Chapter 114 The Bloodline of Divine Beasts

After eating the vegetables grown in Futian, Liu Yuanchen made up his mind to open up a Shinto spiritual realm in the future.

Anyway, becoming a god does not necessarily require canonization by the Divine Court. If you have a blessed land, you can be a wild god in the blessed land, and the Divine Court will not care about you.

As long as the power of incense is enough, in your own blessed land, you will not be worse than the righteous god canonized by the divine court.

Moreover, there are not a bunch of mothers-in-law looking after you.

Being a wild god in a blessed land is much more comfortable than being a righteous god.

Whether it is possible to integrate the Shinto spiritual realm with the blessed land is a question that will be considered in the future.

Even if you fail, it's no big deal.

The dozen or so farm dishes were eaten up by everyone, especially Meng Tieshan, who ate like a gust of wind.

Mountain God Xu Hu sighed: "I thought General Zhao's eating skills were unrivaled in the world, but I didn't expect Nephew Tieshan to be even more ferocious than him."

Xia Longting interjected: "Senior Mountain God, where is the female ghost we promised?

Now that the meal has been eaten and the words have been spoken, it’s time to get down to business. "

Everyone was speechless for a while, and in his eyes, only this kind of thing could be considered serious business.

The mountain god was a little helpless: "The cook in my mountain temple is actually a female ghost. She was also a beautiful woman like a flower when she was alive."

Upon hearing this, Xia Longting immediately became interested: "Seriously?"

The mountain god continued: "Not only that, the cook also lived to be 80 years old and died at a healthy age. She was very kind and kind.

If the young master is interested, I can call her over. "

Upon hearing that she was an 80-year-old lady, Xia Longting's head shook like a rattle.

"I don't want an 80-year-old lady, so why don't I have a young female ghost?"

The mountain god shook his head: "That's really not the case. Only people who have died can live in my spiritual realm for a long time.

The ghost of a violent death is too violent, and staying in the spirit realm will only cause trouble. "

"They will either be taken to the City God's Yin Division, or they will be sent directly to reincarnation. They will not stay in a small spiritual realm like me."

Xia Longting looked helpless: "Then what's the point of staying here? Let's quickly hunt the monsters and then leave."

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "Aren't we going to help the mountain god catch Liniang?"

Hearing this, Xia Longting's eyes shone again.

"By the way, Zhou Dalang said, Liniang is a stunning beauty, let's go catch her quickly."

“Mountain God, send us out quickly.

If we waste time here, it will be troublesome if Liniang tries to harm others again. "

Seeing his righteous and awe-inspiring look, the mountain god couldn't say anything else.

With a wave of his hand, everyone returned to the mountain temple in the big world again.

Liu Yuanchen looked at Xia Longting and asked, "Mr. Xia, it's time to show your strength. Go and get Liniang out."

Xia Longting was numb at that moment: "How can I do this?"

Xia Lingkai said: "Monsters practice either by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon, or by plundering the essence of other living beings."

"Besides, robbing the essence of other living beings will definitely become addictive."

"It seems that the monster can only absorb Yang Qi, otherwise Zhou Dalang would have been dead.

After the Yang Qi is refined, it will come out to harm people again.

When the time comes, all you need to do is find a monk with strong yang energy to draw it out. "

Xia Longting volunteered: "Let me complete this arduous task."

Everyone looked at him with contempt on their faces.

Meng Tieshan asked in a low voice: "Senior brother, is there still Yang Qi in him?"

Xia Longting was naturally dissatisfied: "Who does this child say has no yang energy?"

Xia Lingkai pulled him aside and continued: "We monks have much stronger yang energy than ordinary people, and we are more attracted to monsters.

But at the same time, monsters will be afraid when they sense our cultivation.

Among the people present, Junior Brother Meng had the strongest yang energy.

It's just that he is simple-minded and not suitable for luring enemies. "

"I am the second most powerful Yang Qi person, and I have also practiced breathing control techniques.

The consciousness of monsters is far inferior to ours, and they cannot see through my methods of gathering breath, so leave the matter of luring the enemy to me. "

Liu Yuanchen's yang energy is naturally not weak, but he has perfected the fallen leaf level by practicing the Dead Wood Immortality Technique.

All energy fluctuations in the body have been weakened by [-]%, and Yang Qi is no exception.

Xia Lingkai was very powerful and his armor secret skills were quite good, so it would be no problem for him to lure the enemy.

Xia Lingkai left the mountain temple, borrowed a set of mortal clothes and a hoe, and went to weed the farmland.

A cloud of gray mist condensed in the hands of the mountain god. The mist slowly spread and turned into a mirror.

Not long after, the scene of Xia Lingkai working appeared in the mirror.

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised. This method was a bit like his own audio-visual method.

