's impossible. Liniang can't be a ghost or a monster."

Xia Lingkai asked again: "When is the specific time you will meet Liniang? How is the weather?"

Zhou Dalang thought about it for a long time before he said: "The first time was in the morning three days ago, around Chenshi, and it was a sunny day."

Xia Lingkai nodded: "I'm sure that Liniang is a monster, not a ghost.

It's just hard to say whether this monster is a great monster in disguise, or whether it's a monster that hasn't transformed yet and is hiding it from the naked eye through its charm. "

Xia Longting had a clear look of stupidity on his face: "Why?"

Before Xia Lingkai could speak, Liu Yuanchen said: "Chen Shi is the time when Yin Qi is extinct, Yang Qi is strong between heaven and earth, and Yin Qi is hidden.

From Chen hour to noon, there is very little Yin Qi between heaven and earth, and ghosts will not appear at this time. "

"And monsters have a physical body and can come out and run around at any time."

The mountain god's voice sounded again: "I have already reported this matter to Baima County City God Xingwen. It won't be long before the City God will send Yin soldiers to assist the little god.

Before that, I would like to ask all my friends to stay here temporarily and help the little god protect the people. "

"After the deed is completed, the little god will definitely ask for credit for all the little friends.

In addition, the little god still owes you a favor. "

Liu Yuanchen didn't know much about Shinto, and he didn't know how useful his help was.

As for favors, the mountain god cannot even win over a small monster.

The value of his favors is not much higher.

On the other hand, Xia Lingkai's face was full of joy: "In this case, there is Lord Lao Shanshen."

Liu Yuanchen had a curious look on his face, and before he could ask, Xia Lingkai knew his doubts.

Chuanyin explained: “The relationship between the academy system and the Divine Court has always been relatively good, and the contributions of both parties are mutually recognized.

If you make contributions within the Academy system and then serve in the Divine Court or the Great Xia Divine Dynasty system, you can also receive special treatment.

In the same way, if you make meritorious service within the Divine Court system, the Academy system will also reward you. "

"We have a mountain god to help us ask for merit, and there must be a reward from the academy.

For us, the best reward is credits. "

"As for favors, the mountain god controls an area and knows all the traces of monsters and beasts in the area.

Let's exchange favors for him to help guide us, and hunting monsters will become easier. "

Liu Yuanchen suddenly realized that there were such twists and turns inside.

I still know too little about the various systems of the Divine Court and the Academy.

No wonder Xia Lingkai can serve as a companion to the Prince of Zhennan. Such a knowledgeable person is definitely a good teacher and helpful friend.

That monster was able to hide from the mountain god's detection, either because of its extremely strong cultivation or because of its weird methods.

Either way, it's not easy to deal with.

However, all four of them carry protective treasures. Even if they are really great monsters in disguise, they will only cause some trouble and will not put their lives in danger.

"In this case, we will stay in Baima Mountain for a few days."

Zhou Dalang and his mother could not hear the voice of the mountain god, and heard that Liu Yuanchen and others planned to stay in Baima Mountain for a few days.

Mother Zhou quickly said: "Several immortal masters, that monster may come back to look for my son.

Our Zhou family only has so much blood left. Please save him. "

The mountain god's voice sounded again: "Shi Ting, please arrange for the mother and son to stay temporarily in the mountain temple."

Shi Ting cupped his hands toward the statue and said, "I will obey God's will."

After that, he settled Zhou Dalang and his son in the backyard of the mountain temple.

At this time, the mountain god said again: "Please invite a few friends to go to the spiritual realm of the little god." Xia Longting asked: "What is the spiritual realm?"

Xia Lingkai sighed: "The spiritual realm is an isolated small world, connected only by energy to the big world we are in.

Your father's blessed land was a spiritual realm when it was first opened.

The spiritual realm is a lower level existence than the blessed land, and the divine spiritual realm is not exactly the same as the earthly immortal spiritual realm. "

Xia Longting suddenly asked: "Are there female ghosts in the mountain spirit realm?"

The mountain god already knows his virtue: “The Shinto spiritual realm is mainly used to accommodate ghosts.

In my Shinto spiritual realm, in addition to a group of Yin soldiers, there are dozens of ghosts, including female ghosts. "

Xia Longting became interested at that time: "Then what are you waiting for? Take me in quickly, I want to see the female ghost...

No, I want to see what the Shinto spiritual realm looks like. "

Before he finished speaking, a black smoke appeared out of thin air and enveloped the entire mountain temple.

When the black smoke dissipated, the mountain temple was still in front of us, but the statue had turned into a "living person".

Xia Longting said angrily: "Isn't this still in the mountain temple? Mountain God, are you fooling us?"

The mountain god wearing armor walked down from his seat: "This is the Shinto spiritual realm. If the power of incense is enough, the Shinto spiritual realm will continue to grow.

If there is no intervention, the environment within the Shinto spirit realm will be the same as that of the areas governed by the gods outside. "

“Unless you go out of your way to change, it will be different.”

“If you don’t believe it, go outside and have a look.

My Shinto spiritual realm is very small. When I leave the mountain temple, I can see the edge of the spiritual realm. "

The four of them walked out of the mountain temple. The space was indeed very small.

Less than a hundred feet away from the gate of the mountain temple, there is a gray fog barrier.

