Chapter 115 God King Thank You
Hearing this, Xia Lingkai also nodded: "That's right, hand this little fox over to the people at the Demon Suppression Temple.

As long as it works properly, the Purple Moon God King will still owe a favor to the Demon Suppressing Temple. "

"The Temple of Demon Suppression got the favor of a God King without much effort. That is a huge gain."

"From this perspective, instead of asking for help from the Demon Suppression Temple, I actually helped them."

Liu Yuanchen injected mana into the black iron token, and then everyone returned to the mountain temple and brought the little fox in with them.

More than an hour later, I saw a ray of fire flying from the east direction and landing directly in front of the main hall of the mountain temple.

The fire light dissipated and turned into a young man wearing a green brocade robe.

"Who used the distress token of my Demon Suppressing Temple?"

The mountain god walked to the door and bowed: "Your Majesty, please come into the little god's territory and have a talk."

The young man followed him into the spiritual realm, and Liu Yuanchen took out the token: "Liu Yuanchen, the disciple of Bahuang Pavilion Dan King, has met fellow Taoists from the Demon Suppressing Temple."

The young man did not dare to show off, so he bowed and returned the courtesy: "Xiang Shoujing, the Demon Suppressing Department of the Demon Suppressing Temple, I wonder what difficulties Junior Brother Liu has encountered?"

Liu Yuanchen took out the little fox from the spirit beast bag: "Senior brother, you will know it at a glance."

Xiang Shoujing took a breath as soon as he saw the traces of the purple moon between the little fox's brows.

"Junior Brother Liu, you really caused me a lot of trouble.

The Purple Moon Spirit Fox clan is not someone to be trifled with. "

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "This fox should not be a direct descendant, but a wild fox who awakened the Purple Moon Spirit Fox bloodline by chance."

"He is cultivating here by absorbing the essence of mortals. If we hadn't taken action, he might have killed someone."

"When the time comes, I'm afraid it will be more difficult to deal with."

Hearing this, Xiang Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself: "If no one is killed, there is still room for maneuver.

The Purple Moon Spirit Fox clan is very thin, so if they can send this demon fox over, they might be able to sell a favor. "

Thinking of this, he smiled and said: "So, I wrongly blamed Junior Brother Liu.

Regarding this matter, I agree with Junior Brother Liu. "

Having said that, it was time to put away the Purple Moon Spirit Fox.

Liu Yuanchen quickly stopped him: "Senior Brother Xiang, wait a minute, I am now a student of Zhennan Academy.

Brother Xiang, you can take this fox demon away.

You just need to give us a certificate of meritorious service so that we can go back and exchange for some credits. "

Xiang Shoujing chuckled: "I thought it was a big deal, but it turns out it is this."

Mountain God Xu Hu prepared pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and he casually wrote down the story of the fox on a piece of animal skin paper.

Finally, he took out a small seal and stamped it on the animal skin paper.

"Junior Brother Liu, see if there is anything wrong?"

Liu Yuanchen naturally didn't know how to write these lines, so he handed the animal skin paper to Xia Longting for inspection.

After a moment, Xia Longting smiled and said, "No problem."

Xiang Shoujing put the little fox into the spirit animal bag he carried with him, then said goodbye and left.

After dealing with this big trouble, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Uncle Xu, we are dealing with the fox demon to help you calm down.

How about you also write a certificate of meritorious service? "

Xia Lingkai also quickly answered: "Yes, because this fox demon is too special, we can't use the shadow beads to leave an image."

“I only have the certificate from the Demon Suppressing Temple in my hand, and it’s hard to find someone from the Demon Suppressing Temple in the academy to confirm it.

If you provide a certificate here and the two parties verify each other, the credibility will be higher. "

The mountain god did not refuse and wrote a petition for merit.

It only mentioned that there was a demon clan near Baima Mountain that was causing harm to the human race, but it did not specify what kind of demon clan it was.

After using the seal, he handed the document to Liu Yuanchen.

Xia Lingkai cupped his hands and said: "Senior Mountain God, we came to Baima Mountain this time mainly to hunt the wolf demon.

You are the mountain god here. Can you give me some guidance? "

Hearing this, Xu Hu's face was filled with joy: "My duty as a mountain god is to guard against monsters."

"In the westernmost part of my jurisdiction, there are several spiritual eyes with strong spiritual energy, where demon clans gather all year round.

As for the wolves, there must be four or five.

These wolf packs are quite large, and I often send Yin soldiers to eliminate them. "

"You guys are going to hunt down the wolf demon, and you've done me a great favor.

You can go ahead and I will immediately provide the location of the wolves and their number.

If you need help, I will go there myself. "


The four people left the mountain temple and went upstream along the Baima River.

Under the guidance of the mountain god, you can always take the lead.

Every time, he waits for the young and strong among the wolves to go out to hunt, and then goes deep into the wolf den to hunt the old and the weak.