Seeing their curiosity, the mountain god smiled and said: "The gods can spy on things within their jurisdiction. This is just a small trick."

In the light curtain, Xia Lingkai kept removing weeds in the ditch with a hoe, looking decent.

Time passed by, and the sun had reached due west.

The so-called Liniang never showed up.

Xia Lingkai had been working for most of the day and was resting against a big tree.

At this time, a woman with elegant clothes and beautiful appearance walked towards him.

The woman held a food box in her hand and greeted, "Brother, are you tired from work?"


In the mountain temple, Liu Yuanchen looked at Xu Hu: "Uncle Xu, can you tell what this is?"

Xu Hu shook his head: "I can't tell what it is. I have never seen anything like this in my jurisdiction."

At this time, Xia Longting was already drooling.

"This girl is really good-looking, wait until I capture her."

After that, he rushed out of the mountain temple.

Liu Yuanchen sighed: "Don't worry about anything else for now, let's take down this monster."

After that, the whole person turned into a gust of wind and disappeared into the mountain temple.


On the other side of Xia Lingkai, the character woman was slowly approaching.

He also opened the food box, took out the wine and food, and placed them on a big stone.

In his words, he kept greeting Xia Lingkai.

If you don't know the details of this woman, you will definitely fall into it.

During the conversation, the woman got closer and closer to Xia Lingkai.

He picked up a bowl of water with both hands and handed it to Xia Lingkai.

Xia Lingkai also took the water and sucked it into his mouth.

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and spit out all the water.

The woman was startled and instinctively stepped back, but suddenly found that she couldn't move.

At this moment, she realized that she was tied up by an aqua blue chain, which was still held in Xia Lingkai's hand.

She struggled with all her strength, but to no avail.

Then, he fell on the ground and cried, crying so hard that he was like a pear blossom with raindrops.

Xia Lingkai was unmoved at all: "You evil beast, you dare to attack the human race, you are really looking for death."

At this moment, Xia Longting ran over: "Be merciful! Such a stunning beauty must not be hurt." Liu Yuanchen was one step ahead of him and landed next to Xia Lingkai.

"Senior Brother Xia is so talented that he was able to capture this monster easily."

Xia Lingkai smiled and said: "It's not a big deal, the strength of this evil beast is in the middle stage of the Qi Nai Realm.

Moreover, it is not a race that is good at fighting.

After being successfully attacked by me, I didn't even have the strength to resist. "

At this time, the woman looked at Xia Longting and cried: "Master, the slave family is from the next village. They are really not monsters. Please save the slave family."

Hearing her cry, Liu Yuanchen felt compassion and wanted to let her go.

Fortunately, the immortal seeds in the sea of ​​​​consciousness shined brightly, which dispelled this feeling.

Xia Longting had a look of distress on his face: "She must be a human being. How can we take down a transformed monster?"

After that, he stepped forward and released the woman.

Liu Yuanchen quickly stopped him: "After all, he is also a thunder attribute monk, and he can't withstand even a small charm technique."

After that, he took out the wind and thunder stick and lightly hit the woman on the back.

The woman's whole body twitched violently, and even Xia Lingkai began to twitch.

After a while, he recovered: "When you release the power of thunder, tell me in advance, so that I will share part of the power."

The woman kept trembling, and soon, two snow-white tails stretched out from her back.

Then, white hair began to appear on her face.

After about a hundred breaths, the woman turned into a white fox.

There is also a purple crescent mark between her eyebrows.

In the mark, purple light flashes continuously.

Xia Lingkai took a breath of cold air: "I said that this thing's cultivation level is so low, how can it be able to transform, and it has such a high intelligence.

Now, we finally got something good. "

Looking at his appearance, I'm afraid this fox is not a good thing, but a hot potato.

At this moment, a gray cloud floated over and turned into a mountain god.

He looked at the purple moon mark between the fox's eyebrows, and his expression changed drastically: "It seems that I came at the wrong time."

After that, he turned around and left.

Xia Lingkai grabbed him and said, "No, you came at the right time.

If this thing appears in your jurisdiction, you are absolutely responsible! "

Liu Yuanchen was a little curious: "This fox has two tails, maybe it has the blood of the legendary nine-tailed fox.

I don’t know what this purple moon mark means. "

"You two are so scared. What's the big reason for this purple moon mark?"

Xia Longting sighed: "You are right, this thing does have the blood of the nine-tailed fox.

The nine-tailed fox clan is also considered a divine beast, although it is much weaker than other divine beasts.

But no matter how weak the divine beast is, it cannot be underestimated. "

Liu Yuanchen is still a little confused: "My Dragon Fishing Master from Bahuang Pavilion dares to kill even real dragons. What does the Nine-tailed Fox clan mean?"