Around the mountain temple, there are several houses.

In front of every house, there is a small field.

There are old men plowing the soil in the fields. Various vegetables are grown in the fields, and there are chickens, ducks and geese looking for food in the fields.

It seems that these scenes are no different from the ordinary.

Just by using your spiritual sense to explore, you can find that these people have no bodies, just pure souls.

Liu Yuanchen walked to the edge of the spiritual realm and reached out to touch the gray fog barrier, but he didn't touch anything.

Meng Tieshan also did the same thing. He was a little puzzled: "Brother, why is the spiritual realm of this mountain god different from the spiritual realm opened by Uncle Cheng?"

Liu Yuanchen replied: "Uncle Cheng's spiritual realm was not opened with the power of incense, but with a large amount of Xuanhuang Stone and Kongming Stone.

It is said that it is a Shinto spiritual realm, but it is actually between the earthly immortal Tao spiritual realm and the Shinto spiritual realm.

This spiritual realm is the real Shinto spiritual realm. "

Then, he asked the mountain god: "The edge of the Earthly Immortal Dao spiritual realm is a spatial barrier.

Outside the space barrier is a small alien space, which is similar to void inside. "

"There is only a mist at the edge of the Shinto spiritual realm. What is beyond this mist?"

Before the mountain god could speak, Xia Lingkai said first: "The spiritual realm of the divine way is different from the spiritual realm of the earthly immortal way. It is not connected to the void, nor is it connected to the spiritual veins."

"The Earth Immortal Spiritual Realm relies on a magic weapon and earth veins, while the Shinto Spiritual Realm relies on the position of a god."

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "No wonder the growth of the Shinto spiritual realm can only rely on the power of incense."

"I heard Uncle Cheng say before that the spiritual realm of the Shinto and the earthly immortal may be merged into one.

If you don't accept the imperial edict from the Divine Court, can you open up a Shinto spiritual realm? "

Xia Lingkai was extremely knowledgeable and picked up all kinds of secrets at his fingertips: "You can become a god even if you don't accept the canonization of the Divine Court.

Those gods are called wild gods. As long as they get enough incense, they can condense the power of Shinto.

With Shinto authority, a deity recognized by heaven and earth, one can naturally open up a Shinto spiritual realm. "

"As for the fusion of the two spiritual realms, there are people in Shenting and Academy studying it, but unfortunately there are no results yet."

The mountain god smiled and said: "It turns out that this little friend is an Earth Immortal Dao monk. I also knew a master of the Earth Immortal Dao before. I wonder where my little friend learned from him?"

Liu Yuanchen cupped his hands and replied: "This junior is a disciple of Bahuang Pavilion."

Hearing this, the mountain god became excited.

"I wonder which master from Bahuang Pavilion my little friend is."

Seeing his appearance, Liu Yuanchen was a little worried, especially if he was bullied by his master during his lifetime, right?

But then I thought about it, I have the means left by my master to protect myself, and I am not afraid of a mere mountain god.

"A disciple never mentions his master's name, but his master is Zhao Xiahong."

The mountain god was even more excited: "He is actually a disciple of General Zhao."

Seeing him like this, Liu Yuanchen breathed a sigh of relief. This should not be his master's enemy, but a colleague.

After calming down, the mountain god said: "My name is Xu Hu, I was a young general in Zhennanguan when I was alive, and I was under General Zhao at that time.

More than 100 years ago, I died in a battle. Due to my merits, I could only get a ninth-grade priesthood.

But the general gave me part of his credit and made me a true eighth-grade mountain god. "

Liu Yuanchen suddenly realized that he had met his master's old friend.

He quickly saluted: "Disciple Liu Yuanchen, I have met Master Xu."

Meng Tieshan also imitated him: "Disciple Meng Tieshan, I have met Master Xu."

Xu Hu waved his hand: "There is no need to be polite, if I hadn't been promoted by the general, I wouldn't be where I am today.

When you come to my territory, I must treat you well. "

He shouted toward the backyard: "Come here, prepare for the banquet."

Not long after, ghost soldiers came from the backyard carrying plates of dishes to the main hall of the mountain temple.

These dishes are all common farm dishes, but the ingredients are quite extraordinary and have an alluring aroma.

Xia Longting was a little curious: "Can a living person eat these things?"

Xia Lingkai nodded: "These ingredients were cultivated by Futian in the Shinto spiritual realm.

If we eat it alive, we can improve our consciousness a little bit.

If ghosts and gods eat it, they can gain some strength. "

Xia Longting nodded slightly, then picked up a piece of eggplant and put it into his mouth.

After chewing it for a few times, he gave it a thumbs up: "It tastes really good."

Liu Yuanchen had heard about Futian before, so he also picked up a piece of eggplant and put it in his mouth.

The magic power circulates to refine the eggplant, and a surge of energy pours into the body.

In the process of running the technique, the energy in the eggplant flows into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The spiritual power contained in it was directly absorbed and refined by the immortal seeds.

The remaining energy disappeared out of thin air.

At the same time, Liu Yuanchen felt that his whole person felt refreshed.

As an alchemist and spiritual medicine master, he naturally knows that this is nourishment for the soul.

Things that mere mortals can grow can actually nourish the soul. This blessed field is truly extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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