In just two or three days, more than 20 wolf monsters were killed and the task was exceeded.

After completing the mission, everyone left the Baima Valley and took the flying boat all the way back to Zhennan Academy.

Once inside the academy, the four of them went straight to the mission square.

Entering the hut where the mission was previously received, the instructor in charge of registration had a look of surprise on his face.

"You've only been on the mission for a few days, and you've already completed it?"

Several people each took out a storage bag and threw it heavily on the table.

Xia Lingkai smiled and said: "Lu Jiaoxi, I was in a hurry to complete the task this time, so I didn't deal with these monster materials.

After killing the wolf demon, I brought the body back directly, including the shadow beads. Please check it out. "

Lu Jiaoxi quickly opened the storage bag and looked at the corpses of the wolf demon inside one by one.

Later, he also took out the photo beads and checked the process of hunting monsters.

After the inspection was completed, Professor Lu praised repeatedly: "It only took you a few days to complete the one-year task, and it was even more than completed."

"If all the students in the academy were like you, I would be exhausted from teaching."

"The mission requirement is to hunt down twenty wolf demons. After completion, each person will receive five credits.

You hunted 28 head, and each of you will be awarded an additional two credits.

Take out your disciple tokens and I will enter the credits. "

Liu Yuanchen took out two more pieces of animal skin paper and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Lu, we made other achievements while hunting monsters.

This is proof of meritorious service, please ask Xi to take a look at it. "

Professor Lu took the animal skin paper and examined it carefully.

Then, he frowned slightly: "There is nothing wrong with the seal, but the description of the type of monster in this line is unclear.

Moreover, you don’t have any photo beads to prove it. "

Xia Lingkai smiled and said: "Lu Jiaoxi, that monster has an extraordinary background.

If we record the situation at that time, I'm afraid you may not dare to watch it. "

"Otherwise, does a mere harmful monster need to alarm the Demon Suppression Temple?"

"If you don't believe it, you can go to Xiang Shoujing of the Demon Suppression Temple and the Mountain God of Baima Mountain to ask about this matter."

Lu Jiaoxi is also a personal spirit. He is a monster with an extraordinary background, and most of his elders are the mounts, pets, etc. of some big boss.

As a teacher in a small county academy, I don't dare to get involved in this kind of thing.

Looking at the two documents in his hand, he smiled and said, "That's quite understandable.

The Demon Suppressing Temple has the power to supervise the Shinto, so the two parties will naturally not join forces to commit fraud.There are writings about demon-suppressing temples and mountain gods, so it is natural to discuss merits. "

"It's just that I haven't seen the monster's appearance, so I can't give too high a reward.

Let's do this, you already have seven points of credits before, and this credit will be added up to you.

Each person will be awarded three more credits. What do you think? "


Because the annual student assessment was coming soon, Liu Yuanchen did not go out to perform tasks anymore.

Instead, he often takes time to go to the collection room and read various classics.

Especially the Shinto classics, he put the most energy into.

In the spiritual realm of the mountain god of Baima Mountain, he felt a little itchy after seeing Futian's important role.

Among the three, Gang Qi, Mana and Divine Consciousness, both Gang Qi and Mana already have methods of cultivation.

Only spiritual consciousness has no means of stable improvement.

In the Shinto spiritual realm, ordinary vegetables grown in Futian have the effect of enhancing spiritual consciousness.

If you can own a blessed field and plant elixirs and spiritual fruits that can enhance your spiritual consciousness, you will have a stable method to enhance your spiritual consciousness in the future.

A month later, Liu Yuanchen, who was practicing, received a message from his master.

He hurried to Songquan Residence and came to the door of the main house, where he saw his master and master entertaining a young man in white robes.

His aura was as strong as the abyss and the sea. Although the pressure was not as strong as that of his master, it was not much different.

This young man is quite handsome, but the corners of his eyes are a bit twitchy, making them look like fox eyes.

When he saw the purple moon mark between his eyebrows, Liu Yuanchen knew that this should be a member of the Ziyue God King.

Liu Yuanchen bowed and saluted: "See you, Master, see Master."

Then, he bowed his hands to the young man and saluted: "I have met the senior."

The young man said with a smile on his face: "As expected of King Dan's disciple, he is indeed a talented person."

Zhang Lingxu waved his hand: "Thank you for your praise, my nephew. I wonder if my nephew wants to see my disciple. What do you want to say?"

The young man cupped his hands and smiled: "I'm here to say thank you on behalf of my ancestor."

Zhao Hong was a little surprised: "What did Yuan Chen do? He actually asked King Ziyue to thank him?"

The young man in white replied: "Nephew Liu Xian was on a mission in Baima Mountain when he encountered a wild fox and awakened the bloodline of my Ziyue Fox clan.

Even if that evildoer commits a stupid thing and is beaten to death, he still deserves to die.