Xia Longting shook his head: "The trouble is not the nine-tailed fox bloodline, but the purple moon mark between his eyebrows, which is only found in the purple moon fox lineage."

"The Purple Moon Sky Fox is a branch of the nine-tailed fox. This lineage is relatively rare. It is born with extremely high intelligence and can transform when its state is extremely low."

"The most important thing is that there is a divine king in the divine court, the Purple Moon Sky Fox."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was stunned: "How come there are demon clans in the Divine Court? And they can still get the position of the Divine King."

The highest status in the Divine Court is the Great Emperor, followed by the Sifang Emperor.

And under the four emperors is the God King.

The status of a divine king is higher than that of kings of princes and kingdoms on earth.

It's really hard to offend such a person.

Xia Lingkai sighed: "That god king is the spiritual beast of the Eastern Emperor, and his entire clan has joined the human race.

The whole clan of the majestic divine beast race has taken refuge, so the Divine Court will naturally treat them favorably.

Therefore, he was given the position of God-King, and many of his descendants became gods. "

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "That's not right. I remember that the descendants of high-level spiritual beasts were born with the cultivation of the Spiritual Enlightenment Realm."

"This Purple Moon Sky Fox is a divine beast, how can it be that its realm is so low?"

Xia Lingkai also frowned slightly: "Indeed, the Purple Moon Sky Fox should have been at the Life Pattern Realm when he was born, which is a higher realm than the Qi Ling Realm. How can there be a demon fox at the Qi Realm?

Moreover, his charm method is extremely weak, and we can easily resist it. It is estimated that the blood inheritance is incomplete. "

The mountain god also frowned: "Perhaps some demons with the bloodline of the Purple Moon Sky Fox awakened the bloodline by chance.

The point is, this thing is hard to deal with.

Regardless of whether she is a descendant of the Purple Moon God King or not, the Purple Moon mark between her eyebrows represents the dignity of the Purple Moon Sky Fox lineage.

To deal with it rashly would be to slap the Purple Moon God King in the face. "

Xia Lingkai nodded: "The Purple Moon Fox clan will not do things that suck people's energy. In my opinion, this should be the bloodline of the Ziyue Sky Fox clan awakened by the wild fox."

Seeing that they were helpless, Meng Tieshan said: "Since it's so troublesome, let's just kill her and eat her flesh."

Xia Lingkai shook his head repeatedly: "Absolutely not, the killing of the divine beast will probably leave a mark on the person who did it.

The Purple Moon Sky Fox clan is also protected by the laws of the Great Xia Dynasty, and sucking people's energy can be severely punished.

But it cannot be executed if it does not cause human life.

If we kill at will, the consequences will be endless. "

Liu Yuanchen thought for a long time and suddenly slapped his thigh: "I have a trick that can solve the current predicament."

Xia Lingkai looked at him: "You don't want to take the responsibility yourself, do you? It's no joke that the Purple Moon God King has the Emperor of the East as his backer.

If you slap him in the face, Bahuang Pavilion will be in a lot of trouble. "

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "Of course not, I don't want to cause trouble to Master and Master.

In addition to the divine court and the imperial court, isn't there a demon-suppressing temple?

If we hand over the monsters to the Demon Suppression Temple, can they ignore it? "

Mountain God Xu Hu clapped his hands: "Wonderful! Since the Demon Suppression Temple bears the title of Suppressing Demons. If the demon clan brings trouble to the human race, they must take action."

Xia Lingkai chuckled: "I was confused, I was only worried about the revenge of the Purple Moon God King, but I didn't think about the Demon Suppression Temple.

If we hand this little fox over to the Baima County City God or to the government, we must report it to the authorities.

By then, there will definitely be uproar in the city, and the Purple Moon Sky Fox clan will be disgraced. "

"It's different if you leave it to the Demon Suppression Temple. They can handle special matters.

In this special situation, you can report it directly to the senior management to ensure that very few people know about it. "

“In this way, Ziyue God King’s face is saved.

We didn’t kill this little fox, and the God King wouldn’t be angry with us. "

"However, I don't have the means to contact the monks of the Demon Suppression Temple."

Liu Yuanchen casually took out a black iron token: "What Uncle Cheng gave me back then has come in handy now."

Seeing this token, Xia Lingkai looked surprised.

"The token of favor from the Demon Suppressing Temple. It seems that Junior Brother Liu, your talent has been recognized by the Demon Suppressing Temple."

Meng Tieshan said quickly: "Brother, Master said before that if you use this token, you will owe a favor to the Demon Suppression Temple."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "I didn't ask for help from the Demon Suppression Temple, but I helped them.

Although he took advantage of them, he didn't owe them any favors. "

(End of this chapter)

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