Even if you join our clan, you will still be punished and have to face the wall in the clan for thousands of years. "

"Our Purple Moon Sky Fox clan has always had a small number of fox members. Every time we have a new member, we celebrate it as a huge happy event."

"Nephew Liu Xian not only left the evildoer's life behind, but also handed it over to the Demon Suppression Temple for processing. This saved the face of our clan and gave me two favors from the Fox clan."

"Ancestor sent me here to express my gratitude to Nephew Liu Xian."

Hearing this, Zhao Hong looked proud: "My disciple is a bit reckless. If I have offended your juniors, please forgive me."

The young man in white took out two gift boxes: "Nephew Liu Xian is brave and resourceful, and he is really a leader of the younger generation.

This is a gift that my ancestor ordered me to send, and I ask nephew Liu Xian to accept it. "

Liu Yuanchen waved his hands repeatedly: "This matter is not my fault."

The young man in white smiled and said: "Don't worry, nephew Liu Xian, if the four of you go out together, you will naturally receive a thank you gift.

Even the mountain god of Baima Mountain also gave a thank you gift. "

After that, he took out another storage bag and said, "The preservation of our clan's face is mainly due to nephew Liu Xian.

In addition to the thank you gifts that everyone else has, here is a special gift. "

After exchanging a few words, the young man in white said goodbye and left.

Liu Yuanchen opened the gift box casually, and there was a purple gold token in each of the two gift boxes.

One side is engraved with the four characters "Purple Moon God King", and the other side is a relief of a nine-tailed demon fox.

On one side of the relief, there is also a line of small words written, which are "Given to Liu Yuanchen, a disciple of Bahuang Pavilion" and "Given to Meng Tieshan, a disciple of Bahuang Pavilion".

"What's the use of this token?"

Zhang Lingxu smiled and said: "The meaning of this token is that the Ziyue Sky Fox clan owes you a favor.

If necessary in the future, you can ask the Ziyue Sky Fox clan to take action.

As long as you don't go too far, they will agree. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen took the token seriously.

The Purple Moon Sky Fox clan is a true race of divine beasts, and they have a divine king.

The value of getting a favor from them is not low.

Then, he opened the extra storage bag.

A purple light came out, and Liu Yuanchen suddenly felt a little confused, and even began to have hallucinations.

At this moment, the immortal seed in the sea of ​​consciousness became radiant and turned into a ginseng fruit tree, and he became clear-headed again.

"What is this?"

Zhang Lingxu chuckled: "The unique magic weapon of the Purple Moon Sky Fox clan - the Purple Moon Orb.

Not to mention, the Purple Moon God King was quite polite and actually sent this thing.

Although it is only a third-level orb, the growth potential of this thing is still good.

If it can be cultivated properly, there is still a lot of room for improvement in rank. "

He took the Purple Moon Orb in his hand and examined it carefully, but found nothing special about it.

"How does this thing work?"

Zhao Hong took the Purple Moon Orb and poured a magic power into it.

I saw a dazzling purple light emitting from the orb, illuminating the entire courtyard.

Then, the purple light disappeared and the entire yard turned into a small lake.

There is a full moon hanging over the lake.

Liu Yuanchen bent down and touched the lake water. It actually felt cold to the touch, and there were ripples on the lake surface.

After a few breaths, the scene in front of him disappeared.

Zhao Hong looked stunned: "You got rid of the illusion so quickly. It seems that the inheritance you received is really good. How about I worship you as my teacher..."

Before he could finish his words, Zhang Lingxu kicked him forward: "You evildoer! Get out of here!"

Zhao Hong dodged the kick with a smile on his face: "Master, this disciple is just making a joke for Yuan Chen."

Liu Yuanchen also quickly changed the subject: "Master, what happened in that illusion just now?"

Zhang Lingxu chuckled: "The main function of the Purple Moon Orb is to create illusions, and the illusions are so real that it is difficult to see the flaws.

As long as you imagine a scene in your mind, the Purple Moon Orb can simulate it.

Your master has never practiced this kind of magic, so you can use the Purple Moon Orb to create an illusion that is close to reality. "

"If it can be combined with psychedelic spells or supernatural powers, the illusion created can trap people to death."

"Don't look at the fact that this Purple Moon Orb is only of the third level. Combined with the illusion array or psychedelic spells, it is more than enough to deal with Lingtai Realm monks."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was quite surprised: "The methods of the Purple Moon Sky Fox Clan are really extraordinary."

Zhao Hong nodded: "That's right, the Nine-tailed Sky Fox is the living ancestor who uses such methods.

The Purple Moon Sky Fox is a variant of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox. Its psychedelic methods are much stronger than those of the ordinary Nine-tailed Sky Fox.

This Purple Moon Orb can not only cast illusions on others, but also has the ability to resist psychedelic means.

After refining, it can also be used to break illusions. "

(End of this chapter)